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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

Airburst is a Mini-Con from the video game version of the Unicron Trilogy.

Airburst ut

Favorite game? Duck Hunt.

Airburst is one of many power-enhancing Mini-Cons scattered across Earth and a member of the Purple Mini-Con Team. When Powerlinxed to a larger Transformer, Airburst transforms into a flak cannon that deals considerable damage to airborne enemies, often sending them crashing to the ground.


Transformers Playstation 2 Game[]

Purple Airburst FlakCannon

Mini-Con icon for Airburst

Airburst was discovered in the Deep Amazon region on the roof of the Sun Temple after the battle with Cyclonus. Following the defeat of Megatron, he and the other Mini-Cons returned to Cybertron and helped form the Matrix Cannon, Nemesis Shield and Vanguard Booster, giving the Autobots the power needed to destroy Unicron.


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