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Neogobius melanostomus
Korunma durumu
Değerlendirilmedi (IUCN 3.1)
Biyolojik sınıflandırma Bu sınıflandırmayı düzenle
Âlem: Animalia
Şube: Chordata
Sınıf: Teleostei
Takım: Perciformes
Alt takım: Gobioidei
Familya: Gobiidae

Gobiidae, Gobioidei alttakımına bağlı bir hayvan familyasıdır.[1]

Gobiidae familyasına bağlı cinsler (2022):

  1. Aboma - Jordan and Starks in Jordan, 1895
  2. Acanthogobius - Gill, 1859
  3. Acentrogobius - Bleeker, 1874
  4. Afurcagobius - Gill, 1993
  5. Akko - Birdsong and Robins, 1995
  6. Amblychaeturichthys - Bleeker, 1874
  7. Amblyeleotris - Bleeker, 1874
  8. Amblygobius - Bleeker, 1874
  9. Amblyotrypauchen - Hora, 1924
  10. Amoya - Herre, 1927
  11. Anatirostrum - Iljin, 1930
  12. Aphia - Risso, 1827
  13. Apocryptes - Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
  14. Apocryptichthys - Day, 1876
  15. Apocryptodon - Bleeker, 1874
  16. Arcygobius - Larson and Wright, 2003
  17. Arenigobius - Whitley, 1930
  18. Aruma - Ginsburg, 1933
  19. Asra - Iljin, 1941
  20. Asterropteryx - Rüppell, 1830
  21. Astrabe - Jordan and Snyder, 1901
  22. Aulopareia - Smith, 1945
  23. Austrolethops - Whitley, 1935
  24. Awaous - Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
  25. Barbulifer - Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1888
  26. Barbuligobius - Lachner and McKinney, 1974
  27. Bathygobius - Bleeker, 1878
  28. Benthophiloides - Beling and Iljin, 1927
  29. Benthophilus - Eichwald, 1831
  30. Boleophthalmus - Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
  31. Bollmannia - Jordan in Jordan and Bollman, 1890
  32. Brachyamblyopus - Bleeker, 1874
  33. Brachygobius - Bleeker, 1874
  34. Bryaninops - Smith, 1959
  35. Buenia - Iljin, 1930
  36. Cabillus - Smith, 1959
  37. Caecogobius - Berti and Ercolini, 1991
  38. Caffrogobius - Smitt, 1900
  39. Calamiana - Herre, 1945
  40. Callogobius - Bleeker, 1874
  41. Caragobius - Smith and Seale, 1906
  42. Caspiosoma - Iljin, 1927
  43. Chaenogobius - Gill, 1859
  44. Chaeturichthys - Richardson, 1844
  45. Chlamydogobius - Whitley, 1930
  46. Chriolepis - Gilbert, 1892
  47. Chromogobius - de Buen, 1930
  48. Clariger - Jordan and Snyder, 1901
  49. Clevelandia - Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1888
  50. Corcyrogobius - Miller, 1972
  51. Coryogalops - Smith, 1958
  52. Coryphopterus - Gill, 1863
  53. Cotylopus - Guichenot, 1863
  54. Cristatogobius - Herre, 1927
  55. Croilia - Smith, 1955
  56. Cryptocentroides - Popta, 1922
  57. Cryptocentrus - Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
  58. Crystallogobius - Gill, 1863
  59. Ctenogobiops - Smith, 1959
  60. Ctenogobius - Gill, 1858
  61. Ctenotrypauchen - Steindachner, 1867
  62. Deltentosteus - Gill, 1863
  63. Didogobius - Miller, 1966
  64. Discordipinna - Hoese and Fourmanoir, 1978
  65. Drombus - Jordan and Seale, 1905
  66. Ebomegobius - Herre, 1946
  67. Echinogobius - Iwata, Hosoya and Niimura, 1998
  68. Economidichthys - Bianco, Bullock, Miller and Roubal, 1987
  69. Egglestonichthys - Miller and Wongrat, 1979
  70. Ego - Randall, 1994
  71. Elacatinus - Jordan, 1904
  72. Eleotrica - Ginsburg, 1933
  73. Enypnias - Jordan and Evermann, 1898
  74. Eucyclogobius - Gill, 1862
  75. Eugnathogobius - Smith, 1931
  76. Eutaeniichthys - Jordan and Snyder, 1901
  77. Evermannia - Jordan, 1895
  78. Evermannichthys - Metzelaar, 1919
  79. Eviota - Jenkins, 1903
  80. Evorthodus - Gill, 1859
  81. Exyrias - Jordan and Seale, 1906
  82. Favonigobius - Whitley, 1930
  83. Feia - Smith, 1959
  84. Flabelligobius - Smith, 1956
  85. Fusigobius - Whitley, 1930
  86. Gammogobius - Bath, 1971
  87. Gillichthys - Cooper, 1864
  88. Ginsburgellus - Böhlke and Robins, 1968
  89. Gladiogobius - Herre, 1933
  90. Glossogobius - Gill, 1859
  91. Gnatholepis - Bleeker, 1874
  92. Gobiodon - Bleeker, 1856
  93. Gobioides - Lacepède, 1800
  94. Gobionellus - Girard, 1858
  95. Gobiopsis - Steindachner, 1861
  96. Gobiopterus - Bleeker, 1874
  97. Gobiosoma - Girard, 1858
  98. Gobius - Linnaeus, 1758
  99. Gobiusculus - Duncker, 1928
  100. Gobulus - Ginsburg, 1933
  101. Gorogobius - Miller, 1978
  102. Gymneleotris - Bleeker, 1874
  103. Gymnoamblyopus - Murdy and Ferraris, 2003
  104. Gymnogobius - Gill, 1863
  105. Hazeus - Jordan and Snyder, 1901
  106. Hemigobius - Bleeker, 1874
  107. Hetereleotris - Bleeker, 1874
  108. Heterogobius - Bleeker, 1874
  109. Heteroplopomus - Tomiyama, 1936
  110. Hyrcanogobius - Iljin, 1928
  111. Ilypnus - Jordan and Evermann, 1896
  112. Istigobius - Whitley, 1932
  113. Karsten - Murdy, 2002
  114. Kelloggella - Jordan and Seale in Jordan and Evermann, 1905
  115. Knipowitschia - Iljin, 1927
  116. Larsonella - Randall and Senou, 2001
  117. Lebetus - Winther, 1877
  118. Lentipes - Günther, 1861
  119. Lepidogobius - Gill, 1859
  120. Lesueurigobius - Whitley, 1950
  121. Lethops - Hubbs, 1926
  122. Leucopsarion - Hilgendorf, 1880
  123. Lobulogobius - Koumans in Blegvad and Løppenthin, 1944
  124. Lophiogobius - Günther, 1873
  125. Lophogobius - Gill, 1862
  126. Lotilia - Klausewitz, 1960
  127. Lubricogobius - Tanaka, 1915
  128. Luciogobius - Gill, 1859
  129. Luposicya - Smith, 1959
  130. Lythrypnus - Jordan and Evermann, 1896
  131. Macrodontogobius - Herre, 1936
  132. Mahidolia - Smith, 1932
  133. Mangarinus - Herre, 1943
  134. Mauligobius - Miller, 1984
  135. Mesogobius - Bleeker, 1874
  136. Microgobius - Poey, 1876
  137. Millerigobius - Bath, 1973
  138. Minysicya - Larson, 2002
  139. Mistichthys - Smith, 1902
  140. Mugilogobius - Smitt, 1900
  141. Myersina - Herre, 1934
  142. Nematogobius - Boulenger, 1910
  143. Neogobius - Iljin, 1927
  144. Nes - Ginsburg, 1933
  145. Nesogobius - Whitley, 1929
  146. Obliquogobius - Koumans, 1941
  147. Odondebuenia - de Buen, 1930
  148. Odontamblyopus - Bleeker, 1874
  149. Oligolepis - Bleeker, 1874
  150. Ophiogobius - Gill, 1863
  151. Oplopomops - Smith, 1959
  152. Oplopomus - Valenciennes, 1837
  153. Opua - Jordan, 1925
  154. Oxuderces - Eydoux and Souleyet, 1850
  155. Oxyurichthys - Bleeker, 1857
  156. Padogobius - Berg, 1932
  157. Paedogobius - Iwata, Hosoya and Larson, 2001
  158. Palatogobius - Gilbert, 1971
  159. Palutrus - Smith, 1959
  160. Pandaka - Herre, 1927
  161. Papillogobius - Gill and Miller, 1990
  162. Papuligobius - Chen and Kottelat, 2003
  163. Parachaeturichthys - Bleeker, 1874
  164. Paragobiodon - Bleeker, 1873
  165. Paragobiopsis - Koumans, 1941
  166. Parapocryptes - Bleeker, 1874
  167. Paratrimma - Hoese and Brothers, 1976
  168. Parawaous - Watson, 1993
  169. Pariah - Böhlke, 1969
  170. Parkraemeria - Whitley, 1951
  171. Parrella - Ginsburg, 1938
  172. Periophthalmodon - Bleeker, 1874
  173. Periophthalmus - Bloch and Schneider, 1801
  174. Phyllogobius - Larson, 1986
  175. Platygobiopsis - Springer and Randall, 1992
  176. Pleurosicya - Weber, 1913
  177. Polyspondylogobius - Kimura and Wu, 1994
  178. Pomatoschistus - Gill, 1863
  179. Porogobius - Bleeker, 1874
  180. Priolepis - Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
  181. Proterorhinus - Smitt, 1900
  182. Psammogobius - Smith, 1935
  183. Pseudaphya - Iljin, 1930
  184. Pseudapocryptes - Bleeker, 1874
  185. Pseudogobius - Popta, 1922
  186. Pseudorhinogobius - Zhong and Wu, 1998
  187. Pseudotrypauchen - Hardenberg, 1931
  188. Psilogobius - Baldwin, 1972
  189. Psilotris - Ginsburg, 1953
  190. Pterogobius - Gill, 1863
  191. Pycnomma - Rutter, 1904
  192. Quietula - Jordan and Evermann in Jordan and Starks, 1895
  193. Redigobius - Herre, 1927
  194. Rhinogobiops - Hubbs, 1926
  195. Rhinogobius - Gill, 1859
  196. Risor - Ginsburg, 1933
  197. Robinsichthys - Birdsong, 1988
  198. Sagamia - Jordan and Snyder, 1901
  199. Scartelaos - Swainson, 1839
  200. Schismatogobius - de Beaufort, 1912
  201. Sicydium - Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
  202. Sicyopterus - Gill, 1860
  203. Sicyopus - Gill, 1863
  204. Signigobius - Hoese and Allen, 1977
  205. Silhouettea - Smith, 1959
  206. Siphonogobius - Shibukawa and Iwata, 1998
  207. Speleogobius - Zander and Jelinek, 1976
  208. Stenogobius - Bleeker, 1874
  209. Stigmatogobius - Bleeker, 1874
  210. Stiphodon - Weber, 1895
  211. Stonogobiops - Polunin and Lubbock, 1977
  212. Sueviota - Winterbottom and Hoese, 1988
  213. Sufflogobius - Smith, 1956
  214. Suruga - Jordan and Snyder, 1901
  215. Synechogobius - Gill, 1863
  216. Taenioides - Lacepède, 1800
  217. Tamanka - Herre, 1927
  218. Tasmanogobius - Scott, 1935
  219. Thorogobius - Miller, 1969
  220. Tomiyamichthys - Smith, 1956
  221. Tridentiger - Gill, 1859
  222. Trimma - Jordan and Seale, 1906
  223. Trimmatom - Winterbottom and Emery, 1981
  224. Trypauchen - Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
  225. Trypauchenichthys - Bleeker, 1860
  226. Trypauchenopsis - Volz, 1903
  227. Tryssogobius - Larson and Hoese, 2001
  228. Typhlogobius - Steindachner, 1879
  229. Valenciennea - Bleeker, 1856
  230. Vanderhorstia - Smith, 1949
  231. Vanneaugobius - Brownell, 1978
  232. Varicus - Robins and Böhlke, 1961
  233. Vomerogobius - Gilbert, 1971
  234. Wheelerigobius - Miller, 1981
  235. Yongeichthys - Whitley, 1932
  236. Zappa - Murdy, 1989
  237. Zebrus - de Buen, 1930
  238. Zosterisessor - Whitley, 1935

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[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]
  1. ^ "ITIS". 30 Ekim 2013 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 11 Haziran 2022.