The Hunger Games Wiki

"Don't expect much chitchat from him. The Capitol cut his tongue out years ago. And no, it wasn't any sort of rescue, if that's what you mean. We all fled on our own⁠—for this. For you."
—Cressida to Katniss Everdeen, on why her team joined the rebels.[src]

Pollux is an Avox, who escaped his slavery and joined the rebels as a cameraman, filming Katniss Everdeen in District 13's propos.[1][2]

Quick Answers

Why was Pollux made an Avox in the Hunger Games series? toggle section
In the Hunger Games series, Pollux was transformed into an Avox by the Capitol as punishment. He was enslaved and compelled to labor in the city's subterranean utility corridors and the Transfer. An Avox is an individual whose tongue has been removed, making them mute, as a penalty for rebellion, treason, desertion, or criminal behavior. Typically, Peacekeepers would apprehend such individuals, who would then live as Panem's lowest class, serving as slaves to the Capitol.
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How did Pollux communicate with Katniss Everdeen? toggle section
Pollux, a mute Avox, communicated with Katniss Everdeen through various non-verbal methods. At a lake outside District 12, they whistled tunes and birdcalls to mockingjays. He wrote 'SING?' in the dirt, requesting Katniss to sing, a request he also conveyed in 'The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1' by tapping his lips and pointing at her. Pollux also used American Sign Language with his brother, Castor.
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What role did Pollux play in District 13's propaganda? toggle section
In District 13's propaganda, Pollux functioned as an Avox cameraman, capturing footage of Katniss Everdeen. Previously enslaved by the Capitol, his knowledge of the city's underground corridors proved valuable to Squad 451.
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How did Pollux manage to escape from the underground utility corridors? toggle section
Pollux, enslaved as an Avox, escaped the underground utility corridors when his brother Castor paid for his aboveground work. During the Battle of the Capitol, Squad 451 traveled through the Transfer, a less guarded route, to avoid detection.
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What was the relationship between Pollux and his brother Castor? toggle section
Brothers Pollux and Castor were cameramen collaborators. Pollux, enslaved as an Avox, was rescued by Castor from the Capitol's underground. Their names, borrowed from Greek and Roman mythology, signify their contrasting fates: mortal Castor dies, while 'immortal' Pollux survives.
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Prior to his appearance in Mockingjay, Pollux was made an Avox by the Capitol. He was forced to work in the city's underground utility corridors and the Transfer. His brother, Castor, eventually bought Pollux's way aboveground after five long years.[3]

At some point after his liberation, Pollux began to work as a cameraman. Katniss described him and his brother as looking like insects because of the heavy mobile cameras that usually encased their bodies.[1]

When Katniss and her filming group were at the lake outside District 12, Katniss sat next to Pollux during a break. They started whistling tunes and birdcalls to mockingjays and wait for their return whistles. Pollux then wrote the word "SING?" in the dirt, asking Katniss to sing. She sang "The Hanging Tree" for him, which made him very emotional.[4] In The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1, he instead tapped his lips and pointed to Katniss to convey the same idea.[5]


His experience working underground made him very knowledgeable about the Capitol's underground, so he was able to guide Squad 451 through the passages towards President Snow's mansion.[3] After his brother and much of the squad were killed by lizard mutts,[6] Pollux hid out with the other survivors at Tigris's shop and grieved.[7] He and Cressida eventually set out on the mission with the others, but Katniss and Gale Hawthorne lost sight of them in the crowd of refugees.[8] He survived the war, and as the only surviving member of Cressida's team, Pollux joined her again in the postwar period, filming war damage in the other districts.[9]

Physical description[]

Pollux death p

Pollux's portrait.

Pollux is described as a burly man[1] with sandy hair, a red beard, and deep blue eyes. He resembles his brother, Castor. He has no tongue, as it was cut off when he became an Avox.[2]


Castor and Pollux owe their names to twin brothers in Greek and Roman mythology. The myth states they had the same mother, Leda, but different fathers (Tyndareus and Zeus, respectively). This made Castor mortal and Pollux immortal, which is fitting because Mockingjay's Pollux lives and Castor dies.


  • Pollux is the only known Avox to survive the Second Rebellion.[9]. He is also the only known Avox to regain social standing.
  • In Mockingjay - Part 1, when Katniss first met Pollux and the rest of the crew, he could be seen in the background using American Sign Language with his brother. Pollux asked if he thought Katniss was beautiful, and Castor responded with a simple "yes".[5]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Mockingjay, Chapter 7
  2. 2.0 2.1 Mockingjay, Chapter 8
  3. 3.0 3.1 Mockingjay, Chapter 21
  4. Mockingjay, Chapter 9
  5. 5.0 5.1 The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1
  6. Mockingjay, Chapter 22
  7. Mockingjay, Chapter 23
  8. Mockingjay, Chapter 24
  9. 9.0 9.1 Mockingjay, Chapter 25
  10. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2