Language | Title | Translation | Notes |
Type in the episode's foreign title and translation into the appropriate fields:
{{Foreign Episode |ARG title=Spanish (Latin America) title |ARG trans=Spanish (Latin America) translation |ARG notes=Spanish (Latin America) notes |BEL title=French (Belgium) title |BEL trans=French (Belgium) translation |BEL notes=French (Belgium) notes |BRA title=Portuguese (Brazil) title |BRA trans=Portuguese (Brazil) translation |BRA notes=Portuguese (Brazil) notes |CHN title=Chinese title |CHN trans=Chinese translation |CHN notes=Chinese notes |CZE title=Czech title |CZE trans=Czech translation |CZE notes=Czech notes |DEU title=German title |DEU trans=German translation |DEU notes=German notes |ESP title=Spanish title |ESP trans=Spanish translation |ESP notes=Spanish notes |FRA title=French title |FRA trans=French translation |FRA notes=French notes |HUN title=Hungarian title |HUN trans=Hungarian translation |HUN notes=Hungarian notes |IDN title=Indonesian title |IDN trans=Indonesian translation |IDN notes=Indonesian notes |ISR title=Hebrew title |ISR trans=Hebrew translation |ISR notes=Hebrew notes |ITA title=Italian title |ITA trans=Italian translation |ITA notes=Italian notes |JPN title=Japanese title |JPN trans=Japanese translation |JPN notes=Japanese notes |KOR title=Korean title |KOR trans=Korean translation |KOR notes=Korean notes |MYS title=Malaysian title |MYS trans=Malaysian translation |MYS notes=Malaysian notes |NLD title=Dutch title |NLD trans=Dutch translation |NLD notes=Dutch notes |PRT title=Portuguese title |PRT trans=Portuguese translation |PRT notes=Portuguese notes |POL title=Polish title |POL trans=Polish translation |POL notes=Polish notes |ROU title=Romanian title |ROU trans=Romanian translation |ROU trans=Romanian notes |RUS title=Russian title |RUS trans=Russian translation |RUS notes=Russian notes |THA title=Thai title |THA trans=Thai translation |THA notes=Thai notes |TUR title=Turkish title |TUR trans=Turkish translation |TUR notes=Turkish notes |UKR title=Ukrainian title |UKR trans=Ukrainian translation |UKR notes=Ukrainian notes |VNM title=Vietnamese title |VNM trans=Vietnamese translation |VNM notes=Vietnamese notes }}