"Everything is Normal" is a song in The Ghost and Molly McGee. It is heard in the episode "Home is Where the Haunt Is".
Molly: The sun is shining
It's a beautiful day!
Everything is totally normal! (Choir: Normal!)
Both of us have homes at which we can play
'Cause everything is totally normal!
Libby: Suspicious.
Molly: I'm just-
Joining a couple of clubs
So I can do all the fun activities I love!
No need to worry!
Because, as I said:
Molly + Choir: Everything is totally normal!
Molly: Badmin! (Choir: Normal!)
Molly + Choir: SHOW CHOIRRRRRRRR! (Choir: Normal!)
Molly: Permanently smelling like a campfire! (Choir: Normal!)
Diorama Club, c'mon we gotta run!
What a perfect li'l house
This is so much... fun... (Molly breaks down into tears, Libby pulls the house away from her)
Molly: Chess Club, Cheese Club
LARP n' Kung-fu
Here, look, yearbook! We'll do that too! (Snap!)
We've got spirit! Yes, we... Agh!
Everything is totally normal!
Libby: Riiiiight...
Molly: Everything is totally normal!
Libby: Super convincing...
(Choir: Normal!)
- The last time Molly breaks down while singing is in the song "Snow Day".
- Later in the episode, Molly's father Pete McGee is heard riffing this very same song in a makeshift shower during Molly's failed attempt to hide being homeless from Andrea Davenport. This mirrors the moment of "The Best of Nin-tensions" in which Pete gave his daughter the bad advice of pretending everything is normal and happy in otherwise uncomfortable situations, which Molly puts into action several times in the series.