Ultimate Spider-Man Animated Series Wiki
Midtown High
Midtown High School
Biographical Information
Real Name: Midtown High
Faculty: Principal Coulson

Janitor Stan
Substitute Coach Molskin
Substitute Coach Yaeger

Genders: Male & Females
Age: 14-19
Species: Humans
Location: New York
Character Information
First appearance: Great Power

Midtown High School is a large public school in Midtown, it is where Peter Parker, his team and his friends attend.[1]


Midtown High is like a large university where it has the faculties and facilities available for students and teachers. But underneath, it contains secret S.H.I.E.L.D. security defense and surveillance systems.


After defeating Trapster and meeting with Nick Fury, Spider-Man went back to his school where he resumed his normal life with his friends and bullies. But then he was interrupted by the Frightful Four when they attacked the school and injured the principal in their search for Spider-Man.[1]

As Wizard asked Peter, he immediately caused a food fight as a distraction so he can suit up as Spider-Man and fought with them unEvent

Mascottil the police arrived and the Frightful Four left.[1]

After their defeat, the school's cafeteria was later rebuilt and a Coulson became the new principal with Sam, Ava, Luke, and Danny attending the school with Peter.[2]

Coulson introduced coach Yaeger/Taskmaster to Peter's gym class. Yaeger searched for Spider-Man and chose three students who were qualified to come on Saturday. Taskmaster subdued Coulson and activated the security system of S.H.I.E.L.D. Spider-Man and White Tiger went to school for suspiciousness and revealed the identity of Yaeger, to their shock they fought off Taskmaster and defeated him. As soon as Flash distracted Spider-Man, Taskmaster escaped the school, leaving his mask of Yaeger's face behind.[3]



  • Hight School
  • 14-15 9th Grade Freshman
  • 15-16 10th Sophomore
  • 16-17 11th Junior
  • 17-18 12th Senior

Optional class[]



  • Athletics field
  • Cafeteria
  • Classroom
  • Hallways


Episode Appearances[]

Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Season 3[]

Season 4[]


  • In the comics, the principal of midtown high is Principal Davis.
  • In the comics, S.H.I.E.L.D. was never involved with Midtown High.


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 "Great Power". Paul Dini (writer), Jeph Loeb (director). Ultimate Spider-Man. Disney XD. 1 April, 2012. No.1, season one.
  2. ↑ "Great Responsibility". Paul Dini (writer), Phil Pignotti & Tim Eldred (director). Ultimate Spider-Man. Disney XD. 1 April, 2012. No.2, season one.
  3. ↑ "Why I Hate the Gym". Man of Action & Joe Fallon(writer), Jeff Allen & Gary Hartle (director). Ultimate Spider-Man. Disney XD. 29 April, 2012. No.6, season one.