Ultimate Spider-Man Animated Series Wiki
Ultimate Spider-Man Animated Series Wiki
Biographical information
Physical description

Male or Female

Personal information
Production details
First appearance

Revealed (Norman Osborn)
Ultimate (White Tiger, Iron Fist, Power Man and Nova)
The Spider-Verse: Part 1 (Norma Osborn)
The Spider-Verse: Part 3 (Ultimate Goblin)
Hydra Attacks: Part 1 (HYDRA)

Last appearance

Ultimate (White Tiger, Iron Fist, Power Man and Nova)
The Spider-Verse: Part 1 (Norma Osborn)
The Spider-Verse: Part 4 (Norman Osborn)
Hydra Attacks: Part 2 (HYDRA)
The New Sinister Six: Part 2 (Ultimate Goblin)


Goblins are creatures created from Spider-Man and Venom's DNA that can become evil unstoppable creatures.

Physical appearance[]

Goblins are noticeably larger with their skin turned into green scales, with larger pointy eyes, small green goblin ears, a double chin with horns sticking out and yellow eyes without pupils.


Main Article: Norman Osborn

Main Article: White Tiger

Main Article: Iron Fist

Main Article: Power Man

Main Article:Nova

Main Article: Norma Osborn

Main Article: Ultimate Goblin

Main Article: HYDRA


 Season   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Total
Season 1 2
Season 2 m c c 6
Season 3 6
Season 4 c c 6
Overall 20

List of Goblins[]



