Shinbi Apartment Wiki

"The torment of dark specters living souls can do without. I banish you, malicious spirit, and I cast you out!" ― Kanglim, the Chant to Seal Ghosts

Kang-lim Choi (최강림, Choe Ganglim) is one of the main protagonists in the overall series. He is a handsome powerful exorcist who was trained by his mother, to fight against evil spirits and monsters in order to save the world and he's the boyfriend of Hari.




Kang-lim trained to become an exorcist since childhood.

In the past, Kang-lim Choi was born as the son of the leader of the Guido Exorcist, Guido-Gon and one of the members is Ryu (Kang-lim's mother), who was the most powerful exorcist in the member of the dark exorcist group.

When Kang-lim was a little boy, four powerful evil ghosts from the underworld called the Reapers invaded the human world to bring destruction and all sorts of chaos into the surface world. All the exorcists from all over the world, including his parents, gathered and fought fiercely to defeat them. This war was conducted in secret so that the existence of the Reapers would not be known to the world (to the civilian population), so it would later be called the Shadow War.

Sometime later during the war, Guido Gon adopted Hyun, who was left alone after his village was destroyed and his family was killed by the evil ghosts including his little sister, Sun. Kang-lim followed Hyun around like if he was his older brother, but Hyun treated him bluntly because of his trauma and vengeance towards his dead family, especially his sister Sun.

The exorcists fought all their hardest to stop the reapers, but their strength was not strong enough to rival that of the four evil gods, and it was too much for the human exorcists to stop them, therefore Gon gathered only the most powerful exorcists from all over the world who participated in the Shadow War, and formed an elite group known as, the Guido Exorcist.

Ryu (Kang-lim's mother) was also a member of the Guido Exorcist at the time but when Gon began to cross the line, such as forcibly snatching the Ghost Ball from the goblins, she objected to it, saying it wasn't right. However, despite her objections, Gon was undeterred as he continues to do so.

At some point, Kang-lim, who was young and timid struggled to adapt to Gon's strict and ruthless discipline. In particular, Gon forced Kang-lim and Hyun into the valley of the ghosts of Sarimgui in order to make them stronger during the war. After entering the valley of ghosts, Kang-lim met Sarimgui and almost died, but fortunately, Hyun appeared and attacked Sarimgui to protect Kang-rim. However, Hyun was also defeated by Sarimgui and was pushed into a crisis, and in the end, Gon overpowered Sarimgui and saved them.

The Secret of the Ghost Ball[]

Kang-lim briefly runs into Hari for the first time on his way to school and goes right away.

Birth of Ghost Ball X[]


The Secret of the Cave[]


Birth of Ghost Ball X: Part 2[]


The Sky Goblin VS Jormudagri[]


Ghost Ball Double X: 6 Prophecies[]


Ghost Ball Double X: Suspicous Request[]


Ghost Ball Z[]


The Vampire of Light and the Child of Darkness[]


Ghost Ball Z: Part 2[]


The Dimensional Goblin and the Seven Worlds[]


Ghost Ball ZERO[]


Joseon Exorcism Annals[]


Ghost Ball ZERO: Part 2[]



Physical Appearance[]

Kang-lim is a handsome young boy with pale skin, dark green eyes, and black hair. He's often seen wearing a long-sleeve navy blue shirt with a black jacket, light gray jeans, and black boots. He can also be seen wearing a black exorcist outfit, an (exorcist traditional Korean dress) with kimono-like sleeves with yellow and red stripes, some yellow design, and white shoulder stripes, this outfit is worn whenever he is fighting evil ghosts in Season 1 and early Season 2. Ever since he got possessed and was saved by Shinbi, Kang-lim wears a sleeveless black shirt with a red belt, long black pants, black boots with two red lines with 5 straps and a black cape and his black scar will show up on his right eye to arm when battling evil spirits. In Season 4, after being powered up by Garuda, Kang-lim now has two red-black gauntlets, a brown belt, two red-like line designs on his sleeveless black shirt, an armor plate on his shoulder, and a new black cape. In Season 5, Kang-lim wears a black Guido exorcist outfit with some indigo-purple and a purple tassel on the belt. He sometime has a big red Guido symbol on the side of his exorcist outfit.

When Kang-lim was a young child, he wears an exorcist trainee outfit.

Episode Appearance[]

Kang-lim has appeared in the following episodes:

Season 1:

  1. The Unbreakable Curse of the Girl's Hair!
  2. The Terrifying Temptation of the Shadow Ghost
  3. The Enticing Entrapment of Ethra
  4. The Nightmare of the No-Face Ghost
  5. The Mystery of the Marionette Queen
  6. The Bewitched Bus!
  7. The Weird Tale of the Wicked Doll Ghost!
  8. The Hair-Raising Tale of the Homunculus!
  9. The Frightening Fable of the Flower of Death! (Only in Hari's imagination)
  10. Invasion of the Iron Beast
  11. The Horrifying Game of Hide and Seek
  12. The Malediction Malfunction
  13. The Spectral Sentinel
  14. Storm of the Straw Ghost
  15. The Rise of the Underground Nation
  16. The Wrath of the White-Winged Wraith
  17. Shinbi Apartment - Doomsday PT 1
  18. Shinbi Apartment - Doomsday PT 2

Season 2:

  1. Shinbi Apartment New Crisis! Gaze Through the Door

Season 3: TBA

Season 4: TBA

Season 5: TBA


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Kang-lim is a cool, mysterious young boy who is the most popular student at Starlight Elementary School. At first, Kang-lim has a cold nature, does not talk much, and was very introverted and kept everything to himself and he was rarely seen interacting with anyone. Despite his cold nature, he still had affection. However, this did not stop hordes of girls from following him around. He devoted all his time to saving his mother from Underground Nation, and after eventually fell in love with Hari, which made him kindhearted and friendly. Kang-lim is a very vigilant and caring person and is very committed to keeping others safe from harm, especially his girlfriend, Hari and he's always helping his friends with his excellent exorcism skills. He is a strong exorcist who defeats evil spirits that roam the nights and he's usually quiet but is more passionate than anyone else when fighting ghosts.

According to Guido-Hyun, he said that Kang-lim is a coward who leaves without telling anyone where he is headed to.

When he was a little boy, he was afraid of ghost during the Shadow war.

Powers and abilities[]


Kang-lim is an exorcist boy with powerful abilities that can fight the strongest evil ghosts that ever existed.

As a powerful exorcist, Kang-lim has been trained by his mother to fight evil ghosts ever since he was a child. His spiritual powers are so strong that he had the ability to sense any presence of beings, and his physical abilities are stronger out of ordinary people, even than most adult exorcists. While fighting against evil spirits, Kang-lim uses an exorcism sword made from a peach tree and talismans as his weapons, as shown that he's a great swordsman that he even created his own signature attack by placing a talisman on to his sword and say "Signal Fire" which get his sword into flames, creating a fire slash attack. He uses his ghost trap technique; a magic seal to immobilize the evil spirit and uses a sealing talisman and say: "The torment of dark specters living souls can do without. I banish you, malicious spirit, and I cast you out!" after that, he will throw the talisman on to the evil spirit and trap it inside. His abilities and exorcism tools are used by commonly Korean exorcists such as his Mother, Dohan, and Yuha.

Kang-lim sword construction

After being possessed by the black smoke, Kang-lim now use the Ghost-repelling sword.

Since in Season 2, after Kang-lim is possessed by a bunch of black smoke ghosts, he becomes stronger and now has the power to control the black energy of darkness by adding strength and mixing the aura of darkness at will (which a black scar will shows up on his right eye to arm when fighting against evil spirits). He now uses an enchanted weapon called the Ghost-repelling sword that can generate an exorcism energy-like blade that will shoot exorcism energy slash beam at his enemies, and it can also cut through anything. He can combine his five element talismans into his sword to gain different types of powerful various skills to fight evil ghosts. Kang-lim has the ability to teleport at close range as shown when fighting against Nebiros, the Demon King and Nekomata but only in battle. It shown that he can change from his normal outfit to his exorcist outfit in a flash of purple light while fighting against the evil clown Nebiros. Kang-lim also has a strong physique and endurance as he once fell from the top of the building and landed safely while fending off from Psychic Fire's attack.

Kang-lim shooting

Kanglim now use ghost seal bow sword.

Since in Season 3, the exorcist sword evolves into the ghost seal bow sword which when placing a white talisman on to his sword will transform into the exorcist bow that can shoot an arrow of light that can obliterate evil spirits in a single shot. It can also be infused with the elemental talismans when in bow form and he can also fire a multishot arrow attack on to multiple enemies. Kang-lim's fighting abilities had improved, giving him the ability to jump on top of buildings, fall from great heights and land safely. Safe to say that Kang-lim is the strongest exorcist despite his young age as he managed to fight the most powerful ghosts and his skills are even strong enough to rival powerful exorcists like Guido-Yeom, and even vampires like Ian (In the simple of terms, Kang-lim is stronger than Leon and Sarah combined despite they are both very young and they were trained and have lots of experiences in the Aegis and they both fought and defeat the most powerful ghosts.)

Kang-lim Dual-Headed Blade transformation

After with the help of his mother and Garuda, Kang-lim got the Exorcist sword from the sky.

Kang-Lim uses Whip Sword

Kanglim now welds Guido-Hyun's Chain Sword.

Since in season 4, Kang-lim gets even stronger with the help of his mother and Garuda, as shown that his mother summon her two Haechis to help him during his training and later in the battle of Sarimgui, the evil spirit tree, Kang-lim have receive the power of Garuda which got his exorcist outfit upgraded and even got a double ghost-repelling blade called the "Exorcist sword from the sky" which is very powerful than his previous sword, which can spin really fast like a shield and he can still use his five element talismans to help him in battles. He can even wield them dually in battle and like Guido-Hyun, he has now gain telekinesis ability link to his weapon as he can throw his weapon and use his newfound ability to recall it back, acting like a boomerang. When every time Kang-lim get stronger the memory in his eye awakens. Kang-lim eventually now wielded Guido-Hyun's Chain Sword to battle his evil father Guido-Gon, along with the memories how to use it. According to Guido-Gon, Kang-lim's potential seems to surpass Hyun. even without his sword, Kang-lim is an expert on martial arts as seen when he is fighting Hyungui and the black wolf in Joseon Exorcism Annals.


Kang-lim can do his whip blade attack to do a Full-scale decomposition.

Something the power of the dragon

Kang-lim can do his element talismans on to his Golden dragon exorcist sword.

Since in season 5, after Kang-lim could no longer handle the Chain Sword properly, he uses two talismans to combine the energy of the fire dragon in the Exorcist sword from the sky and the energy of the water dragon in the Chain sword to create a powerful sword called the "Golden Dragon Exorcist Sword" that can generate the energy of the golden dragon. Kang-lim can also summon magic chain and create magical platforms by using his talismans. As Kang-lim secretly joins the Guido exorcist in order to save his adoptive brother, his exorcist abilities probably increase even further.

Ghost-repelling sword's Power:[]

Kang-lim has always preferred to use a sword as his main weapon to fight evil ghosts throughout the series since he is a master swordsman.

Exorcist sword 고스트 퇴마봉인활검

Ghost-repelling sword


Ghost seal bow sword

Kang-lim's sword was made of a peach tree, a shamanistic energy used for exorcism, but now after enhanced and upgraded from the energy of darkness, the exorcist sword can generate an exorcism energy-like blade that can cut through anything and can shoot exorcism energy slash beam. The exorcist sword evolves into the ghost seal bow sword, becoming much stronger and can transform into a bow that can shoot a powerful arrow that can destroy the ghost in a single shot, it can also be infused with the elemental talismans when in bow form and he can shoot multiple arrows on multiple enemies.

Kang-lim's power has evolve thank to Garuda and now got a double ghost-repelling blade called the "Exorcist sword from the sky" that can spin really fast like a shield and thanks to his telekinesis capability, he can do like a boomerang, and he can even wield them dually in battle.

The power of the exorcist sword used by Kang-lim can be attribute with consists of 5 main element talismans:

  • Fire elements tailsman
    Signal Fire/Fire of Protection: The red talisman with fire properties will cause his sword to be imbued with fire energy, which is Kang-lim's main skill technique. When he attaches the red talisman to his sword will unleash red flame on the blade, then slashes his opponent with a powerful attack that spews powerful flames, mortally wounding and burning them at the same time. It's a deadly technique for enemies in the form of plants, metal steel, and smoke. The red talisman placed on the sword, turning the exorcism blade red, while simultaneously creating the same attacks with the sword imbued with fire energy similar when Kang-lim first used the same technique when fighting the iron beast, and if he amplifies it power with this skill enough, he can even summon a giant red flaming dragon.
  • Water elements tailsman
    Water of Eternal/Unlimited Water: The blue talisman with water properties will cause his sword to be imbued with water energy. When he attaches the blue talisman on to his sword, it changes the exorcism blade blue, and attacks with a sword imbued with water energy, and if he swings his sword in that state, the waves will be summoned, and a stream of water will fly at the enemy and hit you directly. He can also summon a giant water dragon.
  • Tree elements tailsman
    Strength of Tree/Tree Growth: The green talisman with the tree properties will cause his sword to be imbued with tree energy. When attaches the green talisman on to his sword, it changes the exorcism blade green and attack with a sword imbued with tree energy. In that state, when thrust his sword into the ground, the roots of the tree will spring up from the ground and entangle the enemy so that they cannot move, or it can wrap the enemy around the enemy with the roots of the tree and trap him in it.
  • Earth elements tailsman
    The Anger of the Earth God/Jishin's wrath: The yellow talisman with the earth properties will cause his sword to be imbued with earth energy. When he attaches the yellow talisman on the ghost exorcism sword to change the blade of the exorcism sword to yellow and attack with a sword imbued with earth energy. In that state, if you put your sword into the ground, a yellow magic square is created on the ground that emits yellow light, causing an earthquake that causes enemies or objects on top to fall and fall with the force of gravity.
  • Seal elements tailsman
    Blade of Seal/Sword of seal: The purple talisman with the metal properties will cause his sword to be imbued with metal energy which is the most powerful skill technique. When he attaches the purple talisman to change the blade of the exorcism sword to purple and attack with a sword imbued with iron energy. And in that state, when the sword is inserted into the ground, several long, sharp, huge, sharp, and huge blue blades emitting purple light from the ground, or several long purple light rays, or purple blades rise like a wave, piercing through the enemies and destroying them. And if you amplify the power of this skill, a purple aurora will radiate all over your body, and your sword shining purple will grow bigger, and when you insert the sword into the ground, purple blades that emit purple aurora will come out.


See: Kang-lim Choi/Relationships


See: Kang-lim Choi/Gallery


  • Kang-lim’s hair is black, but it seems to be dark green.
  • His Blood Type is B.
    • He and Ha-ri have the same blood type.
  • His birthday is January 8th, which is a day before Gaeun's birthday.
  • Choi Kang-lim means 'strongest' in Korean.
  • In Season 1 Episode 8, Kang-lim threw a present that one of Hari's classmate gave it to him. It's probably because the box contains chocolate, and we all know that Kang-lim hates chocolate.
  • Kang-lim doesn't live with his mom, ever since Season 2.
  • It is estimated that Kang-lim left the Guido Exorcist as a trainee, not as a member.
  • F90c8iXbwAAOLNq

    Kang-lim's eye has the memories sealed.

    In Episode 21 of Season 1, it is explained that Kang-lim has not seen his father since birth and he was raised by his mother alone.
    • This is because that Kang-lim forgot all about his past due to the magic seal placed on his eye that sealed his childhood memories when he was a kid, which was explained in Season 4: Episode 12.
  • Kang-lim's trauma with Sarimgui is still not gone. Deep down, he probably still remembers it and is trying to forget about it.
  • Kang-lim died in Season 2: Episode 12 and therefore was revived by his mother thanks with the talisman that she gave to her son.
  • On Season 4: Part 1: Episode 12, Hari got mad at him due to disappearing too often.
    • As a result, Kang-lim was left confused. Why wouldn't he?
  • Based on AR card and Getcha Ghost. In the first and second OST, it came out as Gangrim, Kangrim in Yeongtong Pansa, and Gangrim in Ghost Signal.
    • Sometimes when translating in English it said "Advent".
  • In the Japanese version of Ghost Hunter, unlike the other characters, it is translated as "降臨" (こうりん, Kourin).
    • If you write it according to the pronunciation, it should be written in katakana and written as カンリム (kanrimu). If we consider the case of Daeho Lee, his registered name in Japan was 李大浩 in kanji, but instead of reading it as り•たいこう (ri•taiko), which is a Japanese phonetic pronunciation, it could be written as 降臨 and カンリム as it was read in katakana, as イ•デホ (イデホ) was read in katakana. However, it is a disappointing translation considering that in recent years, when using the names of people in other kanji regions other than Japan, kanji are not used, but only katakana. In the TVA Japanese dubbed version, it's called カンリム (kanrimu).
  • The Taiwanese version is limited to "Cui Lingshu".
  • Kang-lim made a special appearance in Dalja The Vampire Girl.
    • But there, Kang-lim is a young boy named Gwanglim who is two years younger than the original Kang-lim. In addition, it turns out that Gwanglim has a slightly different appearance from his other personality, and later he was just a fan of Kang-lim.
    • Gwanglim was in charge of a female voice actor whose name is unknown, Gwanglim has a younger brother, and Gwanglim's younger brother is dressed as Kang-lim's exorcism.
  • Among Hari and her friends, Kang-lim was the first one to have his powers exposed to Innam. Although Innam doesn't remember it since Geumbi erased a bit of his memories.
  • Several were criticizing about Kang-lim's exorcist outfits in season 2-4, because they want him to wear an exorcist traditional Korean dress.


e The Haunted House
Drowned Water GhostsBlack Pearl GhostPhantom TorsoSpider GhostEthraNo-Face GhostMarionette QueenSpeeding Bus GhostWicked Doll GhostZionKeyclawsHomunculusBeloved Bride FlowerSkeleton GhostDarksinyIron BeastRavanavRoaming GhostHeronBarlowJoachimStraw GhostRlim ShaikorthUnderground Nation • TBA
Shinbi ApartmentStarlight Elementary School
Secret of the Ghost Ball
The Dreadful Descent of the Drowned Ghosts!The Unbreakable Curse of the Girl's Hair!The Terrifying Temptation of the Shadow GhostThe Sinister Strike of the Spider Ghost!The Enticing Entrapment of EthraThe Nightmare of the No-Face GhostThe Mystery of the Marionette QueenThe Bewitched Bus!The Weird Tale of the Wicked Doll Ghost!Ian the Red-Eyed BoyThe Mystifying and Malevolent Maze!The Hair-Raising Tale of the Homunculus!The Frightening Fable of the Flower of Death!The Spine-Chilling Story of the Skeleton Ghost!Invasion of the Iron BeastThe Horrifying Game of Hide and SeekThe Malediction MalfunctionThe Spectral SentinelThe Vampire KingStorm of the Straw GhostThe Rise of the Underground NationThe Wrath of the White-Winged WraithShinbi Apartment - Doomsday PT 1Shinbi Apartment - Doomsday PT 2
Birth of the Ghost Ball X
The New Threat of The Haunted House! Gaze Through the Open Door • Listen to My Song The Cursed Voice • An Unkept Promise The Attack of the Living Doll • The Cursed Hospital The Nurse with Red Tears • Invitation to the Nightmare The Visitor in the Dream • The Legendary Enemy The Shadow of the Ancient Monster • I’ll Find You The Game Show of Fear • Angry Ghost Trapped in a Picture The Legend of Slender Man • Carnival of Greed Reune Apartment • The Cursed Night Retreat of Fear • Forbidden Invitation The Clown of Madness • The Demon Behind the Mask Ghost Ball in Crisis PT 1 • The Demon Behind the Mask Ghost Ball in Crisis PT 2 • The Ghost’s Shoes and the Disappeared Children • Unstoppable Temptation Raging Predator • Inevitable Fear Soulless Pursuer • The Dark Spreading Sound Forbidden Whisper • Reawakened Bloody Fear Temptation of the Dark Night • Inescapable Fear The Scent of the Ashen Demon • Soul Searching Nine-Tail A Thousand-Year Wait • A Dangerous Invite The Secret of the Wooden Mansion • The Beginning of Disaster Undying Flame • Judgement Day The Truth of the Goblin Cave
Ghost Ball Double X
Episode 1 • Episode 2 • Episode 3 • Episode 4 • Episode 5 • Episode 6 • Episode 7 • Episode 8 • Episode 9 • Episode 10 • Episode 11 • Episode 12 • Episode 13 Episode 14 • Episode 15 • Episode 16 • Episode 17 • Episode 18 • Episode 19 • Episode 20 • Episode 21 • Episode 22 • Episode 23 • Episode 24 • Episode 25 • Episode 26
Ghost Ball Z
Episode 1 • Episode 2 • Episode 3 • Episode 4 • Episode 5 • Episode 6 • Episode 7 • Episode 8 • Episode 9 • Episode 10 • Episode 11 • Episode 12 • Episode 13 • Episode 14
The Secret of the CaveSky Goblin, The Great Jormungandr
Hari's Special DayThe Vampire of Light and The Child of Darkness
Remember, Hari
Getcha GhostGhost SignalShinbi Apartment Official AppSoul FightersArcher Kang-limGhost WarTime ZeroSky Isle Rescue