Shinbi Apartment Wiki

The Goblins (도깨비) are a species that appears in the show that is not considered a ghost. They are good or neutral beings who dwell in things or are created by God.


Almost all of these goblins, except for Shinbi, that is close to the divine being, are made by their souls embedded in their respective objects.

Their habitat varies depending on the classification, and there are also special goblins that control the dimension, although they are close to the land goblins called "Dimensional Goblins."

Land Goblins[]

Land Goblins lived in the forest until the death of the boss goblin and his disciples or subordinates, and Geumbi lived in a uninhabited forest before coming to the apartment.

Ambiguous canon[]

In Ghost Signal, the boss goblin runs the company, but it is not clear if he is the same person as the boss goblin who lived in the forest. Because he was already dead before Geumbi came to the apartment.

Sky Goblins[]

Sky Goblins live in a kingdom in heaven, and the Jubi is the prince of the kingdom, and all Sky Goblins except him are sky-blue. They physically resemble insects such as bees, and due to this influence, Jubi likes cola, a sweet drink.

Water Goblins[]

Water Goblins (물도깨비) live in underwater. They're merman-like beings. An unnamed Water Goblin (likely male) firstly appeared in Sky Goblin, The Great Jormungandr. It is unclear that they are for movie adaptions.

Dimensional Goblins[]

