"The Darkwing Squad" is the sixty-seventh episode of Darkwing Duck, and the 54th episode to air on the Disney Afternoon.
While Darkwing trains some new SHUSH agents, Agent Gryzlikoff goes undercover to stop Steelbeak.
Memorable quotes[]
"I am the terror that flaps in the night! I am the principal you were sent to see! I am Darkwiiiiiing Duck!" |
"Ha! Another felon potted by Darkwing Duck!" |
"Whew. Lucky for me duck feathers tickle." |
"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Besides, I knew it was a setup the whole time. [chuckles] Kidding!" |
External links[]
- Disney Wiki: The Darkwing Squad
- Darkwing Duck Wiki: The Darkwing Squad
- "The Darkwing Squad" at the Internet Movie Database
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