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Terminator Wiki
The term "T-1000" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see T-1000 (disambiguation).
T1000 Genisys 001

A T-1000 Advanced Prototype in a blank form.

The T-1000 Advanced Prototype[1], also known as 1000 Series[2], is a Terminator series produced by Skynet in 2029. The 1000 Series Terminator is fully autonomous,[3] and unlike previous Infiltrator models that used rubber skin — and then finally living tissue over a metallic endoskeleton, the T-1000 is made entirely out of a liquid metal called "mimetic polyalloy", meaning it can reform into any shape it touches of the approximate size, thus calling it a "shape-changer". It cannot transform into any random object, such as a pack of cigarettes, as that size is considerably smaller. Neither can the T-1000 transform into any object that requires machinery to operate, such as a bomb. Another severe limitation of the T-1000 is that it cannot generate conventional weapons on its own volition, although it can utilize weaponry and vehicles found. It can, however, organically form primitive, blunt weaponry such as hooks, or stabbing weapons like knives. The usual modus operandi of the T-1000 is to impersonate civilians found or killed, only attacking once the target has been identified.

"Not like me. A T-1000, advanced prototype. A mimetic poly-alloy. Liquid metal."
The T-800 to John Connor
Terminator 2


Physical Capabilities[]

Like most Terminators, the T-1000 has immense physical strength far beyond that of a human, being able to bend steel with its bare hands and throw the much larger T-800 around like a ragdoll. When pursuing John Connor at the mall, the T-1000 displayed the ability to run at speeds of at least 40 mph.[4]


A T-1000 features a liquid molecular brain gathered by mimetic polyalloy. The molecular brain grants the T-1000 advanced reasoning capabilities, emotions such as humor, and even self-awareness.[3] As a result, a T-1000 can make its own decisions contrary to that of Skynet.[5] In order to protect itself from its own creation, Skynet did not mass produce the T-1000.[3] For this reason, Skynet later discontinued the T-1000.[3] The T-1001 and O110.X apparently went rogue possibly due to this capability.

Each nanoparticle of T-1000 is a self-similar part of the single whole. Based on those nanoparticles is a hivemind that is composed of billions of them. With the loss of mass, the T-1000 will become less efficient. When lose too much of its mass, such as being blown apart by a grenade, T-1000 is unable to carry out its task until regenerated.[citation needed]



The T-1000’s arm involuntarily latches to a railing.


Glitch of a T-1000 unit


T-1000 with four arms

One of the fundamental prime directives of the T-1000 is "recovery of essence" as the more it loses, the less effective it becomes. The default command in the mimetic polyalloy's molecular memory is to find the main mass and rejoin it. Each molecule has a range of 14 km (8.7 mi). If a piece of mimetic polyalloy is out of range from the main body of superfluid, it can mimic something locally as camouflage (for example, a rock or a piece of pipe) until the T-1000 comes back into range again and detects it. [3]

As this trait is encoded at a very basic level, this emergency camouflage programming would manifest itself as a malfunction or glitch when a T-1000 is critically damaged. The T-1000 that fought with Sarah Connor displayed this glitch in the steel mill. Having been frozen by liquid nitrogen and shattered, the T-1000 reformed from the intense heat in the mill and began to involuntarily mimic and stick to floor coverings and other objects it came into physical contact with due to its molecules undergoing self-preservation. [3]

When necessary, the T-1000 can form additional limbs when multi-tasking, such as piloting a helicopter and firing weapons.


Due to its liquid metal construction, the T-1000 is capable of extensive regeneration of damage caused by ballistic weapons. However, the greater the damage the more time it takes to repair (such as when the T-800 shot a grenade round into its torso) and sufficient damage can briefly incapacitate it until fully recovered.[4] In some case, a T-1000 unit is even able to completely recover from a Phased Plasma blast at point blank range to the head.[citation needed]

Separating the parts of a T-1000 is not enough to stop it from regenerating, as the individual pieces would seek each other out and re-form to become a complete, fully functional battle unit again over short distances. The smaller the volume of particles, the less intelligent each piece becomes.[citation needed] Combined, the T-1000 is incredibly capable; however, when in pieces, it merely tries to get back to the whole again.


The T-1000 Infiltrators, as with other mimetic polyalloy-equipped units,[6] are initially deployed with an individualized default humanoid shape, which it remains in for most of its active service. It is thought that this form was kept as it was more energy efficient than mimicking others and reduced the stress caused to its ability to molecularly expand when it mimicked larger subjects. Due to the conservation of mass, when the T-1000 mimicked a human subject of greater volume than its default form, its density decreased. It therefore compensated for illogical mass constitutions for the subject it replicated. For example, the T-1000 may have had to step down more heavily to give the appearance of a greater mass.


The T-1000's auditory sensors could be situated anywhere upon its body.[3]

Environment Analysis[]

The T-1000 can use its body to register its environment in many ways, can directly read magnetically-encoded information.[3][4]

Combat abilities[]

The T-1000 is not issued with any weapons, but is capable of fashioning any solid metal form, such as knives, swords and other bladed weapons simply by extending a limb and solidifying it into the desired shape. The T-1000 cannot mimic any complex systems, which may have moving parts or chemicals, like guns or explosives. However, the T-1000 is capable of concealing and carrying weapons within itself.[7][8] In order to form a weapon from a limb, the T-1000 has to convert that particular section to a liquid metal state before reconfiguring it while keeping the rest of its body in a solid metal state. In conjunction with the flexibility given by its form, the T-1000 has demonstrated a superior repertoire of martial arts abilities programmed into its subroutines, making it more capable than the T-800 in close combat.

The T-1000 can also convert a limb into a blade and throw it like a javelin at an enemy in some situations, with sufficient force to impale a T-800 and knock it backwards at least a few dozen feet.[9]



The T-1001 before selecting a physical template

"T-1000, liquid metal shape changer. It just needs to touch something to mimic it."
-Sarah Connor, about the T-1000

The mimetic polyalloy construction of the T-1000 allows it to replicate any object or person of similar volume that it samples by physical contact. It appears the T-1000 can use a medium to do this without actually touching the subject's skin. Composed entirely of mimetic polyalloy, the T-1000 Terminator is a metallic mass, thus making it electrically conductive. However, unlike endoskeleton-based Terminators, the T-1000 can withstand a high-voltage charge without being knocked offline. Catherine Weaver demonstrated this ability by impaling the Water Delivery Guy with one hand and stabbing the other into a circuit breaker box, allowing the current to flow freely through her to terminate her victim.[10] The T-1000, having the ability to be liquid or solid, can enhance its speed and its strength, especially when in its natural state.

Due to the mimetic polyalloy design, T-1000 cannot produce body fluid or odor, which means it can't bled or sweat like living tissue terminators (for example, T-800 series), meaning they could be easily distinguished by dogs. Likewise, the T-1000 Terminator is unable to generate body heat and is cool to the touch just as any ordinary metal.[11] Considering this, under common infiltration circumstances, T-1000 series are usually not as effective as T-800 series.


T-1001 bonding with Savannah Weaver.

As many other terminators do, T-1000 series are unable to produce convincing smiles or relate to people.[12] However, with advanced learning ability, most T-1000 units can provide a very limited range of emotions. They can quickly fit themselves into their new identity. (As T-1000 and Karyn Stern (T-1000) already shown)  Some T-1000 units can bend themselves into human society, replacing a human's life with little suspicion, or even aiding resistance against Skynet. (Like what Catherine Weaver and Liz Anderson do.)

Due to its special design, after living with humans for a period of time, they may aware that human lives are worth-saving. They may get along with family and friends of the infiltrated human, like what T-1001 does to Catherine Weaver's daughter Savannah. Some of them will never drop their disguise in fear of being terminated by humans, until humans one day or never find out. At this point, infiltration becomes fully replacement.

In The T2 RPG Sourcebook, one or more T-1000 units has formed its own faction, striking at both Skynet and the human Resistance from the shadows.

Additional function[]

The T-1001[13] and T-XA are able to separate parts of its body to act as independent units. In addition, a T-XA is able to control humans by injecting their nervous system with small amounts of itself. The T-1000 is able to use a small part of its body as a tracking device.[9]

T-1000 units can also deploy a small drip of mimetic polyalloy from their bodies to reactivate machines. The T-1000 was able to reactivate the damaged T-800 with a single drop of its mimetic polyalloy so it could assist him in combat by attacking Kyle Reese.[9]

The T-1000 also has the ability to use its hands to "scan" for genetic and psychological information, including DNA, an ability it may have in common with the T-X.[citation needed]


  • Owing to its amorphous nature, the T-1000 is ironically more susceptible to ballistic force than the less advanced T-800 which can "tank" through small arms fire with little difficulty, if any at all.  Several times after being shot, the impact was sufficient to not only damage it, but knock it back and even briefly incapacitate it before its self-repair capabilities were able to restore it. In fact, it was also nearly sliced in half when the T-800 impaled it with a metal rebar during the fight in the steel mill.
  • In Terminator 2, the T-1000 was assaulted by the reprogrammed T-800, the latter of which used a shotgun to deter it from killing John Connor. It swiftly reformed and attempted to shoot the human dead, but the T-800's lightning reflexes allowed it to block the bullets it fired. The barrage it fired only killed an innocent mall worker.
  • In the ensuing duel, the T-1000 and the T-800 both get knocked around, even smashing into and through walls. The T-1000 gained the upper hand and disabled the T-800 by throwing it through a plate glass window.
  • John Connor attempted to deter the T-1000 by driving underneath a bridge that the truck, commandeered by the android, could not pass for it was too low. This barely had any effect.
  • The T-1000 was then caught in an explosion when its vehicle careened into a second bridge that was even lower than the first. Aside from damaging its camouflage ability, it remains unknown what damage exactly the unit suffered from.
  • The T-1000 was then caught in a second shootout, during which the T-800's shotgun blasts caught it in the face at point-blank range in a mental institute. Though its head split fully apart, it remained unfazed, and, reforming, pursued the protagonists once more. However, it was deterred from a combined barrage of Sarah Connor's .45 ACP rounds and the T-800's 12-gauge shells.
  • As it attempted to kill John Connor, the T-1000 was stopped by the T-800 with yet another shotgun blast. This ripped off part of its arm, but the unit was again unaffected. It later recovered by reconstituting itself using the part that John hurled to the road.
  • The T-1000 was then hindered by the explosion of its commandeered helicopter, but again suffered little visible damage.
  • The T-800 used a grenade launcher to attempt to stop the T-1000, but failed. It then grabbed an assault rifle, clambered onto the truck which the T-1000 had stolen and fired a magazine of rounds into its face and body. Once again, the unit was damaged and it reformed. However, this distraction was enough for the T-800 to then seize control of the vehicle and bring it down on its side. The tank which the T-1000 was hauling behind the main vehicle ruptured when it hit a steel pillar and while the T-800 was only slightly damaged, the T-1000 became frozen as it waded through the liquid nitrogen. It then became immobile.
  • It is possible the T-1000 may have been stopped following the above attack, but the T-800 then fired a gun at it, shattering the frozen cyborg. The heat from the environment caused the pieces to thaw, and though it suffered from glitches, it remained resolute in its mission to kill the Connors as it reformed itself.
  • Engaging the T-1000 in a close-quarters fight, the T-800 was proven to be significantly inferior as the more-advanced machine used its liquid metal structure to its advantage. As it gained the upper hand, it shoved the T-800 backward with almost superhuman force, trapping its adversary inside a massive gear machine. It is seen to suffer from glitches at this point.
  • As the T-1000 closed in on Sarah Connor, Sarah attempted to slow it down with a few shotgun blasts. The cyborg absorbed a round into its face again, but recovered and almost killed Connor until the T-800, having freed itself, intervened. In the ensuing duel, the T-1000 proved its aggression and superiority again, disabling the T-800 with a metallic rebar that impaled it through its power cell until the inferior cyborg could use the surrounding heat to activate its secondary power system.
  • The T-1000 then confronted Sarah again - this time, she drove it to the edge of a platform and almost destroyed it, had she not run out of shotgun shells, because unlike the previous times it was attacked, this time Sarah gave it no time to recover by firing consecutive shot after shot.
  • At the climax of this fight, the T-800 by this time had acquired a secondary power source. It used a giant gear to ride up to the Connors and, as the T-1000 attempted to kill the humans, fired its M-79 grenade launcher at the T-1000. Being a liquid structure unlike the solid T-800, it was blown apart and lost its balance. It fell into the molten liquid vat behind and below it; despite frantically attempting to reform itself, it was ultimately denatured by the extreme heat. As it "died", it frantically recalled the other people it had imitated, finally taking on a blank human form and melting into the liquefied steel.
  • In Terminator Genisys, the T-1000 was shot several times by Kyle Reese and Detective O'Brien with a .38 special revolver, and run down by Sarah with a truck. Neither did any permanent damage.
  • Sarah Connor and Kyle Reese shoot the T-1000 multiple times with an M16 and a 12-gauge shotgun as it pursues them while riding the hood of a police car. The bullets pass through the T-1000's liquid metal form with little to no detrimental effect, but at point blank range a dead-center shotgun blast is able to knock it backwards.
  • The T-1000 turned his arms into blades and grabbed onto the back of the truck only for Sarah and Kyle to shoot at the blades to make it fall onto the hood of its police car. Kyle then fired a grenade launcher at the car detonating its fuel tank, destroying it. Whatever damage the T-1000 sustained remains unknowns.
  • When the T-1000 breaks into their factory hideout, Sarah and later Kyle shoot it with several bursts from an M16. Again, the gunfire passes through the T-1000's liquid metal without staggering it noticeably.
  • The mimetic polyalloy of the T-1000 was shown to be extremely vulnerable to acid compared to the more resistant endoskeleton of the T-800 as when Sarah shot at containers of hydrochloric acid on the ceiling, causing it to rain on the T-1000, its mimetic polyalloy immediately started to dissolve. The T-1000 managed to get out, but the Guardian forced it back under and held it there, losing only part of the sleeve of his jacket and the skin over his hand, while the T-1000 was completely annihilated.
  • The T-1000s that have been encountered in combat were notoriously difficult to destroy, even feared indestructible by some Resistance members. This highly-resilient battle unit was able to withstand a wide variety of temperatures ranging up to at least 300 degrees Celsius.[citation needed]


See also: Mimetic polyalloy

Extreme temperatures[]

Clip atr of t-1000 torso

Being amorphous in nature, the T-1000 is highly susceptible to extreme temperatures: in fact, extreme cold such as being immersed in liquid nitrogen can solidify and immobilize it until it thaws out, while the opposite temperature, intense heat, such as being immersed in liquid steel of a sufficient temperature can critically damage it; the latter can even destroy the unit outright if sustained exposure could be achieved.

Extremely low temperatures of -196 degrees Celsius (such as those produced by liquid nitrogen) could freeze a T-1000. Shattering a frozen T-1000 will cause it to suffer from glitches as its self-preservation protocols kick in to compensate for critical damage, but will be insufficient to destroy it.

Upon contacting flame, the impersonation or camouflage can be temporarily disabled, possibly due to the intense heat.[14][15]

If the T-1000 was caught in an explosion, the unit would be liquefied for a brief amount of time.

Temperatures in excess of 1535 degrees Celsius, such as those required to smelt iron, could physically alter the bonding of the mimetic polyalloy and corrode the elements of the alloy, physically altering its molecular structure, which in turn permanently renders it inoperative.

Corrosive reagent[]


The T-1000 being destroyed by acid.

Karyn destroyed

Karyn Stern (T-1000) being destroyed by solvent 27B/6.

Corrosive substances,[16][9] such as extremely concentrated hydrochloric acid were also known to damage T-1000s and could even destroy the units if prolonged exposure could be achieved. Being made of liquid as opposed to the solid T-800, the T-1000 was also weaker than its predecessor.

The Resistance also hypothesized that when it hardened its structure to make weapons or enter combat, the T-1000's molecular structure became brittle. This then made it vulnerable to a concussive shock wave.



The T-1002's structure is destroyed by the T-X.

The T-1000 battle unit T-1002 was unable to withstand a direct hit from the plasma cannon of the T-X. [17] This may be due to the advanced nature of the plasma used in the T-X's weapon, as T-1000s are capable of withstanding phased plasma attacks without permanent damage.[citation needed]


Immersive saturation attack and suppressive firepower, such as that from a machine gun, is able to keep a T-1000 from reforming [18] or even reduce it into a vat of pollyalloy pool.[19]

Ballistic momentum[]


The T-1000 after being shot with a grenade.

T2jd-sarah-film-shoot t-1000 with shotgun

Sarah Connor drives the T-1000 to the edge of a platform with a barrage of shotgun blasts

For all its advanced technology compared to a T-800, the T-1000 is in fact weaker than its predecessor with regard to damage sustained from firearms, whether bullet-firing or explosive-discharging. This is due to its construction of liquid metal, rendering it relatively soft compared to an endoskeleton-based Terminator, such as a T-800 or T-850 which is composed of solid materials. It can therefore be said that the T-1000 possesses less shock-absorbing abilities to counter the momentum of a bullet, as ballistic penetration can hydro-statically traumatise the unit for a few seconds. Slow rate-of-fire, heavy-hitting but accurate rounds such as an anti-tank .50 BMG, .45 ACP, .38 special, .357 magnum and point-blank 12 gauge shotgun blasts appear to be the most effective at hindering the T-1000; conversely light, very rapid-firing high-penetration rounds such as 5.56X45 mm from an automatic M16 quickly pass straight through the T-1000's liquid metal body with minimum effect, if any damage is even sustained.[9]

In a close range explosion, a T-1000's head can be blown apart. This can also happen if it gets shot by a shotgun at point-blank range. [20][21] In addition, a T-1000 also has difficulty keeping its weight balance if its shape is heavily deformed, such as getting shot in the head with a shotgun, or if its torso absorbs a grenade and then explodes. In such cases, the T-1000 will be temporarily disabled.

Energy consumption[]

The T-1000 consumes a lot of energy whenever it changes outside of its natural state.[3]

The T-1000 can also last a long time while infiltrating. A T-1000 sent back in 1973 remained active until its termination in 1984. During its battle in 1984, it showed no signs of aging or glitches, unlike the T-800 sent back in 1973 which developed glitches due to aging.[9]


The moled kit

The machine used to "mold" and create a T-1000.(Allegedly)

The T-1000 Terminator was constructed deep within Skynet's main complex. Within a large heavily guarded room, the mimetic polyalloy was poured into a massive machine press that fills floor to ceiling. Feeder pipes emerging from the walls and centering on the press like a hub poured the mimetic polyalloy between two 20-ton plates. These plates were then hydraulically pressed together and met, forming the indentation of a man. The mimetic polyalloy then filled this indentation and solidified, setting its default molecular structure.[3]

The T-1000 was constructed using a new technology developed by Skynet. Each molecule of the T-1000 was a primitive miniaturized version of the total machine. Every molecule had the blueprints programmed into them for all the necessary parts required for construction of the whole T-1000. [3]



See also: T-1001

Beyond the capabilities of the standard T-1000, the T-1001 could morph into a roughly slug/snake-like silver metallic form capable of moving at high speeds through air vents, performing high jumps, and swimming by propelling itself through water.[22]

Rather than automatically seeking out the primary mass, the detached parts of the T-1001 could operate independently, demonstrated by Weaver keeping a part of herself separate in the form of a pet eel.[10] This element was kept separate as a security key required for operation of the T-1001's time displacement equipment.[23]

The T-1001 was extremely adept at terminating multiple fleeing targets with deadly efficiency. It chased down a dozen employees in a secret warehouse, extending blades to at least 10ft to impale the escaping workers. The T-1001 could extend a blade and retract it again with amazing speed, suggesting a remarkable level of control over the structure of its design.[24]

At least one unit possessed more advanced interpersonal skills than other Terminator units.


See also: T-1002

The T-1002 Terminator is able to develop stabbing weapons all across its body, even transform into a weapon of its body size, which shows that it has greater control over the structure of its design then its predecessor.[17]


Main article: T-1000000


Main article: T-XA

Known units[]

See also: List of T-1000 Terminators


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  • A visual easter egg seen in the game Terminator: Resistance shows a dead Resistance operative strapped to a gurney inside a Skynet facility. The operative's features seem to greatly resemble the version played by Robert Patrick, possibly hinting that this operative was the basis for that line's features.
  • It's worth noting that the T-1000 Terminator is cool to touch as mentioned in the Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles episode "Desert Cantos" and The T2 RPG Sourcebook. What's interesting is that the machine is cool to the touch even when it's active — which may suggest either its power source is well heat-proofed, or its power source and general activity may not be generating any heat.
    • Because of which, as mentioned in The T2 RPG Sourcebook, T-1000 series avoid body contacts with humans unless T-1000s impersonate and/or kill them.
  • It is explained in the novelization of Terminator 2: Judgment Day and the text commentary from Terminator 2: Judgment Day DVD Extreme Edition, the T-1000 is wrapped in a cocoon made of living tissue that will allow an inorganic such as the T-1000, which is completely made of mimetic polyalloy, to travel via Time Displacement Equipment.
    • However, this would contradict the events shown at the end of "Born to Run".
    • Van Ling, creative supervisor of Terminator 2: Judgment Day suggests that in addition to the living tissue cocoon, another theory is that T-1000 could mimic the field generated by a living organism.
  • It's not rare for T-1000 series to betray Skynet, mostly because of their special designs, and at least two individuals are committed to aiding the Resistance .


Video games
Television series
Tabletop roleplaying games


External links[]

<< T-1000 Terminator >>
T1 - K-9000 - Kite - Squid - 1000 - 1001 - 1002 - Meg - XA - "Karyn Stern" - "Liz Anderson"
Terminator Series
Standard 000 - 1 (1-5 - 1-7) - 4 - 7 - H (U-5000) - 20 - 47 - 70 - 72 - 300 - 400 - 500 - 600 (650 - 660) - 700 (720 - 750 - 770 - 790 - 799) - 800 (8xx) - 900 (950) - X -
1000 (1001 - 1002 - XA - Meg) - Infinity - 2018 - 3000 - 4800 - 5000 - 8000
See also Mimetic polyalloy - Impersonation - Infiltrator