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Combot battling Bob in a stylized Strategic Space with Kuma and Panda wearing tutus in the background

Fight Lab is a game mode in Tekken Tag Tournament 2. It focuses on players using Combot in order to learn the fighting mechanics. This mode serves as a tutorial for newcomers, as it provides players an understanding of how the fighting mechanics of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 work and how they can be used in battle. It takes place in Lee Chaolan's corporation, Violet Systems.


The story behind this mode features Lee Chaolan in his guise as Violet, seeking to build the most powerful combat robot.

Violet, CEO of Violet Systems has just completed a new model of Combot, the Super Combot DX, in his research lab in Brazil. He is on a video call to his secretary when he accidentally detonates the robot, instead of saving his progress. The Super Combot DX explodes, causing the lab to be destroyed. Violet must start his upgrades all over again, using one of his older combot models. The player plays as Violet's Combot, as he gives tips to improve gameplay and to teach the basic mechanics of Tekken and how to use the tag system. Throughout the story, Violet and his secretary comment on the opponents that combot faces as well as guiding the player through the chapters.

Fight Lab consists of 5 stages, each of them containing their own chapters (up to 2) and a boss battle. After completing each stage the player is given experience points to go towards purchasing moves for Combot in the Combot Tuning mode. More experience points are given based on how well the player performs in each stage as well as how the player attack the opponent (i.e getting wall stuns). Currency is also provided at the end of each stage which can then be used for purchasing items such as outfits for different characters.


Throughout each stage, Violet will brief players on what needs to be performed for each chapter (and boss battle) in order for it to be completed. Each stage has its own set of mechanics that need to be performed.


Introduction of Fight Lab and providing Combot with its own special move unique to it.

Chapter 1[]

Stage 1[]

Movement and Limb Control. The player must then move forward, backward, crouch, jump, dash forward and dash back, and step sideways. The player then learns to give a left punch, right punch, left kick and right kick.

Stage 2[]

The player must follow Violet's orders within a time limit. It is about putting into practice the lessons of the first chapter. At times, Ganryu appears on the ground, levitating. The player must crouch or step aside to dodge. The movements becoming increasingly faster.

Boss Fight[]

The boss fight takes place on the Sakura Schoolyard stage. It consists of dodging enemy projectiles (Nina Williams, Bruce Irvin and Bob disguised as superheroes) that they swing using different customization items.

While moving, there are explosive balloons placed on the ground, touching them risks losing life.

Chapter 2[]

Stage 1[]

Attack Methods (i.e. High, Mid and Low) and Homing Attacks. The player learns to differentiate the different attacks: high, medium and low. They also learn the concept of a locked attack and to use throws.

The player must hit the targets indicated on members of Tekken Force. The targets indicate whether to strike with the fist or the foot, or do a locked attack, or a throw.

Stage 2[]

The player must again hit the targets present on the enemies. However, some targets correspond to bombs that should not be hit. Targets then alternate between high, mid, and low.

Lili repeatedly appears as an opponent with a target to hit.

Boss Fight[]

The boss fight consists of facing three Jack 6s. The player must hit the right targets while avoiding the bombs. Jack-6 hits the player if it misses the target. The last Jack-6 has targets that have to be hit repeatedly to break them.

Chapter 3[]

Stage 1[]

Defensive Training and Throw Breaks. This takes place in Eternal Paradise. The player learns how to block attacks from members of Tekken Force by retreating or crouching. They also learn the notion of punishing after having blocked the opponent's blow.

Stage 2[]

The player must block the attacks and then punish at the right time, or get out of a hold. Anna Williams appears as the last opponent to fight. The player has to block the attacks again and then punish to beat her.

Boss Fight[]

The boss fight takes place in Tulip Festival. It consists of facing three Mokujins. In both chapters of the level, the player has to block their attacks.

Chapter 4[]

Stage 1[]

Aerial Combos and Stage Gimmicks (i.e. Balcony Breaks, Wall Breaks and Floor Breaks). This level takes place in Strategic Space. The player learns how to do aerial combos and how to make propelling shots, then to use the rebound mechanism to continue the combo and finally to deliver a blow that pushes the opponent away.

The player then learns to use destructible walls, balconies and floors (wall break, balcony break and floor break) to extend the combos. Paul Phoenix steps in to demonstrate the possible combos on each destructible element.

Stage 2[]

The player must perform the combos in a specific order. Bombs are added to the stage to extend combos. The player must succeed in sending the opponent off the balcony or the destructible wall.

Boss Fight[]

The boss fight takes place in a stylized Strategic Space against Kuma and Panda, and Bob. The player must practice doing aerial combos. In the background of this stage, Panda and Kuma are dancing whilst dressed in tutus.

Chapter 5[]

Stage 1[]

Tag Play (i.e. Tag Combos, Tag Assault and Tag Grabs). Takes place in Arctic Dream.

The player learns the mechanics of TAG: Tag projection (Tag Throw), Tag combo (Tag Combo), Tag assault (Tag Assault) and automatic help (auto-assist).

Stage 2[]

This chapter consists of putting into practice the different methods of the TAG by facing opponents (members of Tekken Force). Each enemy must be defeated using the correct TAG.

Boss Fight[]

The three opponents the player must face are Bob, Ganryu and Jinpachi Mishima (dressed as Ken, Ryu and Akuma from Street Fighter).

The player must string together Tag combos to be able to beat the three opponents.



Tekken Tag Tournament 2 - Fight Lab Ending

TTT2: Fight Lab & Violet's Ending

Ending Description: Heihachi, Kazuya and Jin are all lying unconscious in a room. As they awaken, Violet speaks to them through an intercom and tells them they have had the honor of battling Combot. Combot then enters the arena and, despite their arrogance, manages to defeat all three Mishimas with ease. Suddenly, Jin transforms into Devil Jin and blasts Combot's head off, and Heihachi mocks Violet for the "disappointment". Violet remains calm and causes Combot to self-destruct, destroying Heihachi, Kazuya and Devil Jin in the process. Violet laughs and says "Excellent".




  • The Fight Lab ending is the same as Violet's TTT2 ending.
  • Completing any level for the first time, unlocks the achievement/trophy "Combot, pending!"
  • Once Fight Lab has been completed, the difficulty of each stage will increase. This mainly applies to Chapter 2 of each stage.
  • When Lili is fought in this mode in Stage 2, the player has to break Lili's hard body that makes her defensive power increase. After it breaks, Lili's P1 default outfit will shatter and expose her bikini costume. As Violet mentions, the Violet Girls help him develop damage-resistant materials. A project that his secretary calls inane.[1]
  • Jack-6 is supposedly a replica of the G Corporation ones but once it is defeated, Lee's secretary will comment that "Clearly, our Combot was the more capable robot." which is probably a comment directed at the real Jacks.
  • In Stage 3, Anna wears her octopus costume, startling both Violet and his secretary. Violet makes comments about the outfit but once Anna is defeated, Violet will ask if she is hurt.[2]
  • In Stage 4, Paul is invited by Violet as a very special guest and called by him 'the original Wreckage specialist'. A slight sign that they somehow knew each other and trained together. As Violet asks him to not wreck everything, his secretary asks if it was really a good idea to have him.[3]
  • In Stage 5, the boss fight characters are customized to represent the Street Fighter characters. As his secretary asks if they are celebrities, Violet says he hired them because they just looked useful so he thought he would have them to help his Combot reach completion.[4]
  • It is possible to achieve the Super Combot DX Trophy by purchasing all the 'Development Techniques' in Combot Tuning. It is best to perform boss battles repeatedly (ideally stages 4 and 5) as they allow for credits to be acquired at a faster rate in order for moves to be purchased.
  • Despite usually speaking English, Violet talks entirely in Japanese in this mode, as it the language he normally speaks as Lee Chaolan.

