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Combot is a bipedal fighting machine created by Violet Systems. Unlike the Jack series, Combot has a very primitive appearance, lacking the human-like finish and instead having the internal mechanics, pivot joints and metal finish exposed, while having pincers in place of hands. Because of this, Combot has no real outfits, with only the coloring of its components varying.

Tekken 4[]

Player 1 outfit:
Combot has a shiny silver appearance, with yellow highlights around its joints and circular blue shoulder plates decorated with kanji for battle ( sen?) in white. It also has glowing red eyes and black cables visible around its joints and torso.

Player 2 outfit:
Combot is now constructed of a darker gray metal, while the highlights of its joints are recolored orange. While Combot retains the red glowing eyes, the shoulder plates are recolored green and the cables around its body are recolored to a dark copper color. The kanji on its shoulder plates is now fighting ( ?).

Tekken Tag Tournament 2[]

Player 1 outfit:
(See Tekken 4 Player 1 outfit)

Player 2 outfit:
A palette swap of its Player 1 outfit, the majority of Combot's components are now constructed from a red metal, with only small amounts of silver components visible. The highlights around its joints are now black, as are the cables visible around its body. The shoulder plates are recolored yellow, while the glowing red eyes remain.

  • Combot has no real swimsuit but wears a striped rubber ring around its waist and inflatable armbands. While the rubber ring is always red and white, the armbands are available in a choice of three color schemes - black and white, yellow and white, or red and white to match the rubber ring.