- You may be looking for the audio story entitled "Wink".

The Doctor uses winking to evade the Weeping Angels. (COMIC: The Weeping Angels of Mons)
At the Royal Hope Hospital, the Tenth Doctor winked at Martha Jones when she found his double heart beat. (TV: Smith and Jones)
At Hooverville in 1930, the Doctor winked at Martha as he took her hand leaving to follow the Cult of Skaro to their Transgenic Laboratory; he had left her his psychic paper. (TV: Evolution of the Daleks)
The "Katy Manning" Iris once broke the fourth wall by winking at the reader. (PROSE: Iris Wildthyme and the Unholy Ghost)
After being exterminated by the Supreme Dalek of the New Dalek Empire, Jack Harkness discretely winked at the Doctor as he was led away to the Vault, confirming to the Doctor that he had resurrected. (TV: Journey's End)
When confronted with a group of Weeping Angels barring his path to his TARDIS, the Tenth Doctor realized that he could simply wink at the Angels, thus keeping one eye on them at all times, and move about them with no danger to himself. (COMIC: The Weeping Angels of Mons) When he crossed paths with his sixth self, the two attempted to wink at the Angels but found that the trick wasn't a guaranteed success. (AUDIO: Wink)
The Eleventh Doctor winked at the Curator when he explained his familiar face by suggesting that the Doctor would "in years to come" find himself "revisiting a few. But just the old favourites, eh?" (TV: The Day of the Doctor)
While introducing himself to Coal Hill School staff as caretaker John Smith, the Twelfth Doctor winked at Clara Oswald, which was noticed by Danny Pink. When questioned by Danny, Clara claimed that he had winked at everybody, that it was a "general welcoming wink". (TV: The Caretaker)
Mrs Flood winked at an unseen audience while asking of Abdul "Never seen a TARDIS before?" (TV: The Church on Ruby Road [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who Christmas Special 2023 (BBC One and Disney+, 2023).)