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Abdul was a neighbour of Ruby, Carla, Cherry Sunday and Mrs Flood at Minto Road in Notting Hill. Mrs Flood believed that he was watching her. He wore a hoop earring in his left ear.


On Christmas Eve, 2023, Mrs Flood complained to Abdul about the presence of The Doctor's TARDIS on Minto Road, blaming him for its presence. When he asked what made her think that he had put it there, she replied that he had never liked her, that she had seen him looking. She told Ruby Sunday that it was a police box, that she hadn't seen one on the streets of London for 50 years and didn't want to see one now. Bemused, Ruby commented that it was the season of goodwill and advised the two of them to not kill each other.

Later that same day, Abdul watched in awe as the TARDIS dematerialised from the street. He raced over Mrs Flood, who was sitting on a chair outside the entrance to her home, telling her that the "box thing" had just vanished, that it was there and then it wasn't. She simply bid him a Merry Christmas and nudged him on the cheek. She told him to stop making such a fuss. As he walked away, she asked "Never seen a TARDIS before?" giving a wink to an unseen audience. (TV: The Church on Ruby Road [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who Christmas Special 2023 (BBC One and Disney+, 2023).) According to another account, however, she merely whispered it to herself. (PROSE: The Church on Ruby Road [+]Esmie Jikiemi-Pearson, adapted from The Church on Ruby Road (Russell T Davies), BBC Books novelisations (BBC Books, 2024). Chapter: Epilogue; Page 154.)
