The Door We Forgot was a P.R.O.B.E. short story released by Arcbeatle Press freely on their website. Although Arcbeatle already made an audiobook version of the story (read by Aubrey Guest) available on their website alongside the text release, the story was later rereleased in an audio format as the first release of the fifth season of BBV's Audio Adventures in Time & Space, now read by Bill Baggs, and in print form in the anthology True Origins.
to be added
- Giles declares they are in lockdown.
- Maxie wants to wrap her work quickly so she can play Super Mario Brothers 3.
- Bedevere is reading a copy of Wuthering Heights.
- Agamya's grandfather died when she was a little girl.
- When Tasha was seven years old, her mother died.
- Tasha recalls that her father only cared about his career. He fought in the Falklands War.
- Giles and Archie originally imprisoned the Algea.
- King Arthur died after being stabbed by Mordred's blade. He died under a tree at Camalan.
- Archie went to Helsinki under Dr Haggard's orders in search of a vampire nest.
- Giles and Archie were involved in a ritual in a cellar in Manchester.
- Maxie has to catalogue a Voltron hand blaster.
- Bedevere is a Knight of the Round Table.
- Oizys is the Greek god of anxiety, grief and depression and is related to the Algea.
- Giles mentions Boris Johnson.
- For some reason the language of the Algea is ancient Greek language.
- An olive tree branch dipped in lamb's blood is fatal to an Algea.
Story notes[]

The BBV cover for the audiobook version.
- This story was later released by BBV Productions as an audiobook, read by Bill Baggs.
- The Shed Scales were mentioned in this story, explicitly with the permission of their creator Niki Haringsma.
- This story marks the first time P.R.O.B.E. has been explored in prose, with all previous appearances of the organisation being in performed media.
- Agamya's name is twice misspelt as "Agayma".
- Giles is distressed by the loss of Archie. (WC: Shadows of Doubt)
- Giles remembers when he relocated P.R.O.B.E. headquarters from Parliament Square. (HOMEVID: When to Die)
- After Archie's return from Helsinki, he and Giles took on a pack of Shed Scales. (PROSE: What Keeps Their Lines Alive)
- Merlin has ginger hair and a "box of tricks". (PROSE: Battlefield)
External links[]
- Official The Door We Forgot page at Arcbeatle Press
- Official The Door We Forgot page at Arcbeatle Press
- Official The Door We Forgot audiobook page at Arcbeatle Press
- Official The Door We Forgot audiobook page at