Padraculomar III (or Padrac for short) was a Time Lord who served as High Chancellor, Lord Cardinal, and Lord President of Gallifrey, and was secretly leader of the Doom Coalition. Concerned by forebodings of Gallifrey's destruction, he assembled a group of like-minded Time Lords to prevent this future by destroying everything other than Gallifrey.
Padrac and the Doom Coalition played the long game, planting seeds that sprouted ages later. They sprung into action when the Eleven, a member of the Coalition, was unfrozen for a prison interview with Kiani, a student at the Time Lord Academy, for her thesis. While the Eleven escaped and set out to dispatch the Eighth Doctor, the Clocksmith began to assemble the Doomsday Chronometer, and Caleera built an amplifier for her psychic powers, Padrac used his position to manipulate politics in the Coalition's favour.
Padrac traveled to the Crucible of Souls to investigate the disintegrating future created by the Doom Coalition. While there, he encountered the Doctor, Liv Chenka, Helen Sinclair, and the Nine. He banished the Doctor and his companions into the future before returning to Gallifrey with River Song. He described his vision of Harmony to the Panopticon and coalesced his political power, having Caleera eliminate all sources of resistance through the Matrix. His plans were stopped when a disillusioned Caleera gave her powers to Helen so that Helen could destroy the Resonance Engine, the Coalition's means of decimation. He was arrested and sentenced to be frozen, seeing Caleera as the Red Lady just before he met his fate.
Early life[]
Padrac attended the Time Lord Academy with the First Doctor. The Doctor called him "Paddy" and played with him on a zero-grav hyperball team. Whilst the Doctor snuck out to perform forbidden science experiments, Padrac flew skimmers over the Outland Dunes. (AUDIO: The Eleven [+]Matt Fitton, Doom Coalition 1 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2015).)
At the Academy, Padrac was a brilliant student but was boring, self-satisfied and superior. (AUDIO: The Crucible of Souls [+]John Dorney, Doom Coalition 3 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2016)., Ship in a Bottle [+]John Dorney, Doom Coalition 4 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2017).) He was selected to join the Doom Coalition and work with the intellectual elite of Gallifrey to manipulate the timelines to ensure the planet's safety based on Matrix projections. (AUDIO: Stop the Clock [+]John Dorney, Doom Coalition 4 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2017).)
Plans and early stages[]
Upon joining the High Council, Padrac was permitted access to the Matrix. He ran numerous projections and discovered that Gallifrey would be destroyed in any future in which it was not the only planet in existence. To ensure the Time Lords' survival, he planned to destroy the rest of the universe and convert the resulting life force into enough regeneration energy to make them immortal. (AUDIO: The Crucible of Souls [+]John Dorney, Doom Coalition 3 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2016).)
As High Chancellor, Padrac became aware of Caleera's powers. To manipulate her into coming under his wing, he had Sepulchra, an Educator at the Academy, wear her down, a psychosurgeon suppress her powers, and Sternbrar, an archivist at the Archives, consign her to a job as a junior archivist. (AUDIO: Stop the Clock [+]John Dorney, Doom Coalition 4 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2017).) He summoned Caleera to his office and charmed her, leading her to fall in love with him and became vulnerable to his manipulations. (AUDIO: Stop the Clock [+]John Dorney, Doom Coalition 4 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2017).)
Padrac informed the Seventh Doctor that President Romana needed him, ending the Doctor's visit with the captured Eleven. (AUDIO: The Eleven [+]Matt Fitton, Doom Coalition 1 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2015).)

Padrac during his growing plot to avert the Time War (AUDIO: Doom Coalition 4)
As a cardinal, (AUDIO: The Eleven [+]Matt Fitton, Doom Coalition 1 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2015).) Padrac was instrumental in the Eleven's escape from the Capitol prison facility, (AUDIO: The Crucible of Souls [+]John Dorney, Doom Coalition 3 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2016).) during which he had Caleera go into the Time Vortex in an antique TARDIS to broaden her powers with a neural amplifier. (AUDIO: Scenes From Her Life [+]John Dorney, Doom Coalition 2 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2016)., The Crucible of Souls [+]John Dorney, Doom Coalition 3 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2016).) He summoned the Eighth Doctor to Gallifrey, ostensibly to track down the Eleven but really to get him out of the way by having the Eleven kill him. (AUDIO: The Eleven [+]Matt Fitton, Doom Coalition 1 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2015)., The Crucible of Souls [+]John Dorney, Doom Coalition 3 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2016).)
Secretary Vorlin kept Padrac up to date on the Eleven's failed plan to kill the Doctor on Phaiton (AUDIO: The Satanic Mill [+]Edward Collier, Doom Coalition 1 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2015).) and Caleera trapped the President in the transduction barrier so that he could assume more powers. (AUDIO: Songs of Love [+]Matt Fitton, Doom Coalition 4 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2017).) He learnt from Liv Chenka that the Nine had become aware of the Crucible, heading there with Liv when he realised that she knew his true aims. Upon realising that "the Clocksmith" was the Doctor using a psychic cloak, he ejected him, Liv and Helen Sinclair into the Vortex in an escape shuttle. (AUDIO: The Crucible of Souls [+]John Dorney, Doom Coalition 3 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2016).)
Takeover and defeat[]
Returning to Gallifrey with an apparent ally in River Song, Padrac brought his proposals before the High Council and had Caleera search the Matrix for the plans for the Resonance Engine. His speech at the vote disturbed Chancellor Jerasta, whom he had Caleera kill along with the President, and he learnt from Caleera and the Eleven that River and Chancellor Volstrom respectively were traitors. (AUDIO: Songs of Love [+]Matt Fitton, Doom Coalition 4 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2017).)
After becoming Lord President, Padrac had the Resonance Engine built and Caleera placed inside, knowing that she would die when she destroyed the universe, and also ensured that the Eleven could not enter the Capitol, having no further use of him. The Doctor ultimately turned Caleera against Padrac, who attempted to utilise her powers regardless until Helen Sinclair destroyed the machine and Padrac was forced to flee with the Doctor.
Whilst Councillor Alekall reformed the High Council, Padrac was arrested and condemned to stasis, accusing the Doctor of sealing Gallifrey's fate when he visited him. As he was frozen, Caleera, now the Red Lady, infiltrated his cell to tell him that they would be together forever. (AUDIO: Stop the Clock [+]John Dorney, Doom Coalition 4 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2017).)
On his campaign trail, Admiral Valerian mentioned Padrac as an example of a dictator. (AUDIO: Desperate Measures [+]Matt Fitton, Time War: Volume One (Gallifrey: Time War, Big Finish Productions, 2018).)
Padrac was a callous Machiavellian manipulator who calmly ordered Caleera to eliminate all opposition to him. (AUDIO: Songs of Love [+]Matt Fitton, Doom Coalition 4 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2017).) He saw nothing wrong with playing into her feelings for him and twisting them to his own ends. This did, however, make him increasingly short-sighted. (AUDIO: Stop the Clock [+]John Dorney, Doom Coalition 4 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2017).)
When the Doctor, Liv and Helen were trapped in an escape capsule that Padrac had sent to the end of the universe, they were able to escape this trap by realising that Padrac's greatest weakness was that he would never risk himself and that he was always concerned with saving his own neck, prompting them to destroy the ship so that the resulting explosion would throw them back into Time as it was a scenario that Padrac would never have considered as a solution. The Doctor found it hard to believe Padrac was behind the Doom Coalition, but later in the escape capsule he realised he had done everything Padrac had wanted, and it went back to when he'd been in his previous incarnation, the incarnation who was the "master of chess" and he was amazed that Padrac had known he couldn't stop the Doctor's interference, so he simply adjusted his plans, and made the Doctor's meddling part of the plan. (AUDIO: Ship in a Bottle [+]John Dorney, Doom Coalition 4 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2017).)
The Doctor admitted that his Academy friend could be superior and self-satisfied, (AUDIO: Ship in a Bottle [+]John Dorney, Doom Coalition 4 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2017).) but initially found Padrac too boring to be evil. (AUDIO: The Crucible of Souls [+]John Dorney, Doom Coalition 3 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2016).) His opinion had changed by the time Padrac prepared to use the Resonance Engine. He told Padrac to his face that he was selfish and venal, someone who only loved himself, and warned Caleera about the distinct possibility of Padrac discarding her. Visiting Padrac before his freezing, he mused that Padrac's focus on protecting Time Lords potentially made him deserving of being lost. (AUDIO: Stop the Clock [+]John Dorney, Doom Coalition 4 (The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Doom Coalition, Big Finish Productions, 2017).)