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In 2015, a number of things set in or relevant to the Doctor Who universe were released or published.
- 2 January - TV: Jimmy Carr and the Dalek was first broadcast within The Big Fat Anniversary Quiz.
- 2 January - Toby Hadoke's Who's Round 101 was released by Big Finish.
- 5 January - Flywheel Revolution was released by Big Finish.
- 5 January - DWFC 36 was first released by Eaglemoss Collections.
- 8 January - DWM 482 was first released by Panini Comics.
- 9 January - Toby Hadoke's Who's Round 102 was released by Big Finish.
- 13 January - The Romance of Crime and The English Way of Death were released by Big Finish.
- 14 January - 10D 6 (digital version) and 10D 7 (physical version) was first published by Titan Comics.
- 14 January - Mistfall and Toby Hadoke's Who's Round 103 were first released by Big Finish.
- 14 January - Who Beyond 50: Celebrating Five Decades of Doctor Who was released.
- 15 January - The Exxilons was released by Big Finish.
- 15 January - The audiobook version of The Crawling Terror were released by BBC Audio.
- 19 January - DWFC 37 was first released by Eaglemoss Collections.
- 21 January - 11D 7 was first published.
- 21 January - 12D 4 was first published.
- 23 January - Toby Hadoke's Who's Round 104 was released by Big Finish.
- 24 January - Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular was performed twice at Arena, Adelaide Entertainment Centre, Adelaide, Australia.
- 28 January - DWA 361 was released by Immediate Media Company London Limited.
- 28 January - 10D 8 was first published by Titan Comics.
- 29 January - The audiobook version of Full Circle was first released by BBC Audio.
- 29 January - DWFC 38 was first released by Eaglemoss Collections.
- 30 January - Toby Hadoke's Who's Round 105 was released by Big Finish.
- 31 January - Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular was performed twice at Perth Arena, Perth, Australia.
- 31 January - Liberating Earth was released by Obverse Books.
- February - The Young Lions and Crystal Ball were first released by Big Finish Productions.
- 2 February - Intervention Earth was released by Big Finish.
- 5 February - DWM 483 was published by Panini Comics.
- 6 February - Little Doctors and Toby Hadoke's Who's Round 106 were first released by Big Finish.
- 7 February - Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular was performed twice at Qantas Credit Union Arena, Sydney, Australia.
- 11 February - 10D 9 and 11D 8 was first published by Titan Comics.
- 11 February - Toby Hadoke's Who's Round 107 was released by Big Finish.
- 12 February - The Darkness of Glass and Equilibrium were released by Big Finish.
- 12 February - DWFC 39 was first released by Eaglemoss Collections.
- 15 February - Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular was performed at Vector Arena, Auckland, New Zealand.
- 19 February - Audio versions of Remembrance of the Daleks and Tales of Trenzalore: The Eleventh Doctor's Last Stand were released by BBC Audio.
- 20 February - Toby Hadoke's Who's Round 108 was released by Big Finish.
- 25 February - 12D 5 was first published by Titan Comics.
- 25 February - DWA 362 was first released by Immediate Media Company London Limited.
- 26 February - The Forgotten Son, the first novel in Candy Jar Books' Lethbridge-Stewart series was first published.
- 26 February - DWFC 40 was first released by Eaglemoss Collections.
- 27 February - Toby Hadoke's Who's Round 109 was released by Big Finish.
- March - String Theory was released by Big Finish.
- 2 March - Dark Eyes 4 was released by Big Finish.
- 3 March - The omnibus version of the Time Trips series was published, with the new story A Long Way Down.
- 4 March - 11D 9 was first published.
- 5 March - Time Tunnel was released by Big Finish.
- 5 March - DWM 484 was published.
- 11 March - 9D 1 was released.
- 12 March - The Entropy Plague was released by Big Finish.
- 12 March - DWFC 41 was first released by Eaglemoss Collections.
- 13 March - Requiem for the Rocket Men was released by Big Finish.
- 18 March - 12D 6 was first published.
- 19 March - Doctor Who and the Deadly Assassin and Corpse Marker were released as audiobooks by BBC Physical Audio.
- 20 March - Top Trumps (pack 8) was first released by Winning Moves UK Ltd.
- 25 March - DWA 363 was released.
- 25 March - 10D 10 was first published.
- 25 March - 11D 10 was first published.
- 26 March - DWFC 42 was first released by Eaglemoss Collections.
- 28 March - It's Even Bigger on the Inside was first released by Miwk Publishing.
- 1 April - Part one of Weapons of Past Destruction was released in 9D 1.
- 2 April - The New Who Programme Guide was first published by Wonderful Books.
- 2 April - DWM 485 was published.
- 5 April - Lethbridge-Stewart: Top Secret Files was released by Candy Jar Books.
- 6 April - The Ghost Trap was released by Big Finish.
- 8 April - 9D 2 was released.
- 9 April - DWFC 43 was first released by Eaglemoss Collections.
- 13 April - The Well-Mannered War and Damaged Goods were released by Big Finish.
- 15 April - The Defectors was released by Big Finish.
- 15 April - When to Die was released by BBV Productions.
- 15 April - 11D 11 was first published.
- 15 April - 12D 7 was first published.
- 15 April - The large print edition of The Story of Fester Cat was published by Thorndike Press.
- 15 April - Doom of the Daleks was released by Cubicle 7.
- 16 April - Death Match was released by Big Finish.
- 16 April - Frontios and The Roundheads were released as audiobooks by BBC Physical Audio.
- 22 April - 10D 11 was first published.
- 23 April - DWA15 1 was released.
- 23 April - DWFC 44 was first released by Eaglemoss Collections.
- 28 April - The ninth series of Jago & Litefoot was released by Big Finish.
- 30 April - DWM 486 was published.
- May - DWM 487 was published.
- 2 May - Free Comic Book Day 2015 was released by Titan Comics.
- 5 May - The King of the Dead was released by Big Finish.
- 6 May - 9D 3 was released.
- 7 May - Time Traveller's Journal was first published by Penguin Character Books.
- 7 May - DWFC 45 was first released by Eaglemoss Collections.
- 13 May - Echo and part seven of A Rose by Any Other Name were released in 10D 10.
- 15 May - The Worlds of Big Finish was released by Big Finish.
- 18 May - The Series 8 soundtrack was released.
- 20 May - 11D 12 was first published.
- 20 May - Last of the Cybermen was released by Big Finish.
- 21 May - Suburban Hell was released by Big Finish.
- 21 May - City of Death was published by BBC Books and released as an audiobook by BBC Physical Audio. Also Last of the Gaderene was released as an audiobook.
- 21 May - DWA15 2 was released.
- 21 May - DWFC 46 was first released by Eaglemoss Collections.
- 23 May - Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular was first performed at The SSE Arena Wembley, London, England.
- 25 May - Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular was performed twice at Motorpoint Arena, Cardiff, Wales.
- 26 May - Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular was performed twice at Barclaycard Arena, Birmingham, England.
- 27 May - COMIC: Terrorformer graphic novel was released by Titan Comics.
- 27 May - Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular was performed twice at First Direct Arena, Leeds, England.
- 28 May - Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular was performed twice at Metro Radio Arena, Newcastle, England.
- 29 May - Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular was performed twice at The SSE Hydro, Glasgow, Scotland.
- June - Sphinx Lightning was released by Big Finish.
- June - Head of State was published.
- June - Part three of Blood and Ice was released in DWM 487.
- 3 June - The First Doctor: Volume One was released by Big Finish.
- 3 June - 12D 8 was first published.
- 4 June - The Cloisters of Terror was released by Big Finish.
- 4 June - The Scientific Secrets of Doctor Who was published by BBC Books.
- 4 June - DWFC 47 was first released by Eaglemoss Collections.
- 9 June - The Erimem series debuted with The Last Pharaoh, released by Thebes Publishing.
- 10 June - The Shadows of Serenity was released by Big Finish.
- 11 June - Transmission from Mars was published on YouTube.
- 11 June - The Massacre was released as an audiobook by BBC Physical Audio.
- 12 June - The Triumph of Sutekh was released by Big Finish.
- 17 June - The Secret History was released by Big Finish.
- 17 June - 11D 13 was first published.
- 18 June - DWA15 3 was released.
- 18 June - DWFC 48 was first released by Eaglemoss Collections.
- 24 June - 10D 12 was first published.
- 24 June - The graphic novel Serve You was released by Titan Comics.
- 25 June - DWM 488 was published.
- 30 June - The Good Soldier was released as a graphic novel by Panini Comics.
- July - Part four of Blood and Ice was released in DWM 488.
- July - The Essential Book of K9 was first published by Meteoric Books.
- 1 July - 12D 9 was first published.
- 2 July - DWFC 49 was first released by Eaglemoss Collections.
- 8 July - The Fate of Krelos was released by Big Finish.
- 8 July - One Cold Step was released by Candy Jar Books.
- 8 July - 11D 14 was first published.
- 9 July - We Are The Daleks was released by Big Finish.
- 10 July - Counter-Measures: Series 4 of Counter-Measures was released by Big Finish.
- 11 July - 2015 Convention Special was released at San Diego Comic-Con.
- 16 July - The Drosten's Curse was published by BBC Books and released as an audiobook by BBC Physical Audio.
- 16 July - Doctor Who and the Ark in Space was released as an audiobook by BBC Physical Audio.
- 16 July - DWA15 4 was released.
- 16 July - DWFC 50 and DWFC RD 4 were first released by Eaglemoss Collections.
- 20 July - Dark Convoy was released by Big Finish.
- 22 July - 9D 4 was released.
- 23 July - DWM 489 was published.
- 24 July - Mind My Minions was first released.
- 29 July - 10D 13 was first published.
- 29 July - 12D 10 was first published.
- 30 July - DWFC 51 was first released by Eaglemoss Collections.
- 6 August - Wildthyme Reloaded was released by Big Finish.
- 6 August - Heroes and Monsters Collection was first published by BBC Children's Books.
- 11 August - Return to Telos was released by Big Finish.
- 12 August - The Warehouse was released by Big Finish.
- 12 August - 10D 14 was first published.
- 12 August - 11D 15 was first published.
- 12 August - Part one of Four Doctors was published in FD 1.
- 13 August - DWA15 5 was released.
- 13 August - DWFC 52 was first released by Eaglemoss Collections.
- 17 August - The Sixth Doctor: The Last Adventure was released by Big Finish.
- 19 August - Part two of Four Doctors was published in FD 2.
- 20 August - The Gods of Winter was released by BBC Physical Audio.
- 20 August - Human Nature was released as an audiobook by BBC Physical Audio.
- 20 August - DWM 490 was published.
- 26 August - Part three of Four Doctors was published in FD 3.
- 27 August - DWFC 53 was first released by Eaglemoss Collections.
- 31 August - Foreshadowing was released by Big Finish.
- September - The Warren Legacy was released by Big Finish.
- 1 September - The Beast of Stalingrad and The One Place were first released by Thebes Publishing.
- 1 September - Wartime Chronicles was released on DVD by Time Travel TV.
- 2 September - The Third Doctor Adventures was released by Big Finish.
- 2 September - 10D 15 was first published.
- 2 September - Part four of Four Doctors was published in FD 4.
- 3 September - The Two Doctors, The Curse of Fenric and Royal Blood were released as audiobooks by BBC Physical Audio.
- 3 September - Time Lord: Quiz Quest was first published by BBC Children's Books.
- 9 September - 12D 11 was first published.
- 9 September - TCH 55 was first published by Hachette Partworks.
- 10 September - Royal Blood, Big Bang Generation, and Deep Time were first published by BBC Books.
- 10 September - The Conspiracy was released by Big Finish.
- 10 September - DWA15 6 was released.
- 10 September - DWFC 54 was first released by Eaglemoss Collections.
- 11 September - Prologue was first released on the BBC YouTube channel.
- 11 September - The Doctor Who Extra episode Prologue was released online.
- 14 September - Terror of the Sontarans was released by Big Finish.
- 15 September - The Doctor's Meditation was first shown in theatres for general admission by BBC Worldwide.
- 15 September - The Doctor Who Game Maker was released on the official Doctor Who website.
- 15 September - Criss-Cross was released by Big Finish.
- 16 September - The Yes Men was released by Big Finish.
- 17 September - DWM 491 was published.
- 18 September - Incoming Transmission was first released.
- 19 September - The Magician's Apprentice debuted on BBC One.
- 19 September - The Doctor Who Extra episodes The Doctor's Guitar, Missy and the Doctor, The Grand Entrance and Colony Sarff were released online.
- 23 September - 10DY2 1 was first published.
- 23 September - Part five of Four Doctors was published in FD 5.
- 23 September - TCH 17 was first published by Hachette Partworks.
- 24 September - Etheria was released by Big Finish.
- 24 September - The Time Lord Letters was released by BBC Books.
- 24 September - DWFC 55 was first released by Eaglemoss Collections.
- 25 September - The Schizoid Earth and Legacies were released by Candy Jar Books.
- 26 September - The Witch's Familiar debuted on BBC One.
- 26 September - The Doctor Who Extra episodes Hanging out with Clara, Missy and Clara and Nicholas Briggs: Voice of the Daleks were released online.
- 27 September - The Doctor Who Extra episode On Location in Tenerife, The Doctor and Davros, Dalek Clara and Young Davros was first released online.
- 28 September - The Eye of Torment was released as a graphic novel by Panini Comics.
- 29 September - The Time Lord Letters was first published by BBC Books.
- 30 September - The Perennial Miss Wildthyme was first published by Obverse Books.
- 30 September - 12D 12 was first published.
- 30 September - The Eleventh Doctor Archives: Volume 1 was released by Titan Comics.
- October - The Toy was released as the gift for subscribers of The Complete History magazine.
- October - 12D 13 was first published.
- 1 October - The House of Winter and Big Bang Generation's audio readings were released by BBC Physical Audio.
- 1 October - Time Lord Fairy Tales was first published by BBC Books.
- 1 October - Doctor Who The Official Annual 2016 was first published by BBC Children's Books.
- 1 October - Big Bang Generation was released as an audiobook by BBC Physical Audio.
- 3 October - Under the Lake debuted on BBC One.
- 3 October - The Doctor Who Extra episode Water, water, everywhere..., Becoming a Ghost and The Fireball was first released online.
- 4 October - The Doctor Who Extra episode Cass & Lunn was first released online.
- 7 October - The graphic novel Fractures was released by Titan Comics.
- 7 October - 11DY2 1 was first published.
- 7 October - TCH 76 was first published by Hachette Partworks.
- 8 October - DWA15 7 was released.
- 10 October - Before the Flood debuted on BBC One.
- 10 October - The Doctor Who Extra episodes Meet the Fisher King, Paul Kaye on Playing Prentis, Slipknot on Tour and Creating the Ghosts were first released online.
- 10 October - Angel of Mercy was published by Thebes Publishing.
- 12 October - Doom Coalition 1 was released by Big Finish.
- 14 October - Planet of the Rani was released by Big Finish.
- 14 October - The Cult of the Grinning Man was released by Candy Jar Books.
- 15 October - The Forsaken was released by Big Finish.
- 15 October - DWM 492 was published.
- 17 October - The Girl Who Died debuted on BBC One.
- 18 October - The Doctor Who Extra episode Peter on the Mire was first released online.
- 19 October - Fall to Earth was released by Big Finish.
- 21 October - The tenth series of Jago & Litefoot was released by Big Finish.
- 21 October - 10DY2 2 was first published.
- 21 October - TCH 1 was first published by Hachette Partworks.
- 22 October - The Way of the Empty Hand was released by Big Finish.
- 22 October - DWFC 57 was first released by Eaglemoss Collections.
- 24 October - The Woman Who Lived debuted on BBC One.
- 26 October - The Underwater Menace was released on DVD.
- 28 October - The graphic novel Conversion was released by Titan Comics.
- 28 October - The Eleventh Doctor Archives: Volume 2 was released by Titan Comics.
- 29 October - Impossible Worlds was released by BBC Books.
- 29 October - Beast of Fang Rock was published by Candy Jar Books.
- 29 October - My Dad, The Doctor was published in First News.
- 31 October - The Zygon Invasion debuted on BBC One.
- 31 October - Furthest Tales of the City was first published.
- 4 November - 9D 5 was released.
- 4 November - 8D 1 was released.
- 4 November - 11DY2 2 was first published.
- 4 November - TCH 71 was first published by Hachette Partworks.
- 5 November - DWA15 8 was released.
- 5 November - Forgotten Lives was released by Big Finish.
- 5 November - Deep Time was released as an audiobook by BBC Physical Audio.
- 5 November - DWFC 58 was first released by Eaglemoss Collections.
- 7 November - The Zygon Inversion debuted on BBC One.
- 9 November - Extinction was released by Big Finish.
- 11 November - The Haunting was released by Big Finish.
- 12 November - DWM 493 was published.
- 14 November - Sleep No More debuted on BBC One.
- 15 November - The Doctor Who Extra episodes Through fire and flame and The minds behind Morpheus were first released online.
- 16 November - Shield of the Jötunn was released by Big Finish.
- 17 November - The Black Hole was released by Big Finish.
- 17 November - The Dogs of War was released by Candy Jar Books.
- 18 November - TCH 22 was first published by Hachette Partworks.
- 19 November - DWFC 59 was first released by Eaglemoss Collections.
- 20 November - The Other Woman was released by Big Finish.
- 20 November - Mutually Assured Domination was published by Candy Jar Books.
- 21 November - Face the Raven debuted on BBC One.
- 24 November - The Eleventh Doctor Archives: Volume 3 was released by Titan Comics.
- 28 November - Heaven Sent debuted on BBC One.
- 28 November - The Doctor Who Extra episode Behind the Veil was first released online.
- 29 November - The Doctor Who Extra episode Visualising Heaven Sent was first released online.
- December - The Caves of Erith was released by Big Finish.
- 1 December - Sprout Boy meets a Galaxy of Stars was first broadcast on BBC One.
- 2 December - 10DY2 3 was first published.
- 2 December - 12D 14 was first published.
- 2 December - TCH 51 was first published by Hachette Partworks.
- 3 December - The Sins of Winter was released by BBC Physical Audio.
- 3 December - K9 and Company was released as an audiobook by BBC Physical Audio.
- 3 December - The Ministry of Time and The Case of the Dissolving Man were released in DWA15 9.
- 3 December - DWFC 60 and DWFC RD 5 were first released by Eaglemoss Collections.
- 5 December - Hell Bent was broadcast on BBC One.
- 7 December - One Rule was released by Big Finish.
- 9 December - Theatre of War and All-Consuming Fire were released by Big Finish.
- 9 December - Relative Dimensions was released in 12D 16.
- 9 December - 8D 2 was released.
- 9 December - 11DY2 3 was first published.
- 9 December - 12D 16 was first published.
- 9 December - The final Doctor Who Extra episode Series 9 in 81 Seconds was first released online.
- 10 December - The Legends of Ashildr was first published by BBC Books.
- 10 December - In Search of Doctor X was published by Thebes Publishing.
- 10 December - DWM 494 was published.
- 14 December - Only the Monstrous was released by Big Finish.
- 15 December - Colouring Book was first published by Puffin Books.
- 16 December - You Are the Doctor and Other Stories was released by Big Finish.
- 16 December - The graphic novel The Fountains of Forever was released by Titan Comics.
- 16 December - TCH 13 was first published by Hachette Partworks.
- 17 December - DWFC 61 was first released by Eaglemoss Collections.
- 21 December - Part one of Haunted was released online on Doctor Who website.
- 23 December - The Fright Before Christmas was first published by Candy Jar Books.
- 23 December - Black Dog was released by Big Finish.
- 23 December - Welcome Home, Bernard Socks was published by Obverse Books.
- 23 December - 11DY2 4 was first published.
- 24 December - Part three of Haunted was released online on Doctor Who website.
- 24 December - 12D 15 was first published.
- 25 December - The Husbands of River Song debuted on BBC One.
- 25 December - The audio anthology The Diary of River Song: Series One was first released by Big Finish.
- 30 December - TCH 38 was first published by Hachette Partworks.
- 31 December - DWFC 62 was first released by Eaglemoss Collections.