For a gallery of images depicting Jason Kane, see Jason Kane/Gallery
Jason Peter Kane (previously Summerfield-Kane) was a criminal and author who had a long and complicated relationship with Bernice Summerfield which involved a brief marriage.
Following a period of time living adrift in the multiverse, Jason lived and worked at the Braxiatel Collection with Bernice in the 2600s and helped raise her son, Peter. He became a famous author of xenopornographic literature and eventually became aware of Irving Braxiatel's many changes to the timeline, including preventing Jason and Benny's remarriage and the birth of their children, Keith and Rebecca.
Jason investigated Braxiatel and confronted him about his wrongdoings, threatening to tell Benny about them. To prevent this, Braxiatel hypnotised Peter into killing him.
Jason was born on 24 December 1983 to Peter Kane and his wife. (PROSE: Return of the Living Dad [+]Kate Orman, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).) He had a sister, Lucy, and grew up in a mock Tudor estate in the English countryside, sixty or seventy miles outside of London. Perhaps because he lost his own father in World War II, Peter beat Jason and Lucy (PROSE: Death and Diplomacy [+]Dave Stone, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).) as well as their mother, and Jason once had to go to the hospital with a broken arm. (PROSE: The Two Jasons [+]Dave Stone, Bernice Summerfield novels (Big Finish Productions, 2007).)
Jason's parents only took him to the beach once and he collected a lump of seaweed which he put on the end of his bed to see if it would rain. When his father finished beating him with a belt, he would run upstairs and smell the seaweed, reminding him of the one day that he was happy. (AUDIO: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Grel Escape [+]Jacqueline Rayner, Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 2004).) He also found comfort in his favourite book, The Magician's Nephew, identifying with Digory and wanting a girlfriend like Polly, (PROSE: Eternity Weeps [+]Jim Mortimore, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1997).) and read comic books about Union Jack Jackson fighting the Japanese. He collected action figures and hung them from his bedroom ceiling to save on shelf space. (PROSE: The Two Jasons [+]Dave Stone, Bernice Summerfield novels (Big Finish Productions, 2007).)
As a birthday present, Jason asked for and received a word processor. He was isolated, friendless and wanted to be a political author, believing that he could be the next Harlan Ellison and using his school essays as an opportunity to do so. (AUDIO: The End of the World [+]Dave Stone, Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 2007).) He saw a pillbox on the beach when he was young (PROSE: Oblivion [+]Dave Stone, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1998).) and imagined that it might have weapons inside which he could take home with a specific target in mind. He made a den in the pillbox and stayed there whilst playing truant, often because he had wounds that he could not explain away. (PROSE: The Two Jasons [+]Dave Stone, Bernice Summerfield novels (Big Finish Productions, 2007).)
He had underdeveloped anti-capitalist views and was determined to be very nice should he ever meet a black person, an occurrence made unlikely by his white, middle-class background. (AUDIO: The End of the World [+]Dave Stone, Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 2007).) When he did meet the only black person at his school, he spoke with her and was mocked as a result. (PROSE: The Two Jasons [+]Dave Stone, Bernice Summerfield novels (Big Finish Productions, 2007).) His only exposure to cricket was watching from beyond the boundary on occasion and paying no attention to matches on the television. (PROSE: Happy Endings [+]Paul Cornell, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).) He once had a girlfriend called Kara. (PROSE: Death and Diplomacy [+]Dave Stone, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).)
Life on the streets[]
Due to his father's abuse, Jason ran away shortly before turning thirteen, (PROSE: Death and Diplomacy [+]Dave Stone, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).; AUDIO: The End of the World [+]Dave Stone, Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 2007).) walking five miles to the nearest town before leaving. Over the course of two and a half years, he wandered around Yorkshire, (PROSE: Death and Diplomacy [+]Dave Stone, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).) Piccadilly (PROSE: Beyond the Sun [+]Matt Jones, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1997).) and Mile End, staying at places such as Centrepoint, (PROSE: Death and Diplomacy [+]Dave Stone, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).) and felt guilty for leaving his sister behind. (AUDIO: Just War [+]Jacqueline Rayner, adapted from Just War (Lance Parkin), Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 1999).) At the age of fourteen, he attempted to tattoo himself with a doornail. (PROSE: Death and Diplomacy [+]Dave Stone, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).)
Jason worked as a prostitute to make money, mostly catering to older male clientele, (PROSE: Death and Diplomacy [+]Dave Stone, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).; AUDIO: Just War [+]Jacqueline Rayner, adapted from Just War (Lance Parkin), Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 1999).) and spent his time "smoking Yorkie foil". He had relationships with Beth, Danny, Susan, Lisa, Carla and Sean before staying in Danielle, Mo and another Susan's squat in Euston for four months. After being kicked out, he had relationships with Kimberly, Micqui, Justin, Peter, Carmel and Louise, the last of whom got him into celibacy for a time. (PROSE: Death and Diplomacy [+]Dave Stone, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).)
Life in the Cluster[]
On 24 December 1996, Jason was caught in a transmat beam set up by Shug and was transported to t'Kao in the Dagellan Cluster. He got a lift off of the planet on an ore processor, taking Shug as a pet, and spent several years travelling around the Cluster in a second-hand ship that he acquired. He learnt to speak Basic and carried a small-gauge microflenser. During his time in space, he heard talk of Time Lords, Daleks (PROSE: Death and Diplomacy [+]Dave Stone, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).) and Cybermen (AUDIO: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Crystal of Cantus [+]Joseph Lidster, Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 2006).') and celebrated his twenty-first birthday in a bar. (PROSE: The Two Jasons [+]Dave Stone, Bernice Summerfield novels (Big Finish Productions, 2007).)
Jason had relationships with Rana, Liva, Sali, Moiara, Kamo and Sai d'RaKosh, among others. (PROSE: Death and Diplomacy [+]Dave Stone, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).) One way that he earnt money was by continuing prostitution. His clients included a Denebian whom he charged before being beaten up by him. (PROSE: Eternity Weeps [+]Jim Mortimore, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1997).) He once barely managed to escape with his life after giving a smile to a Fnarok (PROSE: Death and Diplomacy [+]Dave Stone, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).) and had a bar fight on Squaxis. (PROSE: Happy Endings [+]Paul Cornell, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).)

Jason with Benny. (PROSE: Death and Diplomacy [+]Dave Stone, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).)
On Denaria VII, Jason was mugged in a back alley and had his money, identification, shoes and copy of The Magician's Nephew stolen. By this point, he had memorised all of his favourite passages from the book and he would later look back and think about how lucky he had been to survive the experience. (PROSE: Eternity Weeps [+]Jim Mortimore, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1997).)
Fifteen years after arriving in the Cluster, Jason met Bernice Summerfield, the first human he had encountered in space, and fled Jaris with her without paying his docking fees. He refused to take her to the summit and, after saving her life from asphyxiation, defrauding a casino on Makrath and having sex, he left her behind on Kalas, only to return for her and take her to the summit. Shug attempted to kill him on the way and, after he was defeated, Benny informed Chris Cwej and Roz Forrester that Jason had proposed to her and that she had accepted. (PROSE: Death and Diplomacy [+]Dave Stone, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).)
Marriage to Benny[]
The Seventh Doctor took Jason and Benny to Cheldon Bonniface to be wed on 24 April 2010. The two argued a lot prior to the day but, after defeating the Master, the two were married using Time Rings gifted to them by the Doctor, who had been given them by his final incarnation. Although Benny initially insisted that Jason take the name "Kane-Summerfield" whilst she took "Summerfield-Kane", (PROSE: Happy Endings [+]Paul Cornell, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).) they ended up doing the opposite, with Jason becoming "Jason Summerfield-Kane". (PROSE: Return of the Living Dad [+]Kate Orman, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).)
For their honeymoon, the Doctor took the newlyweds to Plautus (PROSE: Happy Endings [+]Paul Cornell, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).) where Jason gave Benny a tiny Bible and a hair slide. (PROSE: Eternity Weeps [+]Jim Mortimore, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1997).) When she moaned about never having completed her doctorate, he quoted a female author, saying "It's never too late to be what you might have been". This motivated her to finally write her thesis, with Jason being willing to live with her in a tent on Youkali Six whilst she did so. (PROSE: Beyond the Sun [+]Matt Jones, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1997).) They lived there for a number of months.
Jason and Benny decided to have a child, choosing the baby names Keith for a boy and Dorothy for a girl, and tried for one during the Youkali autumn without success. Afraid that they might not be able to have children naturally, they considered adoption but, given their respective pasts, they found it unlikely that they would be accepted as adoptive parents. (PROSE: Return of the Living Dad [+]Kate Orman, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).) Whilst Jason wanted to have a child, he was scared that he might turn out like his father. (PROSE: Eternity Weeps [+]Jim Mortimore, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1997).)
In 2587, Jason and Benny were reunited with the Doctor, Chris and Roz and travelled back in time to 1983 to meet Benny's father, Isaac Summerfield. Jason considered visiting his own father to get revenge upon him. In the past, a ghost handed Jason and Benny an eighteen-month-old child, Keith, who later faded away. Upon returning to 2587, Jason continued to help Benny achieve her PhD. (PROSE: Return of the Living Dad [+]Kate Orman, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).)

Jason and Benny at their wedding. (PROSE: Happy Endings [+]Paul Cornell, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).)
Remaining on Youkali Six, Jason and Benny moved from their tent to a rental academic house and were visited by the Doctor and Chris after Roz's death. Jason chose to go to the Tent of Ill Repute with Chris rather than watch the Doctor's recording of her funeral, later sitting awkwardly with Chris as Chris poured out his feelings and finding a wheelchair to be fixed up for the Doctor. (PROSE: So Vile a Sin [+]Ben Aaronovitch and Kate Orman, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1997).) Another account, however, claimed that Jason had indeed attended the funeral.
Jason and Benny once visited South Africa and found themselves stranded due to an outbreak of Ebola. (PROSE: Eternity Weeps [+]Jim Mortimore, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1997).) When Benny eventually graduated, Jason attended the ceremony. (PROSE: Beyond the Sun [+]Matt Jones, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1997).) However, he began to find that their sex life was becoming boring, something that he saw as a sign of the marriage not working. The two went on holiday to 2003 using their Time Rings and, following an argument, joined separate expeditions to find Noah's Ark in Turkey. They eventually used their rings to call in the Doctor and Chris and worked with them to stop Agent Yellow, Jason accidentally causing the situation in an attempt to prevent it from happening and finally wiping out the Cthalctose.
Because of a number of reasons, including Benny lying about being pregnant in order to manipulate Jason into arming the bombs, the pair decided to get a divorce whilst on the Moon. Jason returned his Time Ring and chose to stay on Earth in 2003 to help with the aftermath that he himself had created, saying that, unlike his father, he did not shirk his responsibilities. (PROSE: Eternity Weeps [+]Jim Mortimore, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1997).) They had a divorce ceremony after which they parted ways. (PROSE: Beyond the Sun [+]Matt Jones, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1997).)
Travels in time[]
After returning to the 26th century, Jason resumed his life of crime and began a criminal and sexual relationship with Iranda, whom he met on Denaria 7. They assisted the Sunless by negotiating for the return of their stolen weapons until Jason realised that Iranda was planning on reassembling a particularly powerful one and fled with a figurine believed to be its key, taking it to Benny on Apollox 4 after looking for her at St Oscar's University. The pair had sex and, hours later, he was kidnapped by Iranda and taken to the Sunless homeworld from which Benny eventually rescued him. Following the activation of the device, which restored the planet's sun, Jason asked Benny if she would like to go for dinner or a drink, but she declined. (PROSE: Beyond the Sun [+]Matt Jones, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1997).)
Several months later, Jason was paid by WiRgo!xue and !Ci!ci-tel to steal Benny's Time Ring to create a Time Path to Babylon. They took him there against his will and restrained him with smart rope, but he tricked !Ci!ci-tel and escaped by pretending that he was dying of heartbreak after hearing of Benny kissing John Lafayette. He was knocked out whilst trying to save Benny and Lafayette and taken to Ninan, whom he paid for Miriam's freedom before he and Benny re-entered the Time Path and were knocked off-course by Oran!ci-zing's singularity bomb. (AUDIO: Walking to Babylon [+]Jacqueline Rayner, adapted from Walking to Babylon (Kate Orman), Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 1999).) According to another account, Benny had this adventure later in her timeline and without Jason. (PROSE: Walking to Babylon [+]Kate Orman, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1998).)
The Time Path connected with the Great Divide and sent Jason and Benny to either end, with Jason arriving on Earth in 22000 whilst Benny arrived in 1909. Jason was captured by the Charrl and, threatened with being eaten, told Queen Ch'tizz about his and Benny's Time Rings and how they could be used to stabilise the Great Divide so that the Charrl could conquer Earth in 1909 and make it their new home. With Isk's help, he convinced Ch'tizz into letting him go to 1909 to steal Benny's ring and later joined Benny in moving the Great Divide so that the Charrl could live on Analaya VI, although the process was disrupted by Jared Khan. (AUDIO: Birthright [+]Jacqueline Rayner, adapted from Birthright (Nigel Robinson), Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 1999).) According to a separate account, Benny experienced this adventure whilst travelling with the Seventh Doctor and Ace, before meeting Jason. (PROSE: Birthright [+]Nigel Robinson, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1993).)
Jason arrived on Guernsey in 1936 and met Emil Hartung, whom he drunkenly told about his travels, the chronokinetiscope and radar. With no sign of Benny, he travelled to England and, with Mikhail Vladimir Popov's help, joined the Scientific Intelligence Division and became a captain, initially hoping to use his knowledge of the future to change the course of World War II. In March 1945, he returned to Guernsey and was reunited with Benny, with whom he stole and destroyed an aeroplane built by Hartung, and killed Joachim Wolff when he taunted him about Benny's torture. They returned to St Oscar's and Jason attempted to rekindle their relationship, but Benny wished, at that time, to be left alone with Wolsey. (AUDIO: Just War [+]Jacqueline Rayner, adapted from Just War (Lance Parkin), Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 1999).) One account held that Benny had this adventure during her travels with the Doctor, Roz and Chris. (PROSE: Just War [+]Lance Parkin, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).)
When Benny explained to Jason that she intended to go back in time to alter the history of Panos by saving Isabella Hescarty or killing Ulrich, Jason agreed that it was the right thing to do and gave her his Time Ring as requested. (AUDIO: Closure [+]Paul Cornell, Buried Treasures (Bernice Summerfield, Big Finish Productions, 1999).)
Still hoping to repair their relationship, Jason visited Benny at St Oscar's and tricked her into using their Time Rings to take them to Paris in 1899, but her attempts to cancel mid-time jump resulted in them arriving in Bournemouth in the 2160s. They were separated when Jason, his ankle twisted, was taken by Kerrigan and Davina for his own safety before the Grel appeared. He followed the captured Benny to Dunstable in a hot air balloon and, after she released the Extra-Strong Fact-Removal Gas, they returned to Dellah thanks to the amnesiac Grel. There, Benny told him that there was little hope for the two of them. (AUDIO: Template:Cs\The Grel Invasion of Earth (audio story))
Crimes and gods[]
Jason was hired by the Knights of Jeneve to look into the Baygent Apotheosis, accepting the job in order to protect Benny and because he knew that Chris was involved. He visited Benny and Irving Braxiatel at St Oscar's and stole the co-ordinates of Ardethe, unaware that they were incorrect, and headed there with Emile Mars-Smith, being led by a distress call to an unconscious Chris. To help Charlene Connor start a new life, Jason agreed to marry her. (PROSE: Deadfall [+]Gary Russell, adapted from Audio Visuals, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1997).) The two wed, but their arrangement allowed for Jason to continue to have sex with others. (PROSE: Oblivion [+]Dave Stone, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1998).)
Jason eventually "finished" with Charley, after which he took up rock climbing as a way to meet new people and was attracted to his instructor. (PROSE: Twilight of the Gods [+]Mark Clapham and Jon de Burgh Miller, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1999).)
Two years after last having sex with Benny (from her perspective), a woman in the Proximan Chain-rafts flirted with Jason and stole his travelling money, leaving him stranded until Sgloomi Po picked him, Chris and Benny up for assistance. He refused to answer Benny's questions about his wife, telling her that she had no idea what she was talking about and, after being hooked up to virtual reality where he was imprisoned and raped, he headed for the Catan Nebula to deal with some "unfinished business". (PROSE: Oblivion [+]Dave Stone, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1998).)
Jason wrote a xenopornographic autobiography called Nights of the Perfumed Tentacle with certain parts, including references to Benny, excised. He bumped into Benny on Mars and, hoping for reconciliation and after having sex in his hotel room, agreed to stay to investigate Isaac Denikin's death. He was arrested after breaking into the police station looking for evidence and was bailed out by Benny. Before leaving Mars, Jason and Benny established that there was hope for the two of them in the future. (PROSE: Beige Planet Mars [+]Lance Parkin and Mark Clapham, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1998).)
In the Proximan Chain with his friend Mira, Jason caught wind of the Stratum Seven agent's search for Benny and, learning that he was a bioweapon from the Catan Nebula, lured the him to a meeting where Mira was able to use her telepathy to confirm that he meant Benny no harm. He realised that Benny had "done a Mary-Sue" after reading references to Rebecca in Benny's diary and, with the agent and Mira, headed to Beta Caprisis where he was able to reawaken her true self. After defeating the Ferutu on Thanaxos with Emile, the group returned Emile to his exile and Jason and Mira left in the Star of Afrique with Kimo Ani. (PROSE: The Mary-Sue Extrusion [+]Dave Stone, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1999).)
Mira eventually parted ways with Jason. After Kebara took Jason's form and was killed by Benny, Braxiatel tracked him down and had Chris bring him to KS-159 to help with the paranoia that a parasite was causing her to feel, but she initially believed that he was an impostor. He later went with her, Braxiatel and B-Aaron to the Oracle of the Lost to find out if war between the People and the Time Lords had been averted and suggested that he and Benny get remarried, but she did not yet have an answer for him and pretended to be asleep. (PROSE: Tears of the Oracle [+]Justin Richards, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1999).)
When Benny arranged to leave the Braxiatel Collection for Virabilis, Jason was, like Braxiatel, Clarence and Cwej, worried that she would have too good a time and not return. To prevent this, he and Clarence travelled to Virabilis ahead of her and ensured that her trip was as boring as possible through bribing and intimidating those around her and Dent Harper, of whom he was somewhat jealous. After infiltrating Rula Winther's Cartel as "Professor Fred Bloggs" and eventually coming into possession of Dorpfeld's Prism, he kept Benny and Harper from having sex and returned to the Collection before her, claiming ignorance of her adventure. (PROSE: The Joy Device [+]Justin Richards, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1999).)
Other worlds[]
Further info from The Door into Bedlam [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW. and Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Infernal Nexus [+]Dave Stone, Bernice Summerfield novels (Big Finish Productions, 2001). needs to be added
Jason agreed to help save Dellah from the Doomsday Probe by transported it into the universe of the Ferutu using a transference node. Whilst Cwej and Clarence recovered Teran Sevic, Jason and Benny went to Casmov power station to activate the node, but he was badly injured by Tehke and sent by Benny to safety, although not before he made her admit that she loved him. He was captured by the Ferutu and used as a bargaining chip against Benny, but she placed the fate of the universe over him and left him as the Ferutu's prisoner, held in case his knowledge or experience could help them get to and colonise his universe. (PROSE: Twilight of the Gods [+]Mark Clapham and Jon de Burgh Miller, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1999).)

Jason and Benny fleeing. (PROSE: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Infernal Nexus [+]Dave Stone, Bernice Summerfield novels (Big Finish Productions, 2001).)
Caught in a state of flux, Jason wandered between dimensions for several years, (PROSE: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Infernal Nexus [+]Dave Stone, Bernice Summerfield novels (Big Finish Productions, 2001).) driven by the thought of seeing Benny again. (AUDIO: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Green-Eyed Monsters [+]Dave Stone, Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 2002).) He spent a lot of time in Hell and did not age thanks to the Gilhooly Theory of Transdimensional Contrivance. (PROSE: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Infernal Nexus [+]Dave Stone, Bernice Summerfield novels (Big Finish Productions, 2001).) He met Agragazar Fletchcock and began working for him in order to get home, ultimately missing what seemed to be his one opportunity to do so, (PROSE: The Door into Bedlam [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.) and worked for Volan Sleed when he took over. He was finally able to return home through Station Control and was reunited with Benny.
Following the end of his contract, Jason declined Fletchcock's offer of re-employment and reluctantly accepted Benny's offer of accommodation at the Braxiatel Collection. They tentatively began to rekindle their relationship, although this was further complicated when Benny realised that she was pregnant with Adrian Wall's child. (PROSE: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Infernal Nexus [+]Dave Stone, Bernice Summerfield novels (Big Finish Productions, 2001).)
Becoming a father[]
Jason supported Benny through her pregnancy (AUDIO: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Green-Eyed Monsters [+]Dave Stone, Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 2002).) but was jealous of Adrian and argued with him about their respective roles during the birth regardless of Benny's own wishes. He took to getting drunk in bars and having casual sex, inadvertently putting his ex-wife in danger when he drunkenly told the cultist Marianne about Benny and her child. Braxiatel took Jason and Adrian to her after she had given birth to her son, Peter Guy Summerfield. (PROSE: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Glass Prison [+]Jacqueline Rayner, Bernice Summerfield novels (Big Finish Productions, 2002).)
Because of how his own father had been, Jason felt determined to play a positive role in Peter's life and saw himself as his father. (AUDIO: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Grel Escape [+]Jacqueline Rayner, Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 2004).)

Jason and Adrian arguing over Peter. (AUDIO: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Green-Eyed Monsters [+]Dave Stone, Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 2002).)
Peter's birth did nothing to stop Jason and Adrian's arguing, leading Benny to put them both in charge of looking after him whilst she went to Goron IV. They were attacked and Peter kidnapped, but Jason, deducing that the kidnappers were local after checking the Collection's transit database, threatened Sloaty with the Plague Dogs and Peter was returned. Using a spaceship borrowed from the Plague Dogs, Jason and Adrian travelled to Goron IV and saved Benny from Ashantra du Lac. Although they had opened up to one another during the journey, Jason later attempted to take all of the credit and started an argument with Adrian. (AUDIO: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Green-Eyed Monsters [+]Dave Stone, Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 2002).)
Benny was able to persuade Jason to use their Time Rings to take them back to the 21st century in search of Britney Spears CDs for the Collection. (PROSE: A Mutual Friend [+]Terrance Dicks, A Life of Surprises (Bernice Summerfield short stories, 2002).) He found a diary entry of Benny's saying that she was trapped in the past and used his Time Ring to activate a time machine in the Pons Asinorum, transporting him to a luxurious and fully-stocked spacecraft. He proceeded to write a similar diary entry which led Benny to him, allowing them to escape using their Time Rings. (PROSE: The Collection [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)
Jason and Benny fell through a mirror in the Collection and entered another world into which they were soon followed by Braxiatel and Adrian. Jason became suspicious of Braxiatel due to how much he knew about the mirror and because the mirror-world seemed to have no dark side for him, prompting Braxiatel to hypnotise him to forget his suspicions and to suffer migraines whenever they resurfaced. Upon returning, Braxiatel had him sent to a medical satellite. (AUDIO: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Mirror Effect [+]Stewart Sheargold, Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 2003).)
Eventually, Jason recovered and returned to the Collection, making Benny reluctant to travel to Chosan and be separated from him and Peter. (AUDIO: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Poison Seas [+]David Bailey, Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 2003).)
The Axis occupation[]
When the Fifth Axis invaded and occupied the Braxiatel Collection, Jason pretended to collaborate with the enemy and began wearing an Axis uniform (PROSE: The Fall) with a fat suit made of polymimetic ceramaline. He arranged for hybrid children living on the Collection to be kept safe in a bunker to be cared for by allies from off-world, also ensuring that the parents pretended not to know what had happened to them in order to keep the operation secret. (PROSE: Suffer the Children)
He accompanied the Axis soldiers (PROSE: Careless Talk) and was charged with directing a group of Thoolmids as they worked. To maintain the allusion, he approached Benny upon spotting her and told her that she did not understand what the Axis were doing. (PROSE: Lockdown Conversations: 1) He, Benny and Mushtaq Anson greeted "Leo Didas" when he arrived at the Collection and wondered about Benny's enthusiasm during a tour that they gave him. (PROSE: The Price of Everything) He arranged for the Killorans to work directly under him, meaning that they would not be sent off-world, and mistreated Adrian. (PROSE: Lockdown Conversations: 2) He later spoke with Ash Madai at a bar and cried due to his powers. (PROSE: Midrash)

Jason and Benny running from Daleks. (AUDIO: Death and the Daleks [+]Paul Cornell, Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 2004).)
Jason received the Cluster of Moral Rectitude (Third Class) for his work in procurement and was the guest of honour at an Axis party, disgusting Benny. When she confronted him about the missing hybrid children, he told her the truth and explained what he had been doing during the occupation, taking her to the bunker and executing a number of soldiers who followed them there. (PROSE: Suffer the Children) His allies began talks with the Resistance and he had Peter moved to the bunker when Bernard Moskof seemed suspicious. (PROSE: Drinking with the Enemy)
Jason assisted Benny in her plan to download the Axis security systems (PROSE: Lockdown Conversations: 4) and located Isaac Summerfield on Heaven. He accompanied Benny there and fought the Daleks before sending a message that caused his mercenaries and the Resistance to attack the Axis, leading to its liberation. Afterwards, Benny told him that she wanted to get back together with him. (AUDIO: Death and the Daleks [+]Paul Cornell, Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 2004).)
Left without a gardener following Mister Crofton's death, Braxiatel put Jason in charge of looking after the Collection's grounds whilst searching for a replacement. He remained in contact with Veronica Bland during his adventures off-world, giving her a list of priorities whilst he was away, and was being attacked by lizard women when she called him during a meeting of the heads of department. Veronica took on the role before her death. (AUDIO: Braxiatel in Love [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)
Jason wanted to restore a sense of normality following the occupation and gave Benny's Time Ring to Peter to try to take him to 20th century Earth. Instead, Peter transported himself, Jason, Benny, Joseph and Sophia across time and space whilst Grel from 2648 pursued them in a time machine to capture and study Peter. Jason and Benny learnt from a robot duplicate of Benny that the two of them would remarry in the future and, after Peter was temporarily aged by the Time Rings and became violent, they vowed that they would raise him right. The Time Rings having been destroyed to restore Peter, the group returned to 2603 in the Grel time machine. (AUDIO: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Grel Escape [+]Jacqueline Rayner, Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 2004).)

Jason with his family and colleagues. (PROSE: A Life Worth Living)
At Christmas, Jason set up a treasure hunt for Benny which led her to the Eighth Doctor. (PROSE: ...Be Forgot) Braxiatel gave Jason a job as his "consultant", a job without a real description and which he suspected meant that he would be tasked with stealing artefacts for the Collection. (PROSE: Misplaced Spring) He distracted Benny twice whilst she was trying to write her speech for the First Annual Braxiatel Collection Archaeology Conference, wanting to know why she could find the time to talk to students and not to her. (PROSE: Final Draft)
Jason agreed to celebrate Christmas early and bought fruits and sweets for Benny, Braxiatel and Bev. He dressed as Father Christmas and was attacked by Bev, who was under the control of ther Verphidiae, before Benny and Braxiatel arrived with blasters and the three of them destroyed the Verphidiae weapon that Bev had assembled. (AUDIO: Signifiers of the Verphidiae)
By October 2064, Jason had began writing xenopornography again, his books including such titles as Tongues of the Mollusc-Women, In Different Flesh, Sins of the Pseudopod and World of the Vixenoids. After an academic criticised his writing at a party, he wrote an analytical paper of his own work under a nom de plume in order to show him up. The increase in his book sales following the paper led him to write several more under the anagrammatical aliases of Jonas Neak, Dr Jan Jeason, Professor Anne Sojak and Dr Ken J. Aason, as well as Professor Arsenio W. Cockshaft. (PROSE: Sex Secrets of the Robot Replicants [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)
Jason became a celebrity on Zardox after his work as a consultant at a casino intending to branch out into adult services was fictionalised for Aventures de la Frontière Nouvelle. (PROSE: Zardox Break) He used duplicates created by the ProxyMation Corporation after several of his identities were invited to the same conference and hid away when one claimed that the others were hired by Jason's publishers to drive up book sales, wanting to avoid the bad publicity that would inevitably result. (PROSE: Sex Secrets of the Robot Replicants [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)
Jason helped Benny stop Rand Gemeno from destroying texts proving the existence of the Harrassi (PROSE: The Blame of the Nose) and caused a power outage when trying to fix Benny's lights. (PROSE: There Never Need Be Longing In Your Eyes) He was framed for murdering Brenda and was arrested by the Brotherhood of Magicians before Benny was able to get him released. (PROSE: Nothing Up My Sleeve) He was at Benny's side after she suffered a mild heart attack. (PROSE: Mentioning the War)
Following an argument with Benny, Jason took her on holiday to Zardox without telling her that they would be taking part in Celebrity Split, a reality show which he believed their love was strong enough to survive. MegaStel Productions called off after Humphrey Pumpkin stabbed Benny and paid for the rest of their holiday, during which Jason was tricked into taking part in Damion Agrazoth's film starring the Glitta Bitches. Afterwards, he was arrested by Dick Strangely (PROSE: Zardox Break) on suspicion of murdering Mark Morton. (PROSE: The Purpura Pawn)
Jason was imprisoned for some time, breaking his spirit, before he was put on trial. He suffered from migraines once again and was eventually found not guilty thanks to Benny pretending to be a weapons expert, but she admitted to Braxiatel that she had some doubts about his innocence. When Kristoffa Tailor and Claire Marsh got close to working out who really did it, they were poisoned by a waiter who suffered a migraine and entered a coma. (PROSE: On Trial)
Whilst Benny went on a trip with Adrian, Jason looked after Peter. (PROSE: You Shouldn't Have) He joined the sleepwalking Benny on her journey to 26 and was left unconscious and injured when she took off. Upon awakening, he met 44, who went on to heal his injuries, and saved Benny from the Monoids. (AUDIO: The Kingdom of the Blind)
Jason was off-world when Peter was abducted by Ms Jones, working with the Plague Dogs to put a stop to Oinky Pete's adaptation of one of his books using slaves. (PROSE: Jason and the Pirates) He was contacted about the abduction by Braxiatel, who sent him after Benny to ensure that Peter did not see her kill, (PROSE: Parallel Lives (III)) and was shot and stunned by Ms Jones when they found her on Thuban. (PROSE: Parallel Lives (IV))
The history machine[]
After Wolsey died, Jason picked Peter up from school to help Benny out. He attended the press launch of the history machine and was present when it was activated, (PROSE: Inappropriate Laughter) helping repair the damage it caused to the Collection in one world. (PROSE: Siege Mentality) He was reminded of his own migraines in another world after Adrian fell into a coma due to one and, suspicious, visited Braxiatel who beat his skull with the Purpura Pawn to stop him from revealing the truth about him. (PROSE: Dead Mice)
In a third world, Jason visited Benny in hospital and was angry to hear that she intended to use one of Avril Fenman's crystals to give her own life for Peter's. (PROSE: Acts of Senseless Devotion) The history machine killed just Jason in one world (PROSE: Match of the Deity) and both him and Adrian in another (PROSE: The God Gene) whilst another left him alive but disfigured. Worried about whether or not Benny could still love him, he went to Hass who transformed part of the gardens into a love letter for Benny. (PROSE: Writing in Green)
Another scarred Jason employed Paul Stevens to catalogue the artefacts at the Collection after some were misfiled or went missing. (PROSE: Showing Initiative) In another world, he became a depressed alcoholic after Benny left him for Doggles. He received a message from an alternative self and used a device received from a friend whose name he could not remember which made him aware that history had been shattered into pieces. Before history reset, he drew a question mark on his head, hoping that his successor would get to the bottom of things. (PROSE: Back and There Again)
When history was restored, Jason attended Wolsey's funeral and told Benny that he would leave her alone despite his love for her should she feel that there was someone better for her. She assured him that that was not the case. (PROSE: After Life)
Braxiatel's departure[]
Jason joined Benny on her mission to Trib City and invented a translation device which allowed the military to understand the locals, later updating the dictionaries and causing both sides to believe that the other had backed down. He also told Benny that Adrian and Bev Tarrant were "at it like rabbits", which she was initially sceptical of. (AUDIO: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Lost Museum [+]Simon Guerrier, Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 2005).)

Jason as a Cyber-Leader. (AUDIO: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Crystal of Cantus [+]Joseph Lidster, Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 2006).')
Braxiatel manipulated Jason into joining him on a journey to Cantus to recover the Crystal of Cantus, but Jason's lie to Benny about them going to the opera led her to stow away aboard the shuttle and join them. After crashing, he encountered the Cybermen and their Cyber-Leader, Ronan McGinley, whose place Braxiatel intended Jason to take. Braxiatel was successful until Benny took the Crystal from Jason and turned its power against the Cybermen, after which the couple returned to the Collection.
Due to the experience, Jason found that he could remember everything that Braxiatel had made him forget and that he was immune to further hypnosis from the Time Lord. He confronted Braxiatel in his office and attacked him, threatening him into leaving, and told Benny that they could all make the Collection work in his absence. (AUDIO: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Crystal of Cantus [+]Joseph Lidster, Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 2006).')
Braxiatel's absence[]
Jason was upset that not enough was being done to find Benny after she went missing and travelled with CroSSScape to Cerebus Iera where her diary was discovered. La^Heyne trapped Jason there and attempted to convert him to her cause, believing that it would be easier with him than Benny given that he had spent time in a higher universe. She went on to completely restore his lost memories, making him realise that Braxiatel was not entirely himself and to swear that he would kill him if he ever saw him again. (AUDIO: The Tartarus Gate)
A ghost of Braxiatel haunted Jason, causing Benny and Bev to finally ask him what really happened between him and Jason the day that he left. Jason told them the truth and, after Bev destroyed the ghost, he told them that the ghost only wanted to apologise to him for what he had done. (PROSE: Work in Progress) Jason found Peter in the Mansionhouse after he disappeared, learning that he was exploring with his imaginary friend Keith. (PROSE: Key) After Bev stood Adrian up, the Killoran went drinking with Jason instead. (PROSE: The Inconstant Gallery)
Jason helped Mahalia Nkansah Hernandez look for themes for Bev's pavilion and came across Peter the Great's Amber Room. When the room was opened for visitors, ghostly soldiers appeared and the two destroyed the amber walls with makeshift Molotov cocktails. (PROSE: Cabinet of Curiosities) Bev later tasked him with writing a piece on coverage of the Collection in the media, which he chose to write in Braxiatel's office using Braxiatel's pen, unaware that it was a Time Vector Generator. This affected the room's dimensions before Bev fixed it. (PROSE: The Two-Level Effect)
When Peter wanted to give Benny a present, Jason sent him to Hass for a flower. (PROSE: Let There Be Stars) He planned to propose to Benny a second time and went to dinner with her at Cafe Vosta, but his plans were ruined when Bev's new security system interacted badly with Braxiatel's. (PROSE: False Security) He became anxious about the Quire and the looming threat of the Draconian Empire, worries that were exacerbated by a piece of art painted over a fold in time which Benny later had Doggles unfold. (PROSE: The Painting on the Stair)
Most of the Collection's artefacts disappeared mysteriously and Jason was the one to realise that the ones that remained were those that had not been catalogued by the Chester Industries drones. (PROSE: The Cost for a Collection) He and Benny went after Peter when he switched his pass tag with Benny's and found him in Wajiwaj's mum-dad's bar. (PROSE: Lock) Bev had Jason make Benny apologise to Dorso for being angry with her. (PROSE: Perspectives: The Injured Party)
Jason promoted Xenomorphic Bondage Slaves XXXVII with interviews in Mega-City One (PROSE: Psykogeddon [+]Dave Stone, Judge Dredd (Black Flame, 2006).) and the Drome, but the latter interview was postponed due to Marvin Glass's murder meant that it was postponed. He asked Benny to investigate it and was stabbed by Jane Peters. After recovering, he hacked into the computer to grant Benny access and they realised that the Drome was controlling them for the sake of making stories. (AUDIO: The Worst Thing in the World) He went to help set up a communications relay on the Third Moon of Mim and flirted with a netball team made up of people with five arms. He returned exhausted and declined sex with Benny, who was, like the rest of the Collection, infected with a pollen that made them aroused. Once the situation was revolved, Jason told Benny that he wanted to try for more children. (AUDIO: Summer of Love)
Draconian-Mim War[]
Using their Time Rings, Jason and Benny went back to 430 BCE Greece where he met Megaira whilst bathing in one of the Sacred Springs of Delphi. She attempted to hypnotise him and, when he saw Braxiatel inside her head, he pretended to be under her control in order to find him, eventually learning about the Stone of Barter and returning with Benny to the future to find it. (AUDIO: The Oracle of Delphi)
Jason found himself trapped in an infinite corridor in the Mansionhouse for a whole afternoon and, upon returning, learnt that he had only been gone for a matter of minutes. Also concerned about the Draconians, he sent Benny a message informing her of the strange goings-on at the Collection and asked her to return with haste, sending another when the Draconians attacked. (AUDIO: The Empire State)
Whilst Benny and Adrian attended Kothar's reception, Jason babysat Peter. (AUDIO: The Judas Gift) Benny had previously warned Braxiatel of what Jason might do to him once they returned to the Collection. (AUDIO: The Tub Full of Cats)
In conversation with Kothar, Jason told him what Braxiatel had tried to do to him and initially refused to talk about Benny and her whereabouts. He noticed Clarissa Jones's name on the list of those killed by the Draconians at the Stonehauser Medical Facility and gave Benny up in return for the information, knowing that he could use it against Braxiatel, but she was freed after the destruction of the Mimsphere. (AUDIO: Freedom of Information)
Jason and Benny went on holiday to Phaaag Zenbrou to try to conceive another child whilst Isaac looked after Peter. (PROSE: All Mimsy Were the Borogoves) They later went to Montavadros with Peter, where Jason proposed to Benny a second time and was turned down, being told that it was a postponement rather than a rejection. She later miscarried. (PROSE: The Loyal Left Hand) Back on the Collection, he had to fight back a Mim that entered Peter's bedroom before Adrian and the Killorans came to help and had a sperm sample frozen. (PROSE: Nursery Politics)

Jason visiting his father. (AUDIO: The End of the World [+]Dave Stone, Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 2007).)
Jason came to believe that Braxiatel had caused major alterations to the timeline, including bringing about both of Ms Jones's deaths, causing his and Benny's divorce and preventing the existence of Keith and Rebecca. He shared his beliefs with Mira, who joined him on his investigations. Wanting to finally do right by Lucy, he told his father that his house was under surveillance and set up a trust fund for her.
Returning to the Collection, Jason finally confronted Braxiatel about what he had done to his, Benny's and Ms Jones's timelines and learnt that he had done the same for Mira and Keri. He told Braxiatel that he would take him down and tell Benny everything. Incapable of hypnotising him, Braxiatel controlled Peter and made him kill Jason, telling him that he was planning to hurt his mother and everyone on the Collection. Before dying, Jason told Peter that he would one day remember what he had done and that he did not blame him. (AUDIO: The End of the World [+]Dave Stone, Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 2007).)
A funeral was held for Jason at the Collection during which Benny played a dance remix of "Abide with Me". She left the collection with Peter, (AUDIO: The Wake [+]Simon Guerrier, Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 2008).) whom she later had attend counselling in order to help him deal with what he had done. (AUDIO: Many Happy Returns [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.) Benny did not learn why Braxiatel had killed Jason until many years later. (AUDIO: Escaping the Future [+]Eddie Robson, Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 2010).)
Jason's publishers re-released all of his books in order to cash in on the publicity caused by his death. (AUDIO: The Wake [+]Simon Guerrier, Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 2008).)
A simulation of Jason appeared to Benny at the Museum and Benny used the opportunity to give him a proper farewell. (AUDIO: Many Happy Returns [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)
On Mars, a Guardian used Jason's voice whilst following Benny around Sutekh's pyramid. It lied to her in order to get her to re-embody Sutekh and told her that Jason was not really dead. (AUDIO: The Pyramid of Sutekh [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)
Although he was left feeling insecure and unworthy by his father's abuse, Jason was charming and able to get on with anybody by presuming that he would be welcome and liked. (PROSE: Beyond the Sun [+]Matt Jones, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1997).) He had a crass and juvenile sense of humour. (PROSE: Twilight of the Gods [+]Mark Clapham and Jon de Burgh Miller, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1999).)
Benny described him as a "rough diamond" with "a heart of gold and a roving eye", but she knew that he loved her. (PROSE: The Dying Days [+]Lance Parkin, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1997).) Hass found him to be immature (PROSE: Against Gardens [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.) and Emile Mars-Smith believed that his sense of humour was less developed than a six-year-old's. (PROSE: Deadfall [+]Gary Russell, adapted from Audio Visuals, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1997).) Braxiatel never thought that he was good enough for Benny. (AUDIO: The End of the World [+]Dave Stone, Bernice Summerfield: Single Releases (Big Finish Productions, 2007).)
Jason was about six foot tall. (PROSE: Deadfall [+]Gary Russell, adapted from Audio Visuals, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1997).) He was lithe, muscular (PROSE: Death and Diplomacy [+]Dave Stone, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).) and brown-haired, (PROSE: Happy Endings [+]Paul Cornell, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).) although he dyed it blond during his marriage and for a time after the divorce. (PROSE: Return of the Living Dad [+]Kate Orman, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996)., Beyond the Sun [+]Matt Jones, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1997)., Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Doomsday Manuscript [+]Justin Richards, Bernice Summerfield novels (Big Finish Productions, 2000).) He often had stubble. (PROSE: Death and Diplomacy [+]Dave Stone, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996)., Deadfall [+]Gary Russell, adapted from Audio Visuals, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1997).)
His torso had a number of scars, some self-inflicted by his attempt at giving himself tattoos when he was fourteen. He also had a broken nose and a golden upper-right canine tooth which he thought made him look somewhat piratical. (PROSE: Death and Diplomacy [+]Dave Stone, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).) Benny believed that he looked laddish and was attractive in a "traditional sort of way". (PROSE: Beyond the Sun [+]Matt Jones, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1997).) He often wore the brown (PROSE: Deadfall [+]Gary Russell, adapted from Audio Visuals, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1997).) leather jacket that he had been wearing when he was transported to the Dagellan Cluster. (PROSE: Death and Diplomacy [+]Dave Stone, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).)
After beginning his career as an author, Jason started wearing cheap plastic glasses and put on weight, developing a slight double chin. His hairline had also begun to recede by then. (PROSE: Beige Planet Mars [+]Lance Parkin and Mark Clapham, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1998).) Due to the Gilhooly Theory of Transdimensional Contrivance, he did not age whilst wandering across dimensions. (PROSE: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Infernal Nexus [+]Dave Stone, Bernice Summerfield novels (Big Finish Productions, 2001).)
Before interviewing Jason Kane, Mega-City News informed the Justice Department that his resemblance to "notorious Cursed Earth brigand 'Captain' Jack Harkness" was purely coincidental. (PROSE: Psykogeddon [+]Dave Stone, Judge Dredd (Black Flame, 2006).)
Behind the scenes[]

A blond-haired Jason on the cover of PROSE: Deadfall [+]Gary Russell, adapted from Audio Visuals, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1997)..
- Despite being described as brown-haired in-text, Jason Kane was mistakenly depicted with blond hair on the cover of the novel Deadfall [+]Gary Russell, adapted from Audio Visuals, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1997)., making him resemble Chris Cwej. However, despite Cwej also appearing in Deadfall, writer Gary Russell confirmed that the individual depicted on the cover was intended to be Jason Kane, as betrayed by his outfit.[1]