A incomplete statue of Tehke on Dellah during the All-High God invasion. (PROSE: Twilight of the Gods)
Tehke, also known as the Burning One, (PROSE: Twilight of the Gods, The Taking of Planet 5) was a Tashwari devil-god.
Tehke was an aspect of the first All-High God to escape the Ferutu's universe. Enthralled by the new universe, Tehke travelled to many planets to enjoy the universe's pain, suffering, and war. Tehke took on different forms to the people of these worlds, including Urmungstandra, (PROSE: Twilight of the Gods) as the Silurians knew him; (PROSE: The Taking of Planet 5) the Liege Maximo; the Horned One; the Child of the Flame; the Eater of Souls; Satan; Hemulin; Dahak; and Clantabal. He returned to calling himself Tehke when he came back to Dellah. (PROSE: Twilight of the Gods)
Smoked Mirror took the form of Tehke to travel to Mictlan's edge. (PROSE: The Taking of Planet 5)