Future-Worm! is a children's animated television series created by Ryan Quincy which was broadcast on Disney XD. The series follows the duo of Danny Douglas and the titular Future-Worm, who travel through time and space in a lunch box time machine created by Douglas, which led to his initial meeting with Future-Worm.
The show began as a series of shorts that ran through May and June 2015, around the time that its one and only crossover with Doctor Who would have been broadcast, before being picked up for a full, single-season series the following year.

Danny Douglas and Future-Worm announce the upcoming arrival of Doctor Who on the network during Disney XD News. (TV: Breaking News! That Hasn't Broken Yet! [+]Disney XD promotional videos Disney XD promotional video (Disney XD, 2015).)
The series crossed over with the Doctor Who universe somewhat differently to the Disney XD shows which crossed over with it in an untitled promotional video, as Future-Worm!'s collaboration instead occurred during the story Breaking News! That Hasn't Broken Yet!, a duology of short televised fiction.
The story presented an in-universe version of the Doctor Who series, Danny Douglas and Future-Worm hosting Disney XD News and announcing the series' upcoming arrival on Disney XD in the Summer.
The promos featured Danny Douglas and Future-Worm being portrayed by their voice actors from the series - Andy Milonakis and James Adomian, respectively.
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