Gower Isran (pronounced GOW-ur IHZ-rahn) is a Tortallan commoner living during the 400s HE. He works at the royal palace in the pages' wing.
Early life[]
The Isran family is primarily based in southern Tortall, and that is presumably where Gower was born and raised. It is unknown when he moved to Corus and began working at the palace.
Servant to the pages[]
Gower worked under Salma Aynnar, the head maid and housekeeper for the pages. He was assigned to Keladry of Mindelan by her. Gower did not seem to like Kel very much, or at least it seemed that way to Kel, but then he started complimenting her and looking favorably upon her as he got to know her.
In 453 HE, after Kel had passed her probationary period and moved on to being a full page like the rest of the boys, Gower brought his young niece Lalasa to Kel, and asked the young page if she would take Lalasa on as her maid. Kel was ready to refuse, but then she saw the marks and bruises on Lalasa's person. Gower explained to Kel that men had frightened Lalasa, and that working for Kel, she would be safe, as the Mindelan family was the noble house that brought on the Yamani alliance. Kel finally acquiesced.
Personality and traits[]
On the surface, Gower is incredibly glum and says things and well wishes in a deadpan sort of way to make others believe that he is not happy with things. When Kel asked Lalasa why her uncle was so gloomy all the time, the other girl was genuinely shocked and proclaimed that Gower was in a wonderful mood and that he liked Kel.
Gower is also immensely protective of his niece, and although a person of his standing would have trouble standing up to the few noblemen who had accosted her, finds someone who can do so. It is also assumed that Gower asked Lalasa to stay with him and to find work with him when it is discovered that she has no one else.
Gower appeared in First Test and Page, the first and second installments of the Protector of the Small quartet.