Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

Noraa Nessej was born on the planet Earoon during the Galactic Civil War in 0 BBY. Noraa was highly sheltered as a boy because his father was a Jedi Knight, which at the time were being hunted down by Darth Vader. Noraa was taught much about piloting and swordsmanship by his father. By the age of ten, he was a master swordsman for his age.

Noraa joined the New Republic as a fighter pilot at the age of ten (10 ABY). When the New Jedi Order was created by Luke Skywalker (11 ABY), Noraa began his training as a Jedi. He then met young Haduj Sgnitsah, who trained with him side by side. When he learned the ways of the Force by the age of sixteen (16 ABY), he and Haduj were most impressive Jedi Knights. Noraa and Haduj both went on many adventures together, and eventually Luke Skywalker started noticing that they had a knack for discovering plots and getting into trouble even when on vacation. Luke then changed their periods of leave so that they wouldn't be on vacation at the same time.

Noraa was on vacation when he was shot down on his way to Naboo by a beautiful but deadly Mandalorian assassin named Teragram Kru't. They fought on the planet Jabiim, and fell in love while doing so. Noraa later married Teragram.
