Star Wars Fanon

Mariners of the Confederacy, today is the day you can prove your loyalty and devotion to our cause, to freedom. We enter battle in the name of our people and the preservation of our liberty, the tyrant President Williams thinks he can crush our independence! I believe each and every one of you will prove both him and his Republic allies wrong! The Confederacy expects every man to do his duty. Our mother needs help from we, her children, in protecting her from the tyrant. All hands, Action Stations!
—Jane Zarkan to the Confederate States Navy fleet just prior to the First Battle of Earth

The Confederate States Navy (C. S. N. , or C. S. Navy), also known as the Confederate Navy, the Confederation Navy, the Separatist Navy, the Confed Navy, the Confederate fleet, the Separatist fleet, the Western States Navy, the Western Navy, the Rebel Navy, the Maritime Service and the Traitors' Navy, were the naval forces of the Confederate States of Earth, with ships both in space and on the ocean. The C.S.N was founded shortly after the founding of the Confederate States of Earth as the Maritime Service of the Confederate States (MSCS).

The M.S.C.S was the direct successor to the Confederation Navy of the Western States Confederation, which was a nominal branch of the Union Navy that was effectively a separate navy. Whilst de jure the ships Confederation Navy used the prefix "UNS", since they technically a part of the Union Navy, in practice they more of than not used the prefix "CNS".

The M.S.C.S was created from the part of the Union Navy which was based in the Confederate states which had seceded, the reason that the Confederate Parliament gave to justify the internment of Union ships was that the Union Navy had no place in the Confederacy, and thus they were within their rights to impound and use the ships, the crews of the impounded ships were sent back to the Union at Confederate expense.

The Confederate Navy also made use of ships turned over to the Confederacy by former Union crews who were born in seceded states, and decided they owed their allegiance to their home states, rather than the nation they gave their allegiance to.

The M.S.C.S was made up primarily of ocean-borne vehicles, though with a few space shuttles, the M.S.C.S was very short lived, and was the name for the combined naval forces of the original 10 Confederate nations, following the acceptance of new nations in the Confederate States of Earth the M.S.C.S was renamed the C.S.N, after the signing of the Confederate-Earth Treaty of Alliance the C.S.N was supplied Separatist warships, which greatly strengthened its space-borne fleets.

Following the renaming the rank of the commanding officer was changed from Admiral of the Fleet to High Admiral, Admiral of the Fleet was renamed to Admiral of the Grand Fleet, who commanded the Confederate Grand Fleet, the prime fleet of the navy, and that rank became the rank of the second-in-command of the navy. Most prized amongst Separatist-supplied ships was a Subjugator-class heavy cruiser, the CSS Velociraptor, which replaced the ocean-borne CSS Wyvern as the flagship of the navy, as the personal flagship of President Jane Zarkan, as well as serving as the flagship of the space-borne Confederate Grand Fleet, the prime fleet of the C.S.N, and Force A of the Grand Fleet.

The Confederate Naval Air Service was the branch of the navy in charge of naval aviation. The anthem of the C.S.N was Heart of Steel, which was penned by Admiral Terrence Annesthorpe Keighston, and was based on an old Zarkanian naval tune. The popular quick march of the CSN was Rivermouth, a traditional Zarkanian naval march and dance tune dating from 972 BBY. The Starred Banner March was the navy's popular departure tune, the ship's band would play the tune on the ship's deck when departing a friendly port, the march was named after the "Stars and Bars", the first national flag of the Confederacy, and the first Confederate naval ensign.

The C.S.N made use of many different ship types, from captured Republic ships, Separatist ships supplied to them by their Separatist Navy allies, ships captured from the Galactic Empire and the Earth Empire puppet state, Imperial ships supplied by the New Republic, ships supplied by the Rebel Alliance, New Republic and the Confederation as well ships purchased from the black market and ship dealers. A purchasing commission purchased old Vainglorious-class cruisers, an ageing cruiser from the time of the Stark Hyperspace War of 44 BBY from Rendili StarDrive, Rendili was only too happy to sell off the obsolete craft, which the CSN used to bolster their cruiser forces and attack less developed worlds.

The C.S.N's ship classification system distinguished between ocean and space-borne ships, e.g. there were two different "Destroyer" classifications - the standard "Destroyer" classification for ocean-borne destroyers and "Space Destroyer" for space-borne destroyers, additionally ship types in different classifications in other systems where often brought together under a single classification if they were similar to each other in size, armament, firepower, intended mission profile etc for simplicity, e.g. the Tartan-class patrol cruiser, Carrack-class light cruiser, Lancer-class frigate and the Victory II-class frigate were all referred to as "Space Destroyers" by the C.S.N

Unlike much of the rest of the Confederate Navy the C.S.N had a rule of only allowing organics or tactical droids to command front-line warships, the C.S.N didn't trust OOM droids to command warships in battle, believing them to be too easily outwitted and lacking enough of a sense of self-preservation to even attempt to protect their ships, this belief was justified with the many times Jedi or Republic naval officers outwitted OOM commanders, and the fact that battle droids in command of Recusant-class light destroyers often rammed their vessels into Republic ships in suicide charges, due to their lack of self-preservation programming, unlike the rest of the Confederate Navy the C.S.N could not rely on almost unlimited amounts of frigates and cruisers, as the navy was limited by the amount of vessels which could be sent from the CIS, the C.S.N was considered a pretty low priority receiver of ships, as a result the C.S.N couldn't afford to lose vessels needlessly, and often had to make use of technically obsolete ships in all but their most important and largest fleets, for example the Stark Hyperspace War-era Vainglorious-class Cruiser.

The ship supply issues didn't particularly hamper C.S.N operations, even the more obsolete starships purchased from Separatist shipwrights were often more than enough to outgun most Union ships, and even the somewhat of a trickle of modern Separatist warships donated by the CIS was enough to give the C.S.N a massive edge in ship numbers and firepower over the Union Navy, the C.S.N's main enemy.

The CSN was under the command of the Confederate States Department of the Navy, a government organisation which also dealt with matters concerning the Confederate States Marines and the Confederate Naval Air Service.

Ships of the navy were prefixed C.S.S. (usually written as CSS), which stood for Confederate States Ship. C.S.S. was also given to Confederate privateers, who were not members of the Confederate States Navy, the Privateers were privately owned ships operating on behalf of the Confederate States after having received a Letter of Marque and Reprisal. Privateers also used variants of the naval ensign.

Our immediate concern is the Confederate Navy, since the Confederacy receives Separatist military assistance their military forces far outnumber and outgun our own, the Confederate Navy is vastly superior to our own navy, they blockade Unionist planets and practically keep our fleet bottled up deep in Union-held space, practically every push we make is repulsed by overwhelming numbers, technology and firepower, we won't have a navy for much longer at this rate!
—Union President Richard Williams to Jedi General Maksi Hikar shortly before the First Battle of Earth

Vehicle types of the C.S.N[]

Space Carrier[]

Space Transports[]

Space Frigates[]

Space Destroyers[]

Space Cruisers[]

Space Battleships[]

CSN Starfighter classes[]

Space bombers[]

Oceanic ship classes[]

  • Vulture Droid Carrier
  • Trade Federation Patrol Boat
  • Trade Federation Submarine
  • UC I-class Underwater Carrier
  • Tigershark-class Aircraft Carrier
    • CSS Tigershark
    • CSS Nightshark
  • Valand-class Battleship
    • CSS Valand
    • CSS Valley City
  • Barracuda-class Destroyer
    • CSS Barracuda
    • CSS Sennet
  • Moridani-class Cruiser
    • CSS Moridani
  • Falchion-class Cruiser
    • CSS Falchion
  • Athelstan-class Battleship
    • CSS Athelstan
  • Wyvern-class Battleship
    • CSS Wyvern
    • CSS Dragon
    • CSS Lindworm
    • CSS Fafnir

Atmospheric aircraft[]

  • Skyhopper-class Patrol Aircraft
  • Cargohopper-class Transport Aircraft
  • Vethrfolnir-class Attack Aircraft
  • Gandr-class Aerial Cruiser (Leasath Navy only)
    • Gandr (Leasath Navy only)
    • Gleipnir (Leasath Navy only)
  • Gandr II-class Aerial Cruiser
    • Gungnir
  • Norville-Bonham NB.81 personnel transport
  • Calston-Elwin Super Dragon transporter

Picture gallery[]

