Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

The following events took place in 25 BBY.


  • On Naboo, KlistĂ© Sensari defeats EirtaĂ© Lasara in the royal election.
  • Ahsoka Tano discovers a shoto on Shili for PadmĂ© Skywalker.
  • The first incarnation of the Dark Side Coven is decimated by the Witches of Dathomir with the few survivors fleeing into the wilderness.
  • Trola Fej completes the verd'goten ritual, defeating a gundark in the process.
  • The Senate of the Union of Earth States passes the Zarkan Tax Act, increasing taxes collected from the Zarkan Kingdom and Zarkan Empire, the act causes a large rise in anti-Union sentiment in the Zarkan Kingdom and Empire, this sentiment will culminate with the secession of the Zarkan Kingdom in 21 BBY. In order to avoid a repeat of the Tariff Crisis of 37 BBY the Union Senate repeals the act, this worries many Federalists, who believe it will set a precedent that taxes can be avoided simply by threatening secession.
  • Assassination of Edmund Saxsley: Edmund Saxsley, the Governor General of the Zarkan Empire's Colony of Etora, is assassinated by a militant member of the Republic of Etora Party, a pro-independence group ran by natives, when they throw a hand grenade at him during a speech. The assassin is arrested and executed.
  • Etoran Internments: Empress Jane Zarkan, enraged at the killing of her of one of her colonial governors, orders that the Imperial Army of Etoria and Etoran militias enter the native region and gather all native with pro-independence leanings to be sent to internment camps. The Republic of Etora Party is banned.
  • Jane reorganizes Etora into a Governorate General, bringing it under stricter Imperial oversight. Jane reassures the Colonials that she is not attempting to dominate them, but simply ensure the maintainance of order.
  • Cad Bane tracks down Jack Kazdan & Daphne Kazdan, who had bounties of 75,000 credits each placed on their heads for insider trading, to the planet Scarif. The two were murdered and their young daughter, Chloe, was delivered to an orphanage on the planet Alsakan by Bane himself.




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