Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic eraNew Jedi Order eraLegacy era

Darth Estus: “Lord Adnihilo, I sense something is disturbing you. What is it?”
Darth Adnihilo: “(Ponders Darth Estus' words for a moment) I'll show you what is on my mind!”
―Darth Adnihilo's last words to his Sith master Darth Estus before utilizing Force Crush

Darth Adnihilo, who previously went by his original name Jason Archwalker, was a Human Male Correlian Sith Lord born on Correlia in 26 BBY. Jason Archwalker, who was twelve, was discovered to be Force-sensitive by Darth Estus, and for ten years Darth Estus trained him everything that he knew in the ways of the Dark Side of the Force. After Darth Adnihilo betrayed and murder his Sith master, he traveled to Coruscant in search of the legendary Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious.

Darth Adnihilo later helped Darth Sidious orchestrate the war with the Rebellion in order to wipe out the resistance. When Darth Sidious' spirit was annihilated in 11 ABY, Adnihilo took it upon himself to find and train Force-sensitive beings to be adept in the Dark Side of the Force in order to take back control of the New Republic. Adnihilo later fought alongside his Sith minions in the Yuuzhan Vong War and the Swarm War. After the Swarm War, Darth Adnihilo, who was wounded during a battle with a Jedi Knight, traveled back to Coruscant and found documents that Darth Sidious had kept which told how a Force-sensitive being could sustain his or her life.


Early life[]

In 26 BBY, Jason Archwalker was born on the Capitol Planet of the Correlian System called Correlia. Jason, twelve years of age, remembered very little of his parents, and instead of growing up like a respectable Correlian civilian, Jason got into fights with local gangs and was nearly killed when he was saved by a cloaked person who revealed himself as Darth Estus. The Sith Lord sat beside Jason and told him that the Jedi were one of the groups that were behind the murder of Jason's parents. After hearing this, Jason cried inside himself while letting the anger and hate swell in himself. Darth Estus found that moment to seduce Jason. He told Jason to kneel before him. Jason did so without hesitation, and he was then named Darth Adnihilo which meant in the human tongue "Annihilate".

Adnihilo's Vision[]


Darth Adnihilo in 0 BBY.

Seven years after Jason’s encounter with Darth Estus, he was sent, by his master, to various planets where the inhabitants were not so friendly; planets like Blenjeel, Hoth, and Tatooine. During his adventures, Darth Adnihilo encountered sand worms, wampas, and even sand people. With the help of the Force, Adnihilo was able to overcome his opponents with little trouble. Adnihilo underwent not only torturous tests of lightsaber skill, he also underwent mental torture in order to turn him into a deadly agent of Evil, even more fearsome than Darth Sidious’ infamous apprentice Darth Maul. In 5 BBY, two years after Adnihilo had set out for his trials, Adnihilo was contacted via his dream by none other than Darth Sidious, telling Adnihilo that he, Darth Sidious, had sensed what was going on in Adnihilo’s mind; sustaining his life was what Adnihilo wanted. Darth Sidious told Darth Adnihilo that his master was holding him back, Sidious then offered Adnihilo a glimpse at the data from the Sith holocron in exchange for his undying loyalty to Sidious. Darth Adnihilo walked up to Darth Sidious and kneeled in front of him and swore to Sidious that he would do whatever the Dark Lord ordered him to do. Darth Sidious then ordered Adnihilo to slay his master and then to oversee the termination of the Cloning Facility and, once Adnihilo was done, to help Darth Vader inspect the Death Star which was near its completion. Darth Adnihilo did as Sidious had told him. Adnihilo traveled to Korriban and, with extreme caution as to not blow his cover, disposed of his master Darth Estus. Four years later, in 0 BBY, Darth Adnihilo stepped off the Lambda-class shuttle and strode across the landing area of his new Super Star Destroyer to which he named the Annihilator, after himself. Adnihilo was looking around at all of the controls of the Super Star Destroyer when he was greeted by Imperial commanding officer. Adnihilo told the commanding officer that he was given command of the Star Destroyer by Darth Sidious. The Imperial officer acknowledged what the Sith Lord had said with no hesitation.

The Galactic Civil War[]

The Fate of Yavin IV[]

In 0 BBY, two years after the Civil War had officially started, Adnihilo was contacted by Darth Sidious via the hologram, and was ordered to contact the Star Destroyers that were near the Annihilator and order them to stay within firing distance of the Death Star in order to engage with the Rebel fighters. Adnihilo did as Sidious had ordered and contacted the Imperial commanders of the Star Destroyers and sent them not only the orders but also the consequences if the orders were to not be carried out. The commanders of the Star Destroyers acknowledged, and Adnihilo saw each Star Destroyer jump into hyperspace, one after another. Adnihilo then turned to the Imperial commanding officer and told him to give the orders to jump into hyperspace. The commanding officer saluted and later began shouting orders to the fellow crew members. Adnihilo turned to the giant triangle shaped windows and stared out in space while the sound of orders and acknowledgements were echoed throughout the interior of the Annihilator.

Moments later, as the Annihilator jumped out of hyperspace, Adnihilo turned to the commanding officer and raised his hand at him as a signal to put on the reverse thrust to cause the Super Star Destroyer to come to a complete stop. He observed the Death Star and then glanced at the grey specks that were heading toward the Death Star. Adnihilo contacted the Death Star command room via comlink of the approaching enemy vessels. Once the Death Star got the message, Adnihilo saw TIE fighters battling the rebel fighters over the Death Star. The Death Star however received a minimal amount of damage, but not enough to put it out of service. The battle between the Galactic Empire and the Rebellion had begun. Adnihilo waited in his Super Star Destroyer “The Annihilator” for more orders from Darth Sidious; however, Sidious had other plans; his plans were to order Bevel Lemelisk to make plans for the Empire’s backup super weapon the second Death Star if the first Death Star were to be destroyed. Minutes later, while standing on deck, Adnihilo witnessed what he had wished would never have happened, but it did; the Death Star went from a metallic space station to a space of nothingness. Sidious contacted Adnihilo and temporarily appointed him as Sidious’ second in command until the Dark Lord heard word from his faithful apprentice Darth Vader. Adnihilo acknowledged without question.

Victory in sight[]

In 3 ABY, a year after Sidious had heard word from his apprentice Darth Vader, Adnihilo was given orders over his comlink to help Darth Vader lead the ground troops once the heat of the battle died down; however, Adnihilo suggested that he thought it would be a better idea if he, Darth Adnihilo, be stationed near the rebel base so that not a rebel soldier would escape alive. Darth Sidious agreed to Adnihilo's suggestion and afterword was heard cackling over Adnihilo's comlink. Once the Super Star Destroyers, the Annihilator and the Executor, came out of hyperspace, Adnihilo boarded the Lambda-class shuttle that was docked in his Super Star Destroyer and flew down to the frozen surface of Hoth. Adnihilo smiled ear to ear as he noticed the ships that carried AT-AT Walkers to the surface of Hoth. The moment the Imperial transport shuttle landed, Adnihilo pulled out his lightsaber and ignited it as he ran with his group of Imperial Snowtroopers toward the rebel base.

A few hours later, as Adnihilo ran toward the demolished rebel base, he pointed to a small group of rebel soldiers, which were retreating, that were chosen targets for the snowtroopers to kill, and he beheaded the last soldier of the group that was still alive. Adnihilo noticed with contempt at the enemy vessels that departed from the planet Hoth. Adnihilo and his group of snowtroopers then retreated back to the Lambda-class shuttle in which they departed to the Super Star Destroyer Annihilator. Six months later, Adnihilo oversaw the construction of the second Death Star, which was larger than its predecessor. He gloated over and over in his mind that the second Death Star would not be as easy to destroy as its predecessor, then again, no one had thought the construction would take more than a year, when in fact it was only half finished.

A loss for the Galactic Empire[]

In 4 ABY, Darth Adnihilo was in his Super Star Destroyer the Annihilator as ordered by his master, Darth Sidious. Adnihilo wanted to face the rebel hero Luke Skywalker with Darth Vader in lightsaber combat, but Adnihilo knew in his mind that Vader had a lot more beef against Luke than he had. As Adnihilo turned away from the triangle shaped windows, he heard a loud voice over his comlink that came from the second Death Star. The voice was warning the Star Destroyers and Super Star Destroyers, who were peppered at a distance away from the second Death Star, that the enemy fleet had exited hyperspace and were headed strait for the space station. Adnihilo and the commanders of the other Star Destroyers acknowledged their plea and secretly began making a trap, just as his master Darth Sidious had ordered, in order to catch the rebel fleet off guard. Minutes later, the Imperial fleet, along with Darth Adnihilo, gave the rebel vessels the hot shoulder by moving their fleet of vessels within the area of visibility.

Once the Imperial and Rebel fleet engaged one another, Adnihilo gave an order that his Lambda-class transport shuttle be ready in case if his Super Star Destroyer took a direct hit. But the Imperial commander hesitated because of the chaos that ensued out in space; however, Adnihilo's patience grew very thin, and he utilized Force Choke on the terrified commanding officer. Adnihilo glared at the lieutenant next to him and told the lieutenant that what he saw was an example of stupidity. The lieutenant, then rushed, as fast as his feet could carry him, and started giving orders to a few of his fellow crew men to be ready with the shuttle. Adnihilo gave a half smile, because he knew that he had found his new commanding officer; one that feared him, yet took his order's seriously. Adnihilo then felt a cry within the Force and then complete silence. Without a pause, Adnihilo stared back out into array of space only to find the second Death Star burst from the inside out. He then turned ninety degrees and landed on his hands and knees as if a great weight fell upon him, but that was not the case, Adnihilo's master, Darth Sidous, was dead. But Adnihilo got up and looked out the giant windows and stared with contempt and a longing to get revenge on his master Darth Sidious who had treated him better than his former master Darth Estus. The only revenge that Adnihilo thought of was gathering Force-sensitive beings whose minds have grown contempt for the Rebel resistance. But he knew that training a handful of Force-sensitive beings in the ways of the Dark Side of the Force would take years, even a decade. Adnihilo began searching for Force-sensitive beings that would give their allegiance to his master Darth Sidious, because he had that small belief that his master would once again return to help him defeat, not only the Rebel resistance, but also the Jedi whom they had thought of as a threat since the first conflict between the Jedi and the Sith.

The Rise of Darth Adnihilo[]

Seven years after the Battle of Endor, Darth Adnihilo’s Super Star Destroyer, the Annihilator, exited out of hyperspace right near. The Sith Lord paced around the deck of his vessel when he, without warning, let out a blood curling scream. The new commander, who was standing at ease in front of the large windows next to Adnihilo, ran to the Sith Lord’s aid. He never knew what was wrong with the Sith Lord, because Adnihilo never told him from that moment on. Adnihilo composed himself and decided that the time had come for the Sith to gather its forces. The Sith Lord decided not to hold back his secret and informed his crew that his master, Darth Sidious, was killed by the enemy of the Republic; the Jedi. Adnihilo then spoke over the intercom that he had named himself as Sidious’ successor.

For thirteen years, Darth Adnihilo succeeded in his search for Force-sensitive beings who had contempt for the New Republic. The Dark Lord then located his new Sith Academy and trained his promised Force users in the ways of the Force the way he was taught. Adnihilo knew in his mind that his Dark Side minions were ready to go of on difficult missions by themselves, and he then ordered them to go to the Unknown Regions of the Galaxy and to use psychological warfare on the Yuuzhan Vong, coaxing and leading the enemy of the Technological World to the doorstep of the Jedi. Adnihilo's minions acknowledged his orders and took his shuttle as a means of transport.

Yuuzhan Vong War[]

Pointing the way[]

Change of plans[]


Behind the scenes[]

Darth Adnihilo was created by Obi-Wan Kenobody, a user on the Star Wars Fanon wiki. Kenobody was inspired by the story of how Galen Marek was taken under Darth Vader's wing. The rest of the story was created solely by Kenobody.
