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Rupert Fredrick Boneham[1] is a contestant from Survivor: Pearl Islands, Survivor: All-Stars, Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains, and Survivor: Blood vs. Water.

In Pearl Islands, Rupert won the hearts of fans with his colorful personality, as he showcased a grizzled, piratical persona that melded well with the theme of the season. He is known for stealing the Morgan tribe's shoes and getting into a heated argument with Jon Dalton after Jon voted against him during a Tribal Council. His strong physical and social showing led to him being perceived by his rivals as a threat, culminating in his blindside at the final eight.

He returned in All-Stars where he became the first player to appear in back to back seasons. After the disbanding of his initial Saboga tribe, Rupert and Jenna Lewis were switched to the Chapera tribe, where they were recruited to join the Chapera Alliance. He was ultimately blindsided at the final four after Jenna flipped on him out of fear of being possibly eliminated in a rock drawing tiebreaker. He was later awarded $1,000,000 as a result of Survivor: America's Tribal Council.

In Heroes vs. Villains, he was placed on the Heroes tribe due to his heroic persona in his previous seasons and immediately joined the majority Heroes Alliance. However, this season exposed shortcomings in his social game as he was perceived as overbearing. His game came to an end at the final six when the intended target, Parvati Shallow, won immunity, and he put blind faith in notorious villain Russell Hantz, who betrayed him.

In Blood vs. Water, Rupert became notable for being the second four-time Survivor player and the only contestant to switch places with their loved one on Redemption Island. This move proved to be fatal, as he ended up being the first person eliminated from the season despite never receiving a single vote.

With his trademark long beard, tie-dyed shirt, signature victory cry and want for good people to succeed, Rupert is one of the show's most popular castaways ever. He is also the only contestant to win $1,000,000 via public vote, an event which sparked much controversy.


Retrieved from

Age: 39
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Troubled Teens Mentor
Hometown: Indianapolis, IN

Born in Detroit, Rupert Boneham moved with his parents at a young age to Indiana where he eventually attended Haworth High School in Kokomo. He then moved to Texas to study nursing at Cisco Junior College and San Angelo University. Boneham currently resides in Indianapolis, where he works as a vocational and clinical mentor for troubled teens. He previously worked as a gravedigger and a bartender. His hobbies include scuba diving, camping and coin collecting. His favorite sport is racquetball. He describes himself as strong, smart and brave. He is most proud of becoming independent/self-employed and being able to care for his family while not having to live the "Nine-To-Five" world. He believes his competitive advantages on Survivor: Pearl Islands are his ability to be a team player, hunter and gatherer, camper and all-around survivor. Boneham is married to his wife, Laura, and they have one four-year-old daughter, Raya. His birth date is January 27, 1964.[2]

Age: 40
Previous Season: Pearl Islands
Previous Finish: 9th voted out; 2nd Juror

Since finishing eighth on Survivor: Pearl Islands, Rupert Boneham has been preparing for his second chance to become the Sole Survivor.

Born in Detroit, Rupert moved with his parents at a young age to Indiana where he eventually attended Haworth High School in Kokomo. He then moved to Texas to study nursing at Cisco Junior College and San Angelo University. He currently resides in Indianapolis, where he works as a vocational and clinical mentor for troubled teens. He also drives camera trucks for college football during the season. He previously worked as a gravedigger and a bartender. His hobbies include scuba diving, camping and coin collecting. His favorite sport is racquetball. He describes himself as strong, smart and brave. He is proudest of becoming independent/self-employed and being able to care for his family while not having to live in the nine-to-five world.

Rupert and his wife, Laura have one four-year-old daughter, Raya. His birth date is January 27, 1964.[3]

Rupert Boneham (45)

Tribe: Heroes
Hometown: Indianapolis, Ind.
Current Residence: Indianapolis, Ind.
Personal Claim To Fame: "Starting my charity."
Inspiration in Life: "Life is Good. Be You. Give Back."
Previous Finishes: Pearl Islands: 8th out, 2nd Jury Member; All-Stars: 15th Out, 6th Jury Member
Favorite Past Moment: "When Jeff Probst was writing a million dollar check on my back on my daughter's 5th birthday and having millions of fans help me win that."
Previous Survivor He Respects Most: Rudy Boesch (Borneo, All-Stars)
Previous Survivor He Respects Least: Jonny Fairplay (Pearl Islands, Micronesia)

Why Did He Come Back? : "I LOVE THE GAME!"[4]

Name (Age): Rupert Boneham (49)
Tribe Designation: Returning Player
Relationship to Significant Castaway: Laura's Husband
Previous Season: Survivor: Pearl Islands – 2nd jury member; Survivor: All-Stars – 6th jury member, won $1 million for fan favorite; Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains – 7th jury member
Current Residence: Indianapolis, Ind.
Occupation: Mentor for Troubled Teens

Why Did You Want to Return to Survivor and Play with Your Loved One? Survivor has been one of the most exciting experiences in my life. And to have the chance to share that with my wife is amazing. To have Laura out there on the island with me, we will have the chance to share one of the greatest adventures one can have. You can describe what Survivor is like, but until you've lived it, it is hard to understand. To be able to go out and play with my best friend will be a dream come true.[5]


Pearl Islands[]

Regarded as the likeable pirate, Rupert began his time on Survivor as part of the Drake tribe. Upon arrival at the local fishing village to obtain supplies for their time at camp, he noticed that the rival Morgan tribe had left their raft, which contained their shoes, unattended.

Everything that was in their raft, I took. I've always said I'll lie, cheat, and steal to win this game. There's my stealing. I stole for the Drake.

—Rupert Boneham

Using these items to help boost their chances in securing more goods, Drake benefited from a more luxurious camp. After enjoying much success with their continuous victories, Boneham became the target of Burton Roberts and Jonny Fairplay after he fashioned a makeshift sarong, much to their enjoyment. Despite all this, Rupert became the resident fisherman, which kept him in good steed with the rest of his tribe, therefore he was never put up for the chopping block.

During the events of "Pick a Castaway... Any Castaway", Boneham was kidnapped by Morgan and joined his rivals at their camp. Surprised by his work ethic, Morgan briefly flourished and came together with Rupert as the catalyst - although when he was offered the opportunity to switch tribes he rejected the proposal and became a member of Drake once again. Although he did not obtain Tribal Immunity with his original side, Rupert remained in a solid position, but after the elimination of Trish Dunn, he was upset to learn that Fairplay had voted against him, and confronted the art dealer at camp.

You're starting this s***!

—Rupert (to Fairplay)

After the outburst, Boneham apologized for his actions and stated that the team will be stronger after these events. When The Outcasts returned to compete in a challenge to win the opportunity to return, Drake lost, with Boneham and his alliance voting out Shawn Cohen, and then having Burton return to camp shortly afterwards.

Upon merging the next day, Rupert opted to name the tribe Balboa after a small pet snake which everybody accepted. Due to Lillian Morris originally becoming outcasted by the Morgan tribe, led by Andrew Savage, she became the crucial swing vote in destroying the Morgan voting bloc. He enjoyed the next six days under the protection of Individual Immunity, but it was short-lived, as Rupert was deemed too likeable and blindsided by the former Outcasts, the remaining Morgan women, and Fairplay, finishing as the second member of the jury.

Rupert voted for his friend and ally Sandra Diaz-Twine to win the game.

Episode Tribe
Challenge Challenge Type Sit-Out? Result
1 Drake Cannon Carry Immunity No Won
2 Bountiful Chest Reward No Won
All Tied Up Immunity No Won
3 Sprung A Leak Reward No Won
Pull Your Weight Immunity No Won
4 Float-It Notes Reward No Won
Boarding Party Immunity Yes Invited1
5 Drake1 Paddle For Paddles Reward No Won2
Drake Survivor Smoothie Immunity No Lost
6 Ready, Aim, Fire Reward No Won
Shoulder the Load Immunity No Lost
7 Pirate Prison Break Immunity No Lost
Tribes Merged, Day 20
8 Balboa Keel Hauling Immunity Lost3
9 Signal Fire Reward Won4
Mixed Nuts Immunity Won
10 Rats In The Rigging Reward Lost
Killer Immunity Lost
Voted Out, Day 27
14 Jury5 Tribal Draft Immunity Won
^1 As part of Morgan's win at the Immunity Challenge, they kidnapped one member of Drake who would live with them overnight, thus allowing them to abstain from Tribal Council. Morgan kidnapped Rupert.
^2 Still part of Morgan's win at the previous Immunity Challenge, Rupert was forced to compete at the Reward Challenge for Morgan. After helping Morgan win the challenge, Rupert was given the chance to stay with Morgan or move back to Drake. Rupert chose to return to Drake and forfeited his reward.
^3 Burton gave up his immunity to Rupert at Tribal Council.
^4 Rupert gave up his reward to Burton.
^5 Rupert competed as part of the jury against the final four.

Episode Rupert's
Voted Against
1 Drake Tribe Immune
2 Drake Tribe Immune
3 Drake Tribe Immune
4 Kidnapped by Morgan1
5 Michelle -
6 Trish Jon, Trish
7 Shawn -
8 Andrew Individual Immunity2
9 Ryan O. Individual Immunity
10 Darrah Burton, Darrah,
Jon, Lillian, Tijuana
Voted Out, Day 27
Voted for
Sole Survivor

^1 In "Pick a Castaway... Any Castaway", Rupert was kidnapped by the Morgan tribe, granting him immunity from Drake's Tribal Council.
^2 In "What the...? (Part 2)", Burton originally won immunity, but gave it to Rupert during Tribal Council.


Rupert returned for the following season, Survivor: All-Stars, becoming the first person in Survivor history to play in consecutive seasons. He was placed on the yellow Saboga tribe. Early on, Rupert made a strong alliance with Rudy Boesch, seeing him as a father figure. Both pairs of Jenna Lewis/Jerri Manthey and Ethan Zohn/Tina Wesson relied on Rupert's vote to vote off either Jenna or Tina at the ensuing Tribal Council. Both of them joined Jenna L.'s alliance to get rid of the past winners Tina and Ethan. At the first Tribal Council on Day 3, their alliance successfully voted out Tina. 

Saboga continued losing, attending the second Tribal Council. Although the original plan was to eliminate Ethan, the alliance targeted Rudy for his weakness and injured foot. Rupert pleaded to the alliance to vote out Ethan, refusing to vote for Rudy. Unfortunately for Rupert, the rest of the alliance and Ethan decided Rudy was too much of a burden and he was blindsided in a 3-2 vote.

Saboga remained safe when Mogo Mogo member Jenna Morasca quit the game on Day 9 to hurry home to be with her cancer-stricken mother. On Day 12, Saboga finally won immunity keeping Rupert safe for another three days with Rob Cesternino being voted out. After the Day 13 Reward Challenge, Saboga was dissolved. Rupert and Jenna L. were sent to Chapera, while Jerri and Ethan joined Mogo Mogo. Rupert and Jenna L. quickly joined Rob Mariano and Amber Brkich's alliance.

While on Chapera, Rupert did not have to visit Tribal Council, only losing a member on Day 17 when Susan Hawk quit. Rupert enjoyed safety throughout the pre-merge stage of the game. On Day 23, the tribes expected a merge, but were shocked when Jeff Probst revealed a tribe switch. Rupert, along with four other members of the Chapera tribe, were switched to Mogo Mogo and won the sole switched Immunity Challenge.

After the two tribes merged into Chaboga Mogo, Rupert stuck with Rob's alliance and eliminated Lex van den Berghe and Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien in the first two Tribal Councils. On Day 30, after the intended target Shii Ann Huang won immunity, Rob convinced his alliance to vote out Alicia Calaway. When Shii Ann failed to win the next Immunity Challenge, Rupert voted with his alliance and eliminated her.

At the final five, Tom Buchanan became the swing vote between Rupert and Jenna L.'s alliance and Rob M. and Amber's alliance. Not wanting to let Tom be the swing vote, Tom was blindsided when Rob M. and Amber voted to take Rupert and Jenna L. to the final four. When Amber won the final four Immunity Challenge, Rob and Amber aimed to vote out Rupert, while Rupert aimed to eliminate Rob M., leaving Jenna L. with the deciding vote. Terrified that she would be ousted by a rock draw if she voted against Rob M., Jenna L. decided to vote with Rob M. and Amber which sent Rupert to the jury in a 3-1 vote.

At the Final Tribal Council, Rupert asked the finalists what they did to make it to the Final Two and why he should vote for them. Amber said it was by playing the game day by day. She stated she had she many obstacles like the tribe switch and had never lost focus. Rob M. said that Rupert was a man of his word. Rupert chuckled and thanked the finalists. In the end, Rupert respected Rob M.'s game play more than Amber's so he cast his jury vote for Rob M. to win, even though Amber won in a 4-3 vote.

At the finale of All-Stars, viewers were given the opportunity in a fan vote dubbed, Survivor: America's Tribal Council, to select one of the eighteen contestants to win $1 million. The finalists were Rupert Boneham, Colby Donaldson, Tom Buchanan, and Rob Mariano. Rupert won the $1 million, receiving 85% of the 38 million votes cast. He spent his prize money on his family's debts, a college fund for his daughter, a new house for his family, and the creation of his charity, Rupert's Kids, which mentors troubled children.

Episode Tribe
Challenge Challenge Type Sit-Out? Result
1 Saboga Quest for Fire Immunity No Lost
2 Stairway to the Stars Reward No Won
Float Your Boat Immunity No Lost
3 Better Homes and Island Living Reward No Lost
4 Match Maker Reward No 2nd
Blind Cube Crisis Immunity No 1st
5 Shipwrecked Raft Rescue Reward No Lost
Switched Tribes, Day 13
5 Chapera Pilfering Pirates Immunity No Won
6 Stomp-ede Reward No Lost
7 Floating Puzzle Reward/Immunity No Won
8 Log Jam Reward No Won
Choose Your Weapon Immunity No Won
Switched Tribes, Day 23
10 Mogo Mogo Survivor History Immunity No Won
11 Rock Bottom Reward1 Won
Tribes Merged, Day 26
11 Chaboga
Waiting to Exhale Immunity Lost
12 Big Bad-O Course Reward/Immunity2 Lost
13 Face Off Reward Won
When It Rains, It Pours Immunity Lost
14 Survivor Smorgasbord Reward Lost
Fire And Rain Immunity Lost
15 Learn from Past Mistakes Reward Lost
Survivor Scramble Immunity Lost
16 Obstacle Puzzle Maze Immunity Lost
Voted Out, Day 37
^1 The castaways competed as individuals.
^2 The castaways first competed as two teams for reward. Only the members of the winning team would have the right to compete for individual immunity.

Episode Rupert's
Voted Against
1 Tina -
2 Ethan -
3 No Tribal Council
4 Saboga Tribe Immune
5 Chapera Tribe Immune
6 No Tribal Council
7 Chapera Tribe Immune
8 Chapera Tribe Immune
10 Mogo Mogo Tribe Immune
11 Lex -
12 Kathy -
13 Alicia Alicia
14 Shii Ann -
15 Tom -
16 Rob M. Amber,
Jenna L., Rob M.
Voted Out, Day 37
Voted for
Sole Survivor
Rob M.

Heroes vs. Villains[]

Rupert's popularity in his two prior seasons earned him a spot on the Heroes tribe. When the Heroes lost the first Immunity Challenge, Rupert joined the majority in voting out Sugar Kiper. When Heroes lost thes second Immunity Challenge, Rupert joined the Heroes Alliance, and aided them in voting out Stephenie LaGrossa. At the Hero's third Tribal Council, he voted for Colby Donaldson, but after alliance leader J.T. Thomas voted against Cirie Fields, she was blindsided. When the Heroes went to their fourth Tribal Council, he contributed to Tom Westman's elimination. On Day 15, both tribes had to go to Tribal Council. While Colby was the outsider, Rupert and his allies minus James Clement spared Colby and voted out James because of his foot injury. At the next Reward Challenge,the Heroes particularly Rupert believed that an all girls alliance was formed on the Villains tribe, and Rupert pointed that out. The Heroes won the remaining Immunity Challenges before the merge.

When the merged occurred, Rupert and his allies believed Villains member Russell Hantz whom they perceived was the outsider was on their side. However, after Villains member Sandra Diaz-Twine told him Russell was in control on the Villains tribe and there was no all girls alliance, Rupert voiced his concern to his allies. At Tribal Council, Rupert voted for Jerri Manthey, but Parvati Shallow gave Hidden Immunity Idols to Sandra and Jerri, blindsiding J.T.

On Day 30, Sandra talked to Rupert and told him that Russell had to go. However, at Tribal Council, Sandra sided with Russell, and alliance member Candice Woodcock flipped to Russell's alliance, thus blindsiding alliance member Amanda Kimmel. Rupert and Colby were now the only loyal Heroes left. The following morning, Rupert voiced his disgust at Russell by calling him out during breakfast for being a terrible human being. Russell said all of his actions are just part of the game, but Rupert said he has played twice before and never stooped as low as Russell. The argument quickly devolves into personal insults and attacks between the two men as the rest of the tribe watches on. Rupert was unable to win immunity.

At camp, Rupert, knowing he is the main target of the Villains at this point, hatches a plan to keep himself around by faking that he has the idol. Rupert takes a large stone from the river and puts it in his pocket to make it look like he has an idol. As Rupert returned to camp, Russell saw him and the bulge in Rupert's side pocket and immediately believed that Rupert found the idol. Colby and Rupert met out in the jungle to talk about what the Villains planned on doing. Colby said they'd probably split the votes three on Rupert, and another three on either Colby or Candice. They came up with a plan to put their own votes on Candice, so if the Villains do ended up splitting on Candice, she would go home five votes to three. At the vote, the Villains split the votes three each for Rupert and Candice, while Rupert and Colby voted for Candice, blindsiding her unexpectedly 5-3.

Russell narrowly defeated Rupert to win the next Immunity Challenge. At camp, Russell targeted Danielle DiLorenzo, and recruited Rupert and Colby. At Tribal Council, Rupert received three votes, but Jerri, who was upset after Danielle stated Jerri was on the bottom, sided with the three men so Danielle was blindsided. On Day 35, Jerri won the Loved Ones Challenge and chose to take Parvati and Sandra on reward. At camp, Russell was angry that Jerri did not take him, Rupert played off Russell and built him up into being even more upset and angry at his alliance, then Russell aligned with Rupert and Colby and they agreed to vote out Parvati. However, Parvati won immunity. Sandra approached Rupert and told him she hated Russell and was sick of him. Sandra told him the only reason the girls keep Russell is around is because everyone hates him so bad they know they'll win against him at the end. Rupert, however, shunned Sandra and went back to Russell. Rupert talked to Russell by the campfire as Parvati and Sandra lay in the shelter. Rupert whispered and told Russell the girls still wanted him out, calling out Sandra. At Tribal Council, Rupert and Colby voted for Sandra, but Russell betrayed them and voted for Rupert, Sandra played her idol which negated Rupert's and Colby's votes so Rupert was voted out. After his torch was snuffed, he angrily glared at the final 5.

At the Final Tribal Council, Rupert berated Russell for his numerous lies and betrayals, thanked Sandra for trying to help the Heroes, and praised Parvati for her challenge performances. He voted for Sandra to win again, which she did in a 6-3-0 vote over Parvati and Russell.

Episode Tribe
Challenge Challenge Type Sit-Out? Result
1 Heroes Battle Dig Reward No Won
Lock, Load and Light Immunity No Lost
2 A Crate Idea Reward/Immunity Yes Lost
3 Sumo in Mud Reward/Immunity No Won
4 Slip, Slide & Score Reward No Lost
Roll With It Immunity No Lost
5 Schmergen Brawl Reward No Lost
Blind Cube Crisis Immunity No Lost
6 Rope-a-Dope1 Immunity Lost
Reward Yes Lost
7 Basket Brawl Reward No Won
Caught in the Web Immunity No Won
8 Fauxconut Bowling Reward No Won
Mud Slide Immunity No Won
9 Chimney Sweep Reward No Lost
Strung Out Immunity No Won
Tribes Merged, Day 25
10 Yin Yang Get a Grip Immunity Lost
11 Pacific Shuffle Reward Lost
House of Cards Immunity Lost
12 When It Rains, It Pours Immunity Lost
Pegatory Knockout Immunity Lost
13 Pass the Bucket Reward Lost
Keep It Up Immunity Lost
Voted Out, Day 36
^1 The tribes competed in separate individual Immunity Challenges where the winners from both tribes competed against each other for tribal reward.

Episode Rupert's
Voted Against
1 Sugar -
2 Stephenie -
3 Heroes Tribe Immune
4 Colby -
5 Tom -
6 James -
7 Heroes Tribe Immune
8 Heroes Tribe Immune
9 Heroes Tribe Immune
10 Jerri1 -
11 Parvati -
12 Candice Candice,
Danielle, Parvati
Danielle Danielle,
Parvati, Sandra
13 Sandra2 Jerri, Parvati,
Russell, Sandra
Voted Out, Day 36
Voted for
Sole Survivor

^1 In "Going Down in Flames", Jerri used a Hidden Immunity Idol, negating Rupert's vote against her.
^2 In "Loose Lips Sink Ships", Sandra used a Hidden Immunity Idol, negating Rupert's vote against her.

Blood vs. Water[]

Rupert would play the game for a fourth time with his wife, Laura Boneham. After Laura was the first contestant voted out of the game on Day 1 due to her tribe trying to weaken Rupert, he decided to go to Redemption Island in place of his wife, while Laura took his place on the Galang Tribe. On Redemption Island with Candice Cody, Rupert attempted to preserve his energy by not doing any work, saying he had worked his butt off for his tribe in the past and that's why he didn't have energy for Individual Immunity Challenges. The two were joined by Marissa Peterson on the night of Day 3, and competed in their first duel on Day 4; Candice won coming in first place. Rupert was in second the majority of the way until his stack fell over near the end, allowing Marissa to catch up causing Rupert to come in last place in the duel and be the first person eliminated from the season, placing 20th.

Episode Tribe
Challenge Challenge Type Sit-Out? Result
Switched, Day 1
2 Galang Operation Balance Build Duel Lost
Eliminated, Day 4

Episode Rupert's
Voted Against
1 Laura M. -
Switched, Day 11
1 On Redemption Island
Eliminated, Day 4

^1 In "Blood Is Thicker than Anything", Rupert was given the opportunity to switch with his wife, Laura B., after she was voted out from her tribe, which he accepted, sending himself to Redemption Island.



Rupert and Laura's promotional photo for The Amazing Race 31.

Rupert The Price is Right

Rupert with his partner, Jessica, and Drew Carey.

  • Rupert, along with eight other former castaways, competed on a Survivor edition of The Price Is Right primetime special in 2016.[12] Rupert and his partner, Jessica, lost their pricing game and failed to make it to the Showcase.[13] While spinning the wheel, Rupert gave a shout out to his wife, Laura Boneham, and their daughter.
  • Rupert was inducted into Xfinity's Survivor Hall of Fame on December 14, 2016.[14]
  • In the summer of 2018, Rupert and Laura competed on the thirty-first season of The Amazing Race.[15] They were eliminated in the second episode, finishing in 10th place.
  • On November 8, 2021, it was revealed by Laura that Rupert had gotten cancer.


  • Rupert is the first contestant to reside in Indiana during filming.
  • Rupert is the first contestant to be kidnapped by another tribe.
  • Rupert went the longest time without visiting Tribal Council in Pearl Islands. He, along with the rest of the Drake tribe, was immune from the first three Tribal Councils, then when Drake attended their first Tribal Council, Rupert was kidnapped by the Morgan tribe, meaning that he did not attend that Tribal Council.
  • Rupert is the first contestant to compete in back-to-back seasons.
  • In All Stars, Rupert became first castaway to be the fifteenth person permanently eliminated from a season.
  • On All-Stars, Rupert, along with Jenna Lewis and Jerri Manthey became the first castaways to be on three tribes before the merge. They would be followed by Andrew Savage in Cambodia, Cirie Fields in Game Changers, and Laurel Johnson and Sebastian Noel in Ghost Island.
  • Rupert has won the most money out of the winners of the Fan Favorite Award, with $1,000,000. Subsequent fan favorite winners Cirie Fields and Ozzy Lusth won a car. Starting in China, all fan favorites earn $100,000.
  • Rupert, along with Amber Mariano, Colby Donaldson, Jerri Manthey, Tina Wesson, Ethan Zohn, Rob Mariano, and Coach Wade are the only six castaways to compete in seasons with 16, 18, and 20 castaways.
  • Rupert is the first man to accumulate 100 days over his Survivor career. Rupert's 100th day was on his last day on Heroes vs. Villains (Day 36).
  • Rupert is the first of five contestants to be a member of the jury in three different seasons. The other contestants are Ozzy Lusth, Andrea Boehlke, and Cirie Fields, and Joe Anglim.
  • Rupert is the first man to have his torch snuffed three times and the second overall after Cirie Fields.
  • Rupert is the first contestant to vote for the same person in two different Final Tribal Councils. In both Pearl Islands and Heroes vs. Villains, he voted for Sandra Diaz-Twine to win. He would be followed by Sarah Lacina and Jeremy Collins, who voted for Tony Vlachos and Natalie Anderson to win respectively.
  • Rupert lost 30 lbs. during his time on Heroes vs. Villains.[16]
  • Rupert is the first contestant to live at Redemption Island without getting voted out, due to switching with his wife.
  • Rupert is the second person to intentionally send himself to Redemption Island with the intention of eliminating the current inhabitant and returning to the game, following Ozzy Lusth in South Pacific.
  • Rupert is the third contestant to place last in a season while never have a single vote cast against them (after Jonathan Libby in Palau and Kourtney Moon in One World, and later followed by Pat Cusack in David vs. Goliath, Jackson Fox in Survivor 42 and Bruce Perreault in Survivor 44).
  • Rupert is the fourth castaway to be eliminated without receiving any votes cast against him during a season nor have quit or been evacuated, after Paschal English, Jonathan Libby, and Wanda Shirk. They would be followed by Cirie Fields (in Game Changers) and Kara Kay.
  • Rupert is the first contestant to be eliminated from the game on Day 4.


Survivor: Pearl Islands Castaways
S7 andrew t
S7 burton t
S7 christa t
S7 darrah t
S7 jon t
S7 lillian t
S7 michelle t
S7 nicole t
S7 osten t
S7 rupert t
 Ryan O.
S7 ryano t
 Ryan S.
S7 ryans t
S7 sandra t
S7 shawn t
S7 tijuana t
S7 trish t
Survivor: All-Stars Castaways
S8 alicia t
S8 amber t
Mogo Mogo
S8 colby t
S8 ethan t
 Jenna L.
S8 jennal t
 Jenna M.
Mogo Mogo
S8 jennam t
S8 jerri t
Mogo Mogo
S8 kathy t
Mogo Mogo
S8 lex t
Mogo Mogo
S8 richard t
 Rob C.
S8 robc t
 Rob M.
S8 robm t
S8 rudy t
S8 rupert t
 Shii Ann
Mogo Mogo
S8 shiiann t
S8 susan t
S8 tina t
S8 tom t
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Castaways
S20 amanda t
S20 candice t
S20 cirie t
S20 coach t
S20 colby t
S20 courtney t
S20 danielle t
S20 jt t
S20 james t
S20 jerri t
S20 parvati t
S20 randy t
S20 rob t
S20 rupert t
S20 russell t
S20 sandra t
S20 stephenie t
S20 sugar t
S20 tom t
S20 tyson t
Survivor: Blood vs. Water Castaways
S27 aras t
S27 brad t
S27 caleb t
S27 candice t
S27 ciera t
S27 colton t
S27 gervase t
S27 hayden t
S27 john t
S27 kat t
S27 katie t
 Laura B.
S27 laurab t
 Laura M.
S27 lauram t
S27 marissa t
S27 monica t
S27 rachel t
S27 rupert t
S27 tina t
S27 tyson t
S27 vytas t