Street Fighter Wiki
"Slide along the ground toward your opponent. This is a low attack that cannot be blocked standing."
Street Fighter 6

The Water Slicer Slide (水切り蹴り Suikirigeri?, Water Cutter Kick) is one of Kimberly's unique attack, introduced in Street Fighter 6.

Classic Arcade Stick DR+Arcade-Button-MKick
Modern Arcade Stick DR+Modern M


Executed by pressing down-forward and Medium Kick (or down-forward and Medium Attack for Modern Control), Kimberly slides along the ground to kick her opponent's shins.



This move hits low and covers about 1/4 of the screen. It has an 11-frame startup, but covers more ground than her standard pokes. Kimberly can use this move against other zoning characters. She can slide underneath her opponent's projectiles and still have enough active frames to hit low for a small amount of damage. Water Slicer Slide, is unsafe on block, but it can be difficult for her opponent to punish if properly spaced. This move is also effective during a Drive Rush. On hit, she can link into Standing Heavy Kick for optimal damage. This puts the opponent in a situation where they are force to guess to block low for the slide, block high for the overhead, or counter any throw attempts.

