Street Fighter Wiki

Urarimon (裏裡門, "Reverse Inner Gate"?) is one of Akira's special attacks, introduced in Rival Schools: United by Fate. It is a variation of the iconic Limen Dingzhou/Rimon Chochu attack from the Bajiquan/Hakkyokuken martial art, and was originally Yun and Yang's close standing medium punch.

Rivals Schools Arcade Stick QCF+Arcade Button Punch
Street Fighter V Arcade Stick QCB+Arcade Button Punch



Executed by performing a quarter-circle backward motion and pressing punch, Akira performs the iconic Rimon Chouchuu, which is a lunging under-handed elbow strike with her leading arm.

The EX version has her follow up with her opposing elbow. If no input is pressed afterward, she briefly does a double arm pump salute for the meterless version and a raised fist pose for the EX version.


Urarimon serves as Akira's approach option, similar to Balrog's Dash Straight. Its long lateral range and pushback make it a strong tool in neutral, though it is best used when properly spaced to avoid being punished on block.

The strength of the punch button determines the startup, advantage, and the distance Akira travels. The Light version does the least amount of damage and covers the shortest distance, but can easily combo from Akira's light attacks while being safe. After hitting her opponent with a forward throw in the corner, Akira can immediately follow up with a meaty Light Urarimon. Even if they block, she is at best -1 and spaced away from her opponent to make it difficult to punish her. Akira is +5 on a meaty Light Urarimon, allowing her to link into Standing Light Kick. She can inflict more damaging combos on a meaty Counter Hit since she is +7. Akira can link into Crouching Medium Kick and cancel into Heavy Senshubu for good damage.

The Medium version is notable in its usage as part of Akira's combos. Akira is left +3 on hit. If she is still within range, she link into Crouching Light Punch to extend combos. Medium Urarimon pushes the opponent back less on a crouching hit, letting her instead finish with a Hotenshu. Medium Urarimon is a core component to Akira's combos along with Heavy Senshubu, where properly ascertaining the opponent's current state can lead to much higher damage.

The Heavy version does notably more damage and 50 more stun on hit as well as knocking the opponent down, but has the longest startup at 22 frames at the furthest position and 18 frames when close. Heavy Urarimon is mainly used to push her opponent into the corner.

The EX version travels the furthest and has a startup between the Light and Medium Urarimon, depending on how close the opponent is. She can juggle into EX Urarimon and even juggle out with an EX Hotenshu for extra damage. It can be used to surprise the opponent, due to its fast startup. It is also -2 on block, letting Akira be safe regardless of where she is relative to the opponent.

