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This article is a list of all the characters' move lists in the PlayStation and Saturn versions of Street Fighter: The Movie.


Move Name Input
Gou-Hadoken Half circle forward+Punch
Shakunetsu Hadoken Arcade Stick HCB + Arcade Button Punch
Zanku Hadoken Arcade Modifier Air Arcade Stick QCF + Arcade Button Punch
Gou-Shoryuken Arcade Stick S + Arcade Button Punch
Hurricane Kick Arcade Modifier (Air) Arcade Stick QCB + Arcade Button Kick
Ashura Senku Shoryuken motion or Reverse Shoryuken motion+Punch x3 or Kick x3
Super Combo: Messatsu Gou Hado Arcade Stick QCF Arcade Stick QCF + Arcade Button Punch
Super Combo: Messatsu Gou Shouryuu Arcade Stick QCB Arcade Stick QCB + Arcade Button Punch


Move Name Input
Dash Straight Arcade Stick CB Arcade Stick Right + Arcade Button Punch
Dash Upper Arcade Stick CB Arcade Stick Right + Arcade Button Kick
Dash Ground Straight Charge backDown-right motion+Punch
Dash Ground Upper Charge backDown-right motion+Kick
Turn Punch Hold Punch x3 or Kick x3 and release
Buffalo Head Charge down then up+Punch
Super Combo: Crazy Buffalo Charge backRight motionLeft motion then right motion+Punch or Kick (Hold or release Kick)


Move Name Input
Electric Thunder Arcade Modifier Tap Arcade Button Punch
Rolling Attack Charge backRight motion+Arcade Button Punch
Backstep Roll Charge backRight motion+Arcade Button Kick
Vertical Roll Arcade Stick CDU + Arcade Button Kick
Super Combo: Ground Shave Roll Arcade Stick CB Arcade Stick RL Arcade Stick Right + Arcade Button Punch


Move Name Input
Psycho Crusher Charge backRight motion+Punch
Scissor Kick Charge backRight motion+Kick
Head Stomp Charge down then up+Kick (+Punch)
Devil Reverse Charge down then up+Punch(+Punch)
Super Combo: Knee Press Nightmare Arcade Stick CB Arcade Stick RL Arcade Stick Right + Arcade Button Punch


Move Name Input
Spiral Arrow Arcade Stick QCF + Arcade Button Kick
Axle Spin Knuckle Arcade-Stick-Left Arcade-Stick-DL Arcade-Stick-Right + Arcade Button Punch
Cannon Spike Shoryuken motion + Arcade Button Kick
Hooligan Combination Diagonal Half Circle Forward+Punch(varied follow-up)
Super Combo: Spin Drive Smasher Arcade Stick QCF Arcade Stick QCF + Arcade Button Kick


Move Name Input
Lightning Kick Arcade Modifier Tap + Arcade Button Kick
Spinning Bird Kick Arcade Modifier (Air) Charge backRight motion+Kick
Kikoken Charge backRight motion+Punch
Tenshokyaku Charge down then up + Kick
Yousou Kyaku Arcade Modifier Air Arcade-Stick-Down + Sf3 kick medium
Super Combo: Senretsukyaku Arcade Stick CB Arcade Stick RL Arcade Stick Right + Arcade Button Kick

Dee Jay

Move Name Input
Air Slasher Charge backRight motion+Punch
Machine Gun Upper Arcade Stick CDU + Arcade Button Punch
Double Rolling Sobat Charge backRight motion+Kick
Jackknife Maximum Charge down then up+Kick
Super Combo: Sobat Carnival Charge backRight motionLeft motion then right motion+Kick

E. Honda

Move Name Input
Hundred Hand Slap Arcade Modifier Tap + Arcade Button Punch
Sumo Headbutt Charge backRight motion+Punch
Sumo Smash Charge down then up+Kick
Oicho Throw Half circle back+Punch(when close)
Super Combo: Super Killer Head Ram Charge backRight motionLeft motion then right motion+Punch


Move Name Input
Sonic Boom Charge backRight motion+Punch
Flash Kick Charge down then up+Kick
Spin Back Knuckle Arcade-Stick-Right + Arcade-Button-HPunch
Super Combo: Double Flash Arcade Stick CDB Arcade Stick Delta + Arcade Button Kick


Move Name Input
Shoryuken Arcade Stick S + Arcade Button Punch
Hadoken Arcade Stick QCF + Arcade Button Punch
Hurricane Kick Also possible in airArcade Stick QCB + Arcade Button Kick
Kama Barai Geri Arcade Stick QCF + Arcade Button Kick (+ Kick)
Nata Otoshi Geri Arcade Stick QCD + Arcade Button Kick (+ Kick)
Oosoto Mawashi Geri Arcade Stick HCF + Arcade Button Kick (+ Kick)
Super Combo: Shoryu Reppa Arcade Stick QCF Arcade Stick QCF + Arcade Button Punch


Move Name Input
Hadoken Arcade Stick QCF + Arcade Button Punch
Shakunetsu Hadoken Arcade Stick HCF + Arcade Button Punch
Shoryuken Arcade Stick S + Arcade Button Punch
Hurricane Kick Also possible in airArcade Stick QCB + Arcade Button Kick
Super Combo: Shinku Hadoken Arcade Stick QCF Arcade Stick QCF + Arcade Button Punch


Move Name Input
Tiger Shot Arcade Stick QCF + Arcade Button Punch
Low Tiger Shot Arcade Stick QCF + Arcade Button Kick
Tiger Uppercut Arcade Stick S + Arcade Button Punch
Tiger Knee Arcade Stick DHCF+Kick
Super Combo: Tiger Genocide Arcade Stick QCF Arcade Stick QCF + Arcade Button Punch


Move Name Input
Hyakuretu Izungiri Arcade Stick QCF+Punch(TapPunch)
Gokusatsu Jibakujin Arcade Stick HCB + Punch
Sawada Special '95 Arcade Stick QCF+Kick (can be performed twice in a row then followup with Arcade Stick DHCF+Kick)
Ninpo Kamikakushi Shoryuken motion or Reverse Shoryuken motion+Punch x3 or Kick x3
Super Combo: Kamikaze Banzai Arcade Stick QCF Arcade Stick QCF + Arcade Button Punch


Move Name Input
Sky High Claw Charge down then up+Punch
Rolling Crystal Flash Charge backRight motion+Punch
Flying Barcelona Attack Charge down then up+Kick (+Punch, or Left motion or Right motion+Punch after Flying Barcelona Attack)
Scarlet Terror Charge down backRight motion+Kick
Super Combo: Rolling Izuna Drop Charge down backDelta motion+Kick


Move Name Input
Double Lariat Punch x3
Quick Double Lariat Kick x3
Spinning Piledriver 360+Punch
Flying Power Bomb 360+Kick
Atomic Suplex 360+Kick(when close)
Banishing Flat Arcade Stick QCD + Arcade Button Punch
Super Combo: Final Atomic Buster Arcade Stick 360 Arcade Stick 360 + Arcade Button Punch