Street Fighter Wiki

Startup of Psycho Chamber

"Not today! Playtime's over! Never underestimate me! One more! JACKPOT! Good workout!"
—Ed in Street Fighter 6

"You'll regret being born! String 'em up! I ain't losin'... not to ANYONE! Now stay down!"
—Ed in Street Fighter 6

The Psycho Chamber (サイコチェンバー Saiko Chenbā?) is Ed's Level 3 Super Art & Critical Art in Street Fighter 6.

Classic Arcade Stick QCFArcade Stick QCF+Arcade Button Punch
Modern Arcade-Stick-Down+Modern SP+Modern H


"Ties together the feet and hands of an opponent before delivering a series of powerful shots all over their body. A versatile move that can counter projectiles, be used in combos, and can turn the tables when under pressure."
Street Fighter 6

Ed knocking out Cammy at the end of his Psycho Chamber.

Executed by performing two quarter-circle forward motions and pressing punch (or pressing down plus both the Heavy & Special Attack simultaneously for Modern Control), Ed's rear fist glows with Psycho Power, then delivers a straight punch. If it connects, the enhanced punch sends the opponent back. At the same time, their hands and feet are wrapped and bound by threads infused with negative energy, hanging off the ground like a boxing heavy bag. Next Ed barrages the opponent body with a set of punches around a circular plane like a punching bag: a jab-cross combo to the solar plexus, three alternating body blows to their side and back, followed by a jab-cross-hook to their other side. Ed delivers another powerful straight punch to the belly to make the enemy swing backwards, only to recoil back to Ed so he can finish with a devastating uppercut to their jaw.

For the Critical Art version, after binding his foe, Ed strikes his opponent with only four punches: a jab-cross combo to the solar plexus, a straight punch to the belly, followed by an uppercut to the jaw that knocks them into the air. Before his opponent gets out of reach, Ed throws out multiple lines of threads at the opponent to snatches them out of the air and pulls them back. As the opponent spins and tumbles uncontrollably back, Ed pulls an Psycho Powered fist back before delivering a devastating hook to the cheek of the inverted opponent.



Ed cold-cocking Cammy with a devastating punch during Psycho Chamber.

Psycho Chamber is Ed's Level 3 Super Art, making it his strongest move in his arsenal. He can cancel this move from his normals, unique attacks, or special moves such as his Psycho Blitz, Psycho Flicker or Light Psycho Uppercut. When Ed is down to 25% or less of his health, this move gain an additional boost of damage. It also has a lengthy cinematic animation, allowing Ed to recover Drive Meter while draining at least two bars from his opponent. He is fully invincible during the startup frames of this move, making it a good option to punish projectiles at short range. It is also his fastest reversal option, albeit risky and expensive.

