This is a list of quotes used by Dhalsim.
Street Fighter II series
Street Fighter II
- "I will meditate and then destroy you."
- "Now you've realized the inner mysteries of yoga!" (Console versions)
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
- "Mastery comes from within."
- "Your mind is full of wrong ideas. It's best you empty it."
- "You must master yourself before you can truly compete."
- "If you're a warrior, training your mind is more important than your technique."
Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers
- "Do you not understand the mind must be trained before the fist?"
- "Without enlightenment, you are lost in darkness! Seek the light!"
- "Fate... It was your fate to lose."
Lost Quotes (Street Fighter II SNES)[1]
- "Enlightenment! As long as you are not enlightened, victory will not come to you!!"
- "Have you realized the ultimate mystery of Yoga!!"
- "Fate... It was fate for you to lose."
- "Is there any pride as a warrior in you?"
Street Fighter Alpha series
Street Fighter Alpha 2
Rival Dialogues
Dhalsim: Do you wish to learn from me, novice?
Zangief: Ha! What could someone so puny possibly teach me?
Dhalsim: Size is no consequence. Yoga mastery is an ancient discipline of mind and body.
Zangief: Your body, I will twist into a pretzel. I'll leave your mind for the vultures.
M. Bison
Dhalsim: You have an evil spirit. Your soul is dark with hate.
M. Bison: I will crush you with true power!
Dhalsim: Real power is achieved by mercy. May the spirits have mercy on your soul.
Win Quotes
- "Meditate on your loss. Someday our paths will cross again."
- "Action brings reaction. Your fate has followed you."
- "I'm your master. Pain is a state of mind and I don't mind your pain."
- "Don't cry. I'll let you live."
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Rival Dialogues
Dhalsim: Wait, young lady. You shouldn't live your life so carelessly.
Rose: You assumed that I was thinking of dying? Is it because I looked sad? Hm.. hm.. hm..
Dhalsim: No, it's not your face. In your mind, you're ready to die...
Rose: !! Who are you?! How could you read my mind?! Don't try to stand in my way! No one can stop this fight!
Dhalsim: Hmm... So he is called M. Bison... I can feel an evil omen...
Rose: You can read others' minds, so you must know how evil he is. I have to defeat him. I must defeat him...
Dhalsim: You cannot win if you give up the will to live.... Do not be impatient. Wait for the right time.
Dhalsim: Birdie, I would like to ask you a question... Where is Shadaloo's hideout?
Birdie: Ha! Are ya out of your mind?! Why should I tell ya? Ya know... If you play with me, I might consider telling you... But now I got this urge to make a pretzel! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Birdie: Blast it!! I lost!! OK... I promised I'd tell you...
Dhalsim: So, the hideout is in Thailand. I read your mind...
Birdie: ?! What the heck?! Why didn't you read it in the first place?!
Juli and Juni
M. Bison: You have an excellent body... You'll make a fine guinea pig for the Psycho Power...
Dhalsim: So you're M. Bison... What malevolent energy! So you're the one that is giving out evil energy!
M. Bison: You've taken the bait! I tricked you into increasing my powers! The other maggots of justice did not help me in the way you have! Seize him!
M. Bison
M. Bison: You didn't kneel before me! I'll make you sorry! My patience runs short. I urge you to obey my will immediately. It's such a pity that your power shall not be seen again.
Win Quotes
- "To prove your bravery is to protect those who are innocent."
- "The mind can often be a more formidable weapon than the body!"
- "Shed your ego and become a part of what is around you. Awaken!"
- "Peace and tranquility... This is the way of Yoga!"
- "My family... My friends... I will fight for their souls."
- "A friend, no matter how weak or poor... is worth dying for."
- "Victory is to control yourself as well as control the opponent."
- "Meditate now... Then the answers you seek will be revealed."
Win Quotes (JPN Version)
- "Sympathizing with the weak is the truest proof to be found in someone strong."「弱者をいたわる心こそ まことの強者の証である」
- "You should pray... Doing so will open your path forward."「祈るがよい…… さすれば道は開かれる」
- "No need to be surprised. This is the work of Yoga."「驚かずともよい これがヨーガだ」
- "I will fight however long to protect my wife, child, and brethren with my soul."「我が妻、我が子、我が同胞 守るべき魂ある限り私は戦う」
- "My body has always been used for the sake of my impoverished brethren."「もとよりこの体 貧しき同胞のためにあり」
- "What is victory? It is to win against both your opponent and oneself."「勝利とは何か? 敵と己、双方に克つことなり」
- "Wash away your ego, and let it become one with the wind... Your enlightenment will be found there."「自我を消し、その身風となす…… 悟りとはただそこに在ること」
- "Like the flaring morning sun, my flames will light my way to the future."「燃え上がる朝日のごとく わが炎は未来を照らす」
Win Quotes (Character-Specific, JPN Version)
- "Is what you should be protecting your name, or soul? You should ask yourself."「守るべきは名か、魂か 今一度、己に問うがよい」
- "I cannot dive into your mind... I have the power of yoga and yet... I cannot read you!"「読めぬ……ヨーガの力を もってしても……読めぬ!」
- "Like the wind which lingers around a weeping willow, I too can see all there is to be seen."「柳に風、たなびくが如し 全て見切っておる」
- "So, you do not possess an ear to listen with... Then I shall show no mercy to you!「聞く耳もたぬか…… ならば��赦なし!」
- "Words can be powerless at times... I am sure you can understand that sentiment."「言葉は時として無力…… そなたならば解ろうぞ」
- "What is it that you are afraid of? I shall listen to what troubles you bear."「何に怯えておる? 悩みがあるなら聞いてしんぜよう」
- "There still lie mysteries even in the Science Age... as you can see before your very own eyes."「科学の時代とて 神秘はある……今ここに」
- "For as long as you don't discard your ambitions, your wishes will surely come to fruition."「希望を捨てぬ限り 必ずや願いは成就するであろう」
- "Young one, look onto the skies above. The future is abound with radiance."「若者よ、空を見上げよ 未来は輝きに満ちておる」
- "It is futile for your taunts to affect me. I have already reached mental clarity."「挑発してもムダだ 私はすでに達しておるのだよ」
- "There is meaning to be found in silence. It is a teacher which we should all learn from."「静寂にもまた意味がある 万物これみな学ぶべき師なのだ」
- "It is fortunate for us both that we both wish to avoid engaging in idle conflicts."「無為な争いは避けるが吉……」
- "Your body, sir. I found it troubling to handle after not finding any particular weak spots."「おぬしの身体 なかなか弱点が見えず困ったぞ」
- "The fleeting pleasures you seek are not needed on a path of enlightenment... Katsu!"「刹那の享楽など 菩提の心には不要なり・・・・喝!」
- "You are now at a crossroads. Which path will you take? That is for you to decide..."「今、おぬしは瀬戸際におる どちらにゆくかはおぬし次第……」
- "Are you content with deluding yourself?"「よいのか? 己を欺いたままで……」
- "Live with the short remainder of life to repent for the misdeeds you have caused."「残り少ない余生 これまでの悪行を悔いて生きよ!」
- "Have an open mind... Your eyes grasp the truth of the world."「広き眼をもて……さすれば 世の理(ことわり)が見えるだろう」
- "It would be better for you to not think too profoundly on each and every single matter."「物事、難しく考えぬほうがよいぞ」
- "I must warn you that your current actions here will have an adverse effect on our world if you remain for too long."「故あっての行いとて、永くこの地に とどまるは凶なりと忠告するぞ」
- "A mystery for me, indeed... to not hear your "heart's voice"?"「はて面妖な……おぬしから 「心の声」が聞こえぬが……?」
- "We are not presented with one future alone. You can look for a new future to live in..."「未来はひとつではない 見出すがよい、新たな道を……」
- "You will lose your way if you are tempted by strength... Find enlightenment."「強さに魅入られては 道を見失う……開眼されよ」
- "Look onto this vast land we find ourselves in. It is laughing upon you for living in haste."「この雄大な大地を見よ 生き急ぐおぬしを笑っておるわ」
- "Evil... and a strong one at that. Your heart is seeped in darkness."「悪……純粋にして強大 おぬしの心は暗黒に染まっておる」
- "You should calm yourself. Only blunders will come from actions done hastily."「まあ、落ち着きなされ 急いては事仕損じると申すぞ」
- "The door has been opened. Will you go forward or return? The rest is up for you to decide."「扉は開かれた 行くか戻るか、そなた次第だ」
- "That arrogance will surely betray what you earnestly desire."「その驕りはいつか 慕うものを裏切るであろう」
- "You say that this is for fulfilling your destiny, and yet... why have you closed your heart?"「使命のためとはいえ 何故、おぬしは心を閉ざす……?」
- "What is it that conflicts you, young man? The answer you seek should already be before you."「何を迷うか若者よ すでに答えは目前に示されておる」
- "Anger does not create power. There is no place for it in an enlightened heart..."「怒りが生む力なぞ 菩提の心に優るはずも無し……」
- "Do not fret... Everything flows into the same pond. Devote yourself to it, and let time flow."「案ずるな……全ては流れの中にある 身をゆだね、時をまつのだ」
- "If you truly possess a heart which values courtesy, then you shall find much to learn in this defeat."「礼節を重んじる心あれば この敗北から多くを学べよう……」
- "You, who shouts in God's name. Please do not hurt people with such jest."「神の名を叫ぶ者よ いたずらに人を傷つけるでない」
- "Your speed is definitely one which my eyes cannot hope to match... But my arms can still make their way to wherever you may be."「確かに目にも止まらぬ速さ…… だが届くのだ、わたしの腕は」
- "The wisdom of humanity has only been cultivated for a few thousand years. It could not hope to contest against the infinite Ganges River."��人の英知とてたかが数千年 悠久のガンガーの流れには敵うまい」
- "Your brutish attacks are met with my flexible resistance. You had no hope of winning this engagement."「剛の攻めには柔の受け おぬしに勝ち目はない」
Marvel vs. Capcom series
X-Men vs. Street Fighter
Win Quotes
- "You didn't even break my concentration."
- "Yoga teaches the combination of powers."
- "With a sound mind comes a superior body."
- "The pain must be endured. Then you might be great."
- "Next time I will reach out and strangle you!"
- "Mother India has been kind to me."
- "It's time for you to learn a lesson in defeat."
- "I have studied Yoga; you have studied nothing."
Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter
Rival Dialogue
Dhalsim: Apocalypse, I will put an end to you!
Apocalypse: Contemplate your own undoing, Dhalsim.
Win Quotes
- "Practice and you can follow me..."
- "Not impressed? Let's do it again!"
- "It's Yoga power that keeps me going!"
- "I must meditate on why you lost... you are inferior!"
- "I must master the power of Yoga to be the best."
- "Here's your first lesson in Yoga. Take the pain!"
- "Feel the power of Yoga."
- "Do not attempt to challenge me again!"
Capcom vs. SNK series
Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000
Win Quotes
- "Free your mind and the rest will follow..."
- "Always stay true to yourself..."
- "A man must be strong in the mind and limber in the body."
- "The way to master Yoga is very long..."
- "My mission is to spread the power of Yoga!"
- "Mercy is the power to forgive."
- "Let the power of Yoga release you from your fear."
- "In order to attain peace, concentration becomes key..."
Ending Quote
- "Thank you. The mind can overcome anything it wants."
Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millennium 2001
Before Finals
- "The power of Yoga will see me through to the end!"
Win Quotes
- "Let the power of Yoga heal and release you from your fear."
- "My mission is to spread the power of Yoga throughout the world."
- "In order to attain peace, concentration becomes key..."
- "Free your mind and the rest will follow..."
- "There are only two ways to master Yoga, the long way, and the longer way..."
- "Mercy is the power to forgive. Kindness is the power to forget."
- "A man must be strong in the mind and limber in the body to succeed."
- "Popular opinion can change in an instant. Always stay true to yourself..."
Win Quotes (character specific, Japanese version)
- "Is it possible that we can ever escape a karma as deep as Naraka...? I bow my head in prayer."「奈落の如き深き業、もはや抜けること叶わぬか・・・・合掌。」
- "In a raging storm, it is a good idea to simply surrender, not to fight against it. Do you understand?"「荒れ狂う嵐には、逆らわずただ身をまかせるのが良策。おわかりか?」
- "It is better to live life as it is."「あるがままの姿で生きるがよかろう。」
- "Human emotions... They are what you need most right now."「喜怒哀楽・・・・おぬしに今一番必要なものだ。」
- "Grudges dull the fist. A wielder of your caliber would have noticed."「恨みは拳を鈍らせる。おぬしほどの使い手ならば気づいておろう。」
- "To correct your recklessness... Yes, why not have a spouse?"「汝の向こう見ずを直すには・・・・そう、伴侶を持たれてはどうか?」
- "I wonder, is it my soul that perplexes me after sitting for a hundred years?"「百年座しても、不可解なるは己の魂か。」
- "To be kind to others is one of the ways to make the most of oneself."「相手をたてることもまた、己を活かす手だてのひとつ。」
- "After all... Have you considered charity?"「汝、そもそも・・・・慈愛というものをどう考えておるのか?」
- "There is no righteousness in power. Therefore, the silence of my heart cannot be broken."「義なき力に正はなし。ゆえに我が心の静寂は打ち破れぬ。」
- "It is in life that one sees the future. If you focus only on death, you will never see the light."「人は生の中にこそ未来を見る。死だけ見据えても、光は差さぬぞ。」
- "It is only for a moment. Do not run too fast, but look at yourself."「いっときでよい。がむしゃらに走らず己を見つめ直すがよい。」
- "In time, a trial will come to you. Only by overcoming it will you become a true warrior."「やがて、おぬしには試練が訪れる。それを乗り越えてこそ、まことの戦士だ。」
- "Until the mistakes that have been made many times over are corrected, our negative karma will continue to increase..."「重ねた過ちを改めぬ限り、負業は増え続ける・・・・。」
- "If your spirit is disturbed, so will your actions be. The mind and body are always the balance of both."「やがて、おぬしには試練が訪れる。それを乗り越えてこそ、まことの戦士だ。」
- "These vibrations are not from the human soul... After all, you are a child of the devil!"「この波動、人の魂にあらず・・・・。やはりおぬしは魔の申し子か!」
- "What ambition builds crumbles with conceit. If you wish to build a nation, be mindful of this."「野心が築くものは、驕りで崩れ去る。国を成さんとすれば、心に留めよ。」
- "There is no need to rush. A path is what you make after you walk it."「あせることはない。道とは、歩いた後にできるものだ。」
- "Anger is a laborless force. Not unlike a ferocious tiger."「怒気は往なすに労なき力。獰猛な虎とて同じだ。」
- "You have a good, straight heart. You should polish it without bending it."「真っ直ぐな、よい心を持っておるな。そのまま曲げずに磨くがよかろうぞ。」
- "I thank you, O Guardian God Agni, for I have made it out alive."「真っ直ぐな、よい心を持っておるな。そのまま曲げずに磨くがよかろうぞ。」
- "Take a look at your true face. You are as distorted as a hideous demon."「己の素顔、見てみるがよい。醜鬼の如く歪んでおるぞ。」
- "It is good to have a strong unity, but it will be ruined if the body is also hardened."「結束が固いのはよいが、体躯まで硬くなっては台無しだ。」
- "Do not merely see the big picture. Whatever the ideal, it is the people who will fulfill it."「大局だけを見てはいかん。どんな理想も、それを成すのは人なのだ。」
- "You can save people without hurting them. I hope you will do your best for the sake of God's reign."「おぬしは人を傷つけずとも、人を救える。ぜひ、治世のために尽力願いたい。」
- "Although you have some difficulty in polishing your own skills, it would be for the best for you to continue to devote yourself."「おぬしは人を傷つけずとも、人を救える。ぜひ、治世のために尽力願いたい。」
- "Without efforts to atone for your karma, no true liberation will come to you."「カルマを償う努力なくして、おぬしらに真の解放は訪れぬ。」
- "It's a waste... You should use your power to help others."「もったいないことだ・・・・。人の役に立つように力を使いなさい。」
- "Too much to pass. These are words that truly describe you."「過ぎたるはなお及ばざるがごとし。まさに汝をあらわす言葉なり。」
- "It would be good to master the way of Shura, but there are times when you must look back at the path you have trodden."「修羅の道、極めるはよかろう。だが時に、己の踏みしめた道を振り返りなさい。」
- "With a haze that never clears, no matter what path you take, you will never be able to find your footing."「晴れぬ霞を抱いたままでは、どのような道とて足取りおぼつくまい。」
- "Anger itself is not evil. However, when swallowed, it becomes a demon that has lost control of itself."「怒りそのものは悪ではない。しかし、呑まれては自制を失った鬼と化す。」
- "Even a tornado is a gentle breeze before my prayer."「竜巻とて我が祈りの前にはそよ風に等しい。」
- "If used excessively, righteous indignation and punishment can be poisonous. Be careful."「義憤も懲悪も、行き過ぎは毒となる。気を付けなされい。」
- "Family is a good thing. It gives you the courage to fight."「家族とは良いものだ。闘う勇気がわいてくる。」
- "Be very careful when handling fire."「火の扱いには十分な注意をなされい。」
- "Stop fighting wantonly and sit down in prayer. Then the one you seek will come to you."「無意な争いは止めて、座して祈りなさい。さすれば尋ね人も現れるであろう。」
- "Forgive me... I have no intention of interfering with your duty..."「許されよ・・・・おぬしの成すべき事を邪魔するつもりはないのだ・・・・。」
- "Though you look like a man... There is some unfamiliar wickedness swirling around..."「人の形はしておるが・・・・。なにか得体の知れぬ邪気が、渦を巻いておる・・・・。」
- "In order for you to gain the power of the god of thunder, you must further walk the path of penance."「おぬしが雷神の力を得るには、さらに苦行の道を歩まねばならぬぞ。」
- "That strange fate... Do not be carried away, and do not defy it."「その数奇なる運命・・・・流されず逆らわず、たゆたうがよかろうぞ。」
- "If you fear my flames, there is still room for repentance... Repent!"「我が炎を恐れる心あらば、まだ懺悔の余地はある・・・・悔い改めよ!」
- "There is no limit to the infinite universe. Even the ultimate limit is only one end of it."「永久無辺の宇宙に涯なし。極限とてその一端にすぎぬ。」
- "Winning quickly and impatiently will easily cause you to run away. The best plan is to carefully aim for the weak points."「勝ちは、焦ればスルリと逃げる。からめ手でじっくり狙うが得策ぞ。」
- "If you master a single art, it will become one of psychology. This is a life-long devotion."「一芸、極めれば心理の一遍となる。生涯これ精進なり。」
- "O, ye who are drunk with mortal sin! Know the wrath of Agni, the god of fire."「大罪に酔う者よ。火神(アグニ)の怒りを知るがよい。」
- "Do you not notice the stain on your own soul...? Pity."「己が魂の汚れにも気づけぬか・・・・哀れな。」
- "You are a little too afraid of me, are you not?"「おぬし、少々私を怖れすぎでは?」
Win Quotes (team interactions, JPN Version)
Character | Japanese | Translation |
Akuma | ||
Dhalsim | 『おぬしを囲む気配・・・・亡者の怨念か!?』 | “That presence... You are surrounded by the lingering resentment of the dead?!” |
Akuma | 「塵あくためが、恐るるに足らぬ!」 | “You fear the whispers of mere ghosts? Pathetic!” |
Akuma (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Akuma | ||
Dhalsim | ||
Balrog | ||
Dhalsim | 『私が勝つことで多くの人々が救われるのだ。』 | "My victory will save a lot of people." |
Balrog | 「金目当てだろ? キレイごとぬかすなよ!」 | "You're just doing this for the money, aren't you? Don't be so naive!" |
Balrog (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Balrog | 『戦闘本能さえありゃイーんだよ!!』 | "All you need are your fighting instincts to pull through!!" |
Dhalsim | 「おぬしのは単なる野性ではないのか?」 | "Surely it is not base instincts that aid you in a fight?" |
Blanka | ||
Dhalsim | 「人は全て平等。私もそなたもだ。」 | "All people are equal. I am, as are you." |
Blanka | 「オレを、ドモダヂだどおもっでぐれるのが?」 | "You zink I'm your vriend, and you're gonna vlock around me?" |
Blanka (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Blanka | 「ぞんなに、でんぎがめずらじいが?」 | "What's so ztrange about elegdrizidy?" |
Dhalsim | 「かくも人体とは不可思議なもの・・・・。」 | "The human body is such a mysterious thing..." |
Cammy | ||
Dhalsim | 『体内に気を巡らし、チャクラを回すのだ。』 | "Circulate the mind within your body and circulate your chakra." |
Cammy | 「??・・・・理解不能だ。」 | "?... I don't understand." |
Cammy (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Cammy | 「限定情報のみでは勝率が安定しないな。」 | "Our odds of victory aren't stabilized while we're left with limited information." |
Dhalsim | 「ならば祈りなさい。」 | "It is at such times that we must pray for a positive outcome." |
Chun-Li | ||
Dhalsim | 『我はいまだ修行の身。悟りにはまだ至らぬ。』 | "My mind is still in training. Enlightenment is not yet attained." |
Chun-Li | 「こんな格闘大会なんかで悟れるの?」 | "How can you be enlightened in a fighting tournament like this?" |
Chun-Li (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Chun-Li | 「ねえ、あたしたち優勝できるかしら?」 | "Say, do you believe we can win this tournament?" |
Dhalsim | 「おぬしの心と脚にかかっておるぞ。」 | "The answer you seek can be found in both your heart and legs." |
Dan | ||
Dhalsim | 「深遠なるヨーガの秘術に底はない。」 | "Yoga's profound secrets know no end." |
Dan | 「なんの! サイキョー流の凄さは底抜けだ!」 | "Yeah, right! The awesomeness of the Saikyo Style has no end!" |
Dan (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Dan | 「フ・・・・また伝説を作っちまったか・・・・!」 | "Ha... Another legend in the making...!" |
Dhalsim | 「武勇は自ずから語るものではない。」 | "One's prowess should speak for itself." |
Dhalsim | ||
Dhalsim | 『ケガならば私が治してしんぜよう。』 | "If you're hurt, I'll heal you." |
Dhalsim | 「瞑想のため、4時間ほど我慢なされよ・・・・。」 | "Be patient for about four hours for meditation." |
E. Honda | ||
Dhalsim | 『押すだけでなく、ときには引くことも肝心。』 | "It is crucial for one to not only push, but to sometimes pull when needed." |
E. Honda | 「あんた、相撲の理屈がわかっとるのう!」 | "You seem to understand the Sumo essentials pretty well!" |
E. Honda (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
E. Honda | 『気ばかり焦っては力も出ないでごわすよ!』 | “You can’t hurry your way strength pal!” |
Dhalsim | 「何事も平常心を心がけられよ。」 | “Maintain peace of mind across all paths you take.” |
Eagle | ||
Dhalsim | 「奥義、いまだ片鱗しか見せておらぬ。」 | "We have see but a glimpse of our inner mysteries." |
Eagle | 「私に遠慮かね? さらけ出したまえ!」 | "Have you no tact in addressing me? Reveal yourself!" |
Eagle (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Eagle | 「神をも欺くだろう。この享楽のためならば!」 | "For this pleasure, I would decieve even God himself!" |
Dhalsim | 「欲望を自制せねば、人は堕落して朽ちる。」 | "If you do not control your desires, you are destined to fall into decay." |
Guile | ||
Dhalsim | 『慈悲の心を身につけなさい。』 | "Put on the heart of compassion." |
Guile | 「戦闘は無慈悲でなければ判断が鈍るものだ。」 | "In combat, one must be ruthless or one's judgment will be clouded." |
Guile (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Guile | 「ビギナー相手に本気にはなれん。」 | "I can't give out my best against beginners." |
Dhalsim | 「慢心することなかれ。」 | "Don't allow yourself to be enveloped with hubris." |
Ken | ||
Dhalsim | 「これを機に己の我欲を捨てなさい。」 | "Take this opportunity to throw away your egoism." |
Ken | 「言うこと聞いときなよ。バチが当たるぜ!」 | "You'd better listen to what he's saying or you'll get punched in the face!" |
Ken (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Ken | 「ありがたい説法をやるよ。そのまま聞きな!」 | "Time for a sermon from the master himself. Sit back and listen!" |
Dhalsim | 「・・・・ヨガー。」 | "...Yoga." |
Kyosuke | ||
Dhalsim | 『救済のためにも、勝ちつづけねば・・・・。』 | "To bring relief, I must continue to win..." |
Kyosuke | 「僕も募金活動で応援させてもらうよ。」 | "I'll happily support you in your charity, as well." |
Kyosuke (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Kyosuke | 「こんな相手ばかりなら、労せずに進めるな。」 | "If all our opponents are like this, we can continue without much effort." |
Dhalsim | 「災厄は安堵のスキに忍ぶ。油断めさるな。」 | "Calamity lurks in moments of relief. Remain vigilant." |
M. Bison | ||
Dhalsim | 『悪行を成すものは、いずれ地獄に堕する。』 | "Those who commit negative karma will eventually fall into Hell." |
M. Bison | 「面白い。道案内でも頼むとするか!」 | "Interesting. Perhaps I should ask you to show me the way!" |
M. Bison (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
M. Bison | 「悪の力に際限はない。私の強さも然りだ!」 | "There is no limit to the power of evil. Neither does my strength!" |
Dhalsim | 「自身で知るがよかろう。負の業の末路を。」 | "You should know for yourself the consequences of your negative karma." |
Maki | ||
Dhalsim | 『1日5回、欠かさぬ瞑想が力を与える。』 | "Meditation five times a day without interruption gives you strength." |
Maki | 「そんなカッタルイの、よくやってられるね。」 | "I don't know how you do cathartic things like that." |
Maki (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Maki | 『はい、あんたの負け。帰った帰った。』 | "Yes, you lost. I'm going home now." |
Dhalsim | 「おぬしの敗者をいたわる真意、私には解る。」 | "I understand your true concern for the weak." |
Morrigan | ||
Dhalsim | 「雑念煩悩を捨て、心清らかとなるが悟り。」 | "It would do you well to cast aside all worldly thoughts and anxieties, and reach enlightenment." |
Morrigan | 「楽しいことも捨てるの? 信じられないわ。」 | "Are you going to throw away all the fun? I can't believe you." |
Morrigan (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Morrigan | 「絶望の中で、何を祈るのかしら?」 | "I wonder what you pray for in the midst of despair?" |
Dhalsim | 「たとえ漆黒の闇に抱かれようと希望はある。」 | "There is always hope to be found, even if you were lost in the darkness." |
Rolento | ||
Dhalsim | 『神の加護なくして、平和は築けぬぞ。』 | "Without God's blessing, peace cannot be built." |
Rolento | 「その目は節穴かッ! 神とは吾輩なりッ!」 | "Are your eyes blind? There is no peace without war!" |
Rolento (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Rolento | 『酸鼻極まる戦場こそ、人の本質が見えるッ!』 | "The true nature of a person can be seen only on the battlefield, where the atmosphere is extremely harsh!" |
Dhalsim | 「業深き、人のさだめに救いあれ。」 | "God save the souls of men." |
Ryu | ||
Dhalsim | 「ひとたびの勝利におごることなかれ。」 | "One mustn't allow victory to go to their heads." |
Ryu | 「そうだな。どんな闘いでも気は抜けない。」 | "Right. No matter the fight, you can't afford to lose focus." |
Ryu (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Ryu | 「目指す道はまだまだ遠い・・・・。」 | "I still have a long way to go..." |
Dhalsim | 「案ずるより進むが易し。」 | "It's better for you to proceed than to worry." |
Sagat | ||
Dhalsim | 『無心こそが魂を護る。』 | "Absent-mindedness is what protects the soul." |
Sagat | 「ただの怒りは無用。だが激情は戦士の要!」 | "Mere anger is useless. But passion is the warrior's key!" |
Sagat (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Sagat | 「我が渇きを癒す闘い、ここにはないか・・・・。」 | "The struggle to quench my thirst, is there not a fight for it here..." |
Dhalsim | 「そなたもまた他人には解せぬ悩みを持つか。」 | "Do you have worries that others cannot understand?" |
Sakura | ||
Dhalsim | 「私の双肩には人々の希望がかかっておる。」 | "The hope of the people rests on my shoulders." |
Sakura | 「たくさんの仲間に応援してもらえるね!」 | "I'm sure you'll have a lot of friends cheering you on!" |
Sakura (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Sakura | 「勝つぞ! って気持ちは誰にも負けないから!」 | "I have to win! No one can stop me in that determination!" |
Dhalsim | 「強くあるためにもその気概忘れぬように。」 | "In order to stay strong, do not forget that spirit." |
Vega | ||
Dhalsim | 『人の痛みを知りなさい。それも修行だ。』 | "Knowing the pain of others, that is also a training of the mind." |
Vega | 「敗者はすでに人ではない。悪腫だ!」 | "Losers aren't humans anymore, they're malignant tumors!" |
Vega (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Vega | 「せいぜい畏怖するがいい。愚かな弱者ども!」 | "Fear me as you should, foolish weaklings!" |
Dhalsim | 「弱者をいたわれぬ強者など誰が慕うものか。」 | "Who would ever idolize someone strong who lacks the compassion for those who are less fortunate?" |
Yun | ||
Dhalsim | 『煩悩を捨てねば、ヨーガは極められぬ。』 | "One cannot attain mastery of Yoga without renonuncing wordly desires." |
Yun | 「何を極めるかくらい、自分で決めるっての。」 | "I'll decide for myself what I want to be the best at." |
Yun (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Yun | 『簡単に���の手は見せねえよ!』 | "I won't show everything from the back of my hand so easily!" |
Dhalsim | 「手に、奥も前もない。自在に伸ばすが良し。」 | "A hand has no back or front to speak of. Focus on stretching it out." |
Zangief | ||
Dhalsim | 『これぞインドの奇跡、ヨーガの秘技。』 | "This is the miracle of India, the secret technique of Yoga." |
Zangief | 「オレもコサックをもっと取り入れるか・・・・。」 | "Maybe I should get more Cossacks into it too..." |
Zangief (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Zangief | 『オレには見えるぞ! 優勝という2文字が!』 | "I can see it! The two letters in the name of victory!" |
Dhalsim | 「信ずるものは救われる。」 | "Those who believe will be saved." |
Character | Japanese | Translation |
Athena | ||
Dhalsim | 『優れた経文は、真に魂を癒す。』 | "An excellent sutra truly heals the soul." |
Athena | 「皆に勇気を与える歌だってあるんですよ。」 | "There are songs that gives courage to all of us." |
Athena (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Athena | 「サイコパワーで世界を救うわ!」 | "Psycho Power will save the world!" |
Dhalsim | 「汝の力・・・・あたたかき希望を感じる。」 | "Your power... I sense a warming hope from it." |
Benimaru | ||
Dhalsim | 『ヨーガの力が生む奇跡の炎、いかがかな?』 | "How about the miraculous flame that the power of Yoga produces?" |
Benimaru | 「(・・・・オレの電撃はどういう原理なんだ?)」 | "(...What's the principle behind my electric shock?)" |
Benimaru (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Benimaru | 『やっぱり最後は俺のKOで決まりさ!』 | "I knew it was the right call to have me be the one to land the finishing KO!" |
Dhalsim | 「おぬしを補佐する仲間も忘れてはいかんぞ。」 | "You must not forget your allies who aided you in your victory." |
Chang & Choi | ||
Dhalsim | 『最盛期は30m以上は伸ばせたのだが・・・・』 | "At my best, I could stretch up to 30 meters..." |
Choi | 「ピンポンダッシュもやり放題でヤンスね!」 | "You could play ding-dong dash as much as you want, buddy boy!" |
Chang & Choi (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Chang | 『オレ達の未来は明るいぜ! なあ、坊さん。』 | "Choi and I have a bright future ahead of us! Right, Mr. Priest?" |
Dhalsim | 「白い歯の青年が、笑顔で導く姿が見えるぞ。」 | "I see a young man in white, leading the way with a smile on his face." |
Geese | ||
Dhalsim | 『私欲の闘いは、必ず他者を不幸にする。』 | "The struggle for selfish desires will always lead to the misery of others." |
Geese | 「だから何だ? それは全ての闘いの掟だ。」 | "So what? That's the code of all battles." |
Geese (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Geese | 「神でも何でも祈るがいい。無駄だがな!」 | "Pray to whichever God you see fit, for all the good it'll do you!" |
Dhalsim | 「叶わぬとて、祈ることは無駄ではない。」 | "Prayer is not a futile endeavor, even when your calls are not heard." |
Haohmaru | ||
Dhalsim | 『私を相手に「安全な距離」はないのだ。』 | "There is no 'safe distance' to deal with me." |
Haohmaru | 「鎖鎌よりエゲツねえ体だな。」 | "That's a more egetsu body than a kusarigama." |
Haohmaru (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Haohmaru | 「修羅にならねえと、俺にゃ勝てねえぜ!」 | "If you don't become a Shura, then you won't win against me!" |
Dhalsim | 「あるいは、悟りの境地に至るべし。」 | "Or reach the state of enlightenment." |
Hibiki | ||
Dhalsim | 『汝、刀を帯びても不殺を心掛けよ。』 | "Even if you bear a sword, keep your mind unkillable." |
Hibiki | 「上人様のお言葉、ありがたく頂戴します。」 | "Thank you for your kind words, Shonin-sama." |
Hibiki (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Hibiki | 『「抜かぬ太刀の功名」といいますが・・・・。』 | ""The greatest victory is that which requires no battle" or so they say..." |
Dhalsim | 「試合ならば、いたしかたのないこと。」 | "When it comes to competition, I'm afraid there is little option." |
Iori | ||
Dhalsim | 『慈悲の心は憎悪に勝る力を我らに与える。』 | "Compassion gives us power over hatred." |
Iori | 「そんな偽善は聞き飽きた。憎しみこそ力だ!」 | "I'm tired of hearing such hypocrisy. Hatred is power!" |
Iori (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Iori | 『・・・・何もかも消してやる・・・・!』 | "...I want to burn everything down to nothing...!" |
Dhalsim | 「おぬしの持つ業は底知れぬ深さのようだな。」 | "The karma you carry is of an unfathomable depth." |
Joe | ||
Dhalsim | 『微力でも大山を動かすのがヨーガなり。』 | "Yoga is the ability to move mountains, even if it takes a little effort." |
Joe | 「そんなに楽できるんなら、教えて欲しいね。」 | "If it's that easy, let me know." |
Joe (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Joe | 『神もホトケもこっちの味方ってか?』 | "Are the gods and Buddha on our side?" |
Dhalsim | 「最初から神仏にすがるようではいかんぞ。」 | "You can't begin to rely by looking to the gods and Buddha." |
Kim | ||
Dhalsim | 「善なる心持て! おのずと勝利は導かれる。」 | "Embrace a virtuous heart and you will be guided to victory!" |
Kim | 「『正義は勝つ』と、そういうことですね!」 | "Yes! The very idea that justice will prevail!" |
Kim (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Kim | 「世の中に潜む悪は全て私が許しません!」 | "I won't allow any evil to lurk in this world!" |
Dhalsim | 「薬も誤れば毒となる。程々になされい。」 | "If misused, even medicine can be poison. Practice moderation." |
King | ||
Dhalsim | 『ケガなら私の「癒しの舞踏」が効くぞ?』 | "If you're feeling injured, then my 'healing dance' will help, right?" |
King | 「う・・・・まあ、気持ちだけもらっとくよ・・・・。」 | "Uh... Well, I'll just take the feeling..." |
King (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
King | 『勝利の願掛け? 私にはいらないよ。』 | "You send prayers in hopes of your victory? I would never see myself being in need of that." |
Dhalsim | 「願うは心の平定。勝敗はその心が決める。」 | "Prayer calms the heart. The outcome of a battle relies on a heart's stability." |
Kyo | ||
Dhalsim | 『心頭滅却すれば火もまた涼し。』 | "The fire is also cooler when the mind is clear." |
Kyo | 「火が吐ける分、妙に説得力あるよな・・・・。」 | "The more you can breathe fire, the more convincing you are..." |
Kyo (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Kyo | 『あんたの火と比べて俺のはどうだい?』 | "How does my flame compare to yours?" |
Dhalsim | 「似て非なる、まことに不思議な炎であるな。」 | "They are very different, very strange flames, indeed." |
Mai | ||
Dhalsm | 『神出鬼没、これぞヨーガの秘術!』 | "Out of secret and out of mind, this is the secret art of Yoga!" |
Mai | 「その消える技、あたしにも教えてくれない?」 | "Would you teach me that disappearing technique?" |
Mai (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Mai | 『大丈夫! 万が一の時はお坊さんもいるし!』 | "I'll be fine! If worst comes to pass, I always have this monk by my side!" |
Dhalsim | 「・・・・それで片付く問題ではなかろう。」 | "...It would be no problem to clean this mess." |
Nakoruru | ||
Dhalsim | 『おぬしも聞こえるか。地の嘆きが。』 | "Do you hear it? The lamentations of the Earth." |
Nakoruru | 「はい・・・・いまにも崩れそうに震えています。」 | "Yes... I'm shaking like I'm about to fall apart." |
Nakoruru (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Nakoruru | 『大自然の声が聞こえる・・・・。』 | "I can hear the voice of Mother Nature..." |
Dhalsim | 「自然との対話、まさに悟りの境地。」 | "A dialogue with nature is the true state of enlightenment." |
Raiden | ||
Dhalsim | 『人には得手不得手がある。見極めるがよい。』 | "Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. It's best to determine what they are." |
Raiden | 「オレは大丈夫。レスラー度120%だ!」 | "I'm fine. I'm wrestling at 120% here!" |
Raiden (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Raiden | 『一発かませばどんな相手も黙るぜ!』 | "Anyone who gets a whiff of one of my blows is silenced for good!" |
Dhalsim | 「乱暴な・・・・まず初めは言葉で語りなさい。」 | "Such violence... First you must speak before resorting to violence." |
Rock | ||
Dhalsim | 『我が拳撃はいまだ限界にあらず。』 | "The limitations of evil from your fists has not yet been reached." |
Rock | 「さらに倍に伸びるってんじゃないだろうな。」 | "I hope it's not going to grow twice as fast." |
Rock (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Rock | 『どうしたってんだ・・・・イラつくぜ!』 | "What's going on... I'm overcome with anger!" |
Dhalsim | 「祈りを。さすれば心の水面も静まろう。」 | "Pray. Once done, you shall find a calm come over your heart's horizon." |
Rugal | ||
Dhalsim | 『心、平静に保て。さすれば技に力が宿る。』 | "Keep your spirit at peace. If you do, you will have power in your technique." |
Rugal | 「精神論か? 不要! 技術さえ極めればよい!」 | "It's only a matter of spirit? Nonsense! All you need to do is master your technique!" |
Rugal (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Rugal | 「君は弱くはない。私に勝てぬだけだよ。」 | "You weren't weak. You simply could not win against me." |
Dhalsim | 「強い、即ち勝つとはいかぬが世の理・・・・。」 | "Being strong. In another way, it could be said victory is a principle of the world." |
Ryo | ||
Dhalsim | 『鍛え方しだいで人体はいかようにも変わる。』 | "The human body can change in any way depending on how you train it." |
Ryo | 「そうだったのか・・・・極限はまだまだ先だな。」 | "I see that... The Kyokugenryu style is still a long way off." |
Ryo (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Ryo | 「見てろ! 根性で腕ぐらい伸ばしてやる!」 | "Just you watch! I'll stretch out my arms through sheer willpower alone!" |
Dhalsim | 「根性ではない。悟りで伸ばすのだ。」 | "It is not willpower, but enlightenment which allows me to do this." |
Terry | ||
Dhalsim | 『わが拳に届かぬところはない。』 | "Nothing is beyond the reach of my fist." |
Terry | 「まったくだ。なんてリーチだよ・・・・!」 | "You're right. What a reach...!" |
Terry (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Terry | 「ヨガも面白そうだな。教えてくれよ。」 | "Yoga sure does look interesting. Help a guy out and teach me it." |
Dhalsim | 「うむ。まずは断食から始めてみてはどうか?」 | "Hmm. In that case, why not start by undergoing fasting?" |
Todoh | ||
Dhalsim | 『不用意に全容をさらすは、愚かなことだ。』 | "It would be foolish to carelessly reveal your full repertoire." |
Todoh | 「わしは老獪にはまだ遠い。常に全開ですぞ!」 | "I'm hardly that cunning. I always fight with all my might!" |
Todoh (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Todoh | 『人間、鍛えれば不可能なことなどない!』 | "Nothing is impossible for humans if they train hard enough!" |
Dhalsim | 「人離れした輩も、世には多いと聞くぞ。」 | "There are many people in this world, even if they're far from being human." |
Vice | ||
Dhalsim | 『精神を鍛えてこそ勝利はつかめるもの。』 | "Only spiritual discipline can bring victory." |
Vice | 「身体が壊れちゃ、そうも言ってられないよ。」 | "You won't be able to say that when your bones are broken." |
Vice (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Vice | 『地獄に行けるように祈ってやるよ!』 | "I pray that you enjoy your special place in Hell!" |
Dhalsim | 「不幸を祈るとは・・・・なんという冒涜!」 | "Praying for misery... Such blasphemy!" |
Yamazaki | ||
Dhalsim | 「勝ち負けを越えたよい闘いであった。」 | "It was a good fight that transcended victory and defeat." |
Yamazaki | 「勝たねえと意味ねえだろが! 寝言こくな!」 | "What's the point if we don't win? Stop talking in your sleep!" |
Yamazaki (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Yamazaki | 「ギヒャヒャヒャ! いい声で鳴きやがるぜ!」 | "Gyahahaha! I'm going to make that good voice of yours squeal!" |
Dhalsim | 「因果応報・・・・無益な殺生は己に還るぞ。」 | "Retribution... This useless killing will come back to haunt you." |
Yuri | ||
Dhalsim | 『ヨーガヨガヨガヨガヨガ、ヨーガ・・・・。』 | "Yoga yoga yoga yoga yoga, yoga..." |
Yuri | 「嫌ー! 妙チキリンな踊り見せないで!!」 | "No! Don't show me that strange dance!!" |
Yuri (Dhalsim as 2nd Character) | ||
Yuri | 「まぶしく勝利が光ってますね! ピカっと!」 | "A bright victory is shining like a shiny jewel!" |
Dhalsim | 「・・・・おぬし、何が言いたい?」 | "...Is there something you wish to say?" |
SVC Chaos
Pre-battle Dialogues
Vs. Akuma
Dhalsim: "Master of the Murder Wave! You're in bad need of some saving, I see."
Akuma: "There's no saving me. The Murder Wave is my sole savior."
Dhalsim: "Slave to power, you don't understand. Yoga can set you free!"
Akuma: "My fists will do that. And send you to heaven."
Vs. Balrog
Balrog: "What a reach! If you take up boxing, be sure to call me."
Dhalsim: "I am sorry but I have no intention to become a boxer."
Balrog: "Why not? You'd make a fortune."
Dhalsim: "Money is not the object of my training."
Balrog: "Then what is it?"
Dhalsim: "It is something a slave of desire cannot grasp..."
Balrog: "Self-important ascete! Enough or your sermons. Say your prayers, monk!"
Dhalsim: "Yoga!"
Vs. Chun-Li
Chun-Li: "I can't get used to those stretching legs and arms."
Dhalsim: "You lack training. You must devote yourself harder to your training."
Chun-Li: "Will you help me?"
Dhalsim: "Be your sparring partner? Very well. If that will be of service to you."
Chun-Li: "Ok, thank you! Okay...Let's do it!"
Dhalsim: "Yoga!"
Vs. Dan
Dan: "What the...!? Your arms stretched!"
Dhalsim: "That surprises you? Your trainig is lacking, my friend."
Dan: "Uh, I wasn't that surprised, bean pole! So listen and freak out! Dan of the Saikyo groove is none other than me!"
Dhalsim: "...Yoga?"
Dan: "Aw, nuts! Bring it on, skinny!"
Vs. Demitri
Dhalsim: "Evil spirit! Go back to your world."
Demitri: "This is my world. For I shall rule it!"
Dhalsim: "Yoga! Purify this fiend with the holy flames!"
Demitri: "Such vain effort..."
Vs. Guile
Guile: "Dhalsim. How goes it? How long has it been?"
Dhalsim: "A long time. I have evolved. I'm not what you know."
Guile: "Neither am I. Of course, my limbs don't stretch."
Dhalsim: "You still seek vengeance, I see."
Guile: "Yes..."
Dhalsim: "Even one as you fails to find enlightenment... But the wheel of hate one day must stop spinning."
Guile: "No matter what you say, you cannot stop me."
Dhalsim: "Yoga!"
Vs. Hugo
Dhalsim: "Yoga!"
Poison: "Hey, wait, you! Didn't your arm stretch?"
Dhalsim: "That's Yoga! My legs stretch, too."
Poison: "Aw-awesome! If only you could spit out flames, too..."
Dhalsim: "Yoga fire!"
Poison: "Ah ha ha. Great! Please, you gotta join our troupe. Hugo!"
Hugo: "We can use this clown. You'll do a fine job warming up the crowd."
Vs. Ken
Ken: "Greetings, Yoga master. Care for a bout?"
Dhalsim: "Excitable as ever. But your conceit may be your undoing."
Ken: "Enough sermonizing! Have you tarried in your training and forgotten Yoga's secrets?"
Dhalsim: "I'm always training. I entrust all to Agni, god of fire."
Vs. M. Bison
Dhalsim: "You cannot achieve inner peace if you intend to conquer the world, Bison!"
M. Bison: "Hmph. Inner peace? Take a hike, hippie!"
Dhalsim: "You don't intend to see the error of your ways? Then I shall lead you."
M. Bison: "What nonsense... You will bend to my supreme power!"
Dhalsim: "If you do not see, then so shall it go. You'll get no mercy!"
Vs. Mirror Match
Dhalsim: "Th-this is... A test from God."
Mirror Match: "Or the devil's trap?"
Dhalsim: "However... Without facing myself I cannot attain peace."
Mirror Match: "You speak wisely. Transcend yourself, and grow!"
Vs. Ryu
Ryu: "Dhalsim! Time you showed me what's new with Yoga!"
Dhalsim: "As self-involved as ever. End your foolish conceits and watch and learn."
Ryu: "Yeah, yeah! Let's get it on!"
Dhalsim: "Ho, ho, ho. Surprisingly, a guy like you may... Just one day find spiritual enlightenment."
Vs. Sagat
Dhalsim: "Gigantic sir, you have suffered long..."
Sagat: "What do you know...? Beat it!"
Dhalsim: "You won't fight well with a disturbed soul. And I will defeat you."
Sagat: "You talk too much...I'm going to put you in a coma for a few days!"
Vs. Tessa
Tessa: "Your pretty unique to be able to alter your body like that."
Dhalsim: "Do you have an interest in the secrets of Yoga?"
Tessa: "I have oodles! However, I'll need some time to compile my data on the subject."
Dhalsim: "Stranger, The miracles of Yoga are but a part of deep enlightenment. If you don't decote all of yourself, you'll get diddley."
Tessa: "Ohh, foo, foo. All creation can be explained scientifically."
Dhalsim: "Your knowledge hinders your way to true sagacity. You'd do well to go back to the drawing board. Do you understand me?"
Tessa: "Indeed. In addition to theory and sorcerologic data, you say I need actual empirical proof, do you?"
Dhalsim: "Are you ready to begin? Yoga!"
Vs. Vega
Vega: "You don't bathe in training? Back off! Foul, foolish freak."
Dhalsim: "Those who are taken by appearances alone are truly foolish."
Vega: "An argument like that is but the simperings of the foul and ugly."
Dhalsim: "You won't understand until I scold you. See Yoga's secrets!"
Vega: "Taste the pain... That comes from beauty!"
Vs. Violent Ken
Dhalsim: "Pathetic fool. Such power dominated by the force of evil."
Violent Ken: "Oooh-whooooo. D-dhalsim!"
Dhalsim: "Close your eyes. My power will restore your sanity."
Violent Ken: "Uggh. N...No need!"
Vs. Zero
Dhalsim: "What do you seek in your wanderings? Speak, little one."
Zero: "I cannot tell you."
Dhalsim: "Mastering Yoga's secrets permits me to read your mind, you know...?"
Zero: "...."
Dhalsim: "And yours doesn't make for intersting reading..."
Zero: "Hmph... You may be right."
Vs. Shin Akuma
Dhalsim: "What is this? An evil spirit... And bigger than before."
Shin Akuma: "Are you prepared... to go to heaven?"
Dhalsim: "By my life... I will stop you!"
Shin Akuma: "Nonsense!"
Vs. Red Arremer
Dhalsim: "Huh?! What is this place?"
Red Arremer: "Gya-gyah!"
Dhalsim: "Oh my! I'm in hell. I've supressed my desires with Yoga, and this is the reward I get...?"
Red Arremer: "Gya-gyah!"
Vs. Choi
Dhalsim: "You're a slave to desire. You must train and learn Yoga to save yourself."
Choi: "I'll leave the preaching to Kim. Can it, buddy boy!"
Dhalsim: "Even if you'll be able to be taller, too? I know you want that."
Choi: "T-taller? OK. you got me curious. Start talking."
Dhalsim: "First, you must purge all desires."
Choi: "...You gotta be nuts! I guess I'm just doomed to enjoy myself. Let's go, stretch!"
Vs. Earthquake
Earthquake: "Hey, a walking twig! One of my snorts would blow you away!"
Dhalsim: "Size is no measure of one's strength. What matters is the power of your soul."
Earthquake: "Snort! Soul? You silly shaman. Don't make me laugh."
Dhalsim: "To know true strength you must first know your own weakness."
Earthquake: "And How do I do that?"
Dhalsim: "Yoga!"
Vs. Geese Howard
Dhalsim: "I sense evil!"
Geese: "If I'm evil, then everyone is. Wah ha ha!"
Dhalsim: "I believe that I can cleanse your heart!"
Vs. Genjuro
Dhalsim: "Such evil... Friend, why do you walk the dark way?"
Genjyuro: "I don't walk the dark way. The path I walk is the dark way."
Dhalsim: "I will rescue you."
Genjyuro: "I need not your charity. In turn I will send you to damnation!"
Vs. Goenitz
Dhalsim: "What evil wind is this?"
Goenitz: "A good wind blows. Dear Yoga master, may have some of your time?"
Dhalsim: "Oh, fire god Agni. Lend me the power of your purifying flame!"
Goenitz: "Oh, such lovely flames! Very well, I accept your challenge."
Vs. Iori
Iori: "!?"
Dhalsim: "That's the power of Yoga! And I can teach you all about this wonderful art."
Iori: "...Pass. I hate clowns..."
Dhalsim: "Phew! Saving the damned is just another kind of training, I guess. But I will save you!"
Iori: "You'll save me?! Take your best shot. You'll only regret it."
Dhalsim: "May you be enveloped in the grace of Vishnu."
Vs. Kasumi
Kasumi: "Your appendages stretch? Will wonders never cease?"
Dhalsim: "The miracles of Yoga. With a little practice, you can do the same."
Kasumi: "Are you serious? Then, enlighten me."
Dhalsim: "Very well. Assume your stance!"
Vs. Kim
Kim: "The secrets of yoga. I've heard of them, but who'd thought...?"
Dhalsim: "Your surprise is tenable. With a little practice, anyone can do this."
Kim: "Tae Kwan Do with Yoga? I'd be invincible! Please, spar with me!"
Dhalsim: "Very well. Show me your stuff!"
Vs. Kyo
Dhalsim: "Oh, it's you? So, you wish to learn the ways of yoga?"
Kyo: "No, not especially."
Dhalsim: "Jeesh! Kids these days! I know it's no picnic. But with my teaching, you can be just like me."
Kyo: "Hey, I don't give a rip about Yoga, bud!"
Dhalsim: "But before we start, I guess I must see what you're made of. Very well, my child. Show me your stuff."
Kyo: "You haven't heard a word I said, have you? Very well, I'll bop you and make you see that you need the training."
Vs. Mai
Dhalsim: "First you must remove all unwanted fat from you. Then you will be swift."
Mai: "...Put a sock in it! My body hasn't an ounce of unwanted fat!"
Dhalsim: "Do not deceive yourself. Training must begin with complete honesty.... For example... Learning your true weight."
Mai: "Yaaah! Stop! Stop! Enough! I am going to put a sock in it for you!"
Vs. Mars People
Mars People: "Beep boop bop."
Dhalsim: "I don't understand. Even Yoga doesn't work. What creature is this?"
Mars People: "Beep boop boop!"
Dhalsim: "Yoga cannot help me. It's a trial, perhaps?"
Vs. Mr. Karate
Mr. Karate: "A secret Yoga ceremony... Levitation. Meditation. Elastified limbs..."
Dhalsim: "Verily. But Yoga's secret rituals are not for violence. I use it not frivolously."
Mr. Karate: "If you desire mercy, I will back away. Spare the guilt trip."
Dhalsim: "You are berzerk. If this is destined, then I must abide..."
Vs. Orochi Iori
Iori: "K...I...L...L..."
Dhalsim: "Ill-omened sensations... Even my Yoga secrets may not protect me from this lost one."
Iori: "Ooh-ohhhh!"
Vs. Ryo
Ryo: "...You're impervious! Way to go, pops."
Dhalsim: "Belligerent young one. Learn the ways of Yoga, and regain tranquility."
Ryo: "Enough of your sermons. Any more and I'll bop you right back to Bombay."
Dhalsim: "Yoga."
Vs. Shiki
Dhalsim: "Hmmm... My child. You are possessed."
Shiki: "...I am Shiki... Ooooh...."
Dhalsim: "Yoga! Yoga! Yoga!"
Shiki: "Aaaaah!"
Dhalsim: "Unh...I'm too late. One final option! I will exorcise the possessor with Agni's flames!"
Shiki: "You confound me... Die..."
Vs. Terry
Terry: "Man, you're thin! One punch and "Snap!""
Dhalsim: "Do not worry, friend. My body tempered by Yoga's mysteries will not break."
Terry: "OK! Then no guilt here. Let's go, bean pole."
Dhalsim: "Yoga."
Vs. Shin Mr. Karate
Mr. Karate: "Oh, ho! You are no ordinary human."
Dhalsim: "You, too, are strong. A Yoga master knows this."
Mr. Karate: "You cannot equal me, but you make a wild opponent. Here I come!"
Dhalsim: "Yoga rules!"
Vs. Athena
Dhalsim: "Where the heck am I...? Could it be heaven?"
Athena: "Give the man a cigar. You are in heaven. Thanks to your silly fighting, the dimensional doors have been opened."
Dhalsim: "Then I'm not dead yet. That's good news... I have many things left to do down below. You may send me back."
Athena: "I can't help you. My mission here is to protect this land. And remove undesirables. So, put them up."
Dhalsim: "Along with the world, heaven too seems filled with absurdity..."
Win Quotes
- "Do not forget this, for this is the secret power of yoga."
- "Devotion... all is true devotion!!!"
- "Temper your body. And one day you can stretch like me."
- "Learn from pity's heart, for that will save you."
Win Quotes (character-specific)
- Versus anyone in a Karate gi: "What confounds you? Have your fists lead you astray?"
- Versus mirror match: "This is but god's trial. Can you overcome it?"
- Versus Geese/Goenitz/M. Bison: "Agni's flames will burn away your evil machinations!"
Street Fighter IV series
- "Today, I shall win again."
- "Well done, child."
- "Enlightenment is still far away."
- "Yoga... Yoga... Yoga... Yoga..."
- "Meditate." (Time Over)
Personal Action
- "You are not ready for yoga."
- "Cultivate a pure heart."
- "Yoga!"
- "You hesitate."
- "Calm yourself."
- "Hatred begets weakness."
- "You are capable of more."
- "I do not fight for pleasure."
- "You lack strength."
- "Too impatient."
- "Yoga!!!!"
- "Is this my...destiny?" (Crumple K.O.)
Before using Yoga Shangri-La
- "Come to me, friend."
Intro (SFIV)
Villager A: "No. This is terrible! The rivers have been dammed up, and the fall of water diverted!"
Villager B: "We tried to stop them, but it was no use. They pointed guns at us!"
Dhalsim: "Who did this?"
Villager C: "They had a symbol that look like this."
Dhalsim: *Gasps*
Datta: "I just got a letter from Amy. She told me her father had to go away from work."
Dhalsim: "You mean Guile?"
Datta: "She said he won't be back for a while. I bet she's really lonely."
Dhalsim: "I must leave you for a while. I'm going to bring our water back."
Ending (SFIV)
Villager: "Congratulations, Master Dhalsim!"
Datta: "It's from Amy!"
Amy: "Daddy just got back from a difficult job. We'll throw him a party tonight! Your friend, Amy."
Datta: "I wonder what kind of party...I bet it'll be really fancy."
Datta: "This looks more fun than any party! The water's so pretty!"
Intro (SSFIV)
- "The men who robbed our village of water, they wore a symbol that resembles that of Shadaloo. We had thought them to be destroyed, yet I cannot shake the feeling that they still lurk in the shadows, weaving dark and evil plots, preparing for the moment when they will strike again. The power I possess is divine. It is not for mortal men to use for their own simple desires... Yet, I feel compelled to restore hope and vitality to my village by bringing the water back no matter what the cost. Hear me, Agni, god of fire. Watch over me as I in turn watch over those I love. Grant me the strength to vanquish evil."
Ending (SSFIV)
Dhalsim: "Shadaloo and S.I.N.... You toy with life and try to manipulate nature to your own selfish ends. I know that evil will never truly be vanquished from this earth, and sometimes seems an endless gaping void, but still..."
Datta: "Father!"
Dhalsim: "I retain my hope in humanity. For the goodness in mankind's heart is also endless..."
Rival Dialogue
Rufus: "What the-? Wha- wha- wha- wha-? Are you floating? How you doin' that? What? ESP? Plasma? Magnets?"
Dhalsim: "This... is Yoga."
Rufus: "What, are you an alien or somethin'? Because I'm not sure if you notice but ahh, you know, there's all sorts of aliens like ahh Martians for instance... I mean those crazy..."
Dhalsim: *Sigh*
During rival match quotes
Rufus: "Your punishment awaits."
Dhalsim: "Why must we fight?"
Dhalsim: "I must defeat you."
Dhalsim: "Open your eyes." (if successfully hit by level 3 focus attack)
Rufus: "Aliens always tryin' cheat!"
Dhalsim: "These are not gimmicks."
Rufus: "Your magic won't work on me!"
Dhalsim: "This is not magic."
Rufus: "Aliens are strong, man! Heh!" (when Rufus is still in low health)
Dhalsim: "Behold! Yoga's true power!"
Dhalsim: "What a predicament." (if first attack was taken)
Rufus: "Why I ought 'o!" (if first attack was taken)
Dhalsim: "Are you alright?" (when the opponent is stunning)
Rufus: "I'm back!"
Dhalsim: "Behave yourself, child!" (when Dhalsim activates his ultra combo)
Rufus: "Solar system strike!" (when Rufus activates his ultra combo)
Dhalsim: "I am sorry, but you must let me pass." (if revenge gauge is activated)
Rufus: "Better warp out now while you can!" (if revenge gauge is activated)
Rufus: "Where'd you park your UFO anyways?"
Dhalsim: "I am only a man."
Dhalsim: "Feeling better?"
Dhalsim: "Perhaps you are being naive."
Rufus: "Find your zen."
Dhalsim: "Must we do this."
Rufus: "Huh? You gettin' some sort of signal?"
Rufus: "Don't try to call your alien friends to help!"
Dhalsim: "Listen to me, child!"
Dhalsim: "This is the result of your bad con." (if finished with basic, unique and special attacks)
Rufus: "I guess my work here is done!" (if finished with basic, unique and special attacks)
Dhalsim: "This is not good." (if finished with Super Combo)
Rufus: "Spaceship Earth!" (if finished with Super Combo)
Dhalsim: "I am no alien." (if finished with Ultra Combo)
Rufus: "Ha ha ha! I saved the Earth!" (if finished with Ultra Combo)
Win Quotes
Versus Mode (SFIV)
- "Desire only serves to darken the heart. Release yourself from its bounds."
- "You must meditate if you truly want to awaken your chakras."
- "Such impatience... The answers you seek lie in your own heart. Seek them out."
- "My arms? Forget it. Flexibility like this cannot be achieved overnight."
- "Yoga grants complete control over mind, body and spirit."
- "Believe in yourself and nothing is outside your grasp."
- "I should have held back. I must exert more control."
- "My flame is but an illusion, but it will burn you if you believe it to be real."
- "All the training in the world cannot rid your heart of doubt."
- "Yoga... Yoga, yoga, yoga..."
- "I'm afraid your defeat was predestined."
Arcade Mode (SFIV)
- "No matter how difficult your trials, you must persevere to the end."
- "You walk the path to hell on your own account? What a fearsome beast you are!"
- "You will never defeat me without a dose of introspection, child."
- "What an interesting specimen you are. The world is full of wonders, no?"
- "I sense confusion in your blows. You must overcome your demons, child."
- "Open your eyes, child. Anger alone cannot sustain us."
- "Do not be satisfied with mediocrity. Open your eyes before it's too late."
- "Passively allowing your opponent's blows to wash over you is a useful technique."
- "It is a great sin to destroy the flavors that nature bestows upon us."
- "Seeking the adoration of others will not bring enlightenment."
- "What a shame that such power lies in the hands of one as evil as you."
- "Life begets death. Death begets life. There is no escaping this eternal cycle."
- "Controlling your aggression is a sign of courage, not weakness."
- "You will reap punishment in the next world for your sins in this one."
- "Do not fear the shadows of the future. The cycle continues with or without us."
- "I am no alien!"
- "You mustn't seek answers outside yourself. This is not where they lie."
- "Anger is a siren's song that draws us toward damnation. Change while you can."
- "Do not rush, child. You will find your path in due time."
- "Power such as yours is destined to bring about its own destruction..."
- "Beauty is only skin deep. Beneath yours lies a wretched creature."
- "Countries are defined by humankind. Their nature is far from permanent."
Versus Mode (SSFIV)
- "I mustn't stop as long as there are forces who seek to do harm."
- "Give up. Your short limbs have no chance of reaching me."
- "The road our souls travel is a long and winding one."
- "We may worship different gods, but your strength is to be praised."
- "O, Agni, please accept my humble thanks for the power you have granted me."
- "My purifying flames wash my foes one by one as they fall before me."
- "Through meditation, we are able to touch the very fabric of space and time."
- "I do not like to fight without reason. Leave this place at once."
- "This is destiny."
- "You have lost because it was your destiny to do so. Do not resist."
- "Yoga yoga yoga yoga."
Arcade Mode (SSFIV)
- "No one chooses the circumstances of their birth. What matters is the future."
- "It is unwise to compare your strength to that of others, young one."
- "Your greed and thirst for power have blinded you to everything else."
- "You fight not for fame and glory, but for the love of your mother."
- "Do not rely on others' devices for strength. Believe in your own power."
- "The past can no longer harm you, child. Look resolutely forward, not back."
- "Everyone has their past demons with which to wrestle. Fight for the future!"
- "You mustn't run from your troubles, but face them head on with a pure heart."
- "Move your gaze from worldly possessions and toward more important things."
- "Music is good for the soul, but be sure to listen to your inner rhythm as well."
- "Your pride is what keeps victory out of reach. Humble yourself, friend."
- "Stretching limbs makes for quite an advantage. You should try it."
- "You would do well to first sample your dishes before adding seasonings."
- "I pray that the hatred inside of you is extinguished quietly..."
- "There is a fine line between healthy pride and destructive narcissism."
- "How can you, one who is in the twilight of life, end lives so flippantly?"
- "Your heart is pure and strong. I always knew those two had a great teacher."
- "It appears you have overcome your anger and found a new source of strength."
- "The universe has taught me much, child. Perhaps it has wisdom for you as well."
- "Remain calm, friend. This fire is merely an illusion and cannot ignite your oil."
- "You must first complete your obligations before embarking on an adventure, child."
- "You derive pleasure from imparting pain? Your soul may be beyond saving..."
- "Aggression is a fruitless pursuit. Observing your opponent is enough."
- "It is not I who has defeated you. You have fallen victim to your own sins!"
- "You may feel lost and alone, but I assure you that your path is righteous."
- "And thus a malicious god appeared, only to be felled by the flames of Agni."
- "Destiny is not completely predetermined. This is why predictions sometimes fail."
- "I am NOT an alien!"
- "Look closely and you will see things invisible to others..."
- "Your heart is free from turmoil now. May you find a new path, friend."
- "Your drive for self improvement will lead you to great places, child."
- "You have brought this upon yourself and you must suffer the consequences alone."
- "O, warrior from a far off land, swing not your fists in anger, but in love."
- "Those who are truly beautiful feel no need to boast about it."
- "You're on a trip with your brother? I wish you two the best of luck."
- "While I praise your diligence, I cannot say the same for your conceitedness."
- "The strength you possess is skin deep. True power comes from within."
Arcade Mode (USFIV)
- "Put your blade away, child. You know not what lies at the razor's edge."
- "Have you considered taking up yoga? I think it would suit you."
- "Misuse of the flesh will only bring ruin. Be vigilant."
- "Everyone has their own path. Soon, you will find your own."
- "A true leader relies on his depth of compassion rather than an iron fist."
Street Fighter X Tekken
Character Select
- "Allow me to show you the wonders of yoga."
Arcade Mode
- "I hope you are willing to have a fair fight."
- "I do not wish to fight but since you choose to interfere..." (with Sagat)
- "Calm yourself."
Pandora Mode
- "What is this power?!"
Pandora Sacrifice
- "The universe..."
- "We are but passengers upon the wheel of life."
- "Enlightenment is still far away."
- "Yoga...!"
- "I can't be... defeated..." (Chip KO)
Win Quotes
Win Quotes (character-specific)
Street Fighter
- "The future is decided by what you do now, not what is in your past. What do you see in your future?"
- "Misguided demon, do you intend to continue on your path of despair and destruction?"
- "You, consumed by your own desires, will never be able to reach me."
- "If nothing else, you speak from your heart."
- "It would seem as though you've finally cleared your thoughts. Your attacks said as much."
- "Take this opportunity to rest your body. You should not overwork yourself."
- "Can you find contentment in this life? Running from your problems will yield no answers."
- "I cannot be defeated by apparitions."
- "You speak of dignity, but your fists exclaim pride. There are many things you have yet to learn."
- "You are gentle and pure of heart. Never let the world darken your light."
- "Those who die live on in the memories of those who live. It is the circle of life."
- "Stay committed to your beliefs, young warrior."
- "Your body is a blessing from the gods. You should treat it more carefully."
- "Calm yourself, give thanks to the gods, and you will find the romance you so desperately seek."
- "I have thrown away any wicked desires... You cannot defeat me."
- "You have understood the power to protect people. The flames of your fire burn even brighter."
- "Your crimes in this world are too numerous... You will burn in divine flames to pay for your sins."
- "The miracle of yoga is not something for show. But I doubt you can comprehend that."
- "You who are intoxicated by your own ambitions... You should reflect on your life experiences."
- "Hold your tongue and observe silent meditation. Do so, and you will realise that I'm not an alien."
- "As long as you have spirit, the path lies ahead of you. There is no need to hurry."
- "Your attacks are very commendable. You have found your true strength."
- "The gods will happily guide those of pure heart, such as yourself."
- "True beauty cannot be beheld by human eyes. If you do not realize this, a life of tragedy awaits."
- "Your body is far too stiff. You should seek the benefits of yoga immediately."
- "Though you may be artificial, you understand the hearts of others. You are truly a miracle."
- "This is the miracle of yoga. I was not cheating."
- "That body... But if you are truly happy, then I cannot make any judgments."
- "You have been completely consumed by madness. I pity you."
- "The threads of fate are ever-interchanging. When the time comes, your wish will be granted."
- "As time passes, our bodies become more fragile. We are carried away by the will of the gods."
- "You are young, so there is no need to be in such a hurry. Take a moment to quiet your spirit."
- "You look human, but your soul is empty. So this is a robotic weapon..."
- "There are many things left for you to do. Cheer up and move on."
- "I also do not wish to fight. Then... How did we end up fighting?"
- "I feel an unfamiliar evil coming from you. What are you hiding?"
- "Do not despair. The truth lies before you. You need only patience to see it."
- "You should return to the mountains."
- "You will be tested...overcome these obstacles and you will become a true warrior."
- "Desire not for worldly good. Open your heart to the virtues of selflessness."
- "A sense of justice is honorable, but you should take care not to let it consume you."
- "You speak of manners, but you should learn to listen when people are talking to you."
- "My heart is calm. I do not respond to verbal taunts."
- "Assassins have no place in this world. May you find a better calling in your next life."
- "I cannot sense anything from you. Nothing at all."
- "I am NOT an alien! Why do people keep thinking me to be one?"
- "Only those who depend on their senses can be fooled by illusions. I can see through your tricks."
- "Confusion in your heart leads to confusion in your fists. You should meditate more."
- "I sense that you have good intentions, at least."
- "You must collect your thoughts if you do not wish to be sucked in by the cursed sword."
- "That power...have you been blessed by Indra, the god of thunder and lightning?"
- "The world is full of miracles…"
- "An unusual creature…it seems you were not prepared to deal with my reach."
- "That shape…are you…"
- "Fascinating… A cat that understands human language…"
Street Fighter V
Character Selection
- "This is the path to achieve enlightenment."
- "I am not very fond of conflict." (Intro / Language Change)
- "Yoga... (10x)" (Easy Survival Mode)
- "Can you please allow me to pass through?" (Normal Survival Mode)
- "Allow me to demonstrate the miracle of yoga." (Hard Survival Mode)
- "Great God Agni!" (Extreme Survival Mode)
Versus Mode (Generic)
- "I, too, have something I will not relinquish. I shall do all in my power to protect it."
- "If you so desire, I will teach you the mysteries of Yoga."
- "The path to enlightenment stretches far beyond the reaches of even these arms."
- "Fret not over victory nor defeat, but be as serene as still water."
- "Yoga!"
- "I WILL MEDITATE AND THEN DESTROY YOU." (Classic Costume only)
Versus Mode (Character-Specific)
- "Rigid power cannot win against flowing water. Such is fate."
- "I see... The affection you have for your brother and friends gives you strength."
- "If you obtain the power you seek... Well, you already know what will happen, don't you?"
- "The world is vast. Be not surprised by what lies within arm's reach."
- "Wealth and strength are fleeting and fragile, as is the life that revolves around them."
- "One must learn not only to control the body, but also the appetite."
- "The path of a yogi is also one of nature. However, it is not one to be traversed by simple savages like you."
- "When you have someone to protect is when you must be at your strongest."
- "Focus unfalteringly on the future. Release the shackles of your past."
- "You fight, but have you not once pondered WHY you fight?"
- "Ever as loud and graceful as an elephant."
- "A battle with my own self... This too is a trial from the gods."
- "You must eat a lot to maintain your size. How about trying some of my wife's food?"
- "Do not entrust your fate to fortune. You still have a future ahead of you."
- "So you too have fallen victim to the power of darkness."
- "To worry is to be human. I know some techniques that can help ease your troubled mind."
- "I do not sense evil in you... To fight is to obey the great Agni's will."
- "Is this Agni? No... But there is something profound about this individual."
- "Your strength is in your family. Do not forget that again."
- "We all have a duty to perform, from which none of us can ever run away."
- "The darkness you create yourself makes you a truly fearful child."
- "The teachings of yoga go beyond death."
- "Power comes not from seeking strength alone. But you already seem to have realized that."
- "Your power lies in your desire to protect your family."
- "Blind faith can discover nothing. You must find the truth with your own eyes."
- "Your power comes from your indomitable heart."
- "My body and mind I shaped with yoga. I am not your enemy."
- "I perform no trickery. You have bore witness to the power of yoga."
- "Ultimate power has its price. You walk the path of destruction."
- "You do not yet have the skill to look past the abyss, into the future. You must continue your training..."
- "I see vengeance burning within you. You must not submit to that dark inferno."
- "Modern-day life requires a strong spirit. You will not be taking mine."
- "I thank you for this opportunity, old friend."
- "The path ahead can never be conquered if you run in the wrong direction."
- "The fire is not for show, but of the hidden techniques of Yoga."
- "Defeat is but a minor distraction. Fight on, and the wind will ever be your ally."
- "All is as the god Agni fortells."
- "Hurry not, and be patient in seeking an answer, and it will reveal itself."
- "You have a path you follow... As do I, with yoga in my heart."
- "To experience doubt is a part of growing up. All will be as the great Agni has envisioned it to be."
- "I pity you. Reduced to nothing more than an empty vessel..."
- "Just as you cannot restrain me, the hearts of humankind cannot be bound by power alone."
- "Such blinkered eyes as yours can never perceive true beauty."
- "The techniques of Yoga cannot be grasped by brute force alone."
- "Yet another new fighting style I have encountered. Truly, the world is vast."
Character Story
Stage: Apprentice Alley
Interaction 1: Rashid
Mahesh: "Master Dhalsim, I've come to ask you to teach me in the ways of yoga."
Dhalsim: "For what purpose do you wish to know?"
Mahesh: "My purpose... is to become stronger, and protect our people as you do."
Dhalsim: "The path of Yoga is one of harmony, not violence. Its power is not in strength, but understanding."
Mahesh: "I... I didn't mean..!"
Dhalsim: "...Maybe I could."
Mahesh: "Th...thank you wise Master! Then we..."
Rashid: "Ah, so there you are!"
Rashid (continued): "Are you THE Dhalsim? "One of the seven Yoga Masters you have to meet at least once?" That's what the net calls you."
Azam: "MASTER!"
Dhalsim: "The "net"...?"
Mahesh: "Just who are you?! Master Dhalsim is busy..."
Rashid: "Sorry, I definitely understand. I haven't much time either."
Rashid (continued): "Well, I would be extremely appreciative if you could teach me theskill of Yoga. Shouldn't take too long. I just need you to indulge me in a single match."
Azam: "Master..."
Dhalsim: "And why is it that you seek to improve your skill?"
Rashid: "I can't say. But please, I just need to be stronger or else... Please..."
Dhalsim: "Hmm..."
Pre-Fight Interaction
Dhalsim: "Understood... Let's fight."
Rashid: "Huh... I thought if I saw you fight at least once, I'd learn most, if not all of it. I suppose with Yoga there's no shortcut, eh?"
Azam: "Master."
Dhalsim: "No there isn't. Yoga isn't something you can learn in a short span of time."
Rashid: "I thought as much. Well, at least I got to fight someone extroridinary skilled as you. It was a good experience."
Rashid (continued): "One more thing, I'm sure you know many people. Have you seen this person?"
Dhalsim: "No..."
Rashid: "I see. Thank you then. Take care."
Mahesh: "Were you OK with that? To show a person like him the skills in the way of Yoga?"
Dhalsim: "You shouldn't worry. He seeks skills to do good, just as you."
Dhalsim (continued): "He may not have mastered the skills, but if he gained something from fighting me which will help him, then good will come of it."
Mahesh: "Hmm..."
Interaction 2: Oro
Mahesh: "Oh!"
Dhalsim: "This is what is released in tandem with prayer to the God Agni. The very basics of Yoga."
Oro: "What an odd thing you're doing."
Dhalsim: "You are...!"
Mahesh: "He... He's floating! Is that Yoga?!"
Oro: "Hehe! Does this really look like Yoga to you? Your disciple has a lot to learn."
Dhalsim: "I never thought I would encounter you at a place like this."
Oro: "Just killing time. I sensed interesting people here, so here I am."
Oro (continued): "And by the way, why would you have a disciple like him? His skill is very and he'll only become an obstacle to your own training."
Dhalsim: "I believe in him, and I want to spread the knowledge of Yoga to help and support others."
Dhalsim (continued): "The improvement of my own skills are secondary. My ultimate goal is to harmonize the universe."
Dhalsim (continued): "Even if it takes a lifetime, I believe my actions, in and of themselves, inevitably set me upon the right path."
Oro: "Haha, not to completely master the skill but instead spread the skill. I see you haven't changed at all."
Dhalsim: "Are you leaving already?"
Oro: "I'm sensing another interesting person around here. You should make me a tasty curry next time. Be well."
Mahesh: "Master Dhalsim, who was that?"
Dhalsim: "He is a long lived hermit, master of Senjutsu."
Interaction 3: R. Mika
Dhalsim: "Yoga!"
Mahesh: "Huuugh, huuugh, huugaha, gaha, gaha..."
Mahesh (continued): "No, I can't..."
Dhalsim: "Impatience is muddling your mind. Calm yourself."
R. Mika: "Excuse me, can I talk to you?"
Dhalsim: "Huh?"
R. Mika: "Hello, my name is Rainbow Mika and I belong to the Iwashigahama Japan Women's Pro Wrestling! Could you teach me how to breathe fire? Like what you just did now?"
Mahesh: "Wrestling?"
R. Mika: "That's right! That skill would be perfect. If I did that in the ring... the crowd would go wild and...!"
Pre-Fight Interaction
Dhalsim: "You needn't say anymore, I understand your passion. Why don't you learn it by fighting with me?"
R. Mika: "Thank you so much for your time!"
Post-Fight Interaction
R. Mika: "Guess not! I'm not ready to breathe fire!"
Dhalsim: "Mika, mastering Yoga is not easy."
Dhalsim (continued): "Although you can't yet breathe fire, your passion will ignite the flame in the future. And when it does, it will ignite everyone."
R. Mika: "My passion... will ignite...!"
R. Mika (continued): "I think I... I think I learned something! Thank you! Thank you for teaching me sir!"
Mahesh: "Haaagh!"
Dhalsim: "Hmm. It was an excellent fire."
Mahesh: "B...But it wasn't as big as yours, Master Dhalsim."
Dhalsim: "The size of the flame is not what is important."
Dhalsim (continued): "You are training your mind. Skill will only be a guide. When you care for someone your mind is what will become the flame. It also becomes the power to create harmony."
Dhalsim (continued): "To help you create that harmony, I will do all that can for as long as it takes."
Mahesh: "Master Dhalsim...!"
A Shadow Falls
- "Hmm?"
- "I will help you."
- "Your mind is completely calm in battle. But, if you continue to suppress the Hado, you will be consumed by it. Once again, you need to face the Hado that you are hiding inside of you."
- "That's the...!"
- "Look out!"
- "Do not let the Satsui no Hado take you over!"
- "Long ago, I was told about an ancient being who consumes warriors' souls. This ancient being... only appears at a time when many warriors are needed. That is, when the world is in a time of great crisis."
- "You must go. His soul is no longer a sacrifice for you to devour."
Street Fighter 6
(VA: Keith Silverstein (ENG) / Daisuke Egawa (JPN)) | |||||
English | Audio | Japanese | Translation | Audio | |
"Allow yoga to guide you." | Character Select | ||||
"Shall we begin?" | Player 1 | ||||
"Prepare yourself." | Player 2 |
- "What is it? Already finished?"
- "Unleash your heart."
- "I am in no hurry. Everything flows as one."
- "Yoga, yoga, yyyyoga!"
- "Take this." (Punish Counter)
- "What?" (Missed)
- "Hmph." (Throw Escape)
- "Naive." (Throw Escape)
Drive Gauge
Yoga Inferno
- "Yoga... Infeeeerrrrrnnnoooo!!"
Yoga Sunburst
- "The power of yoga....."
- "It's futile to resist." (Uncharged)
- "Behold, its beauty!" (Charged)
Merciless Yoga
- "Ready Yourself." (Activation)
- "This one's preordained! Accept it! OUUUAAAAGH!!!" (SA3 Successful)
- "My journey is not yet complete…" (After cinematic SA3)
- "Your judgement awaits!" (CA Activation)
- "Agni... lend me your power! OUUUAAAAGH!!!" (CA Successful)
- "The essence of yoga has graced you." (After cinematic CA)
Round Wins
- "Yoga yoga" (Perfect)
- "Life is endless reincarnation...." (99%-78% vitality)
- "This is the power of a yoga master." (79%-26% vitality)
- "Well fought." (25% or lower vitality)
- "Let us pray together to Agni."
Game Over
- "I have much to learn."
World Tour
Dhalsim's Style: Mastery
Dhalsim: "May the sacred flames be forever by your side. Yoga!"
- "In unarmed combat, there are pliant and unyielding methods. I, of course, favor the former, but practitioners of unyielding techniques can be found everywhere. Martial artists like Zangief and Honda are unyielding. You would do well to visit them and walk their paths to mastery. Both pliant and unyielding methods are strong, in their own unique ways. But that is only because they are wielded by the stout of heart. Find other teachers, and experience their strength for yourself."
- "I pose a question to you. what is it you seek beyond strength?
- (Answer: I seek only to become stronger.)
- (Honestly, I'm still not sure.) "Worry not, child. You need only to continue forward, hesitant as you are. However there is one thing you must never forget. Do not lose sight of the path you follow... or yourself."
- "Many souls visit this place. Seekers of yoga's path, pilgrims offering prayers to Agni, and the lost, seeking to find themselves once more. This temple exists to guide them. May it serve as a place of guidance for you, as well."
- "Your efforts have served you well, and you may now extend your limbs at will. A useful technique for battle, certainly, but one originally developed to help others, not harm them. Having learned my techniques, I only ask that you use them not to satisfy your own desires."
- "Create a fist within your heart. Have no fear simply do as I instruct. Good Allow me to pose a question to you. What lies beyond that fist?
- (Answer: Me. I'm standing there.) "I see. You have caught your shadow, then."
- (Answer: Is that...Bosch?) " I see. This is your friend...or perhaps a mortal foe?"
- "Forget not what you saw. You wish to transcend the shadow, yet it remains inextricably linked to you. It is up to you to interpret its significance."
- "Do you enjoy curry? Not to boast, but I am rather preferential. In fact, I explore new blends of spices daily. Every spice has its quirks. Everything from the amount used to climate and temperature can affect the final flavor. I often prepare the same curry from one day to the next, only to discover that the flavor has changed completely. Curry's road is an endless one. And endlessly rewarding. Not unlike the path to strength. It is fascinating, in any case. If you are curious, I would be happy to pass on my teachings to you. We shall begin with a comprehensive study of the characteristics of over fifty spices...Hmm? That look on your face... Are you, perhaps, not particularly interested in curry? Hum... So be it. if you ever feel a rising urge to study curry, we can always continue at that time." (A Bond With Dhalsim: 1)
- "To attain strength, you must train the body... and the heart, as well. Unlike physical development, spiritual development is invisible to the eye. Remember, then, that strength is not defined by that which you can see."
- "Rest is necessary during your training. You are traveling the world, yes? When visiting foreign lands, take the time to sample the local cuisine. Food reflects the culture of its people. Eat, and open your mind to newfound insights."
- "This temple is a frequent destination for the lost. It is not as if I guide them all personally, however. There are many who need only be given peace, in order to find the way for themselves. To guide is to do more than to just instruct or teach. Such is its enigmatic nature."
- "Have you heard of "The Seven Yoga Masters in the World You Gotta Meet At Least Once"?
- (Answer: Sorry, doesn't ring any bells.) "Ah, so you are not aware! That is a relief! But... No. Perhaps I should tell you."
- (Answer: I read something online about them!) "Hmm... I suspected as much. This remains an issue over which I have little control.
- "I was included in an article, once, about yoga masters across the globe. Soon, I was inundated with requests from prospective students. The lines at the temple were a sight to behold. I welcome anyone whose interest in yoga is sincere, but many came out of thrill-seeking curiosity. It became a local nuisance, so I decided to move. I have since made many a new encounter, but one thing is clear. Care must be taken in how I spread the word of yoga."
- "Would you mind if I shared a story from my past? In the midst of a journey, some locals invited me to play baseball with them. They explained the rules. I stood in something called "the batter's box" and hit the ball as it came toward me. They told me to then proceed to the next base, which-to my eyes-appeared remarkably close. I stretched out my legs toward the white splotch marked as my destination... And that is when they informed me I had broken the rules. I was no longer allowed to continue playing. This is what I get for following their instructions. Sports always were a thorny affair..."
- "Once, I grew uncertain about how best to use my power. That is when those around me taught me a valuable lesson. Though this power can be used to harm, its true purpose is to help others. What lies beyond that fist of yours? What purpose does it serve? Ask yourself that question, always."
- "After hearing the cries of many, and showing the way to many more, one thing has become clear to me. In all things, teachings others helps us better measure ourselves. I am no exception. As I guide, I am guided by others in turn. Heh, It appears this concept yet eludes your grasp. You will understand it in time, as you walk the path."
- "These eyes have borne witness to many things. However, there is still much that eludes my sight. Take my wife Sally, and my son Datta. The matters of their hearts remain a mystery to me. Put simply, I have no idea what goes through their heads. Be that as it may...perhaps love is so profound precisely we cannot see it."
- "You have become considerably stronger, I see. I believe you now possess the power you need. If I am correct, then extend that fist to save others. Not a destructive fist, but a healing one. And to wield it is an ordeal the likes of which you do not yet know. If you lose your way on the path... Heh. I shall be here."
- "The path's end. Can you see it? In your training with me, you found the answer. Show it to me now." (Pre-Mastery Fight)
- "I see it now. Your undeniable ability. Your eyes that see one step ahead." (Mastery Achieved)
- "What is strength? Many have sought the answer, becoming lost along the way. The answer is never the same. I pray you find your answer someday."
- "Travel. Seek out other teachers. Each teacher possesses strength all their own. Experience it firsthand, and you will soon understand it as well. No destination is needed. Awareness of the great peak that lies before us can be enough to inspire newfound knowledge."
- "I was doing some housecleaning the other day. As I admired the family photos lining the shelves, memories of my past stirred. I met my wife Sally in Mumbai. She was a student at the yoga school I had opened there. She was a brilliant cook. She still is. My son Datta and I often find ourselves overeating. Speaking of Datta-he is currently studying diligently to become a doctor. He can stretch his limbs, just as I can, but he has been reluctant to do so as of late. He says it is..."weird." I seldom speak of my family. Perhaps it was seeing those photos that inspired me...or perhaps it was speaking to you. Whatever the case, I thank you for lending an ear. Let us resume your training, shall we? (A Bond With Dhalsim: 3)
- "I discovered a new form of yoga recently. Hrmph! Behold! A new frontier for yoga... Ready? Begin by putting both hands on the ground, then perform three and a half twists... Is something the matter? You look...baffled. This cannot be achieved by thinking with your head. Embrace the power of the sun. Submit yourself to the flow. First, put both hands on the ground, then twist your body three and a half times... Hrm. You are not quite there yet. I trust you are not neglecting your daily training, hmm?"
- "Hrm... Do you have a moment? It is almost time for the temple's prayer session. Who do you pray to? Or do you have no recipient for your prayers? Pay it no mind. We all gather in a single place to share a moment's meditation. You have ascended to a height worthy of your presence in this place. What you witness there may serve as a new guidepost to you. Open the eye of your heart, and rediscover the world anew." (A Bond With Dhalsim: 4)
Master Missions
Helping Hands
- "A closed fist can strike a foe. But a hand outstretched in the aid of others is itself a form of strength. Help those in need, and you will know this truth for yourself. It will serve as training for the heart."
- Miller: "Man, I'm screwed. I was gonna buy a ticket, but my money got stolen... Granny's sick back home, and here I am, up the creek without a paddle... If only someone could spot me 3,000 Zenny..."
- (Answer: Spot him the cash.) "Wait, for real? Thanks so much! Gosh, you're a real saint! Thanks again! You can be sure my grandma's gonna get an earful how nice you are!"
- Linda: "What in tarnation is going on here! There are barrels all over the park! I tell kids not to toss empty cans on the sidewalk till I'm blue in the face, and then THIS happens. "Oh, but you didn't say anything about empty BARRELS." Same problem, only a hundred times bigger! I'm too old to handle those barrels myself, I'm afraid. Oh, won't someone smash these barrels to bits? Think of the environment!
- Linda: "Ah, that's more like it! Feels like a barrel-sized weight's been lifted from my shoulders! I swear, this city gets crazier by the day. But you... You're living proof there are still good people out there. Keep that goodness in your heart, dear! And keep sticking it to any barrels you see! Show them who's boss!" (After destroying three barrels)
Guiding Hands
- "You found a merchant of strange stone sculptures in Metro City? A former student of mine, perhaps. Anik. He strayed from the path. This is quite unexpected. He is free to return should he so desire. If you encounter him again, please let him know."
- Anik: "Yeah? what do you want? Dhalsim wants me to return? Even though I abandoned my training?! Wait...I've been tricking people into buying fake statues! When he finds out what I've done, he'll lose all faith in me! Again! Let's tell him I was selling something else! Like...spices! Yeah, that's the ticket! Mind finding some for me?"
- Anik: "These are some fine-lookin' spices. Just need to make them all presentable... I'll bring these to Dhalsim as a souvenir. Thanks!" (After acquiring Uncommon Spices)
- "As you can see, Anik has returned, and is dedicated to his training. It's all because of you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Hmm. Perhaps you, too, possess the necessary qualities. The qualities one must lead. Do not be satisfied with things as they are. Strive always for improvement."
Master Assist
- "To train is a solitary pursuit. You must fight against yourself with every fiber of your being. I can still serve as a guide, however. If you find yourself grappling with uncertainty, you may always request my aid."
- "I see you remain clouded with doubt. But you must face adversity in order to overcome it. If a battle seems insurmountable, you may call upon my aid."
Learning a new technique
- "I shall impart to you a new technique. Never forget, however, that techniques reflect the heart of the user. Whether you use them in service of life or death depends upon your heart."
- "Whether this technique will be of use to you, I know not. I teach it to you now, that it might serve you on your path."
- "New techniques are useless without proper training of the heart."
- "You wish to spar with me?"
- (Answer: Yes) "Very well. I shall face you."
- (Answer: No) "I shall await the proper time."
- "There is focus in your eyes. You may have what it takes to face your inner self in battle."
- (Answer: Yes) "Heh. A fire burns within you, I see. Let us begin."
- (Answer: No) "Breathe deep, and ready yourself."
- "Show me the fruits of your daily training."
- (Answer: Yes) "You need not hold back. Do not worry, for neither will I."
- (Answer: No) "I will meditate and then await you."
- "I will show you more of the essence of yoga. If you will face me once more, that is."
- (Answer: It would be my pleasure!) "Very good. Let us begin."
- (Answer: Maybe next time.) "Now is not the time, then? When you are ready, speak to me once more."
- "Whether you find this a source of discouragement or motivation is up to you alone." (Post-sparring)
- "Well? Have the horizons of your world expanded?" (Post-sparring)
- "Go on. Chant. Yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga..." (Post-sparring Dhalsim Wins)
- "This is for me? (Giving a gift to Dhalsim)
- "The first did not suffice?" (Giving a gift to Dhalsim)
- "A gift? (Giving a gift to Dhalsim)
- "This is quite the oddity. But perhaps this is simply another form of Agni's guidance..." (Reaction to Gift)
- "What manner of... Ultra...mild...curry? A curry that is...mild? I suppose that whatever form it takes, curry remains curry. Which leaves me with but one option. To consume it. Pardon me a moment, will you? Mrrph... Glph... A-Another yoga miracle, this is... I...I thank you for the gift." (Reaction to Instant Curry (Ultra Mild))
- " this? Encountering such a mild flavor was a shock indeed. But all things are in a constant state of flux. My tastes included. Now then, allow me to sample this... Grmph! I-I sense...another yoga miracle... I...I thank you for the gift." (Reaction to Instant Curry (Ultra Mild))
- "My word... A legendary curry, the likes of which I have never seen! The attention paid to its ingredients is downright radiant. No, blinding-its creation was itself a work of art. And you intend to give this to me? I cannot thank you enough!" (Reaction to Supreme Instant Curry)
Character Guide
Arcade Mode
Versus Mode (Character-Specific)
Character | English | Japanese |
A.K.I. | "Something stirs in the dark again, I see. Shadaloo..." | |
Akuma | "So long as you continue down your path, the fires will consume you. It truly is sad." | |
Blanka | "Let yourself live as you are. As you should be." | |
Cammy | "You've sensed the arrival of a new evil, yes? For us, there can be no rest." | |
Chun-Li | "Feel the movement of your physical form. That is where meditation begins." | |
Dee Jay | "You live within tumult. How can you possibly hear the sounds of your inner self?" | |
E. Honda | "You have a fight of your own to pursue. Face it with intent." | |
Ed | "Reflecting on your circumstances is admirable. However, take care not to stray from your path." | |
Elena | TBA | |
Guile | "I sense within you the pride of a warrior. Of a protector." | |
Jamie Siu | "You heighten your awareness with your drink. In yoga, we accomplish this with breath." | |
JP | "You and your ilk inevitably appear, undeterred by failure. Perhaps this is karma." | |
Juri Han | "Hrm... If only Agni's flames could cleanse a blighted heart." | |
Ken Masters | "If you seek to absolve your guilt, I will face you whenever you so desire." | |
Kimberly | "Yoga means connection. Union. It connects us to that which is greater." | |
Lily Hawk | "For now, let your winds blow wild and free." | |
Luke Sullivan | "The world is wide indeed. Walk it always with intent." | |
M. Bison | "This odious feeling can be only because of one man..." | |
Mai | "Mastery requires a constant desire to improve. Yoga and ninjutsu share this same truth." | |
Manon | "Beautiful as it may be, it is not for show. Yoga is a flame that burns away the clouds." | |
Marisa | "Yours is a pure and pleasant power. May it remain so always." | |
Mirror Match | "Go with Agni. Yoga." | |
Rashid | Yoga is not just about stretching. Its essence can also seize your wind. | |
Ryu | "Let us once again listen to our inner voices." | |
SiRN Akuma | "It indeed possesses his limitless power. That is without question." | |
SiRN Bison | "I know it is but an illusion, however, that power is still heinous." | |
Terry | "I can sense that your fire burns hidden. Perhaps yoga can help you quell that fire." | |
Zangief | "To be pliant and rigid both is not contradictory. They are but two sides of a single coin." |
Reached a Bond of 100 in World Tour!
- "The time has come to don your robe and step outside. Feel the roar of the earth. Savor the feeling of your skin baking in the sunlight. All is connected to yoga."
Happy Birthday, Dhalsim!
- "My year has been one of great reflection. Day after day spent in meditation. You may think it dull, but that the world has had no need to call on a warrior of Agni is proof that all is right. And that is a comfort I think we all can appreciate. Yoga."