Starwarslegion Wiki
Starwarslegion Wiki
Heavy icon


Heavy is a rank of unit in Star Wars: Legion.

The Heavy icon2 icon indicates that a unit has the rank of Heavy.

  • Heavy: Each army may include up to two heavy units. As an important note, some heavy units include a pilot upgrade with the Field Commander. If an army has a Field Commander, that Field commander can be counted towards the minimum required one commander.

Symbol empire
Imperial Units
Symbol empire


Separatist Alliance Units
Symbol- -rebel
Rebel Units
Symbol- -rebel


Republic republic symbol
Galactic Republic Units
Republic republic symbol
Unit Faction Point Cost Wound Threshold Resilience Speed Defense Die
AT-ST Empire 195 11 8 2 Defense die white
TX-225 GAVw Occupier Combat Assault Tank Empire 155 8 6 1 Defense die red
T-47 Airspeeder Rebel 175 7 5 3 Defense die white
X-34 Landspeeder Rebel 75 6 4 2 Defense die white

All items (12)
