This Yinchorri shuttle was used by the Yinchorri during the Galactic Civil War. It was piloted by a Yinchorri pilot, who flew the craft to the Alliance Fleet to pick up Princess Leia Organa for a meeting with the Yinchorri Council of Elders. The craft was shot down by a TIE pilot attempting to assassinate Organa, and the entire Yinchorri crew was killed in the crash.
The shuttle was a small streamlined craft with a single blaster cannon situated on the top of the ship. Two engines were situated on opposite sides of the shuttle. The blaster cannon turret was accessible by a small ladder that sat next to the pilot's chair. Organa was strapped into the turret during the crash, which saved her when the shuttle crashed in the Yinchorri desert.
- Star Wars (1977) 86 (colorized in Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... Volume 6: Wookiee World) (First appearance)