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"We Lonto have a long history with the Yacombe. They renounced their allegiance to the dark path generations ago. They are strictly neutral. Striving for balance in all things."
―Susalee, to fellow representative Sirené[1]

The Yacombe were a group once associated with the dark side of the Force and whose members only spoke through proxies. In 382 BBY, a delegate of the Yacombe attempted to join the Convocation of the Force, an advisory council, in the Holy City of the moon Jedha. While there, two other representatives of different religious groups attacked the Yacombe, and Jedi Knight Oliviah Zeveron intervened to protect them. However, the representative decided to leave the Convocation since they understood it was not what they were looking for. In 88 BBY, at least one artifact associated with the Yacombe was kept in the Archive of Forbidden Artifacts, a section of the Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant.


"They don't speak at all, representative Waran. Only through their proxies. You know that."
―Elris Florent, to Waran Val[1]

The Yacombe were a group of Force-sensitive individuals. The Yacombe were once associated with the dark side of the Force but eventually broke from that alignment and[2] by 382 BBY[3] were neutral. Susalee, the Lonto species representative[2] in the Convocation of the Force—an advisory council that gathered various factions related to the Force—indicated that the Yacombe strived for balance in all things. The Yacombe did not speak directly but instead used proxies to speak for them.[1] They traditionally wore purple robes and used two twin blades as weapons.[2]


Convocation of the Force[]

"The Yacombe envoy is not a dark sider, representative Sirené. None of the Yacombe are dark siders."
―A Yacombe envoy's proxy, to Sirené, representative of the Fallanassi in the Convocation of the Force[1]

The Yacombe representative

In 382 BBY,[3] a Yacombe envoy traveled to the Convocation Chambers in the Holy City of[1] the moon[2] Jedha to apply the Yacombe for membership in the Convocation of the Force. The Yacombe representative spoke only through a Ximpi proxy. While in the Convocation Chambers, the envoy was threatened by Convocation representatives Sirené and Waran Val of the Fallanassi and Matukai religious orders, respectively, as they believed the Yacombe were dark siders and aggressors who sought only to divide and corrupt. The envoy's proxy insisted that the envoy was not a dark sider and that none of the Yacombe were affiliated with the dark side of the Force.[1]

Susalee claimed that the Lonto and Yacombe had a long history together and confirmed that the Yacombe had left the dark side of the Force behind many generations ago. Waran asked then why the envoy did not speak for[1] herself,[2] and the Convocation representative of the Disciples of the Whills, Elris Florent, explained that the Yacombe only spoke through proxies and that they should at least listen to the Yacombe's application. However, the representatives continued with their attacks.[1]

Leaving the Convocation and legacy[]

"And it's not just Sith. Look at this. The Sorcerers of Tund. The Yacombe. Where did all this come from?"
―Sifo-Dyas, to Dooku when referring to the artifacts contained in the Bogan Collection — (audio) Listen (file info)[4]

Oliviah Zeveron protected the Yacombe envoy when she petitoned to join the Convocation.

Before either attacker could reach the envoy,[1] Jedi Knight[2] Oliviah Zeveron arrived to defend the Yacombe and was able to defuse the situation by pointing out that the Yacombe was not fighting back. After receiving an apology from Kilan T'Dara, the representative of the Church of the Force institution and leader of the Convocation, the Yacombe communicated with their Ximpi proxy, who informed the Convocation that the envoy was retracting her application. Before leaving, the representative's proxy claimed that the Yacombe had come seeking a place of peace and harmony and had found none.[1] Sometime later, while trying to discredit the Convocation of the Force, Herald Werth Plouth of the Path of the Open Hand religious order claimed to the people of Jedha that the Convocation had insulted and attacked the Yacombe representative.[5]

In 88 BBY,[6] Jedi Initiates Dooku and Sifo-Dyas snuck into the Archive of Forbidden Artifacts, a Bogan Collection and forbidden section of the Jedi Archives located in the Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant. They saw several artifacts that belonged to groups such as the Sith, the Sorcerers of Tund, and the Yacombe. Sifo-Dyas was surprised by the artifacts and wondered about their origins.[4]

Behind the scenes[]

The Yacombe were first mentioned in a flashback sequence in the audio drama Dooku: Jedi Lost, written by Cavan Scott[4] and published on April 30, 2019.[7] The spelling of Yacombe was confirmed by the audio drama's script release[8] on October 1 of the same year.[7] The organization made its first appearance in the comic story "Peace and Unity," which was published by Marvel Comics in the first issue of the 2022 Star Wars: The High Republic comic series[1] as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase II[9] on October 12, 2022.[10] The issue was written by Scott and illustrated by Andrea Broccardo.[1] Scott later stated in a Q&A that the Yacombe design was based on the rightmost Jedi in Phil Noto's concept art for Star Wars: The High Republic.[11]


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