

For other uses, see Vel.
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"What have we done, Vel?"
"We've chosen a side. We're fighting against the dark. We're making something of our lives."
―Mon Mothma and Vel Sartha[1]

Vel Sartha was a human Chandrilan female who was the cousin of Senator Mon Mothma and a rebel within a network operated by Luthen Rael in resistance to the Galactic Empire. An heiress to a fortune, Sartha sacrificed personal comforts and ran off from her family. With her girlfriend, Cinta Kaz, as a member, Vel led a team of rebels on a mission to break into the armory of the garrison on the Aldhani and steal an Imperial payroll. Together with her fellow rebels, Taramyn Barcona, Arvel Skeen, Kaz, Karis Nemik, and Imperial Lieutenant and inside man Gorn, they planned to infiltrate the Aldhani Garrison, steal the credits, and steal a Max-7 Rono box freighter to escape in.

However, just three days before the operation, Sartha met with rebel organizer Luthen Rael, who forced her to accept another man into her team, Rael's new acquaintance, Cassian Andor, who was introduced as "Clem." Sartha was upset by this but agreed to do it when Rael threatened to call her operation off. Despite the hurdles along the way with "Clem," the team went through with the mission with Sartha at its lead. Although the theft was successful, the only survivors of the mission were Sartha, Kaz, and Andor.

When Andor became a loose end who could reveal too much if the Empire captured him, Sartha was tasked by Rael and his assistant, Kleya Marki, to kill him. Alongside Kaz, Sartha began their search on Ferrix, his adoptive homeworld, while he was incarcerated on Narkina 5, but she would eventually head to Coruscant to reunite with her family, where she learned of Mothma's financial issues in funding their fledgling rebellion. Upon hearing the news that Andor's adoptive mother, Maarva, had died, Sartha relayed the news to Rael, then returned to Ferrix in the hopes of capturing him. Though Andor came during his mother's funeral, he evaded detection by Sartha as well as the Imperial Security Bureau agents that had hoped to capture him. In the ensuing riot, Sartha packed her room alongside Kaz.


Early life[]

Vel Sartha was a female human from Chandrila. She grew up as an heiress to a fortune[4] and was a cousin to Mon Mothma,[1] who would become a Senator in the Imperial Senate.[5] She later began working with Luthen Rael and his network.[2] At some point, she began a romantic relationship with the rebel Cinta Kaz.[6]

Early rebellion[]

The Aldahni heist[]

"We've been eating roots and sleeping on rocks for this rebellion and now you've got a mercenary on board?"
―Vel Sartha, to Luthen Rael[2]

After planning a mission to rob the Imperial garrison on the planet Aldhani, Sartha left their camp to meet Rael, hiking a considerable distance to convene with the man. There, Rael introduced her to a new recruit[2] who he had just rescued from the Preox-Morlana on Ferrix.[7] Rael introduced him as "Clem," although his real name was Cassian Andor and explained that he intended for him to join her team. Sartha was displeased by the idea, but Rael sternly told her that she had to take him in or he would call their operation off. Fuming, Sartha agreed to take him on, and Rael told her to lie to the group and say that his presence was her idea and was planned all along. Sartha then provided Andor with clothes to make him appear as a local and led him back to camp, which was over a day's journey away.[2]


Vel Sartha and Cassian Andor travel through the Aldhani hills.

On the way there, Sartha questioned Andor about his arm, which was bandaged, but he reassured her that he was fine. When he asked her who Rael was, Sartha responded that he should have asked him when he had the chance and warned him not to mention him to the others, telling him that they would have a "big problem" if he did. She then told him about the job robbing the garrison, which Andor was surprised by. After ducking a pair of patrolling TIE fighters, they continued on their way.[2]

Arriving at camp, two of their number, namely Arvel Skeen and Taramyn Barcona, were annoyed by Andor's presence. Barcona asked to speak with Sartha about the matter, but she quickly denied him and told the group to help their new man settle in. When Barcona raised his voice again, Sartha coldly told him and Skeen to go secure the animal pens. Later, when Cinta Kaz was treating Andor's wound, Barcona approached Sartha again and asked how she knew him. Sartha replied that he had come highly recommended, to which Skeen replied by stating that she did not know him. Sartha sternly replied that she knew the group needed another man and that he was good backup and followed up by saying that she would not answer any more questions about his background so as not to violate security. Skeen demanded to know if he trusted the newcomer with their lives, and Sartha stared him down and said that it was her call.[2]

Later that day, Gorn, Sartha's contact from within the Aldhani Garrison, arrived on a speeder. When Skeen told him about their newest team member, Gorn stormed over to Sartha to voice his displeasure. Sartha told him that he had no say in the matter. Gorn demanded to know more about Andor, but Sartha again shut him down and said that he was their much-needed backup and that was all that mattered. When Barcona brought Andor with him to help assist Karis Nemik, Sartha questioned Gorn about the Imperial patrols, and Gorn elaborated on recent movements, finishing by saying that he had to be back at base for a midnight inspection.[2]

Sartha gathered the team together in a small hut that had a visualization of the Imperial base and the surrounding terrain. She explained their plan to Andor, who admitted that he did not think the plan had much of a chance of working.[2] The next day, Sartha and Barcona was conversing in one of the huts when she brought Andor in to question him on how to calibrate the weight on a Max-7 Rono box freighter, which was the ship the group planned to escape in. Andor asked if he was being tested, but Barcona only insisted he answer the question. Andor then began to doubt that they knew how to fly the freighter, which Sartha denied. However, Andor pointed out that they had to get it off the runway first. When neither Barcona or Sartha responded, Andor all but confirmed that they did not know how to fly it. He told them how to do it and questioned what they would have done without him, to which Sartha retorted that they would have simply figured it out themselves. Andor then stated that he would pilot the ship, and when Sartha refused, he said that if his life was on the line, he wanted to fly. Sartha paused before agreeing to let him fly.[8]


Sartha and the rest of the group going through their plan in the fields

Later, as Barcona, Skeen, Nemik, and Andor drilled in the fields outside the camp, Sartha and Kaz observed them. Andor asked what they would be doing while the four men entered the garrison posed as Imperial soldiers, but Sartha did not respond, with Barcona stating that Andor needed to worry about his part of the mission only. When Andor suggested that Barcona and Skeen, who were side-by-side at the front of their formation, switch sides due to Skeen being left-handed, he was shut down by Barcona. However, Sartha then spoke up and asked why Andor had said that. Andor said that each man's weapon should be on the outside. Sartha then quizzed him on each member's dominant hand, to which Andor knew each person's preferred hand. Sartha made a face at Barcona, who understood and implemented Andor's suggestion.[8]

Later, as the group packed up the supplies, Skeen picked up Andor's pack, which Andor took exception to. Sartha arrived to break up the argument. That evening, the group burned their model of the Imperial garrison, with Sartha toasting to the Rebellion. The next morning, the group set their animals loose and began the hike towards the Imperial base. Sartha once again quizzed Andor on the details of the mission. At one point, Andor asked Sartha a question, wanting to know more about Gorn. Sartha stated that it made no difference, but when Andor insisted that everyone else seemed to know what his deal was, Sartha sighed and explained that Gorn had fallen in love with a local woman, and, following her death, had lost interest in serving the Empire.[8]

When the group stopped to eat, Sartha witnessed another incident between Skeen and Andor, the former of who held a knife to the latter's throat before claiming his kyber crystal necklace. He proclaimed to the group that his suspicions were not unfounded and asked what kind of man brought treasure to a robbery, noting that the object was worth at least thirty-thousand credits. When Andor threatened to shoot Skeen, Barcona also drew his blaster, causing Sartha to shout at everyone to stand down. After cooling everyone down, Barcona put his blaster away and Sartha ordered Skeen to give Andor his necklace back. Before they continued on their way, Andor told the group that he was being paid to help them. Sartha explained that she had known but had no choice but to have him join them if they wanted to finish the mission. Skeen said that she should have told them that days ago, to which Sartha admitted that she should have.[8]

That night, when they reached the garrison, Barcona signaled to Gorn, who watched him wave a torch through quadnoculars from the base. Then, Sartha instructed Skeen to apologize to Andor by telling him about his stake in the fight. After elaborating about his brother and his death, Andor accepted his apology. Then, Sartha and Kaz loaded up their equipment and prepared to depart. Sartha told the other four that they would see each other the following night before leaving.[8]

Infiltrating the garrison[]

"One path! One choice. We win, or everyone dies. Starts now."
―Vel Sartha, to Commandant Beehaz[9]

Sartha and Kaz holed up inside a small cave near the lake that surrounded the garrison. Donning wetsuits, the two used a small vehicle to travel underwater to the base wall. Climbing up the ladder, Sartha disabled the comms before joining Kaz. Kaz told her to check in with the others, and when Sartha began to stall, Kaz angrily told her to check in. Meanwhile, the rest of the team was in position and waiting for her signal. Sartha eventually gave the go-ahead, and as the others marched toward the base, with Gorn covering their backs, Sartha and Kaz used grappling cables to descend into the base. Sartha followed Kaz to the area where Barcona and the others were located, and Kaz shot and killed the Imperial colonel Soden Petigar, who had a blaster pointed at Nemik's head. They rounded up the other hostages, namely Commandant Jayhold Beehaz and his wife and son. Sartha kept her weapon pointed at Commandant Beehaz and told him that if their mission failed, everyone, including him and his family, would die. She instructed Barcona and Andor to take him upstairs in the lift before going to the vault. Beehaz told her that he could not help them open the vault, but Sartha retorted that she knew he was lying and reminded him the stakes if he did not comply.[9]

Aldhani heist

Sartha enters the vault

Sartha and the others followed them in the lift once the Imperials there had been subdued. Sartha then brought Barcona, Skeen, Andor, Nemik, and Beehaz to the vault room while Kaz stayed with the hostages. The six guards who were there formed up when Barcona, still in uniform, called for an inspection. The others than drew their weapons, forcing them to surrender. Sartha trained her weapon on them as Skeen searched for weapons as Andor and Nemik got the ship ready. Then, Sartha, Barcona, and Skeen forced Beehaz and the other Imperials to load the credits onto the ship. Gorn arrived some time after, but he was followed by a group of Imperials who had noticed the comms being down and overheard communication between Nemik and Kaz mentioning their location in the vault. Gorn attempted to bluff their way out of a fight, but when Beehaz, who had been pulling heavy carts of credits, collapsed, a firefight erupted.[9]

Sartha was pinned down as the Imperials opened fire. Unable to reach the ship, she fired on the Imperials who had been moving the credits before they could escape. When Barcona came out to help her, Skeen failed to cover him and Barcona was gunned down. Sartha eventually made her way to the ship and the group took off with eighty million credits on board. However, due to the speed of the launch, the credits slid around in the hold, with one container crushing Nemik. Sartha and Skeen went to help him as Andor piloted, with Nemik telling Sartha that he could not feel his legs. Sartha quickly reached for a med-spike and jabbed it into Nemik's chest as Skeen held him still. Nemik was then able to help guide Andor to safety through the storm and past the three TIE fighters in pursuit, escaping Aldhani.[9]


Sartha realizes that Andor has turned on her

When Andor asked where they were going after, Skeen said that they had to go to a doctor to help Nemik and said that Sartha did not want to do that because it could jeopardize the mission. They decided to go to the doctor despite this, with Quadpaw operating unsuccessfully on Nemik, who died despite his best efforts. Sartha watched and later thanked Quadpaw for trying. However, just then, Andor entered with his blaster trained on Sartha. She angrily said that she should have listened to Barcona and then called for Skeen. Andor revealed that he had killed Skeen after he suggested they steal the money for themselves. Sartha responded by saying that Skeen would not have done that, causing Andor to scoff. He said that he wanted his cut before going on his way, giving back the kyber crystal that Rael had given him before the mission and telling Sartha that she could have the rest of the money. Before Andor walked out, Sartha handed him Nemik's manifesto, telling him that Nemik insisted he take it before he died.[9]

After Aldhani[]

Coruscant meeting[]

"You mean kill him."
"This is what revolution looks like, Vel."
―Vel Sartha and Kleya Marki, after the latter ordered the former to find Cassian Andor[10]

Sartha eventually made her way to the planet Coruscant, where she met with Rael's assistant, Kleya Marki, just outside the Coruscant spaceport. Marki warned her that neither of them should be there, but Sartha ignored her and told her that they had done their job. Marki remarked that she had indeed done exceptional work but then asked about loose ends. Sartha told her that the ship was buried and gone for good, but then Marki asked about Clem. She told Sartha that his real name was Cassian Andor and that he had to be tracked down. Sartha inquired if she was being asked to kill Andor, to which Marki affirmed that he could not be allowed to roam free with his knowledge of Rael. Sartha asked about Kaz, to which Marki said that she was doing her job.[10]

Sartha later made it to the planet Ferrix, where she reunited with Kaz as they began watching the Andor household. As the two discussed Andor and whether he would turn up, Sartha expressed her doubts and proposed that her and Kaz run away, but Kaz reminded her that, despite her having the same feelings towards Sartha, the struggle would always have to come before their relationship. When asking Kaz who she would be, Kaz referenced Sartha's own past, which bothered her.[11]

Many meetings[]

Extended Mothma family

Sartha dining with cousin Mon Mothma and her family.

Following Kaz's comment and feeling she could not avoid her past any longer, Sartha decided to return to her homeworld and her family, first visiting her cousin Mothma and her family on Coruscant. There, she gifted Leida a golden gown just as Mothma arrived, Leida left and the two cousins spoke privately. Sartha told Mothma she had been traveling for the past six months and was evasive when Mothma began asking her about Rael. Leida then returned to show off her new dress. During breakfast, Mothma's husband, Perrin Fertha, questions Sartha about home and when she was returning, Sartha claiming that she was heading back soon for The Pilgrimage. Fertha then asked her when she would find a husband, to which she said it was not her priority. As Sartha left, Mothma urged her to keep the façade as a spoilt and politically inept woman. The two hugged and Sartha departed.[1]

Sartha eventually made her way to Rael's shop, Galactic Antiquities and Objects of Interest, and was greeted by Marki, who kept up the façade and treated her like a customer despite Sartha's attempts to engage in covert discussion. She demanded to see Rael, but Marki only expressed her disappointment in how Sartha was conducting herself and told her that she was lucky that Rael was not around to witness it. Sartha pressed and asked what she had done for him lately, stating that she had given him Aldhani, but Marki hardened and replied that Sartha was just one of many needy people that Rael had to deal with. However, she then asked what Sartha was there to tell him, and she notified her that Andor's mother had died and that it was getting "very busy" on Ferrix. Marki told her that she would pass the information along and then prompted her to leave.[1]

Some time later, Vel joined Mon at the embassy and observed Leida take part in a traditional ceremony that both women disapproved of despite Leida's love of the old ways. Later that night, Mothma disclosed to Sartha that she was in desperate need of 400,000 credits and how Tay Kolma tried to help but had only discovered how deep in trouble she was. Mothma disclosed she found a solution, but that it was not one that she liked. Leida then approached to greet Sartha and the two ceased the discussion.[12]

Reuniting with Cinta[]

Sartha returned to Ferrix and met with Kaz. Although being saddened that Kaz seemed to care more about their mission than greeting her, Sartha and Kaz pleasantly discussed the ISB surveillance and the likelihood the Imperials would be able to capture Andor. Sartha told Kaz to step away from the window to talk, but Kaz was unresponsive and continued to stare out of it instead of looking at her. Sartha then met with Rael and they discussed how to kill Andor. Eventually, Rael instructed her to return to Kaz, who was keeping an eye the Andor house.[13]

Sartha witnessed the riot on Rix Road, but did not get involved, instead returning to Kaz's room to pack. When Kaz returned, the two quickly cleared out their gear, but Sartha became worried when she noticed Kaz had blood on her arm. However, Kaz replied that it was not her own, having just murdered an ISB agent.[13]

Personality and traits[]

"You trust him with our lives?"
"That's my call to make."
―Arvel Skeen and Vel Sartha[2]
Vel Sartha trailer

Vel Sartha on Ferrix

Vel Sartha was a stern and steady leader. Although she was not initially receptive to adding Andor to her team, when given orders by Rael, she willingly followed orders and accepted his presence, agreeing to lie to her team and say that his presence was her idea. When her team questioned why Andor was joining them, Sartha demanded that they respect her decision and vouched for him.[2]


Vel Sartha

Sartha and Cinta Kaz were a couple.[6] Sartha cared for her team, particularly Kaz,[14] but still had a no-nonsense attitude that allowed her to lead an efficient and eventually successful operation on Aldhani. She was extremely committed to the cause, willing to sacrifice comfort, relationships, and even her life for the rebellion.[3] She trusted her team greatly, not believing that Skeen would have betrayed them when Andor revealed that he had killed the man after he attempted to convince him to leave Sartha and take the money and the ship. When she witnessed Barcona's death, she was shaken by it. As the survivors escaped Aldhani, Skeen accused Sartha of giving up on saving Nemik, who was mortally wounded, and said that even if she thought that the mission could be compromised, she had to try and help Nemik by going to see a doctor.[9]

After Aldhani, Sartha felt distant from Kaz. Despite repeated attempts to have personal conversations with her, Sartha was unable to shift Kaz's focus away from their mission, which was covert surveillance on Ferrix.[13]

Sartha had a strong relationship with her cousin Mon Mothma. As they were both involved in the nascent rebellion, they could both communicate about one of the most difficult aspects of their lives. Sartha was looked up to by Mothma's daughter Leida,[1] although Sartha aligned more with Mon's sentiments when it came to her views on traditional Chandrilan cultural practices.[12]

Behind the scenes[]

"I also enjoyed that there's a real sensitivity to Vel [Sartha]. We weren't afraid to show that she was scared. We weren't afraid to show that she was heartbroken. We're not afraid to show the more human side of this character, where in some cases, you would just expect to see the action and the grit and the determination to complete the mission. What I love about this character is that, the way she's written, I had a lot of freedom to explore the human side of this person who is trying to be part of a rebellion and all the things that make her human, the things that upset her and the things that frighten her."
―Faye Marsay[15]

Vel Sartha was played by Faye Marsay in the television series Andor.[16] She made her first appearance in "Aldhani," the fourth episode of the first season of Andor.[2]


Andrei Riabovitchev created concept art of Vel Sartha based on a design by Michael Wilkinson.

Writer Tony Gilroy made Sartha the cousin of Mon Mothma after realizing there was not much information on the latter's family life.[17] When he was writing Sartha's relationship with Cinta Kaz, no one at Lucasfilm Ltd. said they could not do it and no one told him to do it. Gilroy did not want the relationship to be performative in any way.[18] Artist Andrei Riabovitchev created concept art based on costume designer Michael Wilkinson's design for Sartha. The art depicted her with brown hair and a staff.[19] Concept art of Sartha and Cassian Andor hiding from TIE fighters was created by concept artist Chester Carr. Carr also made art of Sartha and her rebel infiltration team looking at a model of the Aldhani dam in their tent.[20] Production designer Luke Hull created concept art of Sartha and Luthen Rael watching Cassian Andor exit the latter's ship.[21] Sartha's team's disguises were made from natural fabrics, and Wilkinson made the costumes dark, textural, and organic.[22]

Marsay knew she would audition for the role, so she watched Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and a few other films. After getting the role, she did a bit of research on the franchise. Marsay felt more pressure from joining Star Wars than when she joined the show Game of Thrones because she was playing a main character. Despite the show's secrecy, Marsay was given the breakdown and knew what actors she would work with so that she could prepare before shooting. She knew about her character's relationships with Cinta Kaz and Mon Mothma. As preparation, Marsay looked at groups of women who became part of a cause and she read the book Shoot the Women First, which is about female-led rebellions. The actress felt that she brought a part of herself to playing Sartha. She enjoyed that Andor showed Sartha's human side and real sensitivity. The writing gave Marsay a lot of freedom to explore Sartha's human side, what makes her human, the things that upset, and the things that frighten her. Marsay wanted her character to help normalize LGBTQ+ relationships.[15]


Concept art of Vel Sartha and Cassian Andor

Scenes on Ferrix were filmed in an intricate set in Little Marlow, Buckinghamshire.[16] According to Tony Gilroy, everything on Ferrix was filmed first.[23] During the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic,[15] scenes on Aldhani were filmed at the Cruachan Dam and the surrounding mountains in the Scottish Highlands.[16] Marsay said working on the show was very hard work for grueling hours.[15] Sartha's rebel garb was made to fit her. The costume worn on Coruscant took much longer to get ready for in terms of hair, makeup, and costume.[15] Scenes in the Chandrilan embassy were filmed in a practically built set that had a wraparound LED screen that used StageCraft technology.[24] Scenes in Luthen Rael's gallery were filmed in a set designed by[25] production designer[26] Luke Hull.[25]


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Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Andor logo new Andor — "Nobody's Listening!"
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 Andor logo new Andor — "Aldhani"
  3. 3.0 3.1 StarWars-DatabankII Vel Sartha in the Databank (backup link)
  4. SWYT-Logo Andor | Inside Look at Vel Sartha | Disney+ on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)
  5. Princess Leia 1
  6. 6.0 6.1 Andor logo new Andor — "The Eye" (audio description)
  7. Andor logo new Andor — "Reckoning"
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Andor logo new Andor — "The Axe Forgets"
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 Andor logo new Andor — "The Eye"
  10. 10.0 10.1 Andor logo new Andor — "Announcement"
  11. Andor logo new Andor — "Narkina 5"
  12. 12.0 12.1 Andor logo new Andor — "Daughter of Ferrix"
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Andor logo new Andor — "Rix Road"
  14. This Week in Star Wars logo This Week! in Star Wars Andor and the Eye, Galactic Pals Returns, and More! on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link) (Posted on StarWars.com)
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 Andor's Faye Marsay Talks Preparing To Play Vel Sartha, The Real Rebellions That Inspired Her & More [Exclusive Interview] by Anderton, Ethan on /Film (November 2, 2022) (archived from the original on November 2, 2022)
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 GettyImages-Logo ANDOR Production Brief V3 FINAL 8-04-22 by McIntyre, Gina on Getty Images (August 4, 2022) (backup link)
  17. ‘Andor' Creator Tony Gilroy Talks Luthen Rael's Future and Being Surprised by Certain Easter Eggs by Davids, Brian on The Hollywood Reporter (November 9, 2022) (archived from the original on November 9, 2022)
  18. Sex and Revolution: ‘Andor' Showrunner Tony Gilroy on Challenging the Limits of the ‘Star Wars' Universe by Vary, Adam B on Variety (November 10, 2022) (archived from the original on November 10, 2022)
  19. Instagram-Logo Andrei Riabovitchev (@riabovitchev) on Instagram: Andor concept art (December 13, 2022): "Some of my costume illustrations done for Star Wars TV series Andor, costume designer Michael Wilkinson." (backup link)
  20. Andor's designers approached it like a Star Wars period drama by Webster, Andrew on The Verge (archived from the original on November 9, 2022)
  21. StarWars Dressing the Galaxy: Designer Michael Wilkinson Defines the Looks of Andor's Costumes on StarWars.com (backup link)
  22. ‘Andor' Creator Tony Gilroy Talks Luthen's Good Day, That Post-Credit Scene and Season Two by Davids, Brian on The Hollywood Reporter (November 23, 2022) (archived from the original on November 23, 2022)
  23. Here's Where Andor Actually Used Lucasfilm's StageCraft Technology [Exclusive] by Meyer, Joshua on /Film (November 9, 2022) (archived from the original on November 9, 2022)
  24. 25.0 25.1 ‘Andor' Star Genevieve O'Reilly Never Thought She'd Get the Chance to Flesh Out Mon Mothma by Davids, Brian on The Hollywood Reporter (September 15, 2022) (archived from the original on September 15, 2022)
  25. Andor logo new Andor — "Kassa"