



For other uses, see Daragon.

"Bank and roll, Hok! Shields damaged!"
―Timar Daragon, during the Battle of Kirrek[1]

Timar Daragon was a female Human starship operator during the years leading up to the Great Hyperspace War. The wife of fellow pilot Hok Daragon, Daragon was the mother of Gav and Jori Daragon, and worked as a supply runner during the Unification Wars of the Koros system with Hok in their ship, the Shadow Runner. In 5000 BBY, the Daragons took a mission to the planet Kirrek during a battle to run supplies to Empress Teta's besieged forces on the world. However, the Shadow Runner was destroyed by pirate forces, killing both Hok and Timar Daragon on impact. After their deaths, the Daragons' other ship, the Starbreaker 12, was bequeathed to Gav and Jori, who later became hyperspace explorers.


"Too dangerous, kids."
―Timar Daragon, refusing their children's request to accompany them to Kirrek[1]

Timar Daragon, a Human female, was married to Hok Daragon. Together, they had two children, Gav and Jori Daragon. In 5000 BBY, during the First Unification Wars in the Koros system, the political leader known as Empress Teta attempted to unify the seven worlds of the system. During this time, the Daragons worked as supply runners to Teta's forces in their ship, the Shadow Runner. Teta's forces managed to unify six of the Koros system's seven worlds into one union. The only planet in the system yet to be unified with the others was Kirrek, where a man named Llaban had put together an army of rebels and pirates. Teta's forces were surprised by the ferocity of Llaban's army, and found themselves besieged in a citadel. The Daragons then went to Aarrba the Hutt, who ran a service dock in the Koros system capital of Cinnagar, to get the Shadow Runner spaceworthy so as to bring relief supplies to the soldiers on Kirrek. The Daragons were grateful for Aarrba's services, and in exchange, the Hutt decided to keep the Daragons' other ship, the Starbreaker 12, as a collateral until they returned. Although Gav and Jori asked their parents if they could assist them on their mission, both Timar and Hok believed that their upcoming mission was too dangerous, so Gav and Jori were forced to stay behind.[1]

Meanwhile, the battle on Kirrek continued, with the Tetan forces receiving aid from two Jedi in Teta's service, Jedi Master Memit Nadill and the Draethos scholar Odan-Urr. On Odan-Urr's suggestion, the two made use of an exotic Force power known as battle meditation, which allowed the Jedi to demoralize the pirate forces and lift the spirits of the Tetan fighters. Desperate, the pirates began to fire on the weakest incoming targets, hoping to eliminate as many as they could before they were defeated. The Shadow Runner reached Kirrek soon after this order was given, and the ship was promptly set upon by the pirate gun turrets. The Daragons decided to fly in low and fast so as to drop their cargo and get out of the war zone as quickly as possible, but the Shadow Runner's evasive action was hindered by the cargo's weight. Caught in a crossfire, the Shadow Runner was destroyed, and both of the Daragons were killed. The Tetan forces ultimately won the battle, and Teta succeeded in unifying the whole of the Koros system. After the Daragons' death, Aarrba gave Gav and Jori the Starbreaker 12, and the two vowed to honor their parents by exploring the galaxy.[1] This proved to be a pivotal moment in galactic history, as Gav and Jori eventually took a blind hyperspace jump and discovered the Sith, sparking the Great Hyperspace War.[2]

Personality and traits[]

Timar Daragon was a daring individual, accepting a very dangerous mission to Kirrek while knowing full well of the risks, but quickly panicked when attacked by the pirates. Daragon cared greatly for their children and was mindful of their safety, refusing to allow them to accompany them and Hok to Kirrek on the grounds that it was too dangerous. Both Timar and Hok were considered skilled pilots by their children.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Timar Daragon first appeared in the prologue issue of the 1996 comic series Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi – The Golden Age of the Sith. The issue was written by Kevin J. Anderson, illustrated by Chris Gossett, and published by Dark Horse Comics[1] on July 31, 1996.[3]


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