


"It's possible I killed his brother, but I don't remember. It's possible that I killed all of your brothers. And cousins. And mothers and fathers and former lovers. It was my job."
"Then why are you here?"
"Because it was wrong. But I didn't know it at the time."
―Teza Nasz and Poe Dameron[2]

Teza Nasz[2] was a human[1] female individual who served as an officer in the Galactic Empire's naval forces during the Galactic Civil War. At the Battle of Jakku, she served as a strategist aboard the Executor-class Star Dreadnought Ravager. She survived the battle, and became a warlord on Rattatak. During the war between the Empire's successor, the First Order, and the Resistance, the latter of which Nasz was recruited into by the Resistance's Starfighter Corps . Later, she operated under General Leia Organa as a member of Corellian Team Two.[2] During her time with the Resistance, Nasz flew a BTA-NR2 Y-wing starfighter.[3]

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Teza Nasz helmet TROSVD

Nasz's flight helmet


Notes and references[]
