

For other uses, see Tam.

"Truly, there is nothing sweeter than poetic justice!"
―Tam Posla[11]

Tam Posla was a Milvaynian human male from the planet Milvayne. He became a respected lawman in the law enforcement known as the Milvayne Authority and eventually began investigating a rash of crimes by the criminal surgeon Cornelius Evazan and his partner Ponda Baba. Although he was taken off the case, he went rogue to continue pursuing the pair, becoming a bounty hunter and vigilante when his superior officer had him discharged.

Unable to apprehend Evazan and Baba on the moon Jedha, Posla found and fell in love with one of their cyborg prototypes, Caysin Bog, and the pair continued the hunt together. To gather funds for their hunt, they took a job in which they joined a crew of mercenaries led by the rogue archaeologist Chelli Aphra. The crew undertook a series of missions, going on to infiltrate the Imperial base Hivebase-1.

At Hivebase-1, Aphra catalyzed the death of Bog at the hands of attackers in order to make Posla fight them. Once their mission was complete, she conspired with the Imperial Magna Tolvan, who stole the vigilante's attire and left him gagged while she stowed away with the rogue archaeologist. Posla suspected Aphra of being responsible for Bog's death but continued his hunt for Evazan, tracking the rogue surgeon's history up until a dead end.

Aphra then asked Posla to help her escape the Imperial wreckage-prison Accresker Jail in exchange for a captive Evazan. The vigilante agreed to a trade and brought an escape shuttle to her at Accresker, taking away Evazan frozen in an ice chunk. However, when being freed from the ice, Evazan used a shape-shifting creature to pretend to be someone else, tricking Posla into thinking he had been deceived. The vigilante returned to Accresker Jail and confronted Aphra, only to be attacked and killed by the assassin droid 0-0-0.

After his death, Posla's corpse was found and merged into by some Force-sensitive Gundravian hookspores, reviving the vigilante and giving him Force powers. The undead Posla tracked down and pursued Aphra and 0-0-0 on Milvayne, losing them multiple times. When the vigilante later joined an Imperial garrison attacking the pair, he was set on fire by 0-0-0. Before burning up, he fired a shot that triggered a series of events involving mass rioting on Milvayne.


Early life[]

"We know who you are, Posla. Milvayne's most celebrated lawman—gone rogue when the Imperials wouldn't let you do your job…"
―Bini recalls Tam Posla's past[12]

Hailing from Milvayne, a planet[1] in the Inner Rim Territories[13] with a justice-orientated society,[3] the human[5] Tam Posla became a respected lawman in the Milvayne Authority, the local law enforcement agency. He[1] eventually became the most celebrated among the police force's ranks[12] as he led a long and dedicated career pursuing his targets with much determination.[6] During his life, he gained cybernetic upgrades to much of his body from[14] his personal cyberneticist,[1] Rajam Nuss, in order to enhance his performance.[14]


Tam Posla (background) stood near Han Solo when the latter joined a game of Sabacc.

Around 10 BBY,[15] Posla traveled to a number of planets far from his homeworld, eventually finding himself at[14] the Lodge saloon[16] on the cold, mountainous[17] Mid Rim Territories planet[16] Vandor[14] that year.[18] He spoke with a patron near the bar when the Crimson Dawn lieutenant Qi'ra arrived with the rookie mercenaries Han Solo and Chewbacca. The trio made their way to a sabacc game where the famed smuggler Lando Calrissian played several other experienced gamblers.[19]

Posla joined the spectators of the sabacc game, positioning himself rear to Calrissian before moving to stand not far behind the Azumel player Argus Panox after Solo joined the game beside the latter player. While the lawman spoke with another spectator further back in the crowd, Solo began getting a streak of winning hands, besting Calrissian and the other players. Posla watched as the pair raised the stakes and bet their starships, only for Calrissian to play a better hand, secretly cheating by slipping a card out of his sleeve. The game disbanded after that point.[19]

Pursuing Doctor Evazan[]

"We missed him by seconds. We had to evac when the Imperials used some hellish new device to destroy the city…"
―Posla, recounting his failure to catch Cornelius Evazan on Jedha[8]

Between 10 BBY and 1 BBY,[20] Posla was assigned to a case regarding a series of abductions[21] on Milvayne[9] and other Inner Rim worlds that were connected[21] to forced servitude and surgical alteration, all thought to have been carried out by a pair of visitors to the world using the aliases "Roofoo" and "Sawkee."[9] The culprits, in reality, were the criminal surgeon Doctor Cornelius Evazan and his partner Ponda Baba, respectively.[6] The lawman discovered the surgical mutilations committed by the pair and was deeply affected by it, making it his personal goal to solve the case.[21] He unsuccessfully attempted to arrest the two culprits[22] and dubbed Evazan the "Mutilator of Milvayne."[14]

Posla was taken off the case by his superior officer, but that did not stop his newfound obsession, and he continued with it[14] against orders.[23] He learned of a similar string of crimes taking place in the streets of Jedha City on the Mid Rim moon Jedha, where Evazan was cybernetically enhancing victims of a local insurgency and selling them into unwilling servitude as cyberslaves known as the Decraniated.[9] Since Jedha was not in the lawman's jurisdiction,[14] Posla's superior officer claimed his hunt had no sanction[8] and, being given no other choice, had him[6] dishonorably discharged from the Milvayne Authority in his absence.[23]


Posla searched for Cornelius Evazan in Jedha City.

Despite losing his job and home,[6] Posla was still too attached to the case to give up on it.[8] He thus continued his vendetta as a vigilante,[23] acquiring an Imperial Peace-Keeping Certificate as a license to become a bounty hunter.[9] He then made his way to Jedha and searched through Jedha City.[24] Posla briefly stood at the side of a street by[25] Tythoni Square[9] to make way for a patrol from the Galactic Empire's forces on Jedha, comprising of stormtroopers and a[25] TX-225a Occupier Tank.[9] That was when members of the local insurgency, the Partisans, attacked the patrol, leading to a battle between both sides.[25]

In his search for Evazan,[24] who was making his way off-world with Baba[22] at that time,[26] Posla was unable to find any Decraniated with the ability to speak to him on his target until he[24] crossed paths with[27] the prototype Caysin Bog,[8] who had also been making way for the Imperial patrol when it was attacked. Meanwhile, the Empire's new project, the Death Star battle station, loomed over Jedha City.[26] Having missed his opportunity to catch Evazan by seconds, Posla was forced to evacuate the city with Bog to evade the Death Star's wrath,[8] which destroyed Jedha City just hours later.[6]

Working for Aphra[]

The new crew[]

"Tam Posla. A former Milvayne cop. Threw down the lawbook to go chase an unhinged psycho. Now well on his way to becoming one. Doing merc work to fund the hunt."
―Doctor Chelli Aphra, on Posla[10]
Aphras crew

Posla and Caysin Bog joined a team of mercenaries led by Chelli Aphra.

After escaping Jedha, Posla teamed with Bog to continue hunting Evazan and Baba, and the pair fell in love.[24] Wishing to gather funds to light up the underworld for Evazan,[8] they sought out mercenary work through Bog's connections and found themselves hired by the assassin droid 0-0-0, the leader of the Son-tuul Pride syndicate, into a crew of mercenaries[24] around 1 ABY.[28] Paying them upfront[10] for a contracted job,[29] 0-0-0 kept himself anonymous from the majority of the mercenaries, including Posla and Bog, and placed them under the leadership of the rogue archaeologist Doctor Chelli Aphra. Other members of the crew included the cyborg Rexa Go, the swordsman known as the Violet Ghost, the Skakoan guide Hallio Bas, the modified droideka Dek-Nil, the Xexto assassin Sister Six, and the Defel Glahst Ombra.[10]

The mercenaries gathered aboard a LAAT/le patrol gunship docked at a spaceport on[10] the Outer Rim Territories[13] planet[30] Son-tuul, where Go eventually brought Aphra to meet her new crew. Using an aug scanner, Aphra inspected the backgrounds of Posla and the rest of her crew, commenting on each of them. The crew leader then prepared to leave Son-tuul but not before leaving behind one of the mercenaries under 0-0-0's request, choosing to let the Violet Ghost fight inspecting Imperial forces as the rest of the crew departed the spaceport.[10]

Hallio Bas's betrayal[]

"It's a stormtrooper, idiot! An actual space-baddie! Killing them is objectively funny!"
"He's a cog in a machine. He's broken no law."
―Sister Six, to Caysin Bog, and Tam Posla, on stopping a fleeing stormtrooper[29]
Posla and Bog on Skako Minor

Posla and Bog on Skako Minor

The crew landed on the planet Skako Minor to investigate the workshop of the famed[10] Skakoan Techno Union foreman[31] Wat Tambor. Bas led the group through a fungal forest toward the workshop, telling his colleagues about Tambor and praising the Techno Union. Listening to Bas's praising, Posla and Bog exchanged snide remarks about Tambor and the Union, Posla calling him an unrepentant villain. As the group continued following Bas, they soon found themselves surrounded by Imperial troops, the Skakoan guide revealing himself as a traitor. The lead Imperial officer wished to execute the mercenaries Bas had fooled, but Aphra played a trick on them, handing over her modified pet tooka Flufto to the traitor. She then stated a codephrase, detonating her tooka, and Bas and the Imperials were swiftly killed by the explosion.[10]

Following the explosion, Aphra opened Go's crate, which some of the other mercenaries assumed carried booze. However, it carried sixty more shrink-frozen tookas, one of which Aphra took out to replace the one she had detonated. A stormtrooper who had survived the explosion then ran past Posla and Bog, making for the forest. Go ordered for the trooper to be stopped, but the mercenary lovers refused, seeing no point in killing a "cog in a machine" who had broken no law. Ombra, however, ambushed the Imperial soldier at the forestline, killing[29] her[12] prey.[29]

More traps[]

"Shouldn't we at least try to save that doctor lady?"
"Why? She's a criminal. It's off-mission. That monster's broken no law."
―Six and Posla, on helping Aphra[29]

The group entered Wat Tambor's workshop and found a room full of deactivated machines and artifacts. As they began searching the place, Aphra praised the machinery around the room, and Posla questioned whether there was extra pay for having a maniac in charge of their team. The rogue archaeologist stopped Bog from touching a techno-totem she feared was a booby trap, mistakenly calling him Posla. The crew's search was soon disrupted by an Imperial Delta-class T-3c shuttle that broke through the workshop's roof and landed in the middle with a squad of stormtroopers led by Lieutenant-Inspector Magna Tolvan.[29]


Posla stops Bog from helping Aphra.

The mercenaries' crew took cover behind walls as the stormtroopers opened fire on them. In addition, the Imperial shuttle had landed on the techno-totem, which awoke a large cyborg creature—a chthonic worm god—in the workshop. The beast attacked both sides, killing several stormtroopers in the process and forcing Posla and Bog to remain hidden behind cover. Aphra wanted Bog to use his bayonet to stab at it, but Posla stopped his partner as their contract for the mission did not require such action. The rogue archaeologist and Go made attacks on the cyborg creature, and Six suggested helping Aphra as she was pinned down. Posla refused, calling her a criminal and insisting that the worm god had broken no law.[29]

Six then pointed out to Posla that the worm god had left Bog lying lifeless behind them. Angered, the vigilante revealed his cybernetic weapons and unleashed a barrage of rockets onto the beast. Bog awoke in the meantime, having been temporarily winded from the worm god's attacks. Relieved, the bounty hunter sat behind cover again, apologizing for his aggression. Six called him and the rest of the mercenaries mad while Posla and Bog embraced. Shortly after, the worm god was killed by a rocket blast from a downed stormtrooper, and Aphra reappeared to her crew and advised them to continue looting.[29]

Finishing on Skako[]

"Bound to be more Imps on the way, folks. Let's ditch."
"Wait, where's the big cyborg g—"
"I said let's ditch."
―Aphra and Posla[29]

Posla questions Aphra about Rexa Go.

While the mercenaries proceeded to loot the workshop more, they were interrupted by a blaster shot. Aphra pushed her comrades to return to their looting. In reality, she had just killed Go to rescue Tolvan, whom she had exchanged a kiss with during the fight. After she finished extracting data from a terminal, the rogue archaeologist had the crew begin to leave. Posla questioned where Go was, but Aphra overrode his query and insisted they depart.[29]

The mercenaries made their way out of Tambor's workshop and back to their patrol ship. The crew found Ombra, who had decided to flee the workshop during the fighting there, returning to them at the ship. Unbeknownst to the crew, Tolvan had killed and skinned the Defel, wearing her hide as a disguise. Once the vessel took off, Aphra analyzed her extracted data and learned that the information she sought was found in the Imperial Tarkin Initiative research and development facility Hivebase-1. The rogue archaeologist returned to her crew, sarcastically asking them if they wanted to do something sane.[29]

Negotiations gone wrong[]

"Why did you come?"
"We have a proposal, ma'am. Mutual benefit."
[to her troops] "They're mercs. In the brig. Now."
―Hera Syndulla and Posla[12]

Posla and the other mercenaries are greeted by Bini.

As part of Aphra's plan to infiltrate Hivebase-1, her crew, Posla included, located the Rebel Alliance Lucrehulk-class Battleship[12] Lucrehulk Prime,[32] which served as a flight school for rebel pilots. After getting aboard the Lucrehulk, the fake Ombra slipped away from the mercenaries using an aura ability that allowed Defels to disappear. The Alliance officer[12] Bini,[7] believing that the crew was enlisting for the Alliance, greeted the crew at the Lucrehulk Prime's bridge, asking how they had found the flight school. While Aphra gave a sarcastic explanation, Posla insisted that he spoke for the team, explaining that the crew had heard rumors of the flight school and wanted to see it for themselves, with Six and Aphra adding details on how they located it.[12]

Bini recognized Posla, acknowledging the vigilante's past as a Milvayne lawman and beginning to give details of recruitment into the Alliance, much to Posla's confusion as he did not intend to enlist. Aphra pushed him to agree to go with Bini as the officer shook the bounty hunter's hand. Bini then took the crew on a tour to the Lucrehulk Prime's control core, telling Posla and his colleagues about the core's function. At this moment, Aphra's newest clone of Flufto ran into the core, Aphra making chase.[12]

Hera Syndulla, the rotation general aboard the flight school, shot the tooka and approached her new visitors. Bini introduced Posla and the rest of the crew to the general, calling them volunteers. The vigilante then finally denied that they were enlisting to the rebels and revealed that they had a proposal for "mutual benefit." Realizing that her visitors were mercenaries, Syndulla had Posla and the others arrested and placed in the Lucrehulk Prime's brig.[12]


"I can hear the villainess next door muttering. I bet she schemes in her sleep."
―Posla insults Aphra[12]

The mercenaries were locked in cells at the brig, Posla sharing one with Bog and Six while Aphra and Dek-Nil shared another next to them. After some time had passed, the fake Ombra reached Aphra's cell through the vents and revealed[12] herself[7] as Tolvan in disguise. Posla heard the commotion from his cell and dismissed it as Aphra muttering and scheming, although Bog endeavored to try and check what had transpired. As the confrontation in Aphra's cell continued, Tolvan was incapacitated and incidentally fired at the ray shield projectors, freeing the mercenaries. However, they chose not to escape and stayed at the cells, and Aphra and Dek-Nil put the unconscious Tolvan back into the vent.[12]


Posla was angered about the rest of the team lying to him.

After the rebels found them still at the cells, Posla and the rest of the crew were taken to their patrol ship in the hangar and met with Syndulla, who gave them an opportunity to present their proposal. When the bounty hunter and his colleagues claimed they had a plan to get into Hivebase-1, the general became intrigued and wanted to know more. As Posla began to explain, Aphra sprung her real plan: Bog ejected four blasters set to stun, and Six caught them and proceeded to shoot each rebel in the room. The vigilante had not known of the new plan, which involved escaping with the incapacitated Syndulla, and was outraged at it, as well as at not being informed. Bog tried to reassure his lover, but the bounty hunter declared that he quit. Aphra then wished Posla luck with rebel reinforcements, which stoked the vigilante to board the crew's ship instead of facing armed rebels.[12]

The mercenaries' ship escaped from the Lucrehulk Prime, and Aphra asked her colleagues to borrow a holo-communicator. Posla gave her snide remarks, Bog interjecting to stop him making a threat. The bounty hunter claimed he had been made into a liar thanks to Aphra, but the rogue archaeologist assured him that what he had said to the rebels was technically the truth. Using a communicator lent by Bog, she contacted Hivebase-1 and proposed to trade Syndulla,[12] although the officer left the deal unconfirmed.[8]

Infiltrating Hivebase-1[]

"What about your hostage?"
"Meh. Leave her, bring her—whatever. She's done her bit."
―Posla askes Aphra what to do with the captive Hera Syndulla[8]
Doctor Aphra 18 P5

Posla tells the story of his hunt for Evazan and how he met Bog.

As the group traveled in their gunship to Hivebase-1, Aphra fixed some servos in Bog's cybernetics, which had been scrambled from the worm god. Posla continued to deliver insults to Aphra for deceiving him, much to his partner's protests for him to let the matter rest. The vigilante asked what Aphra was planting into his partner, which she claimed was a diagnostic test. In reality, the rogue archaeologist was installing contingency orders into the cyborg's cybernetics to override his brain. After Aphra also complemented Evazan's work on Bog, Posla began ranting about how evil the rogue surgeon was. When he noticed and asked about comm chatter coming from Aphra's direction, the rogue archaeologist made excuses and asked about who Evazan was, leading Posla to explain the story of why he hated Evazan, recounting how he lost his place in the Milvayne Authority and went to Jedha, where he met Bog.[8]

When the group arrived at Hivebase-1, an Imperial officer confirmed their trade with Syndulla over the comms, giving them specific directions to enter their base without being destroyed by the surrounding scaraphyte swarm. Aphra then revealed to Syndulla that a tracker on the general's rank plaque had been reactivated. Subsequently, the Lucrehulk Prime came out of hyperspace nearby and found itself overwhelmed by the scaraphytes. With Hivebase-1 distracted by the rebels, Aphra's team covertly landed in a hangar in the complex, and the mercenaries began their search onboard. When Posla questioned what they were to do with Syndulla, Aphra said to bring her or leave her as she had already served her purpose.[8]

Room of fates[]

"Posla. I need you to do that crazy explodo thing you do."
"Negative. These are innocent victims of experimentation. They've broken no law."
―Aphra and Posla[8]

Posla and the other mercenaries entered a room full of frozen rejected cyborg prototypes, beings that had been experimented on and made into walking weapons. As they searched around, Aphra got news that Tolvan had commandeered the bridge of the Lucrehulk Prime's control core. Aphra got onto the comm channel and convinced Tolvan not to let the rebel ship be destroyed, but the lieutenant-inspector, in turn, revealed to Hivebase-1 that they had infiltrators. Posla and the others quickly noticed the rejected prototypes around them defrosting. Aphra asked the vigilante if he could bring out his cybernetic weapons, but he refused, citing that the rejects had broken no law and remained firm to his decision as the rogue archaeologist warned him that they would die.[8]

Tam Posla badass

Posla fights the rejected projects.

The rejected projects opened fire, gunning down Dek-Nil as the rest of the mercenaries and Syndulla took cover behind crates. As Posla continued to deny Aphra's requests, who was sat idle behind a crate, the rogue archaeologist ordered everyone back to their ship. At that moment, Aphra activated the modifications she had put into Bog's cybernetics, forcing him to advance toward the prototypes unwillingly. A confused Posla questioned what his partner was doing, only to witness the cyborg be mowed down by blaster fire from the rejects. Bog's death sent the bounty hunter into a fit of rage, unleashing his cybernetic weapons at the rejected projects. With the prototypes at bay, Aphra, Syndulla, and Six left Posla to face the swarm of rejects alone.[8]

Aphra's tricks[]

"Wait— you're not an Imperial infiltrator… You're… You're… Tam Posla?"
―A rebel soldier discovers a gagged Posla[7]

The rebels find Posla gagged.

Posla survived the fight and returned to the others at Hivebase-1's datacore, traumatized from the events in the prototype room. The vigilante slumped at a terminal while Aphra consulted another for the information she was looking for. However, the group was then found[8] and attacked by the Imperial Commander Yewl and his troops, Posla sitting behind cover during the skirmish. At that point, Aphra put the final part of her plan into motion. Using a bug she had planted into the Lucrehulk Prime to control the vessel, she stole Hivebase-1's datacore—containing Aphra's team inside—with its tractor beam. Meanwhile, the rest of the shrink-frozen tookas escaped Aphra's crate and began roaming Hivebase-1, simultaneously detonating to destroy the facility.[7]

Posla, Aphra, Six, and Syndulla made it safely on board the flight school. While the rebel general pardoned the group for stealing the Hivebase-1 core, Aphra had Posla go to the vents to retrieve Tolvan. The lieutenant-inspector, though, attacked the bounty hunter and gagged him up, using his attire to stow away with Aphra. Impersonating the vigilante, Tolvan gave Syndulla locational data on an Imperial infiltrator as she and Aphra left the Lucrehulk Prime on a UT-60D U-wing starfighter/support craft. The rebel soldiers made their way into the vents to find the gagged Posla, surprised that he was not an Imperial as one of them identified the vigilante.[7]

Resumed hunt[]

Unfruitful search[]

"I know he escaped Jedha. I know he was in a scuffle on Tatooine. I know he infiltrated a biofarm on Thannt. But the trail's been cold a month. His ego's never kept him off-grid this long. I conclude he's either dead—or incarcerated."
―Posla, on Evazan's whereabouts[33]

After the betrayal, Posla parted from the rebels. He came to suspect that Aphra might be responsible for Bog's death and swore to one day take revenge on her. In the meantime, the vigilante resumed his long-halted search for Evazan. He returned to Son-tuul and bought a starship from 0-0-0, not aware of the droid's identity or involvement in the vigilante's missions with Aphra. The droid had, in fact, bugged the ship for the purposes of spying on the bounty hunter. Posla gathered a history of Evazan's known activity after Jedha, including[33] an altercation Evazan and Baba had gotten into a fight with a Jedi on[34] the Outer Rim[13] planet Tatooine, which had led to Baba losing an arm,[34] and Evazan's infiltration of a biofarm on the astronomical object Thannt. The bounty hunter also managed to obtain Baba's severed arm and kept it in a jar.[33]

Posla Monologue

Posla consulting evidence regarding Doctor Evazan's location

Evazan's trail, however, came to a halt, and after a month, Posla had killed five informants over information they had given. On the four-hundred and twentieth day of the hunt, he kicked a sixth informant to death for lying about Evazan's whereabouts. The vigilante knew that Evazan's ego never kept him off the grid for so long and had to assume that the man was either dead or imprisoned. Therefore, Posla began scanning Imperial custodial facilities in the hopes of finding his quarry.[33]

On the four-hundred and twenty-first day of the hunt, while his ship floated in deep space, Posla updated his mission log, explaining his recent findings and general knowledge on Evazan. He stated that due to his killing of informants he would adopt a less hands-on strategy temporarily for the purposes of his "mental equilibrium." Later that day, the vigilante was listening to a transmission from Syndulla to the rebel ship Volt Cobra, which had been shot down at the Imperial wreckage-prison Accresker Jail while hunting Aphra, who had been imprisoned there. Posla noticed a reference to Aphra from Syndulla and logged it, hoping to chase up on Aphra after taking care of Evazan. At that time, 0-0-0 was listening in[33] from a captured touring ship he had hijacked,[35] and, as he was keen on finding Aphra, he began repeating the bounty hunter's statement on the Aphra reference.[33]

Aphra's trade[]

"You are on my list malefactress. I am seeking my nemesis, Cornelius Evazan, but rest assured I will bring you to justice in due c—"
"No. You'll come now. You will agree to my terms and come now. [revealing Evazan] I have something you want."
"E-Evazan. The Mutilator of Milvayne…Damn you, woman. It's a deal."
―Posla and Aphra[35]

Posla is contacted by Aphra.

Meanwhile, Aphra was seeking a way off of Accresker Jail, accompanied by some others, including Tolvan[35] and Evazan himself. Evazan, though, was using a pluripleq—a shape-shifting creature he had stolen from Thannt—to pretend to be a shape-shifting alien named "Lopset Yas."[11] Posla was soon contacted by Aphra, who demanded a rescue from Accresker Jail and Posla's word that he would not kill her. The vigilante called her delusional and assured her that she would be brought to justice once he had finished hunting Evazan. However, Aphra then showed him Evazan, who had pretended to his cohorts that he was shape-shifting into a fake Evazan, at knife-point, convincing the vigilante to reluctantly accept her deal. The rogue archaeologist told Posla her location and left the comm channel. 0-0-0, who was still spying through the systems aboard Posla's ship, also made haste for the prison in order to pursue Aphra.[35]

Posla traveled to Accresker Jail with an escape shuttle to trade with Aphra for Evazan. The prison at hand was decommissioned and on a crash course toward[35] the Mid Rim[13] planet Tiferep Major as an example for its rebellious population.[35] The vigilante found Accresker's prison-tug crashed into the prison, and he flew into the hangar of the wrecked cruiser. There, Aphra and Tolvan awaited him, having frozen Evazan in a cube of ice using a coolant grille. As Posla arrived, he was also detected by some of the infectious fungus known as gundravian hookspores,[36] which had acquired on the heroism personality and Force-sensitivity of a long-dead Jedi and was searching for a new justice-orientated host.[35]

Lopset Yas frozen

Posla receives the frozen Evazan from Aphra.

After disembarking, Posla inspected the frozen Evazan and confirmed him to be alive. As he grappled the ice chunk with his clamps, Aphra asked if they were even, to which he asked her if she had killed Bog. The rogue archaeologist asked him if it would change the terms of the deal, and the bounty hunter assured her that if she had killed Bog, he would pursue her punishment once their deal was done. As he said that, the gundravian hookspores approached him in an attempt to merge with the vigilante, only for Tolvan to activate the coolant grille and freeze them. Posla was confused at what the new arrival was, with Aphra admitting that it had been a weird few days for her and advising him to get going. The bounty hunter thus left on his ship with the frozen Evazan.[36]


"I, Tam Posla, do hereby arrest you on the authority of the Milvayne Judiciary, in the name of all that is good. You heartless, lying, cheating, partner-killing, fake-prisoner-trading scum."
―Posla attempts to arrest Aphra[11]

As he departed Accresker Jail, Posla voiced his triumph for Bog, aspiring to return to Milvayne. He then looked back at the frozen Evazan, wondering whether Aphra could have tricked him. His doubts on the legitimacy of his prize led to him diverting his ship's power to the heating array so that the ice chunk melted.[36] Once free from the ice, Evazan pretended to be "Lopset Yas," revealing to Posla that he had been lied to by Aphra. The vigilante was furious, not realizing that the Evazan was in fact legitimate, and decided to return to Accresker Jail to deal with Aphra.[11]

RCO011 w

0-0-0 murders Posla in front of "Lopset Yas" and Aphra.

Meanwhile, Aphra and Tolvan were still stranded on the Accresker Jail as 0-0-0 had arrived and shot down the escape shuttle. The Sith Lord Darth Vader had also arrived and stopped the wreckage-prison's collision course with his ship's tractor beam so he could find Aphra and Tolvan.[36] After he and Posla spotted the wrecked escape shuttle, "Yas" used the head of Dek-Nil, which had been strapped onto his back prior to his freezing, to help the vigilante track down Aphra. They soon found her watching a live holovid of Vader interrogating Tolvan. After "Yas" greeted a confused Aphra, Posla stepped out and pointed his blaster at her, berating the rogue archaeologist. Aphra tried to confront him with an ancient lightsaber, but it deactivated due to its age. Posla remarked on the irony of the situation when 0-0-0 attacked him from behind. The vigilante was caught off guard and slaughtered by the assassin droid.[11]

After killing Posla, 0-0-0 captured Aphra and dragged her toward his ship, only to find it wrecked by Vader. "Yas" then intervened and incapacitated both the assassin droid and Aphra, taking them aboard Posla's ship and escaping Accresker Jail before Vader's ship released it from its tractor beam and sent it crashing into Tiferep Major. There, Evazan removed a proximity bomb implanted in his throat and planted it into 0-0-0, linking it to one planted in Aphra so that the pair could not go twenty meters apart. When Aphra awoke, "Yas" revealed himself to be Evazan wearing a pluripleq and informed her of the situation, leaving the rogue archaeologist and the soon-to-be reactivated 0-0-0 on the late Posla's ship.[11]

Zombie of the Force[]

Revival and return[]

"Y-you're dead. H-how are you here? I saw you die…"
"Justice is the Force and the Force is justice. Neither may truly perish."
―Aphra and an undead Posla[3]
Force possessing Posla

The Force energy possesses Posla's corpse.

Although it had been aboard Accresker Jail when it had crashed, Posla's body was left relatively intact and remained floating in space within the wreckage. Remnants of the hookspores, riddled with Force energy, located Posla, surrounded his corpse, and possessed it.[1] The Force-sensitive fungus revived the vigilante and gave him its Force abilities.[3] Posla then rebuilt[14] 0-0-0's fallen comrade,[11] the astromech assassin droid BT-1, and controlled him with a restraining bolt.[37] Wanting to bring Aphra to justice, the undead bounty hunter then used BT-1 to locate his murderer 0-0-0's transponder signal in the hopes of finding her with him.[3]

0-0-0's transponder signal led Posla back to Milvayne, where the assassin droid and Aphra had gone to get their proximity bombs removed. As Posla searched for his enemy, having attained an ordinance weapon and a jetpack, he found Aphra and 0-0-0 riding on the qaberworm Gurtyl through Milvayne's undercity with the scavenger Vulaada Klam. The vigilante attacked them, shooting at the qaberworm with the ordnance weapon, knocking off its riders. Aphra questioned how he was alive, to which Posla proclaimed that the Force and justice could never perish. Posla used the Force to pull Aphra's blaster from her hands. 0-0-0 then confronted him, the undead bounty hunter bringing up how he tracked down the droid. BT-1 entered the confrontation at that time, whom the vigilante ordered to kill Aphra and 0-0-0.[3]


Posla was attacked by Winloss and Nokk while he was pursuing Aphra and 0-0-0.

Although 0-0-0 attempted to negotiate with his old companion BT-1, the latter droid fired on the former and Aphra. As the pair fled away from BT-1, Posla used the Force to pull them toward him. That was when the Trandoshan hunter Nokk attacked, impaling the vigilante from behind with[37] her[23] Vr'gedian tranquilizer harpoon. Posla was left lifeless kneeling on the ground, the hookspores within him subdued. Nokk and her husband and fellow hunter Winloss then confronted Aphra, their target, but were attacked by BT-1. The wedded hunters shot their attacker with an ion-net while Aphra and 0-0-0 escaped.[37]

Pursuing justice[]

"Tthhh…livvvng forcccce…wwwwill nnnnot…be denied… Jussstice!"
―Posla is brought back to life again[37]

After both parties were gone, the gundravian hookspores within Posla returned to consciousness and brought their host back to life. The vigilante found that BT-1 had been taken away by Winloss and Nokk. As well as this, Evazan had begun broadcasting a live feed from 0-0-0's eyes to the residents of Milvayne, encouraging them to help the Milvayne Authority catch Aphra and 0-0-0 for the reward of credits. Through his helmet, Posla then listened in on calls being sent to law enforcement with claims about the fugitive pair.[37]

No way out

Posla and the Milvayne Authority confront Aphra and 0-0-0.

Posla found a call sent by Klam, who had survived the vigilante's attack and was willing to cash in to help the Milvayne Authority find the rogue archaeologist and assassin droid. The undead bounty hunter joined the Milvayne Authority forces heading to catch Aphra and 0-0-0, assuming a position among them. The police forces surrounded the fugitives as they traveled with Klam through the undercity on a bloatbarge. Posla demanded the pair to surrender, and Klam revealed her treachery, incapacitating them for the Milvayne Authority.[37]

Conflict of interest[]

"Let them be shot with blasters until profoundly dead then flung into vapors of the underworld without memorial."
―Posla sentences Aphra and 0-0-0 to death[23]

Posla and the Milvayne police officers put Aphra and 0-0-0 on trial.

Posla joined the Milvayne Authority in taking Aphra and 0-0-0, both tied together, to be tried at a ledge above the undercity at Milvayne City's upper levels. The senior officer declared the pair guilty of crimes too numerous to count and left the sentence to Posla as the arresting officer. The vigilante ordered that they be shot until "profoundly dead" and thrown into the underworld. As the undead bounty hunter ordered the Milvayne police officers to take aim, Aphra argued about his legitimacy to tell the lawmen what to do. She told them that the vigilante was a deserter, one officer confirming from Posla's warrant number that he had been dishonorably discharged.[23]

Posla called his discharge a foolish detail, but the rogue archaeologist added that 0-0-0's eyes were still broadcasting to the world, questioning whether the police officers wanted to be publicly outdone by a deserter. The Milvayne Authority officers thus turned their guns on the vigilante. Posla became enraged and unleashed his cybernetic arsenal. As the Milvayne police officers fired on him, he activated his jetpack and began gunning down his new opponents. Aphra and 0-0-0 used the opportunity to escape.[23]

A burning end[]

"Stand aside! I must have justice! I must have order! Jussstice!"
―Posla enters the battle against Aphra and her allies[38]

Aphra and 0-0-0 were able to find BT-1 freed of his restraining bolt and continued their quest to get their proximity bombs removed, Klam and her qaberworm returning to help them reach the cybersurgery of Professor Prexo in Milvayne City's South District Seven. Milvayne's local Imperial garrison was mobilized to intercept the fugitives, joined by members of the Milvayne Authority. The garrison commander's uncareful vetting of the forces deployed led to Posla joining the ranks of the attackers as BT-1 engaged them. When the vigilante entered the fray, he told the garrison's stormtroopers to stand aside, knocking them away with his Force energy and cybernetic guns as he pledged to bring order.[38]


Posla burns as a mob of Milvayne citizens arrives.

However, 0-0-0 flanked Posla once again, using his flamethrowing hand to set the undead bounty hunter alight. Taken by surprise, the vigilante fired with his blaster. The blaster shot sped toward Klam, only for Aphra to jump in front and take it. The sacrifice was watched by billions of Milvayne citizens, and many were suddenly motivated by the heroic action and went out to riot. Within minutes, crowds were rioting in the streets, Posla burning up as the mobs passed him.[38]


In 9 ABY,[39] the Mandalorian Aran Tal wore armor and wielded dual blaster pistols resembling Posla's Milvayne Authority uniform while competing as a Hunter on the Outer Rim Sports Network's competition holoshow Hunters of the Outer Rim. Tal reflected on Posla, believing he had a steadfast belief in doing what was right but decried his choice to become a bounty hunter to achieve this goal.[40]

Personality and traits[]

Justice complex[]

"Are you kidding me?! […] We are going to die!"
"And I will do so with a clean conscience. Will you?"
―Aphra urges Posla to attack the Hivebase-1 prototypes[8]
Bog Posla and Stormtrooper

Posla and Bog refused to kill anyone who had not broken any law.

Tam Posla was a Milvaynian[14] human[5] male[6] with light skin and no hair.[7] He was devoted to law[24] and justice,[3] loving his job in the Milvayne Authority and proudly wearing the uniform of the law enforcement agency even after he had been discharged.[6] The rule of law was the guiding force of his moral code, and even after parting from law enforcement, he was obedient to the exact wording of contracts.[24] Posla put much dedication into tracking his targets,[6] something that Bini considered a characteristic of the praised lawman. The vigilante, though, also held a "pompous" view of himself, liking to take charge of his associates in certain situations.[12]

Posla refused to kill those whom he believed had not broken the law, such as when he allowed a stormtrooper to run past him and when he refused to fight the chthonic worm god when he was ordered to for his team's mission.[29] He kept absolute self-control in that regard,[24] choosing to keep a clean conscience even if it led to his death.[8] He only broke his code when harm came to his partner, Bog,[24] which would lead to him fighting Bog's attacker(s) in a fit of rage.[8][29] After fighting the worm god in that situation, he apologized for his behavior[24] calmly.[29]

Posla's personality was found favorable by the gundravian hookspores,[36] which were seeking someone with a heroic personality like its former host, a long-dead Jedi.[35] After the fungus merged with his corpse,[1] the revived Posla's new hybrid personality considered the Force and justice to be synonymous, repeatedly citing them.[3] When pursuing Aphra and 0-0-0 on Milvayne, the vigilante teamed up with the Milvayne Authority again,[37] believing that they both served justice alike. The undead bounty hunter, though, was quick to start killing them when they turned on him.[23]

The Evazan vendetta[]

"There is no creature more foul in all the galaxy than the fiend I seek."
―Posla, on Evazan[33]

Posla's obsession with capturing Evazan drove him insane.

Deeply affected by Cornelius Evazan's crimes, Posla made a personal challenge to bring the culprit to justice,[21] which ultimately drove him insane.[1] He came to passionately hate the criminal surgeon more than anyone else in the galaxy,[33] calling him a monster and a sadist.[8] His vendetta resulted in him disobeying orders[23] and traveling beyond his jurisdiction to pursue the criminal surgeon.[9] He continued the hunt despite losing his job and home and made changes to his career to keep going, pursuing mercenary work just to fund his obsession.[24]

Posla was insulted when Aphra complemented Evazan's cybernetic work on his partner, treating it as another reason to criticize her.[8] When informants lied to him about Evazan, he chose to kill them, later reflecting that it was bad for his mental equilibrium. In maintaining his focus on the mission at hand, the vigilante harmed himself with a knife.[33] Posla considered Evazan his top priority over bringing justice to others like Aphra, only agreeing to a deal with the rogue archaeologist when she offered Evazan himself as a trade.[35]

A tragic love story[]

"Oh, Caysin. Caysin, my beautiful headless heart…why did you do it? Why did you attack the beasts…?"
―Posla mourns Bog's death[7]

Posla and Bog wished to hunt Evazan in order to be at peace together.

Posla fell in love with one of Evazan's victims, the cyborg humanoid male Caysin Bog. The pair shared the bearing of hunting Evazan, hoping they could be at peace afterward. Bog being attacked would also lead Posla to go against his code for his partner, leading Aphra to exploit his weakness and make the cyborg run to his death so that Posla would attack the Hivebase-1 prototypes. With Bog's death,[8] Posla was left traumatized to fight after his fit of rage.[7]

Although Bog was gone, Posla acted like his partner was still there, referring to the cyborg in his mission log as if his late lover was in his ship's cockpit alongside him.[33] When he acquired a frozen Evazan, the vigilante spoke for Bog, wishing that the cyborg could be there to see the completion of their mission. After coming to believe Aphra had been responsible for Bog's death, he swore to the rogue archaeologist that he would pursue her punishment with complete dedication if his suspicions were true.[36]

Hatred of Aphra[]

"Posla, please!"
"I will never take orders from you, villain."
―Aphra and Posla[8]

Posla became determined to bring justice to Aphra after she continued to lie to him.

After beginning to serve Aphra, Posla found the rogue archaeologist to be a maniac and refused to go out of his way to help her, as she was a criminal in his eyes.[29] After she lied to him about their team's plan aboard the Lucrehulk Prime, Posla was enraged at her, claiming she had made him betray his honor. He even briefly attempted to quit their job until rebel soldiers began firing at him.[12] Posla continued to scorn Aphra for lying to him afterward. On Hivebase-1, he told her that he would never take any of her orders when she pleaded for his assistance. The vigilante repeatedly called her a "villain"[8] or "malefactor."[36]

After suspecting Aphra of killing Bog, Posla wished to inflict a slow death on the rogue archaeologist, making her his second from top priority.[33] After being convinced she had given him a fake Evazan, the vigilante became determined to pursue Aphra, calling her heartless scum.[11] After his revival, he continued to seek justice on the rogue archaeologist,[3] confronting her multiple times on Milvayne[3][37][38] until his fateful defeat at the hands of 0-0-0.[38]

Powers and abilities[]

"Behold, sinners, a truth you have both failed to grasp: In this wretched galaxy, the only constant is the Force."
―The undead Posla pulls Aphra and 0-0-0 with the Force[37]

Posla is regenerated by the Force-sensitive gundravian hookspores.

Posla was experienced in tracking, tracing Evazan's activities to several locations[33] and also tracking down Aphra multiple times.[3][11][37] His arsenal of cybernetic weapons gave him the power to take on groups of enemies at once[8][23] and face large enemies like the chthonic worm god.[29] However, Posla, both alive and undead,[11][38] tended to allow the grip of his moral code to cloud his awareness of his surroundings,[38] allowing him to be attacked from behind on at least three occasions.[11][37][38] After his destruction, Imperial Minister Pitina Voor commented that the grip of his moral code made him lack good optics.[38] Evazan also remarked after Posla's first death that if he had not been so angry that Aphra tried to trade a fake Evazan with him, he might have realized he had the real one all along.[11]

After his corpse was merged with the Force-sensitive gundravian hookspores,[1] Posla gained Force-sensitivity and was able to use telekinesis[3] on multiple individuals. When the Force energies ran rampant within the vigilante, it could repair his humanoid form[37] and also push back individuals within his vicinity.[38]


Clothing and tools[]

"Beautiful. Defeated by the very object of her avarice."
―Posla, on the faultiness of Aphra's acquired lightsaber[11]

Tam Posla in his armor

Tam Posla wore a Milvayne Authority uniform, which concealed many of his traits, including his height, gender, and species, from the average observer. He covered his face with a black and white-colored helmet marked with symbols[6] of the letters "MA"[9] in the Domabesh script[41] that denoted his status as an officer of the Milvayne Authority. The helmet was equipped with two audio receivers on the lower sides, which used an integrated audio system that was sensitive enough to pick up frequencies beyond the human hearing range and boost the sound around him to listen to conversations and detect approaching enemies. The helmet also had a rangefinder on an articulated stalk with a targeting package, allowing him to track individuals. The stalk also featured a breathing kit that could allow him to survive in different atmospheres, such as that of Skako Minor, without needing extra equipment.[6]

Posla wore a brown, padded energy-dissipating blast tunic on his upper body with armor plates fitted on the shoulders and elbows. He also donned gray pants and brown gloves. Posla had webbing over his right shoulder with a utility belt. Both of these accessories carried survival gear and ammunition, and he had a portable scanner in an electromagnetic radiation–proof pouch on his belt. Posla kept his Imperial Peace-Keeping Certificate[6] in a patch pocket on his pants,[9] which he had on his person at all times, along with his bounty hunter credentials.[6]

Weapons and cybernetics[]

"You've got more firepower in one pinky than the rest of us put together!"
―Aphra, to Posla[8]

Posla unleashes his cybernetics.

While on Jedha, he was armed with a black BlasTech Industries DL-17 blaster rifle modified with an extended magazine and equipped with a long strap.[9] He also carried a BlasTech DH-17 blaster pistol modified with an extended magazine to counter a common problem with the weapon. The pistol was set to full automatic fire, meaning the blaster pistol could burn through a standard clip in under twenty seconds.[6] Following the infiltration of Hivebase-1, Posla eventually purchased a ship from 0-0-0 to assist him in his hunt for Evazan.[33] When hunting Aphra and the protocol droid on Milvayne, he utilized a large ordnance weapon and a jetpack.[1]

Posla had a vast array of cybernetics throughout his body,[8] which he had added to him by his personal cyberneticist Rajam Nuss.[1] His right eye had been replaced with a yellow robotic eye, and the rear of his head was almost entirely robotic.[7] The many features could be hidden under Posla's armor with his helmet, being able to split to reveal a large gun out the top of his head and a laser on the side. Posla also had a gun in his other knee and could semi-detach his hands to show two more guns with blades protruding from his knuckles. Furthermore, Posla had several more guns embedded in his torso and a twin gun attached to his right thigh. Mobilizing his cybernetic weaponry extensively damaged Posla's clothing during his time at Hivebase-1.[8]

Behind the scenes[]


"Had the pleasure to play Tam Posla (matt alsop backwards) for a weeks shoot. Never made it past the directors cut, but was a fun experience."
―Matt Allsopp reveals his role as Tam Posla on Twitter[42]

Matt Allsopp as Tam Posla

Tam Posla was created for[42] Gareth Edwards' Anthology film, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,[26] released on December 16, 2016.[43] The character was portrayed by Matt Allsopp,[42] a concept artist for the film.[44] During production, costume designer Glyn Dillon created the outfit of Posla for Allsopp, letting him pick the design before tweaking it to replicate the artist's interests of being a "mysterious bounty hunter" with a hidden face.[45] Allsopp's initials were imprinted on Posla's helmet in "Domabesh,"[46] a new script created for the film.[47]

The artist attended a week of filming for Rogue One,[42] during which he found difficulty seeing with the helmet on and tripped a few times.[48] However, the scenes including Posla did not make the director's cut, according to Allsopp,[42] and footage of Posla was only shown in a few trailers[49][50] and a featurette,[51] starting with the initial teaser trailer on April 7, 2016.[52] The outfit was also used for one of the Partisans, who was seen in multiple scenes unmasked[26] and was later identified as Javroth Meers in Pablo Hidalgo's 2023 reference book Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion: The Visual Guide.[53] In one such scene, the extra is both seen masked and then unmasked as Meers in two consecutive shots, implying they were two different individuals.[26]

Progression in Canon[]

"The only thing more righteous than my pursuit of justice is justice itself."
―The caption for the Righteous Warrior costume skin[40]

Although the character did not appear in the final film,[42] Posla was given a name and backstory in Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, an accompanying reference book for Rogue One written by Pablo Hidalgo[9] and released on the same day as the movie.[54][55] The name Tam Posla was formed from the backward variations of Allsopp's first and last names.[42] Hidalgo also explained the artist's initials on the helmet canonically by creating the Milvayne Authority.[46] The writer later added that his creation of Posla's backstory in the reference book stemmed from explaining the existence of the Decraniated,[56] which also appeared in Rogue One.[26]


Aran Tal wearing the Tam Posla themed costume and wielding Posla themed MT-97 blaster pistols in Star Wars: Hunters

Posla's cut shot was included in the level 4 DK Readers book Star Wars: Rogue One: Secret Mission, written by Jason Fry[57] and also published on the same day as the film.[58] Posla made his first live-action appearance in canon in Ron Howard's 2018 film Solo: A Star Wars Story.[19] In the mobile game Star Wars: Hunters,[40] first fully released on June 4 of 2024,[59] a costume and weapon wrap based on Tam Posla was created for the playable Mandalorian character Aran Tal.[40] Introduced in the July 30, 2024 game update in preparation for the second season of the game[60] on August 1 of that year,[61] it included the "Righteous Warrior" costume for the character's Mandalorian armor and the "Righteous MT-97" weapon wrap for Tal's MT-97 blaster pistols. On August 8, 2024, the costume and weapon wrap were made available in the "Featured" section of the game's shop.[40]


Posla with hands up

Tam Posla's alternate depiction

Issues 16,[29] 17,[12] 18,[8] 19,[7] 26[1] 27,[3] 28,[37] 29,[23] and 31[38] of Marvel Comics' Star Wars: Doctor Aphra—all written by Simon Spurrier, illustrated by Emilio Laiso and published respectively on January 31,[62] February 21,[63] March 28,[64] April 25,[65] November 14,[66] and December 12 of 2018[67] and on January 30,[68] February 27,[69] and April 24 of 2019,[70]—give an alternate depiction of Posla's helmet and clothing compared to his depictions in issues 15[10][29] and 25[1][11]—both written by Spurrier, illustrated by Laiso[10] and Kev Walker[11] respectively and published on the respective dates of December 20, 2017[71] and October 24, 2018.[72] Differing details include his helmet being plain white with a large triangular visor shape and his tunic's padding being a pattern of triangles.[29] This article's prose does not consider the alternately depicted details presented by the listed issues as a canonical depiction of Posla.

The Helmets section of issue sixty-five of De Agostini's Star Wars Helmet Collection series, released in 2018, states that Posla's homeworld was[6] the planet[73] Kamino and his species was Milvaynian.[6] The 2019 DK publishing reference book Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition, though, states that Posla's homeworld was Milvayne,[5] Doctor Aphra 26 backing that fact,[1] and also specifies that the lawman's species was human.[5] Additionally, the issue "Din Djarin and Other Characters of the Underworld" from De Agostini's Star Wars Encyclopedia series,[14] published on August 3, 2021,[74] called Posla a human and established Milvaynian as his demonym.[14] This article therefore does not consider the information from Star Wars Helmet Collection as canon.


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Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 Doctor Aphra (2016) 26
  2. Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of issues 9 to 31 of the Star Wars: Doctor Aphra comic-book series to around 1 ABY. Therefore Doctor Aphra 25, including Tam Posla's death aboard Accresker Jail above Tiferep Major, must take place around 1 ABY.
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 Doctor Aphra (2016) 27
  4. Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of issues 9 to 31 of the Star Wars: Doctor Aphra comic-book series to around 1 ABY. Therefore Doctor Aphra 31, including the destruction of Tam Posla on Milvayne, must take place around 1 ABY.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition
  6. 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 Helmet Collection logo small Star Wars Helmet Collection 65 (Helmets: Tam Posla)
  7. 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 Doctor Aphra (2016) 19
  8. 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 8.16 8.17 8.18 8.19 8.20 8.21 8.22 8.23 8.24 8.25 8.26 8.27 8.28 Doctor Aphra (2016) 18
  9. 9.00 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 9.10 9.11 Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide
  10. 10.00 10.01 10.02 10.03 10.04 10.05 10.06 10.07 10.08 10.09 10.10 Doctor Aphra (2016) 15
  11. 11.00 11.01 11.02 11.03 11.04 11.05 11.06 11.07 11.08 11.09 11.10 11.11 11.12 11.13 11.14 Doctor Aphra (2016) 25
  12. 12.00 12.01 12.02 12.03 12.04 12.05 12.06 12.07 12.08 12.09 12.10 12.11 12.12 12.13 12.14 12.15 12.16 Doctor Aphra (2016) 17
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 Star Wars Galaxy Map
  14. 14.00 14.01 14.02 14.03 14.04 14.05 14.06 14.07 14.08 14.09 14.10 AltayaCite "Din Djarin and Other Characters of the Underworld" — Star Wars Encyclopedia
  15. "Din Djarin and Other Characters of the Underworld" states that Tam Posla began traveling through the galaxy about ten years before the Battle of Yavin, which corresponds to 10 BBY according to Star Wars: Timelines.
  16. 16.0 16.1 Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide
  17. StarWars-DatabankII Vandor in the Databank (backup link)
  18. The events of Solo: A Star Wars Story on Vandor are dated to 10 BBY by Star Wars: Timelines.
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 Solo: A Star Wars Story
  20. "Boba Fett and Other Characters of the Underworld" establishes that Tam Posla began investigating Cornelius Evazan and Ponda Baba between the death of Dryden Vos and the destruction of Jedha City. Star Wars: Timelines dates Vos's death to 10 BBY and the destruction of Jedha City to 1 BBY, so Posla's investigation began between 10 BBY and 1 BBY.
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 Star Wars: Geektionary: The Galaxy from A - Z
  22. 22.0 22.1 AltayaCite "Boba Fett and Other Characters of the Underworld" — Star Wars Encyclopedia
  23. 23.00 23.01 23.02 23.03 23.04 23.05 23.06 23.07 23.08 23.09 23.10 Doctor Aphra (2016) 29
  24. 24.00 24.01 24.02 24.03 24.04 24.05 24.06 24.07 24.08 24.09 24.10 Helmet Collection logo small Star Wars Helmet Collection 65 (Highlights of the Saga: Life After Jedha)
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 Rogue One Adaptation 2
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.4 26.5 Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
  27. Helmet Collection logo small Star Wars Helmet Collection 65 (Weapons & Uniforms: Inhabitants of Jedha)
  28. Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of issues 9 to 31 of the Star Wars: Doctor Aphra comic-book series to around 1 ABY. Therefore Doctor Aphra 15, including Tam Posla's introduction as part of Chelli Aphra's crew, must take place around 1 ABY.
  29. 29.00 29.01 29.02 29.03 29.04 29.05 29.06 29.07 29.08 29.09 29.10 29.11 29.12 29.13 29.14 29.15 29.16 29.17 29.18 Doctor Aphra (2016) 16
  30. Darth Vader (2015) 7
  31. StarWars-DatabankII Wat Tambor in the Databank (backup link)
  32. Doctor Aphra (2016) 21
  33. 33.00 33.01 33.02 33.03 33.04 33.05 33.06 33.07 33.08 33.09 33.10 33.11 33.12 Doctor Aphra (2016) 22
  34. 34.0 34.1 Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 35.4 35.5 35.6 35.7 35.8 Doctor Aphra (2016) 23
  36. 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 36.4 36.5 36.6 Doctor Aphra (2016) 24
  37. 37.00 37.01 37.02 37.03 37.04 37.05 37.06 37.07 37.08 37.09 37.10 37.11 37.12 Doctor Aphra (2016) 28
  38. 38.00 38.01 38.02 38.03 38.04 38.05 38.06 38.07 38.08 38.09 38.10 Doctor Aphra (2016) 31
  39. ArenaNews-Logo Hunters Goes Galactic! on Arena News (backup link) establishes that Star Wars: Hunters game begins when the Grand Arena partnered with the Outer Rim Sports Network, dated to 9 ABY in Star Wars: Timelines.
  40. 40.0 40.1 40.2 40.3 40.4 Star Wars: Hunters
  41. The Art of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 42.3 42.4 42.5 42.6 TwitterLogo Matt Allsopp (@MattAllsopp1) on Twitter: "ROGUE ONE - Had the pleasure to play Tam Posla (matt alsop backwards) for a weeks shoot. Never made it past the directors cut, but was a fun experience. However, I did make into the SW canon thanks to @PhilSzostak and @pablohidalgo Design by @glyn_dillon #May4th #RogueOne" (backup link)
  43. StarWars Gareth Edwards and Gary Whitta Onboard for Star Wars Stand-Alone Film on StarWars.com (backup link)
  44. The Art of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
  45. TwitterLogo Matt Allsopp (@MattAllsopp1) on Twitter: "Yes the incredible costume designer @glyn_dillon let me pick the design, and then we tweaked it a bit. I wanted to be a mysterious bounty hunter....but with my face hidden ;) He should have a re appearance in Mandalorina!" (backup link) (In response to: "What an awesome thing to be able to say 🤯 And one of my favorite background character designs 😎")
  46. 46.0 46.1 TwitterLogo Pablo Hidalgo (@pabl0hidalgo) on Twitter: "I recall now that Milvayne and the Milvayne Authority became this big thing in the comics, but really, the only reason Tam Posla is part of the Milvayne Authority was to explain the lettering 'MA' on his helmet, which is actually a nod to artist Matt Alsop's name." (backup link)
  47. TwitterLogo Pablo Hidalgo (@pabl0hidalgo) on Twitter (May 30, 2021): "It's called domabesh, and was made for Rogue One." (backup link) (In response to: "What alphabet is that?")
  48. TwitterLogo Matt Allsopp (@MattAllsopp1) on Twitter: "lots of tripping over!" (backup link) (In response to: "Could you see anything out of that helmet? (It looks awesome, but difficult to see)")
  49. SWYT-Logo Rogue One: A Star Wars Story "Together" TV Spot on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)
  50. SWYT-Logo Rogue One: A Star Wars Story "10 Days" on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)
  51. SWYT-Logo Rogue One: A Star Wars Story "Locations" Featurette on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link) (Posted on StarWars.com)
  52. StarWars Watch the Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Teaser Trailer! on StarWars.com (backup link)
  53. Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion: The Visual Guide
  54. StarWars Rebel Reading: A Guide to Rogue One Books on StarWars.com (backup link)
  55. Rogue One switches its UK release date to 15 December by White, James on Empire (October 24, 2016) (archived from the original on January 4, 2019)
  56. TwitterLogo Pablo Hidalgo (@pabl0hidalgo) on Twitter: "A side effect of this backstory was making Tam Posla (@MattAllsopp1) a presence in the comics, which was cool." (backup link) (In response to: "The Decraniated are an example where I took a creature effects design (called "Headless Geisha") and extrapolated a name and backstory that folded in Evazan's R1 cameo. When they showed up in Solo, the backstory could still work.")
  57. Star Wars: Rogue One: Secret Mission
  58. DK-Logo DK Readers L4: Star Wars: Rogue One: Secret Mission on Dorling Kindersley's official website (backup link) (Hardcover)
  59. SWYT-Logo Star Wars: Hunters Launch Date Reveal Trailer on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)
  60. Hunters-favicon K-A0S Arrives in Season 2: Empire Resurgent on Star Wars: Hunters' official website (backup link)
  61. ZyngaYTLogo Star Wars: Hunters | K-A0S Reveal Trailer on the official Zynga Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)
  62. Marvel-TemplateLogo Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2016) #16 on Marvel Comics' official website (backup link)
  63. Marvel-TemplateLogo Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2016) #17 on Marvel Comics' official website (backup link)
  64. Marvel-TemplateLogo Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2016) #18 on Marvel Comics' official website (backup link)
  65. Marvel-TemplateLogo Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2016) #19 on Marvel Comics' official website (backup link)
  66. Marvel-TemplateLogo Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2016) #26 on Marvel Comics' official website (backup link)
  67. Marvel-TemplateLogo Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2016) #27 on Marvel Comics' official website (backup link)
  68. Marvel-TemplateLogo Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2016) #28 on Marvel Comics' official website (backup link)
  69. Marvel-TemplateLogo Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2016) #29 on Marvel Comics' official website (backup link)
  70. Marvel-TemplateLogo Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2016) #31 on Marvel Comics' official website (backup link)
  71. Marvel-TemplateLogo Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2016) #15 on Marvel Comics' official website (backup link)
  72. Marvel-TemplateLogo Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2016) #25 on Marvel Comics' official website (backup link)
  73. Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia
  74. DeAgostini-Logo Enciclopedia Star Wars on De Agostini's official Spain website (backup link)