- "The same pilot's been listed for the ship since Kell Plath took it over. She has to be one of you, or at least in the know. Akanah, we could spend months following the circle's movements over fifteen years. But Star Morning could send us—maybe even take us—right to where the Fallanassi are today. I thought that was what you wanted."
- ―Luke Skywalker, to Akanah Norand Goss Pell
The Star Morning was a Koqus liner owned by the mysterious Fallanassi sect. It was used to ferry that sect's members from world to world to escape persecution. It eventually brought "the Circle" to J't'p'tan where the Fallanassi settled for a time and was used when the Fallanassi left that world again after the defeat of the Yevetha for Pydyr. During the Black Fleet Crisis, Luke Skywalker and Akanah Norand Goss Pell followed the path of the Star Morning from world to world so that they could find the Circle from whom Akanah had been separated as a child.
- Shield of Lies (First mentioned)
- Tyrant's Test (First appearance)
- Star Wars Encyclopedia
- The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons
- A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Third Edition, Revised and Expanded
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia