


"Spot Inspection" was a short story written by Peter M. Schweighofer, and it appeared in the "Command Crew" section of The DarkStryder Campaign's Campaign Book. It depicted an incident when Doctor Akanseh was forced to chemically torture a resistance fighter against his will by Moff Kentor Sarne.

Plot summary[]

On Kal'Shebbol, Doctor Akanseh attempts to extract information from a captured resistance fighter. The Mon Calamari cannot convince the Human to give up the location of his compatriots through he usual means of gentle persuasion and gaining their trust. As Akanseh tries to convince the resistance fighter, the session is interrupted by the arrival of Moff Kentor Sarne and two of his troopers. Sarne compliments Akanseh on his skill, telling him that his interrogators are getting bored and his interrogation droids are standing idle.

As Sarne sees the resistance fighter's stubborn resolve, he offers Akanseh a new drug that could make a sufferer feel like their blood was burning. Akanseh hesitates to use the new drug, but Sarne threatens to use the drug on Akanseh if he refuses, telling him that the drug is more painful for Mon Calamari.


By type
Characters Organisms Droid models Events Locations
Organizations and titles Sentient species Vehicles and vessels Weapons and technology Miscellanea


Droid models


Organizations and titles

Sentient species

Weapons and technology


Notes and references[]

  1. Peter M. Schweighofer is credited as writing the "Command Crew" section of The DarkStryder Campaign's Campaign Book, in which the short story "Spot Inspection" appears.
  2. Bill Smith is credited with Development and Editing for The DarkStryder Campaign's Campaign Book, in which the short story "Spot Inspection" appears.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 The DarkStryder Campaign
  4. LogoBN Star Wars the Roleplaying Game: Darkstryder Campaign Boxed Set on Barnes & Noble's official website (backup link)
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