- "One of the stranger tales of the Rebellion has to do with an encounter on Krant. Princess Leia traveled there to meet a Bothan spy when she was shot down by the Imperials."
- ―Wedge Antilles
In 0 ABY, the Rebellion and Galactic Empire skirmished in the Krant system. It was one of the first events of the Krantian Civil War.
Early in the Galactic Civil War, Krant became a major rendezvous point for Bothan spies and Rebels. In 1 BBY, Bothan spy Utric Sandov arranged a meeting with Princess Leia to discuss information that could be vital to the Rebel Alliance.
The battle[]
While Leia Organa was moving to Krant, her ship, the Cretacian, came in contact with and fought TIE/LN starfighters. One of the starfighters damaged the Cretacian and caused it to crash on the planet. Only Organa, the protocol droid C-3PO, and some Rebel troopers survived the crash.
- "I am Echuu Shen-Jon. I sensed a disturbance in the Force."
"You're a Jedi Knight?"
"I have been in hiding since… the Jedi massacre…" - ―Echuu Shen-Jon, meeting Leia Organa
On Krant, Leia Organa was ambushed by stormtroopers, but she was rescued by the Jedi Echuu Shen-Jon. She later met Utric Sandov, who revealed to her that the Empire had found the Vor'Na'Tu.
- Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds (First mentioned)