

For other uses, see Raith.

"Search the area for more trespassers. See what else you can find."
―Raith, to their squad[3]

Raith was a human First Order Raider who led a squad, serving under the First Order Supreme Leader Kylo Ren. The agent led their squad across the galaxy, searching for dark side relics. Around 33 ABY, Raith began pursuing the archaeologist Mika Grey as she collected Sith artifacts to keep them out of the First Order's hands, eventually encountering the treasure hunter on the astronomical object Vargos 9.

The following year, Raith pursued Grey to the Outer Rim planet Ashas Ree when she went there to obtain an ancient Sith relic. Though Grey managed to acquire the relic with the assistance of Kazuda Xiono, Kel, and Eila—residents of the supertanker fuel depot Colossus—Raith took two Colossus pilots prisoner, interrogating them for their colleagues' whereabouts. After their squad captured Xiono, Kel, and Eila, Grey brandished the Sith relic in front of Raith and activated it, throwing it down toward them. Raith and their troopers attempted to deactivate the device but ran out of time and died when the artifact unleashed waves of destructive energy on them.


Pursuing Mika Grey[]

"We've got prisoners at bay. Shutting the droids down now. Situation under control."
―Raith, on Ashas Ree[3]

The human[2] Raith operated as a First Order Raider, a group of elite First Order troopers hunting for dark side relics. By the time of the First Order-Resistance War,[3] the agent served under the command of Supreme Leader Kylo Ren[4] and was sent throughout the galaxy to obtain artifacts. Around 33 ABY,[5] Raith led[3] a squad of raiders to the astronomical object Vargos 9 to hunt the archaeologist and treasure hunter Mika Grey, who had been collecting Sith artifacts to keep them out of the hands of the First Order. Grey eventually traveled off of Vargos 9, believing she had eluded her pursuers. However, the agent and their forces continued tracking the archaeologist's whereabouts.[5]


Raith and their squad took Torra Doza and Feyra Fenris prisoner.

In 34 ABY,[5] they and their squad followed her to[3] the Outer Rim[5] planet Ashas Ree as she hunted for an ancient Sith relic, flying three ships to the world. Grey managed to acquire it from the world's Temple of the Force with the assistance of[3] the Resistance[5] spy Kazuda Xiono and the children Kel and Eila, residents of the supertanker fuel depot Colossus. As Grey and her newfound allies exited the temple, Raith and their squad arrived on Ashas Ree and ran scans on the Sith temple that showed that someone had been inside the structure. The First Order stormtroopers then captured two of Xiono's colleagues—the Colossus pilots Torra Doza and Freya Fenris—who had been in the nearby trading outpost looking for supplies.[3]

Confrontation and death[]

"Took you long enough to catch up with me!"
"Hand over the relic. Now!"
"Oh! You mean this? I know your precious Supreme Leader won't be pleased when you come back empty-handed."
"Now, give it to us, and perhaps we'll spare the children."
"You want it? It's yours."
―Mika Grey and Raith[3]

When Raith's raiders captured Kazuda Xiono, they moved to interrogate him about the Sith temple's relic.

After forcing the pilots to their knees, Raith ordered the other troopers to search for more trespassers. They then arranged for Doza and Fenris's astromech droids[3]R23-X9 and T3-K10[6]—to be shut off and interrogated them about their colleagues' whereabouts. When Fenris and Doza claimed they had traveled to Ashas Ree alone, Raith did not believe them, noting that their group had come to the world with more than two ships. Grey saw the pair in the raider's custody and suggested to her companions that they flee the confrontation in her ship. Though Xiono wanted to rescue his colleagues, she explained that the squad was a special variant of stormtrooper she had fled from on Vargos 9.[3]

However, Raith's troopers destroyed the treasure hunter's vessel moments afterward. While Xiono made plans with Kel and Eila to rescue Fenris and Doza, Grey left the group and climbed to the top of the nearby Sith temple. Two First Order Raiders quickly captured the trio and brought them toward where the other captives were. Raith spotted their approach and ordered their companions to bring Fenris and Doza with them, confronting Xiono about the artifact they had found in the temple. Seeing this, Grey called out to those on the ground from the Temple of the Force's roof and brandished the Sith relic she had acquired. When she taunted them over how long it had taken them to pursue her, they demanded that she hand the object over and threatened to kill Kel and Eila if she did not comply.[3]


Raith and their troopers attempted to deactivate the Sith relic Mika Grey threw but failed and were killed.

In response, Grey activated the relic and threw it toward the troopers and their captives, warning Xiono and his companions to flee into the temple. Initially confused by the archaeologist's actions, Raith realized what she had done and ordered their troopers to neutralize the artifact's effects. Moments afterward,[3] the Sith relic unleashed waves of destructive energy,[7] killing the First Order Raiders who had attempted to deactivate it. After eliminating the First Order threat, Grey briefly bemoaned the destruction of[3] the now useless[7] relic, as she had been searching for it for a long time. As she picked up the item's husk, the bodies of Raith and their squad lay nearby, still smoking from the beams of red energy emitted from the relic.[3]

Personality and traits[]

"We were just picking up supplies. No big deal!"
"Really? Because my scans indicate someone's been inside that temple. What did you find?"
―Kazuda Xiono and Raith[3]

Raith was willing to kill children to achieve their goals.

The agent was loyal to the First Order and its leader, Kylo Ren.[3] Ren likewise valued the skills of them and their squad,[8] sending them throughout the galaxy to carry out specialized retrieval missions. They were willing to use any means necessary to acquire Sith artifacts, including threatening to end the lives of Kel and Eila on Ashas Ree, despite the pair being children. Raith proved persistent in tracking Grey during her hunt for Sith relics, showing no mercy when confronting the archaeologist, and was unamused with her taunting of them.[3]

Skills and abilities[]

"They're not just any stormtrooper. They're First Order raiders. They hunt down relics for their leader."
―Mika Grey, warning Kazuda Xiono about the skills of Raith and their squad[3]

Raith served as a First Order Raider,[3] a variant of highly specialized[9] stormtrooper skilled in hunting down Sith artifacts.[10] As part of their duties, the agent was aware of how to store the artifacts they hunted safely and how to deactivate them once enabled. Raith led their squad confidently and captured two Colossus pilots by giving efficient orders and cutting off their enemies' escape routes. They also proved capable of wielding a blaster and conducting interrogations.[3]


While in the First Order's service, Raith donned a dark gray undersuit, gray armor featuring light gray accents, and a red shoulder pauldron. The agent also donned a gray[3] macroscope magnetically attached to the back of their armor[11] and wielded a gray F-11D blaster rifle. Their squad utilized at least three ships to pursue Grey to Ashas Ree, also bringing a storage container to collect Sith artifacts and explosive weapons that they used to destroy Grey's ship.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

Raith first appeared in "The Relic Raiders,"[3] the seventh episode of the second season of the animated television series Star Wars Resistance, which aired on November 17, 2019.[12] The agent was first identified by name in the episode's credits.[3] Prior to the release of "The Relic Raiders," they were depicted, albeit unidentified, in a season trailer released on August 14 of the same year.[13] Raith was voiced by the actor Tom Taylorson[3] who later went on to portray the Devaronian Roland Durand in the animated television series Star Wars: The Bad Batch.[14] Lucasfilm Animation artist Andre Kirk created a concept-art illustration of the First Order Raider's equipment,[11] which Raith was depicted with in "The Relic Raiders,"[3] on February 21, 2018.[11] The concept of the raiders,[15] including Raith,[3] was an original design created specifically for "The Relic Raiders."[15]



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