- "Ever been to Hutta before?"
"No. Not the surface."
"It's vile and dangerous. I was there on a covert op two years ago. Very nearly didn't get out again." - ―Larin Moxla and Shigar Konshi
During the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, Republic forces undertook a mission to the Hutt homeworld of Hutta.[2] The operation occurred approximately eight years after the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant,[3] and saw the Republic Special Forces team known as Blackstar Squad dispatched to the planet to perform covert activities. Hutta—a world independent from both the Republic and the Empire, under the sole control of the Hutt Cartel—proved to be a hostile environment. Upon recalling her participation in the mission two years later, Special Forces trooper Larin Moxla indicated that she barely escaped Hutta alive.[2]
Behind the scenes[]
The mission to Hutta was first mentioned by former Republic trooper Larin Moxla in Sean Williams' 2010 novel, The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance.
- The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance (and audiobook) (First mentioned)
Notes and references[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Given the date of c. 3645 BBY (see footnote 3), the mission to Hutta is approximately concurrent with the events of Red Harvest, specifically the Duel on Odacer-Faustin and the Duel in the Odacer-Faustin Sith Temple.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Although The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance does not provide a specific date for the events within, dialogue within the novel (pg. 413) suggests that it occurs approximately ten years after the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant. The Old Republic: Deceived confirms that the Treaty was signed in 3653 BBY, indicating that Fatal Alliance occurs in 3643 BBY. Larin Moxla states in the novel that this mission to Hutta happened two years prior to the events of Fatal Alliance, suggesting a final date of approximately 3645 BBY.