


"Hey, Marcie. Did you have fun eviscerating droids with Master Windu?"
―Rissa Mano, to her lightsaber[1]

Marcie was the name given to a blue-bladed lightsaber owned by Jedi Knight Rissa Mano. During the heat of a battle while on a mission to Hissrich, Mano briefly lent Marcie to Mace Windu, allowing him to use it along with his own lightsaber to take down a harvester.


Marcie was a blue-bladed lightsaber owned by the Devaronian Jedi Knight Rissa Mano.[1]


"I have studied his teachings since I was a youngling. His style of lightsaber combat has been the foundation for my own."
―Rissa Mano, on Mace Windu[3]

At some point, Mano practiced deflecting blaster bolts with Marcie.[3] In 22 BBY,[4] Jedi Master Mace Windu chose recent Jedi Knight Mano to accompany him—along with Jedi Council member Kit Fisto and Jedi Prosset Dibs—to an operation on the jungle planet Hissrich, which Mano brought Marcie along to. After arriving on the planet aboard a T-6 shuttle the Westwind, the group traveled west through towards the Separatist outpost. Along the way, the group encountered a patrol squadron of the droid unit stationed on Hissrich.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

Marcie first appeared in the first issue of the 2017 comic series Star Wars: Jedi of the Republic – Mace Windu. The story was written by Matt Owens, illustrated by Denys Cowan, and published by Marvel Comics[3] on August 30, 2017.[5] It was later identified as "Marcie" in the third issue, which was written by Owens and published by Marvel[1] on October 25, 2017.[6] In the second issue of the series—which was colored by Guru-eFX—the lightsaber was erroneously depicted with a green blade for two panels. The issue was written by Owens, illustrated by Cowan, and published by Marvel[7] on September 27, 2017.[8]


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