

Z-95 Headhunter

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The kublag was a type of creature found on the forest moon of Endor. They had six legs, broad antlers, and glossy skin. During an especially bleak winter on Endor, a group of Ewoks from Bright Tree Village caught a kublag while out hunting for essential supplies. The hunting party tethered the creature onto the back of a sled, which the Ewoks Deej and Chukha-Trok then pulled back to the village.[1]

Although the kublag looked impressive on the sled, it proved to be no where near large enough to feed the entire Bright Tree tribe. The Ewoks Teebo and Wicket Wystri Warrick helped to make a stew from the creature, thickening the broth with raventhorn root and ground-apple stock, but it struggled to fill their bellies. Warrick's brother Weechee later tied the horns from the kublag around his head as part of a costume he created to impersonate the mythical Kroolok while trying to scare Warrick and his friends.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

A kublag first appeared in "The Kroolok," a short story written by Cavan Scott and George Mann and published in the Life Day Treasury anthology in 2021.[1]



Notes and references[]
