

For other uses, see Jek.

This article is non-canon.

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"Trust in the Force! Be a builder, Rowan!"
―Jek-14's final advice to Rowan Freemaker[1]

Jek-14, also known as the The Maker of Zoh, was a Force-sensitive human who had been an experiment from the Sith, until he was betrayed by them. Jek lived in the planet Zoh during the Galactic Civil War, and spent much of his time repairing discarded droids and building structures. While on Zoh, his new title, the Maker of Zoh, attracted the Freemakers. He trained Rowan Freemaker to better use the Force, and later protected the Freemakers from Naare.[1]


A tumultuous past[]

"The Sith. The Sith betrayed me too."
―Jek-14, to Rowan Freemaker[1]

Jek-14 was an experienced Force user. Though not a Jedi, he was betrayed by the Sith, a group of dark side Force wielders, sometime before or during the Galactic Civil War. Naare, an agent of the Sith, had heard of Jek and regarded him as a failed experiment. Jek subsequently chose to live as a hermit on the junk planet of Zoh to distance himself from the Force and the greater affairs of the galaxy, becoming known as the Maker of Zoh. The Pirate Queen Maz Kanata was aware of Jek by his moniker of the Maker, as were many droids. The B1-series battle droid R0-GR regarded the Maker as a myth. While on Zoh, Jek became acquainted with the native droids, including BL-OX, Fixer, and N-3RO.[1]

Kanata advised Rowan Freemaker, the youngest sibling of the Freemaker family, to seek the Maker of Zoh in a time of desperation. Attempting to prevent Naare from recovering the final remaining Kyber Saber crystal, the Freemakers traveled to Zoh at Rowan's encouragement, where they were ambushed by Jek's combat droids. Jek approached the Freemakers, ordering his droids to stand down and telling the scavengers to take whatever salvage they needed and leave in peace. The Freemakers clarified that Rowan sought to be trained in the ways of the Force. Jek initially refused because of his past but changed his mind upon hearing that Rowan had been similarly tricked by a Sith.[1]

Passing on what he has learned[]

"Remember what I've taught you. Trust in yourself and in the Force."
―Jek-14, to Rowan Freemaker[1]

Jek demonstrated for Freemaker that the dark side of the Force was used to destroy while the light side was used to create and protect, and encouraged the boy in building with the light side despite his initial struggles. The elder Force user then taught Freemaker to focus through distractions, hurling scrap and forcing him to concentrate and build on impulse. Freemaker eventually learned to picture his builds in his mind and successfully assembled a speeder bike. Before Jek could begin the next lesson, Rowan sped off on the bike he created to share his accomplishment with his siblings. Jek, amused, created a speeder himself and followed suit.[1]

Jek 14 Rowan droids

Jek and Rowan Freemaker on Zoh.

Rowan and Jek discovered that N-3RO had chained Zander and Kordi, Rowan's brother and sister, with the intent to kill them with a suspended TIE/ln space superiority starfighter for supposedly corrupting Jek. The Maker ordered N-3RO to release the Freemakers, leading to a confrontation. Jek and Rowan used telekinesis to manipulate their speeders and deliver the hostages to safety and engaged the remaining droids. Rowan, deflecting blaster fire from a pair of B2-series super battle droids, caused an engine to explode, inadvertently alerting R0-GR, the Freemakers' B1-series battle droid, to the situation. Jek-14 repelled incoming DSD1 dwarf spider droids by propelling a stream of junk with the Force, but faltered when Rowan was grabbed by BL-OX, allowing the remaining battle droids to pile on top of him.[1]

Jek was held with the other Freemakers until R0-GR re–attached his booster pack, summoning Naare aboard the transport Rancor's Fist, which then opened fire on N-3R0 and his droid army. Though Naare arrived to fight Rowan, Jek intervened and dueled Naare to allow the Freemakers to escape. After trading barbs, Jek was defeated when Naare buried him in a sinkhole of scrap. With his final words, Jek reminded Rowan to trust in the Force and "be a builder." Come nightfall, after the Freemakers and Naare's forces had fled the planet, BL-OX fitted N-3R0 with a restraining bolt, remarking that the Maker was unique and that there would never be another being like him as Jek's cybernetic arm shot out of the scrap pile, firing an energetic blast.[1]

Assisting Skywalker[]

"Han, there's nothing to worry about. We've got friends all around."
―Luke Skywalker, to Han Solo[2]

Jek-14 participates in an acrobatic pyramid to thwart Jabba the Hutt.

Jek later assisted Jedi Master Luke Skywalker against Jabba the Hutt in the battle over the Great Pit of Carkoon during the rescue of Han Solo, joining in a pyramid formation alongside Rebel Admiral Gial Ackbar, the Toydarian Watto, an X-wing pilot, a tauntaun, cyborg administrative aide Lobot, the Gungan Jar Jar Binks, Master Qui-Gon Jinn, Rebel soldier Bren Derlin, the Ithorian Rusty, and podracer Ben Quadinaros. Skywalker reassured Solo by informing him of their various allies in the fight.[2]

Personality and traits[]

"The failed experiment. Jek-14, is it? I've heard of you."
"Better a failure than a pawn of evil."
―Naare and Jek-14[1]

Jek-14 won the respect of the droids of the junkyard world of Zoh and became their natural leader. His compassion led him to train Rowan Freemaker in the ways of the Force after learning that the boy had been manipulated by the Sith agent Naare. Jek taught Rowan that the dark side was used to destroy while the light side was used to protect and build. Jek-14 was selfless enough to risk his own life holding off Naare while the Freemakers made their escape.[1]

Powers and abilities[]

"I'm not a Jedi. I can't train you to be one. But I can teach you what I know of the Force."
―Jek-14, to Rowan Freemaker[1]

As the Maker of Zoh, Jek-14 used the Force to transform pieces of junk into beautiful hexagonal art structures. He was also able to use the Force to build a speeder bike and other vehicles out of junk. While a formidable fight, Jek-14 was unable to match the dark side powers of Naare who used the Force to bury him under a mountain of junk.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Blue Glass Arrow See also: Jek-14

Jek-14 first appeared in the non-canon TV show LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures, in the episode "The Maker of Zoh,"[1] although he originally made a cameo appearance in the series LEGO Star Wars: Droid Tales.[2] Jek-14 was originally introduced in the LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles TV series.[3]


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