- "Captain Hoge—see to it that all alien personnel in my fleet are replaced with Human personnel. I want a superior crew to deal with this alien pest."
"Begging your pardon, Admiral, but how do you plan to deal with Admiral Stazi?"
"With a trap, Captain Hoge—using bait he cannot possibly afford to pass up…" - ―Admiral Dru Valan and to Captain Hoge
Hoge was a Human officer in the Imperial Navy. By 137 ABY, Hoge held the rank of captain of the Relentless, flagship of the Outer Rim Third Fleet. The captain was present during the execution of Kel Dor Admiral Sha Dun by Sith Lord Darth Azard. Afterwards, Hoge was ordered by Admiral Dru Valan, the new commander of the Third Fleet, to replace every single alien crew member and officer in the fleet with Humans.[1]
Hoge and Valan witnessed Jaius Yorub end the Battle of Mon Calamari by destroying much of the Empire's shipyards over Dac. Stunned, Valan turned the bridge over to Hoge. When the captain asked what to say to Darth Azard, Valan said it did not matter to him and to say whatever Hoge pleased; the admiral then went to his quarters to consider suicide.[2]
- Legacy (2006) 20 (First appearance)
- Legacy (2006) 21