


"You killed my world. My parents, my people. Everyone of them gone, absorbed, murdered, mutilated...."
Dev Sibwarra to Bluescale[2]

G'rho was a planet in Wild Space on the Shiritoku Spur and was where forests of juvica grew. A remote colony of the Galactic Empire, its colonists raised duncows and built Boku Settlement near a rich vein of crimson ore. Dev Sibwarra's family moved there shortly after his birth in 11 BBY when they fled Chandrila.


"...His Highness is shocked and appalled at the senseless nature of the attack. No effort will be spared to apprehend all the terrorists involved."
―Aides to Emperor Palpatine[3]

In 2 BBY, G'rho was attacked by the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium from the Unknown Regions. Dev Sibwarra was captured for study, while the remaining colonists were either killed in the raid or enteched by the Ssi-ruuk.

Shortly after, Emperor Palpatine, who had made a secret agreement with the Imperium, covered up the incident on the colony and instead blamed the attack on the Alliance to Restore the Republic. The Ssi-ruuvi Imperium was then allowed to build a dome on the surface to began entechment of the colonists.

Behind the scenes[]

The PC video game Star Wars: Rebellion mistakenly places G'rho in the Xappyh sector.



Notes and references[]

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