

For other uses, see Du and Mai.

Du Mai was a desert world[3] located in the Du Mai system, a part of the Bryx sector[1] in the Slice portion of[2] the Mid Rim.[1] It featured a mountain cave.[3]

At some point by 21 ABY, a holy man known as the Lost Prophet resided in the cave and attracted pilgrims by giving them pieces of gnomic advice. That year, the journalist Cindel Towani revealed that the utterances made by the Lost Prophet consisted of scrambled bits of conditioning and flash-training that clone troopers of the Galactic Republic had undergone on Kamino,[3] the extragalactic planet that was the origin point of the clone army that had served the Republic during the Clone Wars of 22 BBY19 BBY.[4] Furthermore, Towani gave compelling evidence that the holy man had been a clone trooper pilot who had crashed his ARC-170[3] starfighter[5] on Du Mai during the final days of that conflict, in the process sustaining head injuries.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

Du Mai was originally meant to be introduced in the 2012 reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart. The section featuring the world was cut before the book's release; however, it was later released in 2014 as part of Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, a series of articles published on the StarWars.com Blog by Fry and[3] Del Rey editor[6] Erich Schoeneweiss containing various cut content from the book.[3] The StarWars.com Online Companion to the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Du Mai system, and therefore Du Mai itself, in grid square R-8.[1]


Notes and references[]
